听歌学英语:感人夜之祈祷 Night Prayer
听歌学英语:感人夜之祈祷 Night Prayer 1
来自德国的IRIDIO组合,由成员Valentina和Franz组成。他们两人在童年时就对音乐有了兴趣并表现出来惊人的天赋,后来相差不到一年时间里,他们分别担任了两个乐队的重任,而且都举行了音乐会,参加过一些知名的音乐节。俗谚道:志不同道不合。在POP & DANCE 的共同认识的交集下,他们坠入了爱河,并在2002年组建了他们的“IRIDIO”,寓意为他们所有的音乐经历和尝试混合的结果。电子乐的飘渺、迷幻,再加上VALENTINA的声音,仿佛让人置身仙境!真的是一支非常有实力的组合!
This lonely road I am walking on
Where did it begin? Where will it end?
And when the dark night comes
Who will save my soul?
On my lonely road will I walk alone?
I never feared darkness coming near
Now I don’t know why I behold 2 the sky
To find the brightest star
With it’s brilliant light
So I pray to thee, will you shine on me?
Mother Moonlight, fill my scared eyes
Light up my way with your brightest ray
Shining on everything through the clouds
Take my hands, till the morning will come.
This dusty 3 road where I walk alone
With my restless 4 heart and my tired bones
It’s going on and on
But I know for sure
That it’s leading me to the world of dreams
This lonely road You are not alone
I am walking on When you leave your home
Where did it begin? And you're far away
Where will it end? On a dusty way
And when the dark night comes I will always care
Who will save my soul? And I will be there
On my lonely road Every time you call my name
will I walk alone?
I never feared darkness coming near
Now I don’t know why I behold the sky
To find the brightest star
With it’s brilliant light
So I pray to thee, will you shine on me?
- We heard the calling of the bells to prayer.我们听见了召唤祈祷的钟声。
- Everyone in church knelt in prayer.教堂里每个人都跪着祈祷。
- The industry of these little ants is wonderful to behold.这些小蚂蚁辛勤劳动的样子看上去真令人惊叹。
- The sunrise at the seaside was quite a sight to behold.海滨日出真是个奇景。
- He was pulling dead roots from the dusty earth.他正在从土中拔出枯死的根茎。
- One spring it was very windy and dusty here.有一年春天这里风沙很大。