时间:2018-12-06 作者:英语课 分类:50 The Mystery in the Cave


When the Aldens got back to their cabin, they put away their caving equipment and backpacks.

Henry put the red shovel 1 in a closet. “At suppertime I’ll call Rockville Community College from the coffee shop. Maybe Crystal Hollowell knows about this shovel.”

Jessie pulled out some beach towels and suntan lotion 2. “How about a swim between now and supper?”

“Yippee!” Benny cried.

The Aldens trooped down to the pool and immediately jumped in.

“See, Henry, I can do a dive now,” Violet called out from the diving board. She put her feet together, gave a bounce, and went into the water straight as an arrow.

“Nice dive!” Henry yelled back.

“Watch me, Henry!” Benny cried from the shallow end of the pool. He swam all the way across before bobbing up like a porpoise 3.

Violet swam over to the shallow end, then boosted herself up to get warm. “I liked caving, but it’s fun being out in the sun now. I hope we can come back early every day so we can swim.”

The Aldens were so busy talking and swimming, they didn’t notice that two men on the side of the pool were listening to every word.

“We’ll try to get back early for a swim tomorrow,” Henry told Violet. “But don’t forget. We promised Benny we’d follow those monster tracks. We may be down in the cave a long time tomorrow.”

One of the men, a tall man with dark hair and a moustache, stepped into the pool. He began swimming laps right next to the Aldens. When the children stopped swimming, the man did, too. “I’m Randall Pitt,” he said when he came up for air. “Did I hear you kids talking about caves around here?”

Henry stopped swimming. “Hello. I’m Henry Alden, and that’s Benny, Jessie, and Violet. We were talking about some caving we did yesterday and today. Are you a spelunker, too?”

“A what?” Mr. Pitt asked.

“You know,” Henry said. “Someone who goes caving for fun.”

The man looked confused for a second. “Sure, I guess you could say that. That’s my friend Ed Lyme over there. We’ve been caving before, only not around here. No way.”

Henry looked surprised. “Why not around here? This is one of the best caving areas in the country. Every guidebook says so.”

“It’s none of my business,” Mr. Pitt began, “but you should know something the guidebooks don’t tell you. Caving’s not kids’ stuff—not around here anyway.”

When Jessie heard this, she had to speak up. “What do you mean? We’ve read a lot about caving. We followed all the safety rules and came out just fine.”

“Then you were lucky,” the man said, turning to Jessie. “Your guidebook probably didn’t tell you about the cave-in that happened a couple years back. Bunch of kids down there nearly got crushed when part of the cave came down on their heads. Just a friendly warning, that’s all,” the man said before he left the pool.

The children felt goosebumps up and down their arms, but not from the cold water.

Violet could hardly get her words out. “A cave-in? Why didn’t Mr. Howe or Mrs. Stoner tell us?”

Henry watched the two men hurry from the pool area. “Good point. They’d never let us go into the local caves if there’d ever been a problem. Look, it’s nearly time for supper. Let’s dry off and head over to the coffee shop.”

For once, the word “supper” didn’t make Benny jump up and down. Now he was shivery and a little sad, too. Until Mr. Pitt showed up, Benny couldn’t wait to go on a monster hunt in the cave. But not if it might come tumbling down on his head!

“Don’t worry, you two,” Henry said when he saw Benny and Violet lagging behind. “I bet Mr. Pitt doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

“Hey, why such long faces?” Mr. Howe asked when he greeted the Aldens. “I saw you folks splashing in the pool having a good time. Anything wrong?”

Henry spoke 4 up first. “One of the guests here, a Mr. Pitt, told us there was a cave-in around here a couple years ago.”

“He said some kids were almost crushed,” Violet whispered.

“I don’t want to go to any more caves that might fall down on us,” Benny added.

Mr. Howe leaned over to hear the children better. “What cave-in? Our local caves are safe as can be. Never had anyone lost, or hurt, or anything. I’d be the first to know if there was a cave-in. And I certainly wouldn’t tell my guests to explore them if there’d ever been any trouble.”

