时间:2018-12-03 作者:英语课 分类:2010年ESL之商务英语



02 Working for an Impossible Boss

GLOSSARYto mill around – to hang around; to loiter, to be in an area without really doinganything productive or having a purpose* Stop milling around and do something useful! You can start by helping memove these boxes.

in charge – with responsibility for something; with power over a project or overother people, especially with the authority to tell other people what to do* Isaac has asked Renee to be in charge of the department while he’s onvacation next month.

incompetent – incapable; unable to do something, often because one doesn’thave enough intelligence or experience* Meghan is the most incompetent secretary we’ve ever had in this company.

She doesn’t even know how to type or answer the phone!

verbal abuse – a way of treating others very badly through what one says,usually by saying very negative, angry things in a loud voice* The last employee quit because of Uriah’s verbal abuse, so he’s trying tochange the way he works with other people before he hires anyone else.

management style – the way that a person works with other people in anorganization, especially with the people who report to him or her* All the team members are really pleased with the new boss’s managementstyle.

can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen – a phrase meaning that if onecannot handle the pressure and stress of a difficult situation, one should removeoneself from that situation, often by giving up* Wall Street is a high-pressure environment. If you can’t take the heat, get outof the kitchen and go get an easier job that isn’t related to finance.

constructive criticism – advice about how another person can improvesomething, presented in a way that helps the other person* The professor gave his student a lot of great constructive criticism before theinterview, advising him on what he should and shouldn’t say.

inappropriate – not suitable; something that should not be done or said becauseit is rude or doesn’t belong in a particular environment or situation* It’s inappropriate to wear shorts and T-shirts at the office.

to hold (one’s) tongue – to choose not to say something even though onewants to; to stay quiet even when one would like to say something* It’s really difficult for Ward to hold his tongue when he hears his grandfathertalking about politics, but he doesn’t want to offend him by sharing his opinions.

tipsy – a little bit drunk; slightly under the influence of alcohol; acting a little bitsilly or stupid because one has drunken alcohol* After one drink, Makiko was tipsy, laughing and dancing. After two drinks, shewas drunk and almost couldn’t walk.

three-martini lunch – a long lunch where business executives or managersspend time together, slowly eating and having more than one alcoholic drink,used to show that those people don’t have other, more important things to do intheir work* I hate the way our boss always goes out for three-martini lunches, leaving ushere to do all the hard work.

to go off on (someone) – to lose one’s temper and patience, criticizing andshouting at another person, especially if one is really angry about something else* Jake was in a really bad mood today, going off on his employees even thoughthey hadn’t done anything wrong.

to undermine (one’s) authority – to decrease the amount of power thatsomeone has; to weaken one’s ability to be respected and tell other people whatto do; to decrease another person’s level of control over a group of people or asituation* I’m really mad at you for undermining my authority by telling all my employeesthat I’m on medication and can’t be trusted to make good decisions. That wasprivate information!

with all due respect – a polite phrase used when one disagrees with anotherperson and wants to share one’s own opinion without making the other personangry* I hear what you’re saying, but with all due respect, I have to disagree.

how dare you – a phrase used when one is very shocked and angered by whatanother person has done or said* How dare you spend all our money on a new boat? You knew we were savingthat money for our daughter’s college education.

you don’t know who you’re dealing with – a phrase used when one is veryangry and wants to emphasize that one is too powerful and important to betreated in a particular way* You don’t know who you’re dealing with! With just one phone call, I can makeyour life miserable, so you better apologize for what you just said.

ex – former; used to describe the relationship that once existed between twopeople, so that, for example, an ex-husband is a man who used to be one’shusband* Are you friends with any of your ex-girlfriends?

_____________COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS1. Why is Mr. Mann angry at Laura when he comes into the office?

a) Because the other employees aren’t in the office.

b) Because the other employees are working in the mill.

c) Because the other employees aren’t doing their work.

2. What does Laura mean by saying, “I’ve held my tongue long enough”?

a) She has always openly shared her opinion.

b) She has never been comfortable speaking with him.

c) She has been quiet about her true feelings and opinions.

______________WHAT ELSE DOES IT MEAN?

in chargeThe phrase “in charge,” in this podcast, means with responsibility and power overa project or over other people: “Each teacher is in charge of a classroom of 25students.” The phrase “to charge (someone) with (something)” means to give someone responsibility for a certain project or task: “The committee is chargedwith hiring a new sales manager by the end of the month.” The phrase “to be(all) charged up” means to be excited about something and ready to do it: “Theplayers are all charged up, ready for tonight’s football game.” The phrase “tocharge (someone) for (something)” means to ask someone for money becauseone has provided a product or service: “Can you believe they charge $4.25 for acup of coffee?” Finally, the phrase “to charge (someone or something)” means toattack someone or something: “Did you see how the bull charged that man?”

to go off on (someone)In this podcast, the phrase “to go off on (someone)” means to lose one’s temperand patience, criticizing and shouting at another person, especially if one is reallyangry about something else: “I know you had a bad day at work, but please don’tgo off on the kids like that. It isn’t their fault.” The phrase “to go off” also meansto leave a place: “What time did you go off to work this morning?” Sometimesthe phrase “to go off” means to make a loud noise: “The alarm clock went off at6:00 this morning, but I was so tired that I almost slept through it.” Finally, thephrase “to go off with (something)” means to leave a place while takingsomething that does not belong to oneself: “They were shocked to learn that theaccountant had gone off with more than $40,000 of their money.”

