时间:2019-02-26 作者:英语课 分类:实用英语


   S no option offered 无期权出售

  S split or stock divided 拆股或股息
  S signed 已签字
  s second; shilling  秒;第二;先令
  SA  semi-annual payment 半年支付
  SA  South Africa 南非
  SAA special arbitrage account  特别套作账户
  SAB special assessment bond 特别估价债券
  sae stamped addressed envelope 已贴邮票、写好地址的信封
  SAFE State Administration of Foreign Exchange  国家外汇管理局
  SAIC State Administration for Industry and Commerce (中国)国家工商行政管理局
  SAP Statement of Auditing Procedure 《审计程序汇编》
  SAR Special Administrative Region 特别行政区
  SAS Statement of Auditing Standard 《审计准则汇编》
  SASE  self-addressed stamped envelope  邮资已付有回邮地址的信封
  SAT (China) State Administration of Taxation (中国)国家税务局
  SATCOM  satellite communication 卫星通讯
  SB short bill 短期国库券;短期汇票
  SB sales book; saving bond; savings bank  售货簿;储蓄债券;储蓄银行
  SBC Swiss Bank Corp. 瑞士银行公司
  SBIC  Small  Business Investment Corporation  小企业投资公司
  SBIP small business insurance policy 小型企业保险单
  SBLI Savings Bank Life Insurance  储蓄银行人寿保险
  SBN  Standard Book Number 标准图书号
  SC  sales contract 销售合同
  sc sciliCET namely 即
  SC supplier credit  卖方信贷
  SCF supplier credit finance 卖方信贷融资
  Sch schilling (奥地利)先令
  SCIRR  special CIRR 特别商业参考利率
  SCL  security characteristic line  证券特征线
  SCORE  special claim on residual equity 对剩余财产净值的特别要求权
  SD  standard deduction  标准扣除额
  SDB special district bond 特区债券
  SDBL  sight draft, bill of lading attached 即期汇票,附带提货单
  SDH synchronous digital hierarchy 同步数字系统
  SDR straight discount rate  直线贴现率
  SDRs special drawing rights 特别提款权
  SE shareholders' equity 股东产权
  SE Stock Exchange 股票交易所
  SEA Single European Act 《单一欧洲法案》
  SEAF Stock Exchange Automatic Exchange Facility 股票交易所自动交易措施
  SEATO Southeast  Asia Treaty Organization 东南亚公约组织
  sec  second(ary); secretary 第二,次级;秘书
  sect. section 部分
  Sen senator 参议院
  Sept. September  九月
  SET  selective employment tax 单一税率工资税
  sextuplicate    (文件)一式六份中的一份
  SEC  special economic zone  经济特区
  SF  sinking fund 偿债基金
  Sfr Swiss Frank 瑞士法郎
  SFS Summary Financial Statements 财务报表概要
  sgd.  signed 已签署
  SHEX  Sundays and holidays excepted 星期日和假日除外
  SHINC  Sundays and holidays included 星期日和假日包括在内
  shpd.  shipped  已装运
  shpg.  shipping  正装运
  shpt.  shipment 装运,船货
  SI Statutory Instrument; System of Units 有效立法;国际量制
  SIC Standard Industrial Classification 标准产业分类
  SIP structured insurance products  结构保险产品
  SITC Standard International Trade Classification  国际贸易标准分类
  sk sack  袋,包
  SKD  separate knock-known 部分散件
  SLC standby LC  备用信用证
  SMA special miscellaneous account  特别杂项账户
  SMEs  small and medium-sized enterprises 中小型企业
  SMI Swiss Market Index  瑞士市场指数
  SML security market line 证券市场线
  SMTP supplemental medium term policy  辅助中期保险
  SN stock number 股票编号
  Snafu Situation Normal, All Fouled Up  情况还是一样,只是都乱了
  SOE state-owned enterprises  国有企业
  SOF  State Ownership Fund  国家所有权基金
  sola sola bill, sola draft, sola of exchange  (拉丁)单张汇票
  sov. sovereign  金镑=20先令
  SOYD sum of the year's digits method 年数加总折旧法
