时间:2018-12-03 作者:英语课 分类:听力每日练习补充


—I'm going to buy a new carpet.
—But you can't do that.
—Why can't I?
—We haven't got enough money.
—What are you going to do this afternoon?
—I'm going to weed the garden.
—Are you going to weed the garden tomorrow afternoon, too?
—No. I'm going to paint the front door.
—I'm going to sit on this chair.
—But you mustn't.
—Why not?
—Because it's broken.
—Do you like roast 1 chicken?
—Yes. I love it. Thank you.
—Do you prefer brown meat or white meat?
—I really don't mind. Thank you.
—Did you buy anything when you went to Paris?
—Yes. I bought a briefcase 2.
—What's it like?
—It's a large, leather one.
—Did you take a bus to the meeting place?
—No. I went in Richard's car.
—Did Susan go in Richard's car, too?
—No. She took a taxi.
—Excuse me, sir, is this your cigarette lighter 3?
—I beg your pardon?
—I said "Is this your cigarette lighter".
—Oh, yes, it is. Thank you so much.
—Not at all. It's a pleasure.
—Are you engaged 4, Margaret?
—Of course I'm not. Why do you ask, Nicholett?
—I only wanted to practice my English.
—Oh, I see. You want to make use of me.
—Good evening, and how have you spent the day?
—I serviced and cleaned the car till lunch time.
—And what did you do after lunch?
—I took the family into the country for a picnic.
—Hello, Tony, where have you been?
—Who did you go with?
—I went with Mark and Elizabeth.
—Hello, why haven't you lit your cigar?
—I haven't brought my lighter.
—I would lend you mine, if you like.
—Thank you. That's very kind of you.
—Good evening. Can I help you?
—Yes. I have injured 5 my ankle 6.
—What happened?
—I fell off a ladder last night.
—What are those trays 7 made of?
—They are made of plastic.
—Are trays always made of plastic?
—No. They are sometimes made of wood or metal.
—What's wrong?
—I'm very thirsty.
—Why not buy a cup of coffee, then?
—Yes. That's a good idea. I will.
—Excuse me. But is it half past four yet?
—I'm sorry, but I haven't got a watch. Try the man with the walking stick. He has one.
—Thank you. I will.
Listen to these people talking about things they like, things they don't like and things they sometimes like.
Kurt is talking to Georgina.
Male: Do you like chocolates?
Female 8: It depends.
Instructor 9: Here is the question: Does she like chocolates?
"Sometimes" is the correct answer.
Now listen to the next example and do the same.

Male: Would you like a chocolate?
Female: Not at the moment. Thanks.
Instructor: Here is the question: Does she like chocolates?
"Don't know" is the correct answer.
Here are more conversations.

Female: Do you like pop music?
Male: It depends.
Instructor: Does he like pop music?
Male: Would you like to come to a concert tonight?
Female: Sorry. I'm afraid I can't.
Instructor: Does she like pop concerts?
Male: Do you like good coffee?
Female: Mmmm. It's delicious.
Instructor: Does she like good coffee?
Female: Do you like English food?
Male: Not all of it.
Instructor: Does he like English food?
Male: Would you like a cup of tea?
Female: I'd rather have a cool drink, please.
Instructor: Does she like tea?
Female: Would you like an ice cream?
Male: Well ... I never eat ice cream.
Instructor: Does he like ice cream?
Male: Would you like to come to a football match tomorrow?
Female: Football matches are usually awful.
Instructor: Does she like football matches?
Male: Would you like to come to the cinema this evening?
Female: That would be lovely.
Instructor: Does she like the cinema?