“Do you know Mr. Pitt?” Jessie asked. “He’s got dark hair and a moustache and a friend, Mr. Lyme, with not too much hair and no moustache. I think they were on the cavern 5 tour the other day.”

“I know who you mean. Checked in here the night you did. Kept pestering 6 me for your Little Nose Cabin. Raced out of here when I told ’em it was already taken. But then they came back again and took another cabin. Can’t say I like those pushy 7 types.”

“Me neither!” Benny announced. “Now I don’t feel like caving anymore.”

Mr. Howe led the children to a booth. “Look, here’s Nelly Stoner. I promise she’ll tell you the same thing I said. There’s never been a cave-in around these parts.”

Mrs. Stoner was happy to see the Aldens. “What cave-in are you talking about? We have plenty of caves nearby but certainly no cave-ins. The only exciting thing that ever happened in our caves took place about ten years ago. The police caught a bank robber hiding down there. I believe the man’s been in jail ever since. But a cave-in? Never!”

“You’re sure?” Jessie asked. “One of the guests told us to stay away from any caves around here.”

Benny pulled at Jessie’s sleeve. “And know what? A lady we saw in the cave said so, too.”

Mrs. Stoner patted Benny’s hand. “Oh, it’s probably some local person who wants to keep everyone else out, particularly young people. She probably didn’t know how careful you Aldens are when you go hiking and caving. Not many other children could be trusted down there without an adult. Did you catch the woman’s name?”

“Crystal Hollowell,” Henry answered. “Do you know her? She’s a biologist at Rockville Community College. We were going to call her in a little while. We think she left a shovel behind by mistake.”

Mrs. Stoner was puzzled by this information. “The name sounds a bit familiar, but I don’t think it’s from the college. I teach a geology course there. As far as I know, no one by that name is on the staff. A biologist, you said?”

Jessie nodded. “The thing is, Miss Hollowell didn’t seem to know much about animals or plants or anything that ties into biology.”

“And know what else?” Benny cried. “She said it was going to rain, but it was sunny out. She said we better get out of there. And—and . . . ” Benny took a deep breath. “And she said she found the cave by accident. But she had a big bag of caving stuff with her.”

“We found her down there by accident,” Jessie continued. “She had all sorts of spotlights 8 and equipment. When she saw us in the cave, she stuffed everything into a duffel bag so we couldn’t see it.”

Henry slid out of the booth. “I’m going to call the college right now. I want to find out if Crystal Hollowell works there or not. She might have left a brand-new shovel right on the ground. Order me whatever you’re getting, okay, Jessie?”

Mr. Howe came over to take everyone’s orders. “I hope you straightened out these children, Nelly. I wouldn’t want them to miss out on our wonderful caves just because of someone telling tall tales. I can’t say I was too fond of Mr. Pitt and Mr. Lyme. I had to tell ’em several times to slow down when they’re driving in the motor court. Now, what’ll you folks have?”

Everyone ordered spaghetti, Benny’s favorite dish. In a short time, Mr. Howe came by and set down five dinners, including Henry’s. “Where’s your brother?” Mr. Howe asked Violet.

“He had to make a phone call to find out about a woman we met in the cave,” Violet answered. “Her name is Crystal Hollowell. Do you know her, Mr. Howe?”

“Can’t say that I do,” he answered before going back to the kitchen.

Mrs. Stoner put down her fork without taking a bite. “Crystal Hollowell. Suddenly that name rings a bell. What did she look like, Jessie?”

“About your height, blue eyes, I think, but I’m not sure. Even with all our flashlights, it was hard to tell,” Jessie explained. “She also had frizzy blond hair tucked under her hard hat.”

Benny leaned across the booth. “Know what? She had on a headlamp almost like Henry’s! Only his was stolen from our cabin.”

“You had something stolen from your cabin?” Mrs. Stoner exclaimed. “Did you tell Mr. Howe?”

“Not yet,” Jessie said. “We were so tired when we unpacked 9 our things the first night. Henry wondered if he dropped it or left it in Grandfather’s car.”