  spec. specification 规格;尺寸
  SPF spare parts financing 零部件融资
  SPQR small profits, quick returns 薄利多销
  SPS  special purpose securities 特设证券
  Sq. square  平方;结清
  SRM standard repair manual  标准维修手册
  SRP Salary Reduction Plan  薪水折扣计划
  SRT Spousal Remainder Trust 配偶幸存者信托
  ss  semis, one half 一半
  SS social security 社会福利
  ST short term 短期
  ST  special treatment (listed stock) 特别措施(对有问题的上市股票)
  St. Dft.  sight draft 即期汇票
  STB special tax bond 特别税债务
  STIP short-term insurance policy  短期保险单
  sub  subscription; substitute  订阅,签署,捐助;代替
  Sun  Sunday 星期日
  sund.  sundries  杂货,杂费
  sup.  supply  供应,供货
  t time; temperature 时间;温度
  T. ton; tare 吨;包装重量,皮重
  TA telegraphic address=cable address 电报挂号
  TA total asset  全部资产,资产
  TA  trade acceptance 商业承兑票据
  TA  transfer agent 过户转账代理人
  TAB tax anticipation bill  (美国)预期抵税国库券
  TACPF tied aid capital projects fund 援助联系的资本项目基金
  TAF tied aid financing 援助性融资
  TAL traffic and accident loss  (保险)交通和意外事故损失
  TAT truck-air-truck 陆空联运
  TB treasury bond, treasury bill 国库券,国库债券
  T.B. trial balance 试算表
  t.b.a. to be advised;  to be aGREed; to be announced; to be arranged 待通知;待同意;待宣布;待安排
  t.b.d.  to be determined  待(决定)
  TBD policy to be declared policy 预保单,待报保险单
  TBL  through bill of lading 联运提单,直达提单
  TBV trust borrower vehicle 信托借款人工具(公司)
  TBW Thompson Bankwatch, a rating agent  托马逊银行评估公司
  TC tariff circular 关税通报
  TC  telegraph collation  校对电报
  T.C. traveler's check 旅行支票
  TCI trade credit insurance  贸易信用保险
  TCIC  technical credit insurance consultants 技术信用保险顾问
  TCM  traditional Chinese medicine 中国传统医学,中医
  TD time deposit 定期存款
  TD Treasury Department  (美国)财政部
  TDA Trade Development Authority 贸易发展当局
  TDC technical development corporation 技术开发公司
  TDC  Trade Development Council (香港)贸易发展局
  TDR  Treasury Deposit Receipt  国库券存据
  Tech  technical 技术的
  Tel.  telephone number  电话号码
  telecom telecommunications 通讯
  temp  temperature; temporary (secretary) 温度;临时(秘书)
  TESSA Tax Exempt Special Savings Account 免税特别储蓄帐户
  TEU twenty-foot-equipment unit  (货柜、集装箱)20英尺当量单位
  TF trade finance 贸易融资
  t.f. till forbid 直到取消为止
  tgm. telegram 电报
  three T's type, terms, technique 交易三要素,即交易类型,交易条件,销售技术
  thro., thru. through 经由,通过
  Thu. Thursday 星期四
  TIP  to insure promptness 确保迅速
  TIR carnet Transports Internationaux Routier (法国)国际公路运输证
  tks. thanks 致谢,感谢
  tkt ticket  票
  TL  time loan; total loss; trade-last 定期贷款;总损失;最后交易
  TLO, T.L.O.  total loss only=free from/of all average 全损赔偿险
  TLX  telex=teleprinter/teletypewriter exchange  电传
  TM  trademark 商标
  TM telegram with multiple addresses 分送电报
  TMA Terminal Market Association 最终市场协会
  TMO  telegraph money order 电汇单
  TN  treasury note 国库券
  TNC  transnational/multinational  company 跨国公司
  TOD  time of delivery  发货时间
  Tonn.  tonnage  吨位(数)
  TOP  Trade Opportunities Program (美国)贸易机会计划
  T.O.P. turn over, please 请翻转
  TPM total productive maintenance 总生产维修(护)制
  TPND theft, pilerage, and non-delivery  偷窃及不能送达险
