报盘to offer||to make an offer||to submit an offering发实盘to offer firm||to make a firm offer还盘to make a counter offer||to counter本报盘以尚未出售为准to offer subject to unsold, without engagement留盘to hold an offer open||to keep an offer open撤销一项发盘to withdraw an offer||to cancel an offer接受一项发盘to close with an offer||to entertain an offer||to accept an offer更改发盘to improve an offer变更报盘to alter an offer延长发盘有效期to extend an offer重新报盘to renew an offer重复报盘to repeat an offer拒绝接受报盘to decline an offer此报盘以我方尚未售出为准an offer subject unsold一般报盘上述报盘, 以你方答复在不迟于本月底前到达我方为有效。一旦此报盘过期, 此货不可能存留不售。
This offer is firm subject to your immediate 1 reply which should reach us not later than the end of this month. There is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed 2.
为使你满意并维持顾客, 对贵公司的需求, 我们不计较数量多少, 均提供最低价格。
In our offer, we shall make it our business to charge you the lowest possible price for any quantity you may require, in order to give you an entire satisfaction and to retain your customs.
相信贵方能接受我们的报价, 此盘有效期可到回电为止。
We trust that you will be able to accept our offer, which shall be kept open against reply by wire.
This offer will remain open until receipt of your wire per return.
We offered them the goods.
We offered the articles to the firm.
上列货物, 按本季行情, 报价为:
We offer the goods at the current season's prices of清库发盘现减价处理库存货物, 价格至少减50%, 是家俱及五金制品前所未有的优惠价, 请勿失良机。
The stock on hand at present will be sold at a reduction of at least 50 per cent., and purchasers are respectfully in vited to avail themselves of this opportunity of providing themselves with articles in furniture and ironmongery at unprecedentedly 3 low prices.
请各位早日光临, 勿失良机。
Purchasers are respectfully requested to come early to prevent disappointment.
我们正在清仓, 有丝织品、天鹅绒、丝带、披风、披肩、毛制品、棉织品以及其他男士服饰, 均以进货价出售, 特告。
We are pleased to notify you that the whole of their extensive stock of silks velvets, ribbons, mantles 4, shawls, woollen and cotton goods. haberdashery, is now on sale at prime cost.
本店另有他用, 全部货物急需清仓处理。
As the premises 5 will be shortly required for other purposes, the whole of the goods must be immediately disposed of without reserve.
请求前来订货发盘我们与本地一流的厂商均有贸易联系, 所以能提供贵方所需的东西, 只要贵方有吩咐,定能使贵方满意。冒昧请你关照。
We venture to solicit 6 a share of your favour, as being in touch with all the leading merchants here, we are able to deal satisfactorily with any commissions with which you may entrust 7 us.
尽管孟加拉在抵制英货, 但棉织品仍然畅销。贵方如委托我们试销, 相信您不会失望。
In spite of the boycott 8 of British manufactures in Bengal, there is still a fine market for cotton goods, and if you would consign 9 us a small trial parcel, we are sure you will not be disappointed with the result.
我公司是制造厂商, 能保证产品质量和做工精美。贵公司订货如能一如既往, 将不胜感激。我当迅速、认真履约, 提供高效优质服务。
Being actual manufacturers, we are able to guarantee a uniform quality and excellent workmanship of our goods, and we shall be glad to be favoured, as before, with your esteemed 10 orders, which shall have our prompt and careful attention.
数日前写给贵公司的信谅已收到, 前函的发盘现又有重要进展。
Since I wrote to you a few days ago, there hsas been an important development as regards the offer I then made you.
关于经营地毯可见效益一事, 在上星期写给贵公司的信中, 有个要点没有提到, 即:
Referring to the letter which I wrote to you last week about the profit you could make by taking up the sales of rugs, there is an important point which I did not mention. It is this:
为不使我们的顾客失望, 贵公司如对这次生意有兴趣, 请迅速通知我们。因目前所剩余货不多, 日后我们无法再以此价进货。
I am anxious not to disappoint possible buyers in distant cities, to whom I wrote at the same time. Will you please therefore let me hear from you at once if this bargain interests you, because there are only a very few left now and we cannot get more at anything like this price.
我们的报价只有5天有效期, 但又考虑到, 外地区顾客应给予更多的时间研究, 才算公平。
Our offer to you was open only for 5 days, but, on thinking it over, it appears to us to be only fair that buyers in distant cities should be allowed extra time.
本人冒昧地邀请贵方于5月17日前来光顾本店, 请多关照。
On the 17th May, I venture to invite you to have a look at my shop, and wish me success.
本店现有时新商品, 如能光顾, 则非常感谢。
I have stocked it with up-to-date goods, and I shall regard it as a favour if you will come along and look at them.
请您光临, 购买与否, 悉听尊便。
Yes, just look at them-for you will hot be pressed to buy.
- His immediate neighbours felt it their duty to call.他的近邻认为他们有责任去拜访。
- We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.我们主张立即召开这个会议。
- He had lapsed into unconsciousness. 他陷入了昏迷状态。
- He soon lapsed into his previous bad habits. 他很快陷入以前的恶习中去。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- The National-Day celebration this year was an unprecedentedly great occasion. 今年国庆日庆祝仪式空前盛大。
- "This is undoubtedly a good one," the teacher insisted. "Unprecedentedly good! Just listen -- " 洋教师说,“这文章写得当然好,而且绝妙无比,你们听——” 来自汉英文学 - 散文英译
- According to the rules,no alcohol can be consumed on the premises.按照规定,场内不准饮酒。
- All repairs are done on the premises and not put out.全部修缮都在家里进行,不用送到外面去做。
- Beggars are not allowed to solicit in public places.乞丐不得在公共场所乞讨。
- We should often solicit opinions from the masses.我们应该经常征求群众意见。
- I couldn't entrust my children to strangers.我不能把孩子交给陌生人照看。
- They can be entrusted to solve major national problems.可以委托他们解决重大国家问题。
- We put the production under a boycott.我们联合抵制该商品。
- The boycott lasts a year until the Victoria board permitsreturn.这个抗争持续了一年直到维多利亚教育局妥协为止。
- We cannot agree to consign the goods.我们不同意寄售此货。
- We will consign the goods to him by express.我们将以快递把货物寄给他。