“Guess what?” Henry said when he came back to the booth. “There’s no Crystal Hollowell at Rockville Community College. Not in the biology department or in the local phone book either.”

“I was just trying to remember if I’ve ever met her,” Mrs. Stoner said. “It sounds so familiar to me, but I can’t quite place it. I am sorry to hear that your headlamp is missing, Henry.”

“Me too,” Henry said. “I know I had it in the souvenir shop when I got new batteries for it. And I think I left it on the dresser in the cabin. But it was so late, maybe I didn’t.” Henry lowered his voice. “I didn’t tell Mr. Howe yet. I don’t want him to think I’m careless. Anyway, nothing else is missing.”

Mrs. Stoner put down her fork. “Actually, I have something missing. A rubber raft my staff uses in the Dragon’s Mouth Cavern has disappeared. We keep it tied by the wooden steps where the tour boat pulls in. But it’s been gone for a couple days. I suppose it may have floated away, but I wonder . . . ”

“Maybe we can find it,” Benny said, his eyes sparkling. “We’re going to look for the monster, and maybe we’ll find a stream or an underground lake! Unless somebody chases us out again.”

“I certainly hope not,” Mrs. Stoner said. “Now I’m off. I want to check my address book for that woman’s name, or I won’t be able to sleep a wink 10 tonight.”

Suddenly Benny tapped Mrs. Stoner’s arm. “Wait! She’s over there. That’s her talking on the phone—Crystal Hollowell.”

Mrs. Stoner and the other Aldens looked up. They saw Miss Hollowell cup her hand over the phone. Benny strolled over to a gumball machine next to the pay phone. Miss Hollowell lowered her voice. Benny dropped in a nickel. Out came a gumball. Benny took his time before coming back to the booth.

“I heard what she said!” Benny whispered when he returned. “She told someone she’s going to be famous if somebody doesn’t get in the way. She’s meeting the person she was talking to in fifteen minutes.”

Mrs. Stoner and the Aldens weren’t in any rush to leave the coffee shop now. Not until they spoke to Miss Hollowell, anyway.

The Aldens caught her on her way out the door.

“Miss Hollowell, Miss Hollowell!” Henry called out. “Wait up. We found your shovel near the cave.”

When she heard this, Miss Hollowell whirled around. “My shovel? What shovel? What did it look like?”

“It’s a red metal shovel for digging dirt,” Henry said.

Miss Hollowell put her hands on her hips 11. “That—uh—it could—uh—be mine. Where exactly did you find it?”

“Right outside the sinkhole,” Jessie said. “We can show it to you. It’s up in our cabin.”

Crystal Hollowell checked her watch. “I can’t go right now. I have to meet someone.”

Henry opened the door for the woman. “If you’re going caving tomorrow, you can meet us at the sinkhole entrance. We’ll be there around ten o’clock. We’ll bring the shovel with us.”

“Make sure you do!” Miss Hollowell said in a sharp voice. “An expensive piece of equipment like that doesn’t belong in the hands of a bunch of children.”

“We’ll have it, don’t worry,” Henry said. “We wouldn’t keep something that belongs to someone else. Oh, have you met our friend, Mrs. Stoner? She thinks she might know you. Nelly Stoner, this is Crystal Hollowell.”

Mrs. Stoner put out her hand, but Miss Hollowell went out the door without shaking hands.

Mrs. Stoner and the Aldens watched the young woman back out her pickup 12 truck, then race from the parking lot with her tires squealing 13.

“Have you met her before?” Jessie asked.

“Definitely not,” Mrs. Stoner said. “I certainly would recall meeting a rude young woman like that, but I never have. I must be thinking of someone with a similar name.”

“I wonder who it is,” Violet said.