Bob and Angela are window-shopping. The shop is closed, but they are talking about the sales next week. They are planning to buy a lot of things.
Bob: Look at that, Angela. True-Value are going to sell hi-fi's for 72.64 pounds. I'm going to buy one. We can save at least twenty pounds.
Angela: Yes, and look at the washing machines. They're going to sell some washing machines for 98.95 pounds. So we can save twenty-two pounds. A washing machine is more important than a hi-fi.
Bob: By the way, Angela. Do you know how much money we've got? About two hundred pounds, I hope.
Angela: Here's the bank statement 10. I didn't want to open it. Oh, dear.
Bob: What's the matter?
Angela: We haven't got two hundred pounds, I'm afraid.
Bob: Well, come on. How much have we got?
Angela: Only 150.16 pounds.
Susan is talking to Christine.
Susan: I hear you and James are engaged at last.
Christine: Yes, we are.
Susan: When are you getting married?
Christine: In the spring.
Susan: Oh, lovely. Where's the wedding going to be?
Christine: Well ... We're not sure yet, probably in St. Albans.
Susan: Oh, yes, your parents live there, don't they?
Christine: Yes, that's right.
Susan: Where are you going to live?
Christine: We're going to buy a flat or a small house somewhere in South London.
Susan: Are you going to give up your job?
Christine: Yes, probably, but I may look for another one when we've settled 11 in.
    I have a watch. It is a Swiss 12 watch. It is not new and my friends are sometimes a little rude about it. They tell me to buy a new one. But I do not want a new one. I am very happy with my old watch. Last week it stopped. So I took it to the shop. I did not ask for an estimate 13. Today I went to get it. Do you know how much I had to pay? Five pounds. Five pounds just for cleaning a watch.

    Have you ever thought what it is like to be one of those beautiful girls that you see on the front of fashion magazines? They meet interesting people, they travel to exciting places, and sometimes they make a lot of money. But they have to work hard. They often have to get up very early in the morning, and of course they have to be very careful about what they eat.

—I'm going to clean the blackboard.
—But you can't do that.
—Why can't I?
—We haven't got a duster.

