时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:教你怎么听

Unit Thirteen
[00:06.30]1.Look at the drawings of the two flats
[00:11.83]and listen to David and Kate talking about them.
[00:16.07]Which flat are they talking about each time?
[00:21.03]Write down the number of the flat.
[00:24.58]Example.First,just listen to Kate and look at the pictures in the Workbook.
[00:31.63]Which flat is she talking about?
[00:35.47]Kate: Look, this one has got fewer bedrooms.
[00:39.21]David: Which flat do you mean?
[00:42.03]Number 2.
[00:46.16]Kate:Number 2.
[00:48.69]Now do the exercise.
[00:52.53]After each BEEP,
[00:54.96]say the number of the flat that Kate and David are talking about.
[00:59.69]David:This one has got less space.
[01:03.63]KateWhich one?
[01:05.67]David:Number 1.
[01:10.69]Kate: Mm. Yes. This flat's got more cupboards.
[01:15.70]David:Which one?
[01:18.03]Kate:Number 2 ... Mm.... There aren't as many windows in this flat.
[01:25.97]David:In which flat?
[01:28.61]Kate: Number 2.
[01:33.47]David:Hm...so there's more light in that flat.
[01:38.72]Kate:Which flat,are you talking about?
[01:41.64]David:Number 1.
[01:46.37]Kate:This one's got more bedrooms
[01:49.92]David:Oh dear!Which are you talking about now?
[01:54.44]Kate:Number 1...Mm, but this one's got fewer cupboards.
[01:59.98]David:Which one
[02:02.41]Kate: Number 1,of course.
[02:06.75]David: Well, let's go and see them both.
[02:10.59]2.Look at the house plan below.
[02:16.12]Listen and match different names of each rooms with their corresponding letters.
[02:22.16]Estate Agent:Mrs Walker,
[02:26.68]this is the hall and you can see the stairs here on the right.
[02:31.30]Enn, and now on the left, the first room is the lounge 1.
[02:36.84]We'll just go into that in a moment,
[02:40.97]but there's the dining-room entrance
[02:44.70]and away on the back of the house is the kitchen,
[02:48.54]Now, do come this way and let me show you the lounge.
[02:53.06]Mrs Walker: Oh, yes. That's a nice large mom.
[02:57.11]Do we get the light in here?
[02:59.75]Estate Agent: Yes,we get the sun on the front of the house,
[03:05.50]that streams into the lounge very well allday.
[03:09.23]Mrs Walker:  Oh, good. Lovely. I do like having a lot of light in the main living room.
[03:14.77]Estate Agent: Well, now, do come through to the dining-room.
[03:19.21]This is a long room that stretches right through to the back of the house.
[03:24.56]You can see out tb the back through those windows there.
[03:29.01]Mrs Walker:  Oh, yes. Lovely. you can see out over the garden.
[03:33.24]Estate Agent: Um.
[03:35.28]Mrs Walker: That is nice, yes, have a big dining-room.
[03:39.40]We do entertain quite a bit,so that'll be very good.
[03:43.92]Estate Agent: Well, you'll be pleased to note that you see down at this end,
[03:48.94]there's a,there's a door through into the kitchen.
[03:52.99]Mrs Walker:  Oh,lovely. Very useful, yes.
[03:56.54]Estate Agent: Now, come through. Don't you think the kitchen looks nice?
[04:01.27]Mrs Walker: Oh, yes. Excellent. Yes,all, these fittings 2 are lovely. All very modem 3.
[04:07.20]Estate Agent: And, I think that outlook, with the big window over the sink, is quite attractive.
[04:14.25]Mrs Walker: Right, yes. Something to look at while I'm doing the washing-up.
[04:18.77]Estate Agent: It's a very well equipped, kitchen,Mrs Walker.
[04:23.21]I expect you've already got these things,
[04:26.66]but you see we have built-in excellent refrigerator here,
[04:31.10]and,er there's the washing machine in that comer.
[04:35.44]Mrs Walker: Yes, that'll he fine.Yes, we will need those,in fact.
[04:40.29]Estate Agent: I know you haven't got a family yet,
[04:44.03]but,er,you know it's nice to be well provided in advance.
[04:48.89]Now, let's go upstairs and, er,look at the bedrooms.
[04:53.85]Mrs Walker: Right, certainly.
[04:56.10]Estate Agent: After you.Now, straight ahead of you, at the front of the stairs,
[05:02.73]you'll see the toilet and then,just to the left of it is the bathroom.
[05:07.98]Do have a look in.
[05:10.31]Mrs Walker: Fine.Oh,yes, that's all very,nice.
