时间:2018-12-03 作者:英语课 分类:听力每日练习补充

Robert Gordon is phoning to book a hotel room in Paris.
Receptionist: 45-21-64. Allo?
Robert: Is that the Saint-Martine Hotel?
Receptionist: Oui. Yes, it is. Can I help you?
Robert: Have you got a double room for the night of 23rd July?
Receptionist: One moment please. I'll just have a look. Yes, we have got a double room on that date.
Robert: Has it got a double bed or two singles?
Receptionist: Two singles, monsieur.
Robert: And is that with or without bath?
Receptionist: It's a room with shower and toilet, monsieur.
Robert: That sounds fine. Is there a TV?
Receptionist: Could you repeat that, please?
Robert: Is there a color television in the room?
Receptionist: Yes, but of course. And a video, if you choose.
Robert: How much will it be for one night?
Receptionist: About four hundred francs.
Robert: And what does that include?
Receptionist: It includes morning newspaper, continental 1 breakfast and service.
Robert: Where is the nearest metro 2?
Receptionist: Opera, monsieur. It's only five minutes from here.
Robert: And is there an extra charge for children?
Receptionist: If the child is under sixteen and we put an extra bed in your room, the charge is seventy-five francs. Do you want the room?
Robert: Yes, for one night—23rd July.
Receptionist: Oui, monsieur. May I have your name, please?
Robert: Actually, it's for my wife and two daughters—Mrs. Jean Gordon, Linda and Maggie.
Receptionist: Yes, monsieur. So you need an extra bed. And what time will they be arriving on July 23rd ...

Interviewer: Now you've been a veterinary doctor for some thirty years, what was it that made you become a vet 3 in the first place?
Vet: Well, I studied as an ordinary doctor in the beginning, but I slowly realized that I liked animals very much. I almost prefer animals to people. So I took an extra course in animal medicine. It's as simple as that really.
Interviewer: And you still enjoy working with animals?
Vet: Oh, yes, very much so. In fact, more than ever now. I've got to know animals much better, you see, and I get on better with them in every way. Their owners sometimes get on my nerves 4, though.
Interviewer: Oh ... why is that?
Vet: Well, some people know very little about animals and keep them in the wrong conditions.
Interviewer: What sort of conditions?
Vet: Oh, you know, some people buy a large dog and then try to keep it in a small flat; they don't take it out enough to give it proper exercise. Other people have a cat and try to keep it in the house all day, but a cat needs to get out and be free to come and go as it pleases. A lot of people don't feed their animals properly. It's very common to give pets too much food which is very bad for them, especially if they're not getting enough exercise. Or not to feed them regularly, which is equally bad. An animal is a responsibility which is something many people don't seem to realize.
Interviewer: You mean people keep pets for the wrong reasons?
Vet: Yes, some people want a pet because they're lonely, or simply for decoration, or just to show how rich they are.
Interviewer: And just how do you deal with these people?
Vet: Well, I try to tell them what the animal needs, what is the right sort of food, the proper exercise. I try to teach them that animals are not toys and if they're to be healthy, they have to be happy.
Interviewer: Yes, I suppose you're right. In your thirty years as a vet you must have come across some interesting cases?
Vet: Oh yes, there are lots of interesting cases. I was once called to a lioness who was giving birth and having difficulty. Now that was really interesting.

Well, now, ladies and gentlemen, that was our last item, and all that remains 5 for me to do is to thank our performers sincerely on behalf 7 of us all for the pleasure they have given us this evening. And of course I must express thanks to those who've worked behind the scenes. And especially our producer. But most of all I want to say thank you to all of you for coming here this evening and supporting this event, especially in such weather. I think perhaps I should take this opportunity to renew 8 my sincere 6 apologies to those sitting in the back rows. We've made temporary repairs to the roof, but unfortunately the rain tonight was unexpectedly 9 heavy, and we're grateful to you for your understanding and cheerful good humor 10. I may say that we had hoped that temporary repairs would suffice 11. But we were recently informed by our surveyor that the whole roof will have to be replaced: which is of course a severe blow when you think it's only five years since we replaced the roof of the church itself. And so we shall be having another concert soon, I hope.

Manager: Good morning, madam. And what can we do for you?
Woman: What can you do for me?
Manager: Yes, madam, what can we do for you?
Woman: You've already done it, thank you very much. And I want something done about what you've done for me.
Manager: Is something the matter, madam?
