时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:生活大爆炸第六季


 So, anyway, last night on video chat,I spent, like, 20 minutes just staring into Lucy's eyes. 昨天晚上我跟露西视频我盯着她的双眸足足有二十分钟 平安"

Oh, that sounds romantic. 听起来很浪漫啊
It was until I realized the screen had frozen 1. 后来发现是画面卡了, 就毫无浪漫可言了
Still one of my top three dates of all time. 但这还是我这辈子最棒约会的前三名
So, are we ever gonna hang out with this girl? 她什么时候会来跟大伙聚聚啊
I'd love that,but she's not really comfortable around people. 我也想啊但她实在不太善于与人交流
Yeah, I used to be uncomfortable around people,but then I learned a trick. 我以前也跟她一样不善与人交流后来学到一个小诀窍
I pretend everyone I meet is a beloved character from Star Trek 2. 我把认识的每个人都看作是《星际迷航》里受欢迎的角色
How's that been working for you? 那这招管用吗
Oh, like a charm 3, unnamed crewman in a red shirt. 当然好用啊, 你个无名红衣机组人员
Leonard, I may have gotten you a job. 莱纳德, 我可能帮你弄到了份工作
I have a job.  Yes, he does. 我有工作了, 他真的有哦
He caters 4 to my every whim 5. 工作就是服务我的一切要求
No, in a couple of weeks, Stephen Hawking 6's team is sending an expedition to the North Sea to test hydrodynamic simulations of black holes. 不, 再过几周, 史蒂芬?霍金要送一对远征实验队伍去北海做黑洞的流体动力学模拟
One of their experimental physicists 7 dropped out,and I recommended you. 队伍中有一名实验物理学家退出了所以我就推荐了你
Well, do you really think I have a shot? 你觉得我真有机会雀屏中选吗
Yeah, I've worked with Hawking. I talked you up. 我跟霍金共事过, 说了你不少好话呢
He knows your research.I think this could happen. He knows Wow! 他知道你的研究。我觉得希望非常大。他居然知道...  哇
Well, now, but do you think that's a good idea? 你觉得这真是个好主意吗
I do. Uh, you know Star Trek. 我觉得行, 你也知道《星际迷航》
Should a guy with no name and a red shirt really go on an expedition? 一个没有角色名字穿着普通制服的人适合去参加实验吗
Hey, don't discourage him.This is a fantastic opportunity. 别这样打击他。这是他千载难逢的好机会呢
No one asked you, Uhura. 没人问你, 女通讯官乌乎拉
Would you like to hear a classic Sheldon Cooper factoid? 想听听谢尔顿招牌亦假亦真小讲堂吗
What do you think?  Great. 你说呢, 很好
I've been doing some reading about vehicular safety. 我最近读了不少交通工具安全
Did you know that the highest number of drowning accidents happen on or around boats? 你知道溺水的最高几率的发生地点是在船上或是船附近吗
Interesting that you would bring that up when I might go work on a boat. 在我很有可能去船上工作前你提起这事, 时机很巧妙啊
Well, that's the thing about factoids they're interesting. 亦假亦真就是这样的听起来就很巧妙
I know what you're doing. 我知道你的小算盘
You don't want me going on this research trip because you're afraid to be alone. 你不想我去这个实验之旅因为你害怕自己独处
I'm not afraid to be alone.On land. On the sea, it would be terrifying. 我才不害怕自己独处。在陆地就不怕。在海上呢, 这就可怕了
Because of all the drowning.Sheldon. Fine, no more drowning talk. 太容易溺死了。谢尔顿。行, 我不提溺水了
I'll change the subject. 我换个话题
Who do you think would win in a fight you or a shark? 你觉得这两者打架, 谁能赢呢你或鲨鱼
Look, I appreciate your signature blend of concern for me and incredible 8 selfishness. 我感谢你这招牌的"为我着想"与"超级自私"
If I get the chance to do this, there is nothing you can say that's going to stop me. 如果我能有机会入选你说什么都没办法阻止我去的
Very well.Things between you and Penny have never been better. 非常好。你与佩妮的感情现在好到不行
I hope four months apart doesn't change anything. 我只希望四个月的分离不会改变这一切
I should have opened with that, huh? 我应该先提这件事的对吧
If you look carefully at Venus, you should be able to see the International Space Station pass by. 如果你仔细看向金星你应该能看见国际太空站从它面前经过
Your friend was actually up there? 你朋友真去过那上面吗
Yeah. He brought me back a Tshirt that said,"My Friend Went to the Space Station and All I Got Was This Lousy TShirt"" 他还带了一件T恤给我, 上面写着"我朋友上了国际太空站而我只有拿到这件傻逼T恤"
Did he take the Tshirt to space?  Nope. 他有带那件T恤上太空吗, 没有
It's exactly as lousy as advertised. 但那衣服绝对够傻逼
