时间:2018-11-28 作者:英语课 分类:疯狂英语2003年


What An OSCAR Means to Me


Kathy Bates: Thank you! Every time an Oscar's given out, an agent gets his "Wings". Not only that, but every time an Oscar's given out, someone's life is changed, usually for the better. Most of the time, when the happy event occurs, the 1)recipient 1 is either so excited or so 2)numb 2 they don't even remember what they said or did. It's only later, when they look back on that special night, that they get... (3)gimme a break, will you?) ... it's only later when they get that full impact of what happened. Here, in a film by Academy Award Winner Chuck Workman, are some Oscar recipients 3 whose lives were impacted by the addition of "Oscar" to their resumes. 

Tom Hanks: It's much heavier than you think it's going to be.  The little 4)statuette - I mean it weighs like 40 pounds or something like that. 

Kevin Spacey: It's hotter than anyone can imagine it is, and everyone is sweating. Halle Berry doesn't sweat, but everybody else sweats. 

Michael Caine: They say your name, and I think there's a rush of blood in your ears, 'Cause I was clapping Tom Cruise.

Robin 4 Williams: Then you suddenly go into very slow motion. You start to realize, "I should go, but first, kiss your wife."

Hilary Swank: The moment my name was called, I was in a state of... (Looking shocked)

Charlton Heston: I was astonished. I was 5)bewildered...

Gina Davis: Snow White was dancing around...

Ron Howard: It honestly seemed as though I was playing a guy in a movie who just won an award.

Carley Simon: Let's see. Who should you thank? Your manager, oh, God, what's your manager's name? 

Randy Newman: It really touched me ... big rush of, if I had a heart, what would be called emotion.

Robin Williams: English becomes a second language.

Robert Duval: I ran right to the 6)urinal and put the thing right up on top. I just had to go to the bathroom, so bad, it was unbelievable.

Susan Sarandon: I'd been nominated five times in four years. They were probably just so glad to finally get rid of me. 

Issac Hayes: Growing up an American; to win an Oscar for anything, my great grandkids can talk about it.

Michael Douglas:  It gave me a sense of my own identity and allowed me, I think, to act with more confidence in the future.

Barbara Kopple: It just gives you more strength and power to continue.

Lili Fini Zanuch: Now some little girl can see me win and dream about winning "Best Picture" as a Producer.

Angelica Houston: I got to see my father's face, and tears were streaming down his cheeks, and then I went out and danced all night.

Tom Hanks: Of the real concrete, 7)tangible 5 memories, the only one I really have is looking down and locking eyes with 8)Jack Palance.

John Williams: Here's Star Wars. Here's another one...

Frank Pierson: The Journal of Medicine have done the science; Oscar winners live four and a half years longer than the losers. 

Dustin Hoffman: Happy 75th Anniversary Oscar! I'm still younger than you are! 

Holly 6 Hunter: Happy Anniversary to you!

Tommy Lee Jones: Happy 75th birthday, 9)dude!

Issac Hayes:  Damn right!

Kathy Bates: OK, this is his 10)ass 7. These are my lips.  (Sound of a kiss)

































1) recipient [ri5sipiEnt] n. 接受者,容纳者

2) numb [nQm] a. 麻木的,失去知觉的

3) gimme = give me

4) statuette [7stAtju5et] n. 小雕像,这里指奥斯卡奖杯

5) bewildered [bi5wildEd] a. 迷惑的,困惑的,不知所措的]

6) urinal [5juErinl] n. 小便池

7) tangible [5tAndVEbl] a. 有形的,切实的

8) 1990年出演《城市骗子》(CITY SLICKERS)获六十四届奥斯卡最佳男配角

9) dude [dju:d] n. 花花公子,纨绔子弟

10) ass [As] n. 屁股,臀部






1 recipient
a.接受的,感受性强的 n.接受者,感受者,容器
  • Please check that you have a valid email certificate for each recipient. 请检查是否对每个接收者都有有效的电子邮件证书。
  • Colombia is the biggest U . S aid recipient in Latin America. 哥伦比亚是美国在拉丁美洲最大的援助对象。
2 numb
  • His fingers were numb with cold.他的手冻得发麻。
  • Numb with cold,we urged the weary horses forward.我们冻得发僵,催着疲惫的马继续往前走。
3 recipients
  • The recipients of the prizes had their names printed in the paper. 获奖者的姓名登在报上。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The recipients of prizes had their names printed in the paper. 获奖者名单登在报上。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
4 robin
  • The robin is the messenger of spring.知更鸟是报春的使者。
  • We knew spring was coming as we had seen a robin.我们看见了一只知更鸟,知道春天要到了。
5 tangible
  • The policy has not yet brought any tangible benefits.这项政策还没有带来任何实质性的好处。
  • There is no tangible proof.没有确凿的证据。
6 holly
  • I recently acquired some wood from a holly tree.最近我从一棵冬青树上弄了些木料。
  • People often decorate their houses with holly at Christmas.人们总是在圣诞节时用冬青来装饰房屋。
7 ass
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
标签: 疯狂英语 oscar mean