Woman: I'll say there is, I want to see the manager.
Manager: I'm the manager, madam. Now ... now what seems to be the trouble?
Woman: Look at my face!
Manager: Your face? Ah yes. Oh dear. Well, never mind. What's wrong with your face? What exactly am I supposed to be looking at?
Woman: My lines, my Wrinkles 13.
Manager: Well, we can soon put that right, Madam. You need a bottle of our New Generation Wrinkle 12 Cream. With this wonderful new cream your lines and wrinkles just ...
Woman: Shut up!
Manager: ... just disap ... I beg your pardon?
Woman: I said shut up! I was silly enough to listen to you before. I'll listen to no more of it.
Manager: You say you've been here before, madam. I'm afraid I don't recognize you.
Woman: Of course you don't recognize me! Last time I came in here I was a very attractive middle-aged 14 woman. Now I look old enough to be even your grandmother.
Manager: Well, yes ... er ... some of us do age quicker than others.
Woman: It's not a question of age, my man, it's a question of your cream. I used it for two small lines under my eyes and I woke up next morning looking like Lady Frankenstein. Your advertisement says 'Lose ten years overnight 17. For only five pounds you can look young and attractive again. Tried by thousands. Money back guarantee.' Well, I want more than my money back. I want you to pay for me to have plastic surgery 18.
Manager: But, madam, there must be some mistake.
Woman: I'll say there's been a mistake. My mistake was believing your advert 16 and buying your silly cream. 'It can do the same for you, too,' it said. Well, it's certainly done something for me, but now what it did for the lady in the picture.
Manager: But our product is tested and approved by doctors. It was thoroughly 19 tested on thousands of volunteers by experts before it was allowed to be sold on the market. This is the first complaint we've had.
Woman: I told you, I want you to pay for a face lift or I'm taking you to court! So there!
Manager: Er, do you happen to have a ... a recent photograph, madam?
Woman: What ... whatever do you want with a photograph? You can see the way I look.
Manager: I mean a photograph of you just before you used the cream.
Woman: Do you think I go to the photographers everyday? (Pause) Look, Just give me the five pounds, will you?
Manager: Do you have your receipt 20 with you, madam?
Woman: Er ... just a minute ... let me have a look. (Rummages in bag) Er ... no. No, I seem to have lost it?
Manager: Then there's nothing I can do, madam. Sorry.
Woman: (furious) I'll take you to court. I'll take you to court.
Manager: You can do as you please, madam. Good morning.

—Right, what do you want me to get then?
—Right, er ... well, go to the green grocer's first.
—Yeah, the green grocer's. (Right.) OK.
—Right, let me see, potatoes, but new potatoes, not mottled ones. I mean they're really not very good any more. Urm, three pounds ...
—Hang on. I'm trying to write this down. New potatoes.
—... three pounds.
—Three pounds. Yes.
—Spring onions, one bunch.
—One bunch of spring onions.
—And ... a pound of bananas.
—And a pound of bananas. Right.
—And then, could you go to the supermarket as well?
—Yes, yes.
—Mm, let me see. A packet of sugar cubes 21.
—A packet of sugar cubes.
—Yeah. Cubes, mind you, not the other stuff 22.
—Coffee, instant coffee, but yeah, get Nescafe, Nescafe gold blend 23.
—Yeah. I don't really like any other kinds.
—OK. Nescafe ... what did you say?
—Gold blend.
—Gold blend. Yeah.
—You know one of those eight-ounce jars.
—Eight ounces 24. Yes, yes.
—Cooking oil.
—Cooking oil.
—Sunflower ... you see, I need it for ...
—What is it? What's that?
—I need it for a special recipe.
—Never heard of that.
—Sunflower cooking oil.
—Any special kind?
—Any dry white.
—Dry white wine. Yeah.
—And some bread.
—Some bread. Any, again, any particular kind?
—Any kind?
—Any kind, yeah.
—OK. Yeah. Anything else?
—No, I don't think. Oh yes, hang on. I forget apples. Golden delicious, urm, from the green grocer's.
—Golden delicious apples. How many?
—Two pounds.
—Two pounds.
* * *
—Hi, I'm back.
—Ah, good. Right, well, let's see what you've got then.
—Right, let's see what we have got here. Three pounds of potatoes.
—Oh look. These're old potatoes. I did say new potatoes. These, these are no good.
—Oh, I'm sorry. It doesn't make much difference.
—Yes, it does.