  tpo telephoto  电传照片,传真
  TQ tariff quota  关税配额
  T.Q., t.q.  tale quale (拉丁)按现状,现状条件
  TQC total quality control  全面质量控制
  TR telegram restante; trust receipt  留交电报;信托收据
  T.R.  tons registered (船舶)注册吨位
  Tr. transfer  过户,转让
  traditio symbolia   (拉丁)象征性交费
  Tranche CD certificate of deposit  份额存单
  trans translated 译本
  treas treasurer  会计,出纳,库管,司库
  Trip. triplicate  一式三份中的一份
  Triple A  3A  3A级,最佳债券评级
  TRS terminal receiving system  港外待运仓收货制度
  TRT Trademark Registration Treaty  商标注册条约
  TSP Total Suspended Particle 总空中悬浮物(污染指标)
  TST test 检查,检测
  TT Testamentary Trust 遗嘱信托
  TT, T/T telegraphic transfer 电汇
  T.T.B.  telegraphic transfer bought 买入电汇
  T.T.S. telegraphic transfer sold  卖出电汇
  TTY teletypewriter  电报打字员
  TU Trade Union  工会,职工协会
  Tue, Tues Tuesday 星期二
  TV  terminal value; television 最终价值;电视
  TW transit warehouse 转口仓库
  TWI training within industry 业内训练
  txt.  text 课文,电文,正文
  Ty.  territory 领土,(推销员的)推销区域
  T&E Card travel and entertainment card 旅行和娱乐信用卡
  T&H temperature and humidity  温度和湿度
  T&M  time and material  时间和材料
  T/C  time charter 定期租船,计时租船
  t/km  ton kilometer  顿/千米
  U union; upper; fashionable; polite 联盟;上等;时髦;礼貌
  U, U. unit; United 单位;联合的;联合(公司)
  U.A. unit of account 记账单位,记价单位
  U.K./Cont. United Kingdom or Continent  英国或欧洲大陆(港口)
  U.K.f.o.  United Kingdom for orders 英国沿岸的指定港口
  U.L.C.C.  ultra large crude carrier 超大型油轮
  U/A underwriting account  保险帐户
  u/c. undercharge 不足的价钱,少讨的价钱
  U/M unscheduled maintenance 计划外维护
  U/W, UW underwriters  保险公司,承销人
  UAE the Union of Arab Emirates (阿拉伯联合酋长国)阿联酋
  Uberrimae fidei of the utmost good faith 最诚信的
  UBR uniform business rate 统一商业税率
  UBS Union Bank of Switzerland 瑞士联合银行
  UCP  Uniform Customs and Practice (for Documentary Credit)  (跟单信用证)统一惯例与事物
  UGT, ugt urgent (电报用语)急电,加急
  UHF  ultra high frequency 超高频
  UIT Unit Investment Trust 单位投资信托
  UITF Urgent Issue Task Force  (财务报表)紧急补救解释处
  Ull. ullage 缺量,损耗
  ult.  ultimo  (拉丁)(商业函电)上月的
  Ultra vires beyond the powers of 超过......的权限(有限公司)
  UN United Nations  联合国
  undelvd.  undelivered 未装运的
  Univ  university 大学
  unkwn. unknown. 未知的
  unrevd. unreceived  未收到的
  UNSYM unsymmetrical 不对称的
  UOS unless otherwise specified 除非有特别说明
  UPC  Uniform Practice Code 《统一作法法典》
  UPR  unearned premiums reserve  未获得保险金储备
  ur.  your 你的
  US  United States; Unlisted securities  美国;未上市证券
  USD United States dollar 美元
  USG  United States gallon 美国加仑
  USIT Unit Share Investment Trust 单位股投资信托
  USM Unlisted Securities Market  为挂牌(上市)证券市场
  UT universal time 世界标准时间,格林威治时间
  UUE use until exhausted 用完为止
  UV under voltage; ultraviolet 电压不足;紫外线
  v refer to 参见
  v., vs versus (拉丁)对
  V Roman 5; victory; volt (罗马数字)5;胜利;(电压)伏
  V.A. value analysis  价值分析
  VAB  vertical assembly building 垂直装配建筑物
  vac  vacation 假期
  vac. vacant  (职位)空缺,(旅馆、公寓)空房间
  VAT value added tax 增值税
  VC Vice Chairman; Vice Chancellor; Vice Consul 副主席;副首相;副总理;副领事
  VD volume deleted  勾销的数量
  VE value engineering 价值工程
