时间:2018-12-06 作者:英语课 分类:三怪客泛舟记.three.men.in.a.boat


  Chapter10 Our first morning

  I woke up at six o'clock the next morning,and I found that George was awake,too.We both tried to go to sleep again,but we could not.This was because we did not need to get up early.We could sleep for another two or three hours.But we both felt we would die if we tried to sleep for another five minutes.

  George said that the same thing had happened to him a few months before.He told me a story about it…

  At that time George had rooms in the house of a lady called Mrs Gippings.One evening his watch stopped at a quarter past eight.He did not realize this then.When he went to bed,he took off his watch,and he did not look at it.

  This happened in the winter,so it was dark in the mornings,anyway.When George woke up,he looked at his watch.It was a quarter past eight.

  'Good heavens 1!'George cried.'I have to be at the bank by nine o'clock!'And he threw down the watch and jumped out of bed.He had a cold bath and he dressed.Then he ran and looked at his watch.It had started to go again,and it was twenty to nine.

  George took his watch and ran downstairs.The dining-room was dark and silent 2.There was no fire,no breakfast.George was very angry with Mrs G.He decided 3 to tell her this later,in the evening.Then he caught hold of his coat,his hat and his umbrella,and ran to the front door.lt'was locked!George said that Mrs G.was a lazy old woman.Then he unlocked 4 the door and ran out into the street.

  For a few hundred metres he ran as fast as he could.But,suddenly,he noticed that there were not many people about.He also noticed that the shops were not open.It was a very dark and foggy 6 morning.However,it seemed very strange that they had closed the shops because of the fog 5.He had to go to work,so why should other people stay in bed?

  George could see only three people.One of them was a policeman,one was a man who was taking vegetables to the market,and one was a taxi-driver.

  George looked at his watch.It was five to nine.For a moment,he stood there without moving.He wondered if he was dreaming.He felt his wrist,and bent 7 down and felt his legs.Then,with his watch in his hand,he went up to the policeman.

  'What time is it,please?'he asked the policeman.

  'What's the time?'the policeman repeated 8.'Well,listen.'

  Just then George heard a clock…one…two…three.'But that's only three times!'George said,when it had finished.

  'Well,how many times do you want?'the policeman replied.

  'Why,nine,of course,'George said,and he held out his watch to the policeman.

  'Do you know where you live?'the policeman asked.

  George thought for a minute,and then he told the policeman the address.

  'Well,I think you should go back there quietly,'the policeman continued.'And take your watch with you!'

  So George went back.

  At first,he thought he would go to bed again.However,he did not like the idea of having to get up again later.So he decided to go to sleep in the armchair 9

  But he could not get to sleep.He tried to read,but that was no good either.Finally,he put on his coat again,and he went out for a walk.

  He felt very lonely and miserable 10.He met policemen who looked at him strangely.They followed him about.He began to feel that he really had done something wrong.He started to hide in dark corners whenever he saw a policeman.

  Of course,then the policemen wanted to know what he was doing.George said,'Nothing.I'm just going for a walk.'But they did not believe him.In the end,two policemen went back to the house with him.They wanted to know if he really did live there.They watched him go in with his key.Then they stood on the opposite side of the road,and they watched the house.

  When he got in,he thought,'I'll light the fire,and then I'll make some breakfast.'But he made a lot of noise,and he was afraid that Mrs Gippings would wake up.She would hear the noise and think that he was a burglar 11.Then she would open the window and shout,'Help!Police!'the two policemen would come and arrest 12 George,and take him away.So he stopped trying to prepare breakfast,and he put on his coat.Then he sat in the armchair and he waited for Mrs Gippings.She came down at half past seven.

  George said that,since then,he had never got up too early again…

  When George had finished his story,we decided to wake up Harris.It was hard work.In the end we had to use quite a sharp 13 piece of metal.Harris sat up suddenly then.Montmoren-cy had been asleep on Harris's chest,and he went flying across the boat.

  After that,we pulled up the cover and we put our heads over the side of the boat.We looked down at the water.The night before,we had decided to get up early.We would throw off the cover and we would jump into the water,with shouts of happi-ness.Then we would enjoy a long swim.