—I'm going to drink some of this milk.
—But you mustn't.
—Why not?
—Because it's sour.
—Excuse me, Madam, did you drop your glove?
—I beg your pardon?
—I said "Did you drop your glove".
—Oh, yes, I did. Thank you so much.
—Not at all. It's a pleasure.
—Where have you been?
—To the cinema.
—Who did you go with?
—I went with Jone Judge.
—What can I do for you?
—I have damaged my wrist 14, doctor.
—How did you do that?
—I fell on it while I was playing tennis.
—What's wrong?
—I have a pain in my chest 15.
—Why not go and see your doctor?
—Yes. That's a good idea. I will.
—What are you going to do this evening?
—I'm going to p1ay cards.
—Are you going to play cards tomorrow evening, too?
—No. I'm going to make a new dress.
—Do you like boiled eggs?
—Yes. I love them. Thank you.
—Do you prefer hard ones or soft ones?
—I really don't mind. Thank you.
—Did you buy anything when you were in the town?
—Yes. I bought a blouse.
—What's it like?
—It's a blue one with a high neck.
—Did you walk to the match?
—No. I went by car.
—Did John go by car, too?
—No. He cycled.
—Hello, and how did you spend the holiday?
—I played tennis till lunch time.
—What did you do after lunch?
—I went for a swim with John.
—Hello, why aren't you playing tennis?
—I haven't brought my racket.
—You can borrow mine, if you like.
—Oh, thank you. That's very kind of you.
—What are those shirts made of?
—They are made of cotton.
—Are shirts always made of cotton?
—No. They are sometimes made of wool or nylon 16.
Female: I've got two tickets for a volleyball match this evening. Why don't you come?
Male: Uh ... no, thanks. I ... I'm not very interested in volleyball.
Female: Oh, why not? Have you ever seen it played?
Male: No, I haven't, but I really don't th...
Female: That's what I thought. You don't know what you're missing 17.
Male: Don't I? Why?
Female: Because it's very fast, with lots of action.
Male: Really? Who's playing?
Female: Two of the best women's teams in the world, one from Finland and the other from Belgium.
Male: Hmm. It sounds exciting.
Female: Yes, it is! Very!
Male: Hmm. Well, perhaps I'll come after all.
Female: Good! Now ... uh ... could you ... uh ... could I have five pounds, please?
Male: Five pounds? What for?
Female: Your ticket, of course. I bought two of them in advance, hoping I'd persuade you to come with me.
Male: Oh ... uh ... You know, I've just remembered something.
Female: What?
Male: I've got to see some friends this evening.
Female: Oh ... I see ... I mean ... you won't be coming, after all, then?
Male: No, not unless...
Female: Unless what?
Male: Perhaps you could let me have the ticket for a bit less? Let's say three pounds.
Female: But you said you had to meet some friends!
Male: Come on. I was only joking. Here's your five pounds. Of course I'll come.
(sound of telephone ringing)
Tom: Tom Haley speaking.
Philip: Hello, Tom. It's Philip. I waited for a phone call from you but I can't wait any longer. Tell me about your first week.
Tom: Hmmmmmm. It wasn't easy.
Philip: Wasn't it? Why? What did you have to do?
Tom: On Monday and Tuesday, I lifted heavy boxes. On Wednesday, I put hundreds of bottles and tins and packets on shelves.
Philip: Was it boring?
Tom: Yes, very boring. And I dropped a lot of boxes.
Philip: Did you break anything?
Tom: Oh, just a few jars of jam and a lot of bottles of tomato juice.
Philip: Ugh. What a mess. So tell me about Thursday.
Tom: I'm afraid I was two hours late ... and the supervisor 18 was really angry. Then I put price labels 19 on bottles and tins and packets. Very confusing 20.
Philip: Did you put the right labels on them?
Tom: Not always. I made one or two mistakes.
Philip: Only one or two? What did you do on Friday and Saturday?
Tom: I didn't do very much. I was fed up. The supermarket was open until 9 pm. They wanted me to work overtime 21 but I went home at six.
Philip: I see. Have you still got a job?
Tom: I don't know. I have to see the supervisor tomorrow.
Philip: Well, you'd better get up early. Good luck!
1. I hate the stairs. Sometimes the lift isn't working and you have to use the stairs. I can't get up the stairs by myself; it's my back, you see. Jane, my friend, lives on the ground floor, that's much easier. Nearly every morning I stop there for a cup of tea before I come back up here.
2. I don't mind living in a tall building. I don't mind the stairs. I quite like the exercise. Of course, it's difficult for older people but I don't mind if you live on the top floor, like Mrs. Green, it's not easy. And I don't like the ground floor; I don't think it's safe. But I like my place. I've got three floors below me and three above, I feel very safe. My Mum lives here too, on the ground floor.
3. Alice comes every morning. Well, nearly every morning. She's not young any more, you see, she's seventy-eight next birthday, and it's difficult for her to walk up to the top floor. I can't go up; I can't move. It's my leg; I've got a bad leg. Carol 22 comes to see me sometimes. She lives here too, you know, in another flat. She's my daughter.
    We are going to Scotland 23 for our holiday. We are leaving early on Saturday morning and I hope we will get to York about eleven o'clock. We are spending the night in York, then on Sunday we are driving up to Scotland. We are going to stay at a lovely little hotel near a lake. Of course we will probably get some rain, but I am sure we will have a fantastic holiday.

    People often ask me for my telephone number. But I have not got a telephone, so I tell them to ring me at work. Why don't I have a telephone? I think the telephone is expensive and I prefer to write a letter. There aren't many people I want to speak to in the evening and I do not want to speak to anybody at breakfast time. When I want to use the telephone in the evening, I can always use the box at the end of the road.