Speaking of friends,they have been asking to meet you. 说到朋友我的朋友们想见见你呢
I was thinking maybe we could all hang out sometime? 我想着或许有机会我们大家一起聚一聚吧
I don't know. How many are there? Let's see. Six. 我不知道。你有多少朋友啊?我算算, 六个
That's pretty cool; I have six friends!Kind of like Sinatra. 哇, 好酷, 我有六个朋友呢!有点像西纳特拉(西纳特拉, 美国上世纪杰出男歌手有过一档与7名好友歌唱的节目, 名为"西纳特拉与好友们')
Six strangers?  That's a lot of pressure. 六个陌生人?这压力好大啊
Staring at me, asking me personal questions. 盯着我看, 问我一堆私人问题
Like, "What do you do?" 比如"你做什么工作的"
"Where are you from?" "你从哪里来的"
"Why did you lock yourself in the bathroom?" "你为什么要把自己锁在厕所里呢"
Okay, how about you just dip your toe in and meet one of them? 要不你就先见其中一个看看情况如何
Will you be there?Of course. 你会来吗?当然啊
Well, that's two. Three if you count me. 那就是两个陌生人, 算我自己就三个
Oh, this is getting out of hand. 这事情越来越失控了
So, then, during my afternoon shift,I spilled an entire tray of drinks on myself.Oh, that's awful. 在我下午上班的时候我不小心把整托盘的饮料全撒身上了。好惨啊
Not really. My shirt was soaking wet. 也没有啦, 靠着湿透的衣服
I got, like, the biggest tip of my life. Oh. 我拿到了我这辈子最多的小费呢
So, listen, do you remember when I said the similarities of the equations 9 of general relativity and hydrodynamics suggest you could find the equivalent 10 of Unruh radiation in a large body of water? 你还记得我跟你说过有关广义相对论与流体力学方程中的相似处表示了在有巨量水源的地方很可能能找到盎鲁射线的相似物
I thought I said that to you. 这不是我跟你说的吗
Anyway,  Stephen Hawking's team is looking into that, and I've been invited to join them. 总而言之,史提芬?霍金的队伍在研究这个而他们要请我加入
Wow, Hawking! Good for you! Well, it is.  Just you know, I'd be gone for a while. 霍金呢, 恭喜你!是很好。但是, 这样我就得离开一阵子
Well, how long?Three, four months. 多久呢?三四个月吧
When would you leave?  Couple weeks. 什么时候走, 再过几周吧
OOkay, well, I'll just come visit you. 没事, 那我去看你好啦
That's the thing you can't. 这就是问题所在, 你不能来
I'll be on a ship in the North Sea.On a ship? 因为我会在北海的一艘船上。在船上
Aren't they afraid Hawking will just roll overboard? 不怕坐在轮椅上的霍金, 会从甲板上滚下去吗
Uh, he's not gonna be there. 他不会去
He's just sending a team to research his theory. Oh, sure. 他只是派人去研究他的理论。当然
Like when you send me to kill spiders in your bathtub.Okay. Four months.Yeah. 就像你派我去打死你浴缸的蜘蛛一样。好吧, 整整四个月。是的
And I'm a little worried because things between us have been so great,and I'd hate to do anything that screws that up. 我有点担心因为咱们俩现在感情这么好我不想做任何会破坏感情的事情
Oh, sweetie, if you're gonna screw things up,it's gonna be while you're here, not while you're away. 亲爱的, 一般会破坏感情都是你在的时候, 你不在时万事大吉
No. I mean, look, you have to go. 没关系, 你必须得去
It sounds like an amazing opportunity. 听起来这是个很棒的机会
And I'm just basing that on how much I didn't understand what you said about it. 我之所以这么说, 是因为我一点也不懂你刚说的话
Okay. I'll confirm the travel arrangements in the morning. 好吧。我明天早上会确认行程安排
Okay. Good. I do have to ask you one favor.  Sure. 好, 很好。我需要你帮我做件事, 说吧
Sheldon's nervous about me leaving. 谢尔顿对我的离开很不安
Just keep an eye on him while I'm gone. Oh, I don't know. 我不在的时候, 记得帮我照顾下他。我不知道
Remember what happened when I took care of your goldfish? 还记得以前我是怎么照顾你的金鱼的吗
Well, flush 11 Sheldon down the toilet and get me a new one. 那就把谢尔顿冲下马桶, 再给我买个新的
Really, you guys do not need to throw me a goingaway party. 真的, 你们真没必要帮我弄个告别派对
Are you kidding me? 开什么玩笑
 How often can you say "bon voyage" to somebody when they're actually going on a voyage? 人生能有几次跟真正去大海航行的人说"一路(航行)平安"
Hello, Rajesh. Hello, Amy. Nice to see you. 你好, 拉杰。你好, 艾米, 很高兴见到你
What can I say? It's funnier with the accent. 那又怎么样, 带口音比较好玩嘛
There's beer in the fridge. 冰箱里有啤酒
Anyway, you guys really don't need to make a big deal. 总之你们真的不必小题大作