—I'm sorry. Well, actually, I couldn't, I didn't see any new potatoes.
—Mm, alright. What are these, onions?
—Onions, yes.
—But these are not spring onions.
—Oh, they are nice, nice big ones, though, aren't they?
—Yeah, but not spring onions.
—Oh, sorry. I didn't, I didn't really know what spring onions were.
—Well, you know, there's long ones ...
—Oh, they have all sorts.
—... and thin ones.
—Right. Some bananas.
—That, yeah, they are fine. Great.
—Good. Two pounds of apples.
—Cooking apples? I did say golden delicious. Look, these are for cooking. I wanted some for eating. You know, for ... oh well ...
—Oh well, I didn't know. I thought they would do. They look nice.
—Mm, no.
—Right. A bottle of wine. Riesling, OK?
—Yeah, fine, great. That's fine. And sugar cubes here. Great.
—Yes, yes.
—Right. Now they didn't have any Nescafe Gold Blend, so I got Maxwell House. That's all they had.
—Alright, alright. Never mind.
—Yeah. And oil.
—But not Sunflower oil.
—I couldn't see that. I got this. I think it's good stuff, good quality.
—Yes, it is good, but it's olive 25 oil and that's not what my recipe wanted. I need Sunflower oil.
—Well, I don't think you'll find it. And a loaf of bread.
—That's fine. All right. Well, I suppose I'll have to go out myself again then.
—Well, sorry, but I don't think it's my fault.

Hugh is on the telephone. Listen to his conversation with Herr Kohler.
Secretary: I have a call for you on line one, Mr. Gibbs. It's Mandred Kohler in Dusseldorf.
Hugh: Oh, yes. Put him through. Hello, Herr Kohler. How are you?
Kohler: Very well, thank you. And you?
Hugh: Just fine.
Kohler: Glad to hear it ... uh ... I'll come straight to the point, if you don't mind. I'm sure you know why I'm phoning.
Hugh: Yes, of course. About the ...
Kohler: Exactly. Are you in a position to give us a definite assurance 26 that the goods will be delivered on time?
Hugh: Well, um ... you can count on us to do our very best, however ...
Kohler: Hmm. Excuse me, Mr. Gibbs, but I'm afraid that really isn't good enough ... I beg your pardon, I don't mean your best isn't good enough, but will you meet the deadline or won't you?
Hugh: I ... I was coming to that, Herr Kohler. I must be frank 15 with you. We've run into a few problems.
Kohler: Problems? What kind of problems?
Hugh: Technical problems. Nothing very serious. There's no need to worry.
Kohler: I hope not, Mr. Gibbs, for your sake 27 as well as ours. I'm sure you're aware that there's a penalty 28 in your contract with us for late delivery 29 and we'll ...
Hugh: Yes, Herr Kohler, I'm perfectly 30 aware of that. But do you need the whole order by the 24th?
Kohler: We would certainly prefer the whole order to be delivered by then, yes.
Hugh: Yes, but do you need the whole order then?
Kohler: What exactly are you suggesting?
Hugh: You can count on us to get half of the order to you by then.
Kohler: Hmm ... and how long before the other half is delivered?
Hugh: Another week at the most!
Kohler: Hmm ... you're sure that's all?
Hugh: Yes, absolutely! You can depend on us to get half the order to you by the 24th and the other half within a week.
Kohler: Hmm ... yes, that should be all right ... but there must be no further delays!
Hugh: There won't be! You can count on that.
Kohler: Very well, Mr. Gibbs.
Hugh: Thank you! You've been very understanding.
Kohler: Goodbye, Mr. Gibbs.
Hugh: Goodbye, Herr Kohler. And thank you again! Phew! Well, ... that's at least one problem out of the way!

When Elvis Presley died on 16th August, 1977, radio and television programs all over the world were interrupted to give the news of his death. President Carter was asked to declare a day of national mourning. Carter said: 'Elvis Presley changed the face of American popular culture ... He was unique and irreplaceable.' Eighty thousand people attended his funeral. The streets were jammed with cars, and Elvis Presley films were shown on television, and his records were played on the radio all day. In the year after his death, one hundred million Presley LPs were sold.
Elvis Presley was born on January 8th, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi. His twin brother, Jesse Garon, died at birth. His parents were very poor and Elvis never had music lessons, but he was surrounded by music from an early age. His parents were very religious, and Elvis regularly sang at church services. In 1948, when he was thirteen, his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. He left school in 1953 and got a job as a truck driver.