—Can I help you?
—Yes, please. I'd like some instant 24 coffee.
—Certainly. How much would you like?
—A large jar, please.
—That's a very nice cardigan. Is it new?
—Yes. It was very cheap. I got it in a sale.
—I like it very much. It suits you very well.
—Oh, thank you.
—Do you read many novels?
—Yes. I suppose I've read about four novels this year.
—I see. And what was the last novel you read?
—Let me see. It was A Man in Havana.
—And when did you read it?
—I read it on Tuesday evening.
—Why did you read it?
—Well ...
—Do you smoke?
—Yes, I do.
—How long have you been smoking 25 for?
—Six years.
—And how many cigarettes have you smoked during that time?
—I was just about to have a swim when I saw the shark!
—That's nothing. I was in the middle of swimming when I saw the shark.
—What happened?
—I started swimming for the shore, of course.
(Yvonne Deraine is staying at the Hotel Noptune. She goes to the Reception Desk and asks:)
Yvonne: Can I have breakfast in my room?
Clerk: Certainly, madam. Breakfast is served in your room from 7 o'clock until 10. Here is the menu.
Yvonne: Thank you. (looks at the menu) I'd like to have the Continental 26 Breakfast.
Clerk: Yes, madam. And at what time would you like it?
Yvonne: About half past eight, I think.
Clerk: 8:30. Very good, madam. And what kind of fruit juice would you like? We have pineapple, orange, grapefruit ...
Yvonne: I think I'd like the pineapple please.
Clerk: Pineapple juice. And would you prefer tea or coffee?
Yvonne: Coffee please.
Clerk: Thank you very much. Goodnight.
* * *
(At 8:30 the next morning, there is a light tap at Yvonne's door.)
Yvonne: Y-es. Come in.
Maid 27: I've brought you your breakfast, madam.
Yvonne: Oh yes. Thank you. Could you put it on the desk over there please?
Maid: Shall I pour you a cup of coffee straight away, madam?
Yvonne: No, thanks. I'll pour it myself in a minute.
Maid: Is there anything else, madam?
Yvonne: No-no, I don't think so, thank you.