Leonard, you're being selfish. 莱纳德, 你太自私了
We need to give you a proper sendoff so we'll have closure when you die at sea and crabs 12 eat your face. 我们必须得举行一个告别仪式, 等你死在海里脸被螃蟹吃掉的时候, 我们也有个解脱
Sheldon, sweetie, shut up. 谢尔顿, 麻烦把嘴闭上
You know, one of the things that helped me get through Howard being in space for so long was getting married before he left. 霍华德当年上太空那么久支撑我熬过这段时间的其中一件事就在他走之前跟他结婚
Bernadette, sweetie, shut up.Okay. 伯纳黛特, 麻烦把嘴闭上。好了
I have a request to make. And now he can talk. 我有一件事想麻烦大家。现在他居然可以说话了
I want to cut open your brain and see what the heck's going on in there. 我真想切开你的脑子看看里面到底是怎么回事
The only person allowed inside this head is Dr. Phil. 唯一能检查(进入)我脑子的人是菲尔博士(菲尔博士是有博士学位的心理医生专门在电视上帮别人解决家庭问题)
Anyway, I I spoke 13 to my new lady friend about meeting you all,and she thought it would be easier for her to start with just one. 总之我跟我的新女友说要带她来见你们她觉得先见你们其中一个会比较不让她害怕
Oh, gee 14, I don't know.My schedule's a little busy. 我可不知道有没有时间。我的日程有点满
Actually, I was thinking Leonard. 其实我是想让她先见莱纳德
Thank you, Raj. I'd be honored.What the hell? 谢谢, 拉杰, 我非常荣幸。我擦咧
I thought I was your best friend. 我以为我才是你最好的朋友
You are, but you've got kind of a big personality,with your flashy clothes and your Woody Allen swagger. 你是啊, 但你的个人特色过于鲜明你看你花哨的衣服和那吊儿郎当范儿
You know, maybe she'd be more comfortable meeting a girl first. 或许先跟女生见面, 她会更放松
Good idea. Bernadette? What the hell?! Well, you're very pretty. 好主意, 伯纳黛特?我擦咧!你长得非常漂亮
That could be intimidating 15 to another woman. Oh, yeah. 这会让其他女性有威胁感。也对
Hey, you don't think I'm pretty enough to scare your girlfriend? Calm down, Bernie. 你觉得我不够漂亮, 不会吓着你的女朋友吗?冷静, 妮妮
You're very scary.  It should be me.  Why? 你非常吓人。应该让我去, 为什么
So you can make jokes about cutting open my brain? 好让你开把我脑子切开的玩笑吗
A, that was not a joke. That was a sincere request. 首先, 那可不是开玩笑。那是个真诚的请求
And B, more importantly,I was the outsider to this group,and I know how frightening that can be. 其次, 更重要的是我曾经是这个小团体中的局外人我知道初次见面的感觉有多可怕
But you guys took me in and made me feel loved,like I was family. Fine, I'll do it. 但你们接纳我, 让我感受到你们的爱就像家人的爱一样。好啦, 我去就是了
So, after I started dating Sheldon,I met Leonard, and then everybody else,and they've all been so wonderful to me. 在我开始跟谢尔顿约会之后我认识了莱纳德, 还有其他人他们都对我非常好
That's really nice to hear. 听起来真不错
Maybe next week, we could all get together. 或许下周, 我们可以一起聚聚
Oh, Lucy, you don't have to answer that. 露西, 你可以不用回答
Don't put her on the spot. She hates that.  Am I right? 别把她逼到这个份上, 她不喜欢这样。我说得对吗
Tell her how much you hate being put on the spot. 告诉她你有多不喜欢被人逼着去交际
Go ahead, tell her.   Ignore him. 快啊, 告诉她。别搭理他
He's a little nervous 'cause he doesn't think I understand the severity of your social anxiety. 他有点紧张, 因为他觉得我不明白你社交焦虑症的严重程度
What the...? Are you crazy? 搞毛呀, 你疯了吗
You can't talk about social anxiety to someone who has social anxiety. 你不能跟有社交焦虑症的人谈论社交焦虑症
It makes them socially anxious! 这会让他们更加焦虑的
Excuse me, but I'm a neurobiologist. 不好意思, 但我是个神经生物学家
I think I'm a little more qualified 16 than you to understand what's not working in your girlfriend's brain! 我觉得我比你更懂得你女朋友的脑子里的毛病在哪里
Don't call her my girlfriend. 别说她是我的女朋友
We haven't discussed whether or not  we're girlfriend or boyfriend yet. 我们还没正式说过我们到底是不是男女朋友呢

  • He was frozen to death on a snowing night.在一个风雪的晚上,他被冻死了。
  • The weather is cold and the ground is frozen.天寒地冻。
  • We often go pony-trek in the summer.夏季我们经常骑马旅行。
  • It took us the whole day to trek across the rocky terrain.我们花了一整天的时间艰难地穿过那片遍布岩石的地带。
  • With all imperfections the short play has a real charm.尽管有不少缺欠,这出小戏仍颇具魅力。