[05:14.54]I like the, er, green coloured suite 4.
[05:18.28]Estate Agent: Yes, it goes well, doesn't it, there?
[05:21.52]Well,now, if we look towards thefront of the house, this is the sunny side again.
[05:27.44]Do go, in what t've got down as bedroom number three.
[05:32.70]It's very sunny in here
[05:35.86]and I thought that this mightbesuitable for,er
[05:39.70]well,I don't know, some members of your family will enjoy this.
[05:44.14]Mrs Walker: Certainly, yes.
[05:47.30]In fact, my husband's mother is going to be living with us here,
[05:51.35]so I think this will be eminently 5 suitable for her.
[05:55.40]She'll love it with all the sun coming in.
[05:58.84]Estate Agent: Good. Oh well,that,that,that seems to be a very good idea.
[06:04.77]Now,next door is a slightly smaller bedroom.
[06:09.50]Er,do just have,a look in there.
[06:12.85]Mrs Walker:  Oh,yes,I see.Quite a bit smaller;
[06:16.97]but tha'll be fine if we have any guests to stay.
[06:20.71]Estate Agent: Yes. Yes, and now for the big' suite,, the main,'bedroom
[06:26.74]here is at the back.Mrs Walker:  Oh, yes.
[06:30.48]Estate Agent: Do, do go and have a look here.
[06:34.92]You'll see it has that lovely outlook over the garden.
[06:39.15]Mrs Walkeri Yes, it does indeed. Yes.
[06:42.60]This must be over the dining-mom, isn't it?
[06:45.94]Cos it's looking out to the same place.
[06:49.39]"Estate Agent: Quite right, yes.
[06:52.11]Mrs Walker: That's very nice indeed, yes. Very spacious 6 mom.
[06:56.84]Estate Agent: Well, of course, there are cupboards built-in most of the bedrooms,
[07:02.19]which, er, is a very good thing these days and a nice linen 7 cupboard in the bathroom.
[07:08.43]Mrs Walker:  Very useful, yes, Well, thank you very much indeed.
[07:13.06]I think this may suit us very well.
[07:16.30]13:3 Listen and write the name of each piece of furnitutre
[07:23.74]in its correct position on the floor plan.
[07:27.48]Rod: Mm, it's not a bad size room, is it?
[07:32.83]Liz:Oh; it's great! Oh, and look at that fireplace 8!
[07:37.27]Oh, we can have the two chairs fight in front of the fireplace there
[07:41.79]in the middle of the room and toast our feet.
[07:45.03]Rod:The first thing we ought to do is just decide where the bed's going.
[07:50.39]Liz:Oh, well...what about right here next to the door sort of behind the door as you come in?
[07:58.33]Rod:Yes, that's a good idea--just as you Come in,
[08:02.27]just in that comer there:
[08:04.81]Liz:Yes. Well now, let's think. What else?
[08:08.65]Rod:What else is there?
[08:11.28]Erm...well there's that huge wardrobe of yours ... that's got to go somewhere.
[08:18.63]Liz:    What about over here--yon know, across from the fireplace there,
[08:23.77]because then,in that little comer where it...where the wall goes back...look,over there.
[08:30.01]That'd do, wouldn't it?
[08:33.07]Rod:OK,well we'Il put the wardrobe there then. yes OK?
[08:38.92]So the wardrobe's opposite the fireplace.
[08:42.55]Liz:Er...OK.what about your desk? Where are you going to put that?
[08:47.80]Red:Er...I need lots of light,
[08:52.32]so I think in that far comer in between the two windows, OK?
[08:57.57]Liz:Oh, I see in the comer there,yes.
[09:01.52]Yes, that'd be good.
[09:05.07]Rod:So the desk goes there.
[09:07.89]Liz:So you'd have your chair with your back to the fireplace?
[09:12.23]Yes, that'll be all right.
[09:15.57]Rod:Yes. And there's the chest of drawers.
[09:20.20]Liz:Oh, that'd be nice in between the two windows there, right in the middle,
[09:24.82]It really ...come on, I know you're going to like it.
[09:29.68]Come on, let's shove 9 it over there. I bet  I er ...
[09:36.10]Rod:I knew you'd ask me to move it.
[09:39.74]Liz:Come on. Let's go.
[09:41.98]Rod:OK. Let's go then. All right.
[09:45.43]Liz:Nearly there! That's got it.
[09:48.07]Rod:Good, what on earth have you got m there?
[09:52.30]Liz:Well, there's nothing much there, I emptied it ... most of it out.
[09:56.82]Rod:Oh God, my back hurts !