  Veep Vice president 副总裁
  VER voluntary export restraint 自愿出口限制
  Ves. vessel 船舶
  via.  through, by way of  经由,通过
  vid vide (see) (拉丁)参看,请看
  VIP  Very Important Person 贵宾
  vis major (拉丁)不可抗力
  viz. videliCET, namely  (拉丁)即,也就是
  VL value line investment survey 价值线投资概览法
  V-mail  video-mail  声像电子邮讯系统
  VOD video on demand 交互电视技术系统
  vol. volume  量,额,本,卷,容积
  voy.  voyage 航海,航程
  VQA  vendor quality assurance 售主质量保证
  VQC vendor quality certification 售主质量确认
  VQD vendor quality defect  售主质量缺陷
  VRM variable rate mortgage 可变利率抵押
  VS/N vendor serial number 售主系列号
  VSI  vendor shipping instruction 售主船运说明
  VSO  Voluntary Service Overseas  海外义务服务
  VSQ  very special quality 特级质量
  VSSP  vendor standard settlement program  售主标准程序结算
  VTC Voting Trust Certificate 股东投票权信托证书
  VTP  vendor test program 售主检测计划
  VTR video tape record 录像带录像
  W weight ton; winter mark for load line; won 重量吨;(船舶)冬季装载线标记;(韩国)元
  W., w. warehouse; watt; weight; width; week 仓库;瓦特;钟量;宽;星期
  W.A. with average 水渍险,保单独海损险
  W.A.C.C.C. Worldwide Air Cargo Commodity Classfication  全球空运商品分类
  W.A.I.O.P.  W.A. irrespective of percentage 单独海损不计免赔率,单独海损全赔
  WAEC  West African Economic Community 西非经济共同体
  WAG wagon  卡车
  WAN Wide Area Networks 泛区网络
  WASH Washington; washer 华盛顿;洗衣机
  WB, W.B. waybill  运送单
  WB World Bank 世界银行
  W.B. water ballast (以)水压载,水压舱
  W.B.S. without benefit to/of salvage 不享有获救财产的利益
  w.c., W.C. without charge; water closet 免费;洗手间
  WCG  working capital guarantee  流动资金担保
  WCO World Customs Organization 世界海关组织
  WD  when distributed (股票)发售时交割
  wd. warrented (品质)保证的
  wdth. width  广度,宽度
  Wed Wednesday 星期三
  WEF  World Economic Forum  世界经济论坛
  W.E.T. Western European Time 西欧时间,即格林尼治时间
  wf. wharf  码头
  WFOE  wholly foreign owned enterprises 外资独资企业
  W.G., w.g.  weight guaranteed 保证质量
  WH watt-hour 每小时瓦特
  WHO World Health Organization  世界卫生组织
  whs, whse. warehouse 仓库
  whsle wholesale 批发
  WI  when issued (股票)发行时交割
  WIP  work in proGREss=goods in progress  在制品
  wk  week; work 星期;工作
  Wky.  weekly  每星期的,周刊
  wmk watermark 水印
  Wmk.  water mark 水位标记
  WOC without compensation 无补偿
  WP weather permitting; word processing  天气允许;文字处理
  W.P. without prejudice 不损害(当事人)权利
  W.P.A. with particular average=with average 水渍险
  W.P.M. words per minute (电传)每分钟字数
  W.P.P. waterproof paper packing 防潮纸包装
  W.R. war risk 战争险
  W.R.=W.W. warehouse receipt=warehouse warrant 仓单,仓库收据
  Wrap  worldwide receivables assurance protection 全球应收账款担保措施
  WT warrant (股票)认证股
  WT watertight (包、盒)不漏水的,防水的
  WT, W/T wireless telegraphy, wireless telephone  无线电报;无线电话
  wt., wgt.  weight 重量
  WTO  World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织
  W/Tax  withholding tax  预扣税
  WW  warehouse warrant;  with warrants 仓库保证;附认股权
  w/w wall-to-wall 覆盖全部地面的(地毯)
  W/W warehouse-to-warehouse 仓至仓
  W/W clause  warehouse-to-warehouse clause 仓至仓条款
  www  worldwide web 万维网,全球计算机网
  X ten dollars (美国俚语)10美元
  X ex-interest 无利息