  But now that morning had come, it did not seem to be a very good idea.The water looked wet and cold.The wind felt cold,too.

  'Well,who's going to go in for a swim first?'Harris said fi-nally.

  Nobody hurried to be the first one.George put his head back inside the boat.Montmorency barked 14 with horror 15 at the idea.Harris said it would he difficult to climb back into the boat a-gain from the water.Then he went back into the boat to look for his trousers.

  I did not want to give up the idea absolutely 16.I decided to go down to the edge 17 of the river,and then splash 18 some water over myself.So I went out on to the river bank,and I began to move carefully along the branch 19 of a tree which was over the water.

  It was very cold,and I thought I would not splash water over myself,after all.I would go back into the boat and dress.I turned- and just then the stupid 20 branch broke.The next minute,I was in the middle of the river,with half a litre 21 of the Thames inside me.

  'Good heavens!Old J.'s gone in!'Harris said.

  'Is it all right?'George called out.

  'Lovely,'I replied.'Why don't you come in?'

  But they did not want to.

  When I got back to the boat,I was very cold.I wanted to put on my shirt as quickly as possible.By accident,I dropped it into the water.This made me very angry,but George started to laugh.'I can't see anything to laugh at,'I told George.He just went on laughing!In fact,I never saw a man laugh so much.In the end,I became really angry with him.I told him what I thought about him.He laughed more loudly.And then,just as I was getting the shirt back out of the water,I noticed that it was not my shirt.So I began to laugh,too.I looked at George,who was laughing so much.Then I looked at the wet shirt- and I laughed more and more.Because I was laughing so much,I dropped the shirt in the water again.

  'Aren't you going to get it out?'George cried,between his shouts of laughter 22

  At first I could not answer him,because I was laughing so much.In the end,I managed to say,'It isn't my shirt.It's yours!'

  I have never seen a man's face change so quickly.I tried to make him see that it was very funny,but he did not agree with me.

  After that,it was time for breakfast,and we decided to have eggs.Harris said he would cook them.He said he was very good at doing eggs.People who had eaten his eggs never want-ed any other food afterwards 23.'If they can't get my eggs, they won't eat,'he said,'and they die.'

  So we gave him the pan 24,and all the eggs which had not bro-ken.'Go on,then,'we said.'Begin!'

  Harris had some trouble when he tried to break the eggs.He had trouble stopping them from getting onto his trousers.And he had more trouble trying to stop them from going up his arms.Finally,he managed to get about six of the eggs into the pan.Then he sat down and started to cook them.

  It seemed to be very difficult work.Whenever he went near the pan,he burnt himself.Then he dropped everything, and danced about,and waved his hands,and shouted.In fact, every time George and I looked at him,he was doing this.At first we thought it was necessary to do this to cook the eggs.

  Once Montmorency went and looked into the pan,but he burnt himself.Then he started dancing and shouting,too.It was all very exciting,and George and I were quite sorry when it finished.