In the summer of 1953 Elvis paid four dollars and recorded two songs for his mother's birthday at Sam Phillips' Sun Records studio. Sam Phillips heard Elvis and asked him to record "That's All Right" in July 1954. Twenty thousand copies were sold, mainly in and around Memphis. He made five more records for Sun, and in July 1955 he met Colonel 31 Tom Parker, who became his manager in November. Parker sold Elvis's contract to RCA Records. Sun Records got thirty-five thousand dollars and Elvis got five thousand dollars. With the money he bought a pink Cadillac for his mother. On January 10th, 1956, Elvis recorded "Heartbreak Hotel", and a million copies were sold. In the next fourteen months he made another fourteen records, and they were all big hits. In 1956 he also made his first film in Hollywood.
In March, 1958, Elvis had to join the army. He wanted to be an ordinary soldier. When his hair was cut thousands of women cried. He spent the next two years in Germany, where he met Priscilla Beaulieu, who became his wife eight years later on May 1st, 1967. In 1960 he left the army and went to Hollywood where he made several films during the next few years.
By 1968 many people had become tired of Elvis. He hadn't performed live since 1960. But he recorded a new LP "From Elvis in Memphis" and appeared in a special television program. He became popular again, and went to Las Vegas, where he was paid seven hundred fifty thousand dollars for four weeks. In 1972 his wife left him, and they were divorced 32 in October, 1973. He died from a heart attack. He had been working too hard, and eating and drinking too much for several years. He left all his money to his only daughter, Lisa Marie Presley. She became one of the richest people in the world when she was only nine years old.

1 continental
  • A continental climate is different from an insular one.大陆性气候不同于岛屿气候。
  • The most ancient parts of the continental crust are 4000 million years old.大陆地壳最古老的部分有40亿年历史。
2 metro
  • Can you reach the park by metro?你可以乘地铁到达那个公园吗?
  • The metro flood gate system is a disaster prevention equipment.地铁防淹门系统是一种防灾设备。
3 vet
  • I took my dog to the vet.我把狗带到兽医诊所看病。
  • Someone should vet this report before it goes out.这篇报道发表之前应该有人对它进行详查。
4 nerves
n.神经紧张 vt.鼓起勇气
  • What he said at the meeting strung her nerves up. 他在会议上的发言使她的神经很紧张。
  • At the end of a day's teaching, her nerves were absolutely shattered. 教了一天课,她精疲力竭。
5 remains
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
6 sincere
  • He is sincere and easy to get along with.他为人诚恳,很好相处。
  • His mother is a sincere Christian.他母亲是个虔诚的基督教徒。
7 behalf
  • Ken is not present,so I shall accept the prize on his behalf.肯没有出席,所以我将代表他领奖。
  • They fixed on him to speak on their behalf.他们已经确定他作为代表发言。
8 renew
  • The most important thing is to renew your health.最重要的是恢复你的健康。
  • We must renew our supplies of coal.我们必须补充煤的储备。
9 unexpectedly
  • The volcano unexpectedly blew up early in the morning. 火山一早突然爆发了。
  • I had just put the dinner on when Jim walked in unexpectedly. 我刚把晚饭摆上桌,吉姆突然走进来。
10 humor
  • He is distinguished for his sense of humor.他以其幽默感著称。
  • American humor is founded largely on hyperbole.美式幽默主要以夸张为基础。
11 suffice
  • Some bread and soup will suffice me.有面包和汤对我来说就足够了。
  • Here a single example will suffice.这里只举一个例子就够了。
12 wrinkle
  • This pair of pants does not wrinkle.这条裤子不会皱。
  • Too much sunbathing will wrinkle your skin.皮肤晒得过分就能起皱纹。
13 wrinkles
n.(尤指皮肤上的)皱纹( wrinkle的名词复数 );皱褶;有用的建议;妙计v.使起皱纹( wrinkle的第三人称单数 );(尤指皮肤)起皱纹
  • There were fine wrinkles around her eyes. 她眼角上出现了鱼尾纹。
  • His face was lined with wrinkles. 他的脸上都是皱纹。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 middle-aged
  • I noticed two middle-aged passengers.我注意到两个中年乘客。
  • The new skin balm was welcome by middle-aged women.这种新护肤香膏受到了中年妇女的欢迎。
15 frank
  • A frank discussion can help to clear the air.坦率的谈论有助于消除隔阂。
  • She is frank and outgoing.她很爽朗。
16 advert
  • The advert featured a dolphin swimming around a goldfish bowl.该广告的內容为一条在金鱼缸里游动的海豚。
  • Please advert to the contents below.I believe you won't be disappointed.敬请留意后面的内容。相信您一定不会失望的。
17 overnight
ad.前一天晚上,一夜间 a.前一天晚上的
  • She stayed overnight in the hotel. 她在旅馆过了一夜。
  • Our success is not won overnight. 我们的成功不是一夜之间得来的。
18 surgery
  • What time does surgery finish?门诊什么时间结束?