1 shovel
  • He was working with a pick and shovel.他在用镐和铲干活。
  • He seized a shovel and set to.他拿起一把铲就干上了。
2 lotion
  • The lotion should be applied sparingly to the skin.这种洗液应均匀地涂在皮肤上。
  • She lubricates her hands with a lotion.她用一种洗剂来滑润她的手。
3 porpoise
  • What is the difference between a dolphin and porpoise?海豚和和鼠海豚有什么区别?
  • Mexico strives to save endangered porpoise.墨西哥努力拯救濒危的鼠海豚。
4 spoke
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
5 cavern
  • The cavern walls echoed his cries.大山洞的四壁回响着他的喊声。
  • It suddenly began to shower,and we took refuge in the cavern.天突然下起雨来,我们在一个山洞里避雨。
6 pestering
使烦恼,纠缠( pester的现在分词 )
  • He's always pestering me to help him with his homework. 他总是泡蘑菇要我帮他做作业。
  • I'm telling you once and for all, if you don't stop pestering me you'll be sorry. 我这是最后一次警告你。如果你不停止纠缠我,你将来会后悔的。
7 pushy
  • But she insisted and was very pushy.但她一直坚持,而且很急于求成。
  • He made himself unpopular by being so pushy.他特别喜欢出风头,所以人缘不好。
8 spotlights
n.聚光灯(的光)( spotlight的名词复数 );公众注意的中心v.聚光照明( spotlight的第三人称单数 );使公众注意,使突出醒目
  • The room was lit by spotlights. 房间被聚光灯照亮。
  • The dazzle of the spotlights made him ill at ease. 聚光灯的耀眼强光使他局促不安。 来自辞典例句
9 unpacked
v.从(包裹等)中取出(所装的东西),打开行李取出( unpack的过去式和过去分词 );拆包;解除…的负担;吐露(心事等)
  • I unpacked my bags as soon as I arrived. 我一到达就打开行李,整理衣物。
  • Our guide unpacked a picnic of ham sandwiches and offered us tea. 我们的导游打开装着火腿三明治的野餐盒,并给我们倒了些茶水。 来自辞典例句
10 wink
  • He tipped me the wink not to buy at that price.他眨眼暗示我按那个价格就不要买。
  • The satellite disappeared in a wink.瞬息之间,那颗卫星就消失了。
11 hips
abbr.high impact polystyrene 高冲击强度聚苯乙烯,耐冲性聚苯乙烯n.臀部( hip的名词复数 );[建筑学]屋脊;臀围(尺寸);臀部…的
  • She stood with her hands on her hips. 她双手叉腰站着。
  • They wiggled their hips to the sound of pop music. 他们随着流行音乐的声音摇晃着臀部。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 pickup
  • I would love to trade this car for a pickup truck.我愿意用这辆汽车换一辆小型轻便卡车。||The luck guy is a choice pickup for the girls.那位幸运的男孩是女孩子们想勾搭上的人。
13 squealing
v.长声尖叫,用长而尖锐的声音说( squeal的现在分词 )
  • Pigs were grunting and squealing in the yard. 猪在院子里哼哼地叫个不停。
  • The pigs were squealing. 猪尖叫着。
acoustic clarifier
action programs
advanced data display system
amyloid neuropathy
anterior carpometacarpal ligament
aster formosanus
atmospheric dryer
automatic reading
Bacillus aerogenes capsulatus
Bhari R.
bill signed in acknowledgement of debt
boiler terminal connections
business to government
cam drum
carbonate rock
civatte bodies
civil airplane
clear boiling of soap
collapse sinkhole
composition of substitution
conditional relations
decoupling control
disorderly close-down
drop channel
electrometric migration
ferralic arenosols
five day fever
grand-canonical partition function
haemostasis, haemostases
harold bloom
high-pressure tester
hydrotimetric flask
iberian dance (ancient spain)
Illinois Basin
infrared burner
inquiry training method
map load
metal-insulator-metal devices
military toxicant injury
nitrogen austenite
non-negative variable
oil coat
optimal length
Owen, Wilfred
phytoplankton blooms
pneumatic receptor
purgative powder
reduction-oxidation polymerization
riverside drive
roll coater
round gutter cutter
schimtt system
scraper capacity
shifting bearing
sign-alternating focusing
singular ordinal number
soreness of waist
Spulico, C.
standardized management
thalline tartrate
upper sideband spectrum
vertical orientation
vital part