[09:59.98]Liz:There! Wait a minute. Let me stand back and have a look.
[10:03.92]Rod:Yes, it's not bad ... sticks out a bit.
[10:08.37]Liz:No, it's fine.OK  What about the TV?
[10:13.80]Where are we going to put that?
[10:16.72]Rod:Er ... it's really got to go in the opposite comer, hasn't it?
[10:21.74]Opposite the desk, that is.
[10:25.19]Liz:Oh, you mean in the comer between the windows and the fireplace? Yes.
[10:30.33]Rod:And then the stereo 10, er...the amplifier underneath 11 the television
[10:36.87]and then the two speakers one on either side of the fireplace.
[10:40.99]Liz:Yes, that'd be good. Well lovely! So it'll all fit in beautifully!
[10:46.74]What else ... what else have we got?
[10:50.79]Rod:It's the er ... there's the bookcase, isn't there7 Erm ...
[10:55.75]Liz:Oh Lord ... where'll we put that?
[10:58.81]Rod:Well, as you come in the door, er ... immediately on the er ... left-hand side ...
[11:05.63]Liz:Oh along that wall there you mean?
[11:09.26]ROd:Because that's ... there's just about enough space there.
[11:13.59]There's about two feet, so it shouldn't stick out too much, no.
[11:18.45]Liz:Yes, it's not very wide, is it?
[11:21.51]So you come in the door and then the bookcase is right there on the left.
[11:26.94]There's a long way from your desk,though.
[11:30.89]Rod:Well, exercise'll do me good, won't it?
[11:34.62]Er...table lamp. Well, we can just put that er ...
[11:39.77]Liz:On the chest of drawers. When it's...Yes.That'd be nice.
[11:46.09]Rod:And no matter who wants to use it, you know.
[11:50.14]Liz:Yes.Oh this is going to be lovely.
[11:53.38]When are we going to get it all in? Now?
[11:56.83]ROd:Er...no, not now.
[11:59.65]Let's just go to the kitchen and er ... sort that out and have a cup of teaeh.
[12:05.29]Liz:Oh, ha-ha, good. Yes, I haven't seen the kitchen. Come on.
[12:10.83]ROd:Come on then. Let's go.
[12:13.36]13:4 You will hear a dialogue between married couple,jeremy and Linda,
[12:23.60]who are talking about a house they have just seen and they thinking of buying.
[12:29.14]They don't always agree.
[12:32.30]Listen and fill in the chart.
[12:35.36]J:What did you think of that place then?
[12:39.88]Not bad, was it?
[12:42.41]L:Oh, it was lovely, it was really lovely.
[12:46.15]A very pretty house, a beautifully modernized 12 cottage.
[12:50.87]J:Mmm.Not as big as the house we've got at the moment, though.
[12:55.73]L:No, not as big, it's true, hut it's in a much better location,
[13:01.17]with the countryside all around, and lovely views from the bedrooms.
[13:05.89]J:It's quite a long way from the station, isn't it?
[13:10.02]If we bought it, we'd have to drive to the station,and we couldn't walk.
[13:14.54]L:That wouldn't matter. You can walk in summer if it's a nice day.
[13:18.88]It's a lovely walk across the park.
[13:21.80]J:I'll tell you one thing I didn't like it actually,
[13:26.24]and that was the low ceilings everywhere, especially in the kitchen.
[13:30.76]L:Yes, but think how expensive it is to heat our house at the moment,
[13:35.62]and that's partly because the ceilings are so high.
[13:39.36]If the ceilings were lower it would be much cheaper to heat.
[13:43.48]I mean our gas bills would really go down.
[13:47.04]J:I suppose you're right. But the lounge is so tiny.
[13:52.39]You couldn't get more than five people in it.
[13:55.94]L:Yes. I know,
[13:58.19]but the thing to do with his house is to knock down the wall between the livingroom and the dining-room.
[14:04.12]Then you'd have a good-sized room.
[14:07.18]And think how cosy 13 it would be on a winter evening, beside that open fire.
[14:12.61]And the kitchen was big, anyway.
[14:15.77]And nice and bright.
[14:18.49]J:Mmmn ... I'm afraid I didn't like the bedrooms very much,
[14:23.63]with one on the first floor and another two in that converted 14 loft 15.
[14:28.26]L:Oh I loved the bedrooms, partieul ... well, all the bedrooms.
[14:33.90]They're all double bedrooms, and with those views ...
[14:37.53]J:But the main one,
[14:39.78]the main one is right next to the street,
[14:43.51]so that would be very noisy.
[14:45.94]L:But the street isn't so noisy.