1 roast
  • There's a piece of roast beef.这儿有一块烤牛肉.
  • Put the meat into the oven to roast.把肉放到炉子里去烤。
2 briefcase
  • He packed a briefcase with what might be required.他把所有可能需要的东西都装进公文包。
  • He requested the old man to look after the briefcase.他请求那位老人照看这个公事包。
3 lighter
  • The portrait was touched up so as to make it lighter.这张画经过润色,色调明朗了一些。
  • The lighter works off the car battery.引燃器利用汽车蓄电池打火。
4 engaged
a.having agree to get married
  • They are engaged in talks with the Irish government. 他们正忙着与爱尔兰政府谈判。
  • The old lady engaged herself in making clothes for her children. 这位老太太忙着为孩子们做衣服。
5 injured
  • Our best defender is injured and won't be able to play today.我们最佳的防守员受伤了,今天不能参加比赛。
  • The injured men have been dug out of the snow.受伤人员从雪中被挖了出来。
6 ankle
  • She twisted her ankle when she fell.她摔倒时扭伤了脚踝。
  • She turned her ankle while ice-skating.她滑冰时扭伤了脚踝。
7 trays
n.盘子( tray的名词复数 );托盘;文件盘;(各种用途的)浅塑料盒
  • Winston and Syme pushed their trays beneath the grille. 温斯顿跟赛姆便把托盘推到铁栅下。 来自英汉文学
  • Five trays of eggs would hatch out a huge number of silkworms. 三张蚕种,该可以采多少茧子呢? 来自汉英文学 - 春蚕
8 female
  • We only employ female workers.我们只雇用女工。
  • The animal in the picture was a female elephant.照片上的动物是头母象。
9 instructor
  • The college jumped him from instructor to full professor.大学突然把他从讲师提升为正教授。
  • The skiing instructor was a tall,sunburnt man.滑雪教练是一个高高个子晒得黑黑的男子。
10 statement
  • The government will put out a new statement tomorrow.政府将于明天发布一项新声明。
  • Put down your statement in black and white.把你的话用白纸黑字写下来。
11 settled
  • The dispute was settled without acrimony. 没有唇枪舌剑,这场纠纷就解决了。
  • a settled way of life 安定的生活方式
12 Swiss
  • The Swiss I know all are clever.我认识的瑞士人都很聪明。
  • Today Swiss watches are sold in stores all over the world.现今瑞士的手表在世界各地出售。
13 estimate
  • We estimate the cost to be five thousand dollars.我们估计费用为5000美元。
  • The lowest estimate would put the worth of the jewel at $200.按最低的评估这块宝石也值200美元。
14 wrist
  • They took her by the wrist.他们握住她的手腕。
  • He received a bullet in the wrist.他手腕上中了一弹。
15 chest
  • The bear's chest is hairy.那只熊的胸部毛茸茸的。
  • Mother has a pain in her chest.母亲胸口疼.。
16 nylon
  • He dresses a nylon shirt.他穿着一件尼龙衬衫。
  • How many products are made from nylon? 有多少种产品是由尼龙制造的?
17 missing
  • Check the tools and see if anything is missing.检点一下工具,看有无丢失。
  • All the others are here;he's the only one missing.别人都来了,就短他一个。
18 supervisor
  • Between you and me I think that new supervisor is a twit.我们私下说,我认为新来的主管人是一个傻瓜。
  • He said I was too flighty to be a good supervisor.他说我太轻浮不能成为一名好的管理员。
19 labels
n.标签( label的名词复数 );称号;[建筑学](装饰于门窗上方的)披水石;[纹章学](家族长子身份附在文件上的)带有封印的丝带
  • People are confused about all the different labels on food these days. 人们如今被那些五花八门的食物标签搞得稀里糊涂。
  • Shine the torch on so that we can read the labels. 用手电筒照这个标签,我们好看得见。 来自《简明英汉词典》
20 confusing
  • The instructions on the box are very confusing.盒子上的使用说明含混不清。
  • It's very confusing to learn a new language.学习一门新语言是很令人困惑的。
21 overtime
  • They are working overtime to finish the work.为了完成任务他们正在加班加点地工作。
  • He was paid for the overtime he worked.他领到了加班费。
22 Carol
  • Silent Night is my favourite carol.《平安夜》是我最喜欢的圣诞颂歌。
  • The people in the church are singing a christmas carol.教堂里的人们正在唱圣诞颂歌。
23 Scotland
  • He has been hiking round Scotland for a month.他围着苏格兰徒步旅行了一个月。
  • Scotland is to the north of England.苏格兰在英格兰之北。
24 instant
  • If you don't leave this instant,I will scream.你要是不马上离开,我就喊了。
  • It all happened in an instant.这一切都发生在一刹那间。
25 smoking
  • He was wise to give up smoking.他戒烟是明智的。
  • He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking.他已决心戒烟、戒酒。
26 continental
  • A continental climate is different from an insular one.大陆性气候不同于岛屿气候。
  • The most ancient parts of the continental crust are 4000 million years old.大陆地壳最古老的部分有40亿年历史。
27 maid
  • I have sent my maid away.我已把我的女仆解雇了。
  • A maid in white is walking along the boardwalk.一位白衣少女漫步于海边的木板路上。
标签: 初级 听力
active hydrogen compounds
alcohol duty
an old one
angled fiber
arks of the covenant
banking interface
be down for a count of
box condenser
cargo line system
centre-of-gravity disturbance
Chadyr-Lungskiy Rayon
Coccinia indica
consumer watchdog
credit manage
crosservice country service
dead rubbers
desperata phthisis
disseminated microthrombus
eliminating delays
escape with one's life
express money order
field locking
foam extinguishing agent
forward estimation
happy marriage
inner potential
intermolecular relaxation
item sale
limb of electromagnet
major offensive
mandrel stroke limiter
mod chip
mount the ladder
multiphonon scattering
nominal capacity of chemical tank
optic papilla (or papilla of optic nerve)
partus precipitatus
place des vosges
polypodium scouleris
potato belt conveyer
profile broaching
Restore button
runaway reactor
scratch strength
secondary float feed
single-cage fast hoist
soil evaporimeter
space weather
surface electromagnetic wave
take cognizance of
tautologous sentence
tax subsidy
thalassia testudinum
variable-block format
von Euler
xinjiang uighur autonomous regions
Zea mays L. var. indurata Sturt.