  • He could resist her charm no longer.他再也抗拒不住她的魅力。
提供饮食及服务( cater的第三人称单数 ); 满足需要,适合
  • That shop caters exclusively to the weaker sex. 那家商店专供妇女需要的商品。
  • The boutique caters for a rather select clientele. 这家精品店为特定的顾客群服务。
  • I bought the encyclopedia on a whim.我凭一时的兴致买了这本百科全书。
  • He had a sudden whim to go sailing today.今天他突然想要去航海。
  • He is hawking his goods everywhere. 他在到处兜售他的货物。
  • We obtain the event horizon and the Hawking spectrumformula. 得到了黑洞的局部事件视界位置和Hawking温度以及Klein—Gordon粒子的Hawking辐射谱。
物理学家( physicist的名词复数 )
  • For many particle physicists, however, it was a year of frustration. 对于许多粒子物理学家来说,这是受挫折的一年。 来自英汉非文学 - 科技
  • Physicists seek rules or patterns to provide a framework. 物理学家寻求用法则或图式来构成一个框架。
  • Some planets run at incredible speed.某些星球以难以置信的速度运行着。
  • Her answer showed the most incredible stupidity.她的回答显示出不可思议的愚蠢。
方程式( equation的名词复数 ); 相等; 等同看待
  • The overwhelming majority of nonlinear differential equations are not soluble analytically. 绝大多数非线性微分方程是不能用解析方法求解的。
  • To derive the transformation equations, we return to Fig. 14-1. 为了求出这个变换式,我们回顾图14-1。
  • Nodding your head is equivalent to saying "yes".点头就等于说“赞同”。
  • You will receive the full equivalent of your money.你将收到与你的款项价值完全同等的物品。
  • Father asked me to flush off the garage floor.父亲叫我冲洗车库的地板。
  • There was a flush in her cheeks.她满脸通红。
n.蟹( crab的名词复数 );阴虱寄生病;蟹肉v.捕蟹( crab的第三人称单数 )
  • As we walked along the seashore we saw lots of tiny crabs. 我们在海岸上散步时看到很多小蟹。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The fish and crabs scavenge for decaying tissue. 鱼和蟹搜寻腐烂的组织为食。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
  • Their success last week will gee the team up.上星期的胜利将激励这支队伍继续前进。
  • Gee,We're going to make a lot of money.哇!我们会赚好多钱啦!
vt.恐吓,威胁( intimidate的现在分词)
  • They were accused of intimidating people into voting for them. 他们被控胁迫选民投他们的票。
  • This kind of questioning can be very intimidating to children. 这种问话的方式可能让孩子们非常害怕。
  • He is qualified as a complete man of letters.他有资格当真正的文学家。
  • We must note that we still lack qualified specialists.我们必须看到我们还缺乏有资质的专家。
标签: 生活大爆炸
a gob
academy publication
antifriction grease
astern running test
bacterial sporulation
basal veins
blast injector
botryose inflorescence
bristol glass
broadcast over
ch'ui shou
cheilitis glandularis apostematosa
children's playground
chromium ball bearing steel
custom layout
deferred dividend
defle ted nose
deny the soft impeachment
differential selsyn motor
Diospyros longshengensis
dolomitic marble
dry glue
dry point
dual labor market
East Central German
effective staple
emergency network
eratoena sulcifera
fagus grandifolias
fibrae pontis transversae
foaming booster
forward path gain
fuel management system
full-width bleaching
fuzzy automata
genus philohelas
high resistance ground
hydrogen refrigerated
l-threonine fermentation
link pack update area
longitudinalis superior
lower paraffin hydrocarbon
lyric poem
m. tensor veli palatini
magnetic detection monitor
manufacturing capability
Mathieu groups
mind pain
multiple data terminal
platinum-ruthenium alloy
Pogranichnyy Rayon
polynucleotide nucleotidyltransferase
principal statement
pusher brake
quinin acetyl salicylate
rail loading machine
reactor feed
renal juxtaglomerular cell
root knot eelworm
simili mercerising
sinking fund depreciation method
sorbing agent
spongiform vesicles
Time Bar of Maritime Lien
traveling resistance
vagus pulse
vignetting of lens
voltage stability bandwidth