  10 第一天早晨













































1 heavens
n.天( heaven的名词复数 );天堂;上帝;极乐
  • The map of the heavens showed all the northern constellations. 这份天体图标明了北半部所有的星座。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Our sun is only one of many suns in the heavens. 我们的太阳只是天际中许多恒星之一。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 silent
  • Immediately on his beginning to speak,everyone was silent.他一讲话,大家顿时安静下来。
  • The boys looked at the conjuror in silent wonder. 孩子们目瞪口呆地看着那魔术师。
3 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
4 unlocked
v.开锁( unlock的过去式和过去分词 );开启;揭开;开着,解开
  • Don't leave your desk unlocked. 请不要忘记锁好办公桌。
  • On no account should you leave the door unlocked. 你无论如何也不应该不锁门。 来自《简明英汉词典》
5 fog
  • The fog dispersed at ten o'clock.雾在10点钟散开。
  • They used dry ice to fog the stage.他们用乾冰于舞台变得一片朦胧。
6 foggy
  • London is a rainy and foggy city in britain.伦敦是英国多雨和多雾的城市。
  • Tomorrow it will be cold,cloudy,and foggy.明天将是一个多云有雾的寒冷天。
7 bent
  • He was fully bent upon the project.他一心扑在这项计划上。
  • We bent over backward to help them.我们尽了最大努力帮助他们。
8 repeated
  • repeated absences from school 一再缺课
  • the prisoner's repeated denials of the charges against him 囚犯再三否认对他的指控
9 armchair
  • He sat in the armchair reading a newspaper.他坐在扶手椅里读报。
  • This armchair is made of bamboo.这个扶手椅是用竹子做成的。
10 miserable
  • It was miserable of you to make fun of him.你取笑他,这是可耻的。
  • Her past life was miserable.她过去的生活很苦。
11 burglar
  • The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window.当夜盗开窗时,警察冷不防地捉住了他。
  • The man glanced the burglar climbing out of the window.那人瞥见小偷从窗户爬出来。
12 arrest
  • I don't want to arrest him.我不想逮捕他。
  • The police arrived to arrest him.警察赶来逮捕了他。
13 sharp
  • This knife isn't sharp.这把餐刀不锋利。
  • Dogs have sharp sense of smell.狗有敏锐的嗅觉。
14 barked
v.吠叫( bark的过去式和过去分词 );大声喊出;擦破(或蹭掉)…的皮;厉声发令
  • He fell down the steps and barked his shins. 他从台阶上跌下来,擦破了小腿上的皮。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • I barked my shin on a tree stump. 我磕到了树桩上,胫部擦破了皮。 来自《简明英汉词典》
15 horror
  • The public has been awakened to the full horror of the situation.公众完全意识到了这一状况的可怕程度。
  • The thought of working nights fills me with abject horror.一想到要夜间工作我就觉得惨兮兮的。
16 absolutely
  • The plane absolutely refused to start.这架飞机完全发动不起来。
  • All the car parks are absolutely full.所有的停车场都停满了车。
17 edge
  • Sight along the edge to see if it's straight.顺着边目测,看看直不直。
  • She lived on the extreme edge of the forest.她住在森林的最边缘。
18 splash
  • I fell into the water with a splash.我跌入水中,激起水花四溅。
  • There's a splash of paint on the white wall.白墙上溅上了一片油漆。
19 branch
  • The bird settles on a branch.鸟儿栖息在枝上。
  • The olive branch stands for peace.橄榄枝象征着和平。
20 stupid
  • The boy is too stupid.那个男孩太笨了。
  • He must be really stupid.那他一定很傻。
21 litre
n. 升; 公升(容量单位) (美liter)
  • This bottle holds one litre.这个瓶子装得下一升。
  • He drank off a whole litre of beer all at once.他一口气喝完了一升啤酒。
22 laughter
  • I don't know how my story caused so much laughter.我不知我的故事怎么引起如此大笑。
  • The audience gave way to uncontrollable bursts of laughter.听众忍不住发出一阵阵笑声。
23 afterwards
  • Afterwards he went abroad.之后他到国外去了。
  • We saw the film and afterwards walked home together. 我们看了电影后一起走回了家。
24 pan
  • The water had all boiled away and the pan was burned.水煮干了,锅也烧坏了。
  • The eggs were frying in the pan.鸡蛋正在锅里煎。
adjustable oscillator
all wheel drive station wagon
attenuation of combination
automotive vehicles
be in a fume
be pressed with want
beater cases
beige damas
coke booster
Compact Conductor
complex algorithm
Confluence Cone
cubical epithelia
cyclopecten randolphi
direct replacement
Disporopsis longifolia
educational equality
extended aeration
fire cupping
fuel measurement
gill arch vessels
high altitude equipment
hysteric stigma
It's one thing to flourish and another to fight.
li xue
linear sequence circuit
long-term construction
make a cat laugh
manganic concerntrate
micrometer drum
Mīsh, Kūh-e
n curve
nature stop
oceanographic platform
omnidirection radio beacon
Orly Group
physiological reaction
plastic strain width
point-by-point variation
reactive golden yellow
realized capital loss
receiving rate
rotating field magnet
sal glauberi
shell planting material
sinter aggregate
support post
temporal distribution of chemical elements in ocean
the butterfly effect
thermoelectric diode
thyratron motor
total landings
utility or other enterprise funds