时间:2019-02-09 作者:英语课 分类:实用英语


 1. Stop avoiding the problem and start being honest. Open the envelopes, call—or even better—visit your bank or broker 1. Be realistic. So many of us are living in the illusion of total scarcity 2. Look at what really did happen during the last few months. Get some help. You aren’t supposed to be an expert. Most of us feel intimidated 3 when it comes to money, but the truth is we were never given a proper education about it. You’re not alone. Everyone feels the same way to some degree. But avoiding the subject of money would be like saying, learning to walk is too difficult, so I’m not going to do it. Learn the basics. You’ll feel more grounded. And make sure to hire a banker or accountant you feel good about.

1. 停止逃避问题,诚实的面对问题。打开信封,接起电话,或者做得更好些——摆放你的银行或者经纪人。表现得现实一些,我们之中有太多人生活在对于完全缺乏认识的幻境之中。回顾过去几个月中那些的的确确发生了的事情,寻求一些帮助。你不能假定自己就是一个专家。大多数人在涉及到金钱时感到害怕,但事实是我们从未给予关于金钱恰当的教育。你并不是一个人,每个人呢或多或少都会有相同的感受。但逃避今天的问题就好像说,学走路太麻烦了,所以我决定不走了。学习一些基本的知识,你会感觉更踏实,并且雇佣一个你信得过的银行投资顾问或者会计。
2. Get organized. Know where your accounts, credit-card statements, insurance documents, will, etc. are. Most of us feel overwhelmed because we just don’t know where all of this stands. Often, it’s not the lack of money but more the general level of uncertainty 4 and messiness around this topic.
2.  使生活有条理。知道自己的存折,信用卡对账单,保险合约,意向书等等放在哪里。大多数人感到很沮丧仅仅因为他们不知道这些东西放在哪里了。通常,围绕着这一话题的并不是缺少金钱,而是更为普遍的不确定性和混乱性。
3. Review your statements. Get a feel for what you are spending. Where is your money really going? You may often find some errors and double charges. Look at hidden fees from all the bills you pay. Confirm that some of your regular income is going to a savings 5 account on a monthly basis. If you have an investment account, take a close look at what you have: stocks, funds, bonds, cash, gold. Know what you have and then ask yourself how it feels. You don’t need to have a finance background to know whether your money situation is letting you sleep at night.
3.  回顾你的对账单。对你把钱都花哪了有个概念,你的钱真正跑哪去了?你能经常发现一些错误已经重复收费,尤其看看你所付的账单中所隐藏的费用。保证你每月稳定收入的一部分会进入你的储蓄账户。如果你有一个投资账户,仔细的审视下你所有的投资品种:股票,基金,债券,现金,黄金等。知道你都有些什么然后问问你自己你对这种感觉怎么样。你并不需要有一些金融背景就能知道你的资金状况是否能让自己在晚上睡个踏实觉。
4. Get back to basics. This applies to every area of your life. Do you need to be spending so much on margaritas? Do you need another pair of jeans or shoes? Do you need a gym membership in a hot club you never use? Everyone knows where they are "leaking" money. For some it's on clothes, others it's food, and others it's on personal beauty treatments. Ask yourself what changes you can make that only you would notice.
5. Find another source of income, in addition to your regular job. Can you find a way of creating something, consulting, writing, translating, editing, babysitting, taking care of an elderly person, promoting something, or organizing something? The possibilities are endless. Here’s a clue—look for a way to take away someone’s pain, or problem. That’s what people will pay money for. What are you really good at? What is easy for you? Stretch your identity of what else you might be able to do, other than your regular job. And if you are the creative type, which deep down we all are, think about writing an ebook on a subject you know a lot about. There are plenty of sites that will put it up for free. You can then be making money while you sleep. That’s the goal.
5.  在保持现有工作的同时找一些额外的收入来源。你能找到一些工作比如,制造,咨询,写作,翻译,编辑,带小孩,老年人看管,改进些什么或者组织些什么吗?这种可能性是无限的,这里提供一条线索——试试看解决某人的痛苦或者问题。这些就是人们会为之付钱的事情。你擅长什么?方便做什么?把你自己的身份从一个你一直从事的扩展到其他你所能从事的。如果你是富有创意的哪一类人,那么考虑写一本关于你知道很多的话题的电子书。许多网站都会把它免费的放在线上。之后你就可以一边在家安心睡觉一边赚大钱了,当然,这是我们的终极目标。
6. Ask for discounts and special offers on everything. Think about how you can save on cable, phone bills, clothes, restaurants, or any work-related deals. Negotiate from the heart. Come from a place of authenticity 6 and ask sincerely. You will be amazed at what you can receive.
6.  任何东西都要讨价还价。想想你能从电视,手机账单,衣服,酒店或者任何与工作有关的东西上省下多少钱吧。真心诚意的去和商家沟通,要足够有诚意。你会被你所收获的吓一跳的。
7.  看看你周围能卖的东西。对你来说是废品的东西对别人来说可能就有价值。在那些你并不真正想要或者不再用的东西里藏着上千美元。是的,卖这些东西的确花点时间,但你能得到现金的回报,更整洁的房间以及腾出空间为新的东西都值得你这么做。
8. Not that this is a must, but if you had to radically 7 downsize your life, how would you do this? Would you move? Would you cook more or grow your own food? What would you do? Just knowing this will push you to live differently, with a higher level of consciousness.
8.  这并不是必须,不过如果你不得不全面的降低你的生活质量你将怎么做?你会搬家么?你会自己种菜自己烧饭么?你会做什么?仅仅是知道这也会迫使你以一种不同的方式去生活,带着一种更高的自主性去生活。
9. Take a look at your beliefs and emotions around money. Most of us picked these up from our parents. One of them was probably fearful or always worried. Maybe one of them over-spent or was in debt. Think about it. You are now an adult and don’t have to be loyal to their beliefs around money. If you do feel anxious about money, take a deep breath and ask yourself: “Where have I seen this before?” Commit to making a fresh start.
9.  注意你关于金钱的信念和情绪。大多数人从他们的父母那继承了对金钱的信念和情绪。其中一些可能一直很恐惧或者担忧,另外一些花钱大手大脚总是陷于债务之中。想想看,你现在是一个成年人并不需要对这些信念保持忠诚。如果你对金钱感到焦虑,深呼吸然后问你自己:“我以前在哪里看过这种状况?”尝试一个新的开始。
10. Be grateful for what you do have. We have so much more than 95% of the planet. Bless what you have. Find ways of giving. If it's not money, give your time and your heart. The more you give, the more life finds ways to give back.
10.  感激你所拥有的。我已经拥有很多了,大约整个星球95%的资源。对你所拥有的感到感激。寻找一些施舍的机会。如果不是钱,那么献出你的时间以及你的真心。你给的越多,生活就会通过各种方法回馈你越多。