[14:48.76]I mean, it's only a lane, it's not really a busy road.
[14:53.28]You wouldn't hear very much.
[14:56.21]J:Yes, true.
[14:58.64]And I suppose the children can have the bedrooms on the top floor,
[15:02.87]the stairs are a bit dangerous.I'd have to fix them.
[15:07.31]And the roof is leaking.
[15:10.03]If they don't do something about that soon, the ceiling will come down.
[15:14.89]It's been mining a lot recently.
[15:18.13]L: What about the outside? What did you think of that?
[15:22.46]J:I thought it was very attractive, with the courtyard and then the garden
[15:27.43]I bet the courtyard catches the sun. We would eat out in summer.
[15:32.39]L:And it's quite a big garden.
[15:35.11]And that's a lovely mature apple tree right in the middle,
[15:39.23]lots of space for your vegetables.
[15:42.47]So what do you think?
[15:44.90]J:Well, I'm not so sure. I don't think it would be big enough for us.
[15:50.83]L:OK. Think again, then.
[15:54.07]5.Read the advertisements carefully and listen tho each speaker.
[16:02.61]Find out the answer to the questions.
[16:06.84]Guide's Voice: Here's John.
[16:10.58]Interviewer:Yes, which of these would you buy?
[16:14.63]John:This one.
[16:17.16]Interviewer:Erm yes. why?
[16:19.98]John:Well, first of all, I like the east coast.
[16:24.71]There're very mce pretty areas, there's plenty of wide open spaces and er oh,
[16:31.24]I consider (it) the ideal part of the country.
[16:35.87]Interviewer:Is it the right size for you too?
[16:39.21]John:Oh, plenty big enough, yes. (laughs)
[16:42.55]Interviewer:Mm. How about the price?
[16:46.00]John:Well, you wouldn't get much less th-these days for that type of property,
[16:52.32]you know, with sea views and all the rest of it.
[16:55.38]Interviewer:Mm. Which one of these wouldn't you choose?
[17:00.34]John:Oh, the flat in South L-london.
[17:04.39]Interviewer:Why not?
[17:06.43]John:I was born and brought up there.
[17:09.77]Oh no.I couldn't live in London.
[17:12.41]I hate working there.
[17:14.84]That's why I'm in this job.
[17:18.39]Guide's Voice:Here's Joanne.
[17:23.41]Interviewer:Which one of these do you think you'd like?
[17:27.35]Joanne:This one.
[17:29.39]Interviewer:Mm, why?
[17:31.72]Joanne:It's er a small fiat 16.
[17:34.88]It's er conveniently situated 17, with only two bedrooms,
[17:39.84]which is all I need--one for myself and one for friends.
[17:44.07]It's er near a bus-stop, for me to go to work,
[17:48.12]But I work in the centre of London.
[17:51.57]It's also enn cheap--for London--and that's er very important for someone living on my salary:
[17:58.62]the price of a fiat.
[18:01.26]Interviewer:Er which one of these would you not choose?
[18:07.01]Joanne:This one.
[18:09.04]Interviewer:No, why?
[18:11.76]Joanne:It's er far too big.It sounds lovely, but it's in the country as well,
[18:17.90]which is nice but it's far too difficult for me to get into town to work.
[18:23.33]It's got eight bedrooms, which are far too many, and I couldn't keep it!
[18:29.37]It's er far too difficult to keep.
[18:32.92]Then there's a big garage, which is nice,for two cars, but I don't have a car.
[18:39.56]I don't need a garage.
[18:42.27]And a garden, which is nice, but I'm a useless gardener--I couldn't keep it.
[18:48.70]Interviewer:What about the price?
[18:51.62]Joanne:Oh, that is far too expensive.
[18:55.07]I wouldn't even...I'd look at the price first and disregard 18 this house from the start.
[19:01.50]Guide's voice:Here's Jane.
[19:05.05]Interviewer:Erm, now if you could buy one of these,
[19:09.91]which would you buy?
[19:12.16]Jan:Oh, it's very difficult.
[19:15.50]Erin with the price of houses as it is at the moment,
[19:19.63]I-I think I'd be looking for a house that I'd, you know,
[19:24.59]I'd like to spend quite a long time in enn as you know,
[19:29.45]my-my job's in London erin but I don't really fancy living in the city,
[19:35.09]so I don't really think I'm too interested in the-in the flat in South London,
[19:40.94]although the price is quite reasonable.
[19:44.10]Erin, this one there,
[19:47.94]which is the eight bedrooms and so on I think is a hit too much for me,
[19:53.38]even the price is too much for me(laughs) but who needs eight bedrooms?