  X Roman 10; a kiss; an unknown number, thing, name, etc. (罗马数字)10;一吻;未知数(物、名等等)
  X. ten; X; out of  十;X;在外
  x.a.  ex all 无所有权益
  x.b., xb; XB  ex bonus; extra budgetary 不附(本期)红利;预算外的
  X.C., X. cp. ex coupon  无息债券
  x.d. ex distribution 不包括(下期股息或红利)分配
  X-Dis ex-distribution 无分销
  X. d., X. div. ex dividend  未付红利
  X-efficiency   X效率
  XI, X. in, X. int. ex interest 利息除外
  XL extra large; extra long 特大;特长
  Xm., X'mas Christmas 圣诞节
  X-mark  a signature  “X”符号签字(盲人或受伤的人可以画“X”作为签字)
  Xn Christian 基督的
  XN, XW  ex-warrant 除证
  X.n., X. new ex new 无权要求新股
  X.P. expres paye=extra message paid  额外通讯费付讫;已令函奉上
  XR, x.r. ex -right 无优惠权认购新股,除权
  XS  extra small  特小
  Xtry. extraordinary 非常的,临时的
  XXX international emergency signal  国际紧急信号
  Y ex-dividend and sales in full 不计红利,全数出售
  Y Yen 元(日本货币单位)
  Y Yuan 元(中国货币单位)
  y yard; year; yen  码(三英尺);年;日元
  Y.A.R.  York-Antwerp Rules 约克-安特卫普规则(海险)
  YB, yrbk  yearbook 年报,年鉴
  y'day, yest. yesterday  昨天
  YLD yield 收益
  YOB year of birth 出生年份
  YOD year of death  死亡年份
  YOM year of marriage 结婚年份
  yo-yo stock   “悠悠”股票(波动大、不稳定的高价特种股票)
  yr year; your 年;你的
  YTB yield to broker 经济商收益
  YTC  yield to (first) call  至通知赎回时收益
  YTM yield to maturity 全期收益,到期收益
  z zero; zone 零;区
  ZBA zero bracket amount 零基数预算法
  ZBB zero-based budgeting 零基数预算法,免税金额,免征点
  ZDD zero defect program  无缺陷计划
  ZIP code    邮政编码
  Z. P. G.  zero population growth 人口零增长
  ZR zero coupon issue  零息发行
  zswk this week 本周
  ZT zone time 区时
  Z-Time Zebra time=GMT  格林威治时间

标签: 商务英语
a dead hand
ammonium dimethyl-dithiocarbamate
approved document
assessment of tax
beneficial ownership
book a seat
bulk memery
cardiac disease in toxemia of pregnancy
Cerenkov counter
clock multivibrator
coli-typhoid-paratyphoid dysentery group
connecting tubule
consumed real income
Cook Islander
corpus centrale
crevasse valley glacier
database control
drink away
drumstick finger
easy as my eyes
Einstein-Rosen bridge
first come
galvanized pot
gate valve with fast-acting spring actuator
genus Passer
give sb the third degree
gradient equations
Hoogsten-type hydrogen bonding
hothouse flower
hradee kralove
hypo-IgM immunodeficiency
infrared radiator
janite (janowaite)
job standardization
Lang Palata
lets bygones be bygones
liner packer
little white lie
live rough
methyl tert-butyl ether
musculus quadratus plantae
nickel pyrite (bravoite)
non contagious
optical cdma
palm thief
phosphate - group transfer
phosphoric acid degumming
playing around
private resource
profit/volume planning
purchasing u/m conversion factor
remote data station
representative money
Restoration of Original Condition
Schrodinger equation with time
selective transfer
sensitivity constraint
Shāhbāzpur R.
silver mirror test
single-circuit reflex receiver
spray pyrolysis
Srednyaya Kochëma
stern shaft tube
strain gauge type sensor
striking train
stroke form
syringa pubescens turcz.
texts me
the pigmentation of the seed coat
twin gyro pendulous gyrocompass
two-address code
vibration instability