  • He baited the broker by promises of higher commissions.他答应给更高的佣金来引诱那位经纪人。
  • I'm a real estate broker.我是不动产经纪人。
  • The scarcity of skilled workers is worrying the government.熟练工人的缺乏困扰着政府。
  • The scarcity of fruit was caused by the drought.水果供不应求是由于干旱造成的。
  • We try to make sure children don't feel intimidated on their first day at school. 我们努力确保孩子们在上学的第一天不胆怯。
  • The thief intimidated the boy into not telling the police. 这个贼恫吓那男孩使他不敢向警察报告。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Her comments will add to the uncertainty of the situation.她的批评将会使局势更加不稳定。
  • After six weeks of uncertainty,the strain was beginning to take its toll.6个星期的忐忑不安后,压力开始产生影响了。
  • I can't afford the vacation,for it would eat up my savings.我度不起假,那样会把我的积蓄用光的。
  • By this time he had used up all his savings.到这时,他的存款已全部用完。
  • There has been some debate over the authenticity of his will. 对于他的遗嘱的真实性一直有争论。
  • The museum is seeking an expert opinion on the authenticity of the painting. 博物馆在请专家鉴定那幅画的真伪。
  • I think we may have to rethink our policies fairly radically. 我认为我们可能要对我们的政策进行根本的反思。
  • The health service must be radically reformed. 公共医疗卫生服务必须进行彻底改革。
标签: 生活英语
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