[19:59.31]I mean, there're only the two of us with the children.
[20:03.64]Enn, so it's really a choice between the two-the-the market town and the seaside.
[20:11.48]Er-I-my own prejudices are against the East Coast
[20:17.62]I-Id think it's a rather boring part of the country.
[20:22.97]Erm also it tends to get invaded by tourists during the summer-time,
[20:28.51]so that you don't really have the er the place to yourself,
[20:33.37]so I think of the four I would go for the-for the one in the market town.
[20:39.90]Em it's-it's about the right size er OK,
[20:45.65], it's one and a half hours' train journey from London,
[20:49.28]but well that's not unusual these days and I'm quite good at working in trains.
[20:55.42]The price is reasonable- probably hold its value quite well--
[21:00.77]erm so I think that was the one for me.

1 lounge
  • We had coffee in the lounge.我们在客厅里喝咖啡。
  • Don't lounge away your working hours.不要消磨工作时间。
2 fittings
  • Does your computer have a modem?你的电脑有调制解调器吗?
  • Provides a connection to your computer via a modem.通过调制解调器连接到计算机上。
3 suite
  • She has a suite of rooms in the hotel.她在那家旅馆有一套房间。
  • That is a nice suite of furniture.那套家具很不错。
4 eminently
  • She seems eminently suitable for the job. 她看来非常适合这个工作。
  • It was an eminently respectable boarding school. 这是所非常好的寄宿学校。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 spacious
  • Our yard is spacious enough for a swimming pool.我们的院子很宽敞,足够建一座游泳池。
  • The room is bright and spacious.这房间很豁亮。
6 linen
  • The worker is starching the linen.这名工人正在给亚麻布上浆。
  • Fine linen and cotton fabrics were known as well as wool.精细的亚麻织品和棉织品像羊毛一样闻名遐迩。
7 fireplace
  • The fireplace smokes badly.这壁炉冒烟太多。
  • I think we should wall up the fireplace.我想应该封住壁炉。
8 shove
  • She will not shove the heavy load onto others.她不愿意把重担推给别人。
  • Help me shove this furniture aside.帮我把这家具推到一边去。
9 stereo
  • She had the stereo on at full blast.她把立体声音响开到了最大音量。
  • This program is being broadcast in stereo.这个节目正用立体声播放。
10 underneath
  • Working underneath the car is always a messy job.在汽车底下工作是件脏活。
  • She wore a coat with a dress underneath.她穿着一件大衣,里面套着一条连衣裙。
11 modernized
使现代化,使适应现代需要( modernize的过去式和过去分词 ); 现代化,使用现代方法
  • By 1985 the entire railway network will have been modernized. 等到1985年整个铁路网就实现现代化了。
  • He set about rebuilding France, and made it into a brilliant-looking modernized imperialism. 他试图重建法国,使它成为一项表面华丽的现代化帝业。
12 cosy
  • We spent a cosy evening chatting by the fire.我们在炉火旁聊天度过了一个舒适的晚上。
  • It was so warm and cosy in bed that Simon didn't want to get out.床上温暖而又舒适,西蒙简直不想下床了。
13 converted
adj.更换信仰的,修改的v.(使)转变( convert的过去式和过去分词 );(使)转化;皈依;改变(信仰)
  • The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home. 那家旅馆将被改建成私人疗养院。
  • He's living in a converted loft in lower Manhattan. 他住在下曼哈顿的一间改建的阁楼里。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 loft
  • We could see up into the loft from bottom of the stairs.我们能从楼梯脚边望到阁楼的内部。
  • By converting the loft,they were able to have two extra bedrooms.把阁楼改造一下,他们就可以多出两间卧室。
15 fiat
  • The opening of a market stall is governed by municipal fiat.开设市场摊位受市政法令管制。
  • He has tried to impose solutions to the country's problems by fiat.他试图下令强行解决该国的问题。
16 situated
  • The village is situated at the margin of a forest.村子位于森林的边缘。
  • She is awkwardly situated.她的处境困难。
17 disregard
  • You can't just disregard the security problem!你可不能忽视安全问题!
  • He did it in disregard of any advice.他不顾一切劝告做了这件事。
标签: 教你怎么听
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psoas minor
rectangular distance
redeemable preference share
restricted linear collision stopping power
revolving grate producer
ring time
Rock Ferry
sectio caesarea vaginalis
sodium chloride structure
solvable ideal
tectonic process
text directory
time base
trifid beggar-ticks
untapped market
uremic pruritus
virtual push button
weigela, weigelia
Westphal balance
wuji baifeng pills
X-ray plant