  • Your condition is serious and requires surgery.你的情况很严重,需要动外科手术。
19 thoroughly
  • The soil must be thoroughly turned over before planting.一定要先把土地深翻一遍再下种。
  • The soldiers have been thoroughly instructed in the care of their weapons.士兵们都系统地接受过保护武器的训练。
20 receipt
  • We are in receipt of your letter of the 10th.我们收到了您十日的来函。
  • I asked for a receipt.我要一张收据。
21 cubes
立方形的东西,立方体( cube的名词复数 ); 立方
  • Cut the meat into cubes. 把肉切成丁儿。
  • I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes. 我给你的饮料重加一些苏打水和冰块。
22 stuff
  • We could supply you with the stuff in the raw tomorrow.明天我们可以供应你原材料。
  • He is not the stuff.他不是这个材料。
23 blend
  • Do you think these two colours will blend together?你认为这两种颜色和谐吗?
  • These houses seem to blend into the surrounding scenery.这些房屋似乎与周围的景色融为一体了。
24 ounces
n.盎司( ounce的名词复数 );少量,一点儿
  • Six ounces of cheese, please. 请称6盎司的乳酪。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Xiangzi bought four ounces of liquor and three coppers worth of peanuts. 祥子要了四两白干,三个大子儿的落花生。 来自汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
25 olive
  • Have you eaten a kind of fruit called olive?你吃过橄榄这种水果吗?
  • She likes olive because It'symbolizes peace.她喜欢橄榄色因为它象征着和平。
26 assurance
  • The young teacher lacked assurance in front of his class.这位青年教师在学生面前缺少自信心。
  • He has a life assurance.他投保了人寿保险。
27 sake
  • He loves poetry for beauty's sake.他因为爱美而喜欢诗歌。
  • We can't risk big things for the sake of small ones.我们不能因小失大。
28 penalty
  • If you knock the ball with your hand in football,you will suffer a penalty.如果在踢足球时你用手碰到球,你将受到处罚。
  • One of those arrested could face the death penalty.被捕的那些人中有一人可能被判死刑。
29 delivery
  • The strike caused a great delay in the delivery of the mail.这次罢工严重地延误了邮件的投递。
  • He was employed at the local grocery store as a delivery boy.他受雇于当地杂货店当送货员。
30 perfectly
  • The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
  • Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board.我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。
31 colonel
  • It's a pity we didn't mend our fences with the colonel.可惜我们还没有和上校先生调整好关系。
  • An army major ranks between a captain and a colonel.陆军少校的军阶在上尉与中校之间。
32 divorced
  • Apparently they are getting divorced soon. 看样子,他们很快就要离婚。
  • Many divorced men remarry and have second families. 许多离婚的男子再婚组成了新的家庭。
a profound sleep
Abkhaz ASSR
acid tar
Albany, Mt.
Artemisia cana
axially magnetised stator
Bozsin box
brance dicke scalar tensor theory
chairman,s report
complex tone
constrained yield point
control-surface area
cultural resistance
dealer's license
dolomite powder
down flow
folk etymologist
general-purpose relay
genus rumohras
Hilbertian basis
hired transport
hygrophilous plant
industry development
inner radiation belt
istigobius decoratus
jacketed lamp
key exchange algorithm
limbs dance company
Lérez, R.
magnetic induction component
male accessary gland
manufacturing specification
miserable failure
negligence of operation
non-metallic ingredient
peace of conscience
physiological specialization
pulls the trigger
retail services
sea slope
semantic stack element
sequential storage device
Sewell Wright effect
shimchath torahs
socket 4
Spirochaeta icterogenes
strip copper
supply system
surface of weld
tapped off
tasting menu
tax havens
top lift cradle
transcendental signifier
undersea telephone system
ventilating relief cock
wade through
Winchester technology
xenon flashtube
Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge
yesterday's man