______________CULTURE NOTEIn the United States, most people can be “fired” (told that one no longer has ajob) for any reason, even if it seems unfair. In general, employees are fired forincompetence, or for not doing their job. This is “legal” (allowed under the law).

However, if someone is fired “on the basis of” (because of) “race” (skin color),religion, “gender” (whether one is male or female), “national origin” (whichcountry one was born in), age, or “disability” (when one’s body is not able to docertain things), it is an example of “unlawful” (against the law) “termination”

(firing). Firing someone for being a “whistle-blower” (sharing information aboutthe employer’s illegal activities) is another example of unlawful termination.

When people think that they have experienced unlawful termination, they maychoose to “take action” (do something to officially fight against the unlawfultermination). They might begin by “filing a complaint” (sending official, written documents) with the employer’s human resources department. If this doesn’twork, then they can “turn to” (go to) the government agency that deals with thatparticular “aspect” (type) of unlawful termination. For example, a woman whobelieves she has been fired because she is pregnant can file a complaint with theEqual Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Individuals can also hire a lawyer to help them “sue” (take to court and ask formoney) their former employer. These people probably won’t get their job back,but they might “collect damages” (receive money to cover the amount of moneythat they lost from not having a job).

______________Comprehension Questions Correct Answers: 1 – c; 2 – c

COMPLETE TRANSCRIPTWelcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 548: Working for anImpossible Boss.

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 548. I’m your host, Dr.

Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development inbeautiful Los Angeles, California.

Our website is eslpod.com. Go there to download a Learning Guide for thisepisode. You can also go to our website to take a look at our ESL Podcast Storefor additional courses in English, and our ESL Podcast Blog, where you can pickup additional vocabulary, cultural information, and some hints on improving yourEnglish.

This episode is called “Working for an Impossible Boss.” The word “impossible”

(not possible) here means a boss who is very difficult to work for, somebody whois so difficult we may say that it is almost impossible to work for this person. It’sa dialogue between Mr. Mann and Laura, and uses some vocabulary that youmight find when you are having an argument with your boss. Let’s get started.

[start of dialogue]

Mr. Mann: Why are all these people milling around doing no work? Laura!

You’re in charge when I’m out of the office and you’re incompetent!

Laura: Mr. Mann, we need to talk in private. Let’s go into your office.

Mr. Mann: What is this about?

Laura: Mr. Mann, I’ve tried to do my job the best I can, but I won’t tolerate yourverbal abuse any longer.

Mr. Mann: Verbal abuse?! I’m just telling it like it is. It’s my…it’smy…management style. This is business. If you can’t take the heat, get out ofthe kitchen.

Laura: If I thought this was about my performance, I would certainly take anyconstructive criticism, but this is really about your inappropriate behavior.

Mr. Mann: What inappropriate behavior? You’re questioning my behavior?

Laura: Yes, I’ve held my tongue long enough. Every day, you come back to theoffice tipsy from a three-martini lunch, and you go off on me in front of the otheremployees. That undermines my authority and puts me in an impossibleposition.

Mr. Mann: I’m your boss and you have no right to question the way I run thishouse…I mean, department.

Laura: With all due respect, this is no way to run a department.

Mr. Mann: And how dare you suggest that I’m drunk? You don’t know whoyou’re dealing with.

Laura: Oh, yes I do. You’re my ex-boss. I’ve had enough. I quit!

[end of dialogue]

Our dialogue begins with Mr. Mann asking Laura, “Why are all these peoplemilling around doing no work?” “To mill (mill) around” is a phrasal verb meaningto be in an area without doing anything productive or without having a purpose;we would also say “to hang around.” A more technical term would be “to loiter”

(loiter). Sometimes you’ll see signs outside of stores that say “No loitering,” thatmeans you can’t just stand there and look around, you have to have somepurpose while you’re there. Usually it means you just can’t stand there – youcan’t be there. In an office, if people are loitering – if people are milling around,well, they’re not really doing anything; they should be working, in this case. SoMr. Mann says, “Laura! You’re in charge when I’m out of the office and you’reincompetent!” “To be in charge” means to have the responsibility for something,to have power over a project or other people. Usually, it’s the power to tell themwhat to do – have the authority to tell them what to do. So when Mr. Mann is notin the office, Laura becomes the boss. By the way, the word “charge” hasseveral different meanings in English; you can find those meanings in theLearning Guide for today on our website.

Mr. Mann says that Laura is incompetent. “To be competent” means to becapable, to be able to do something. “To be incompetent” means to be notcompetent, incapable, unable to do something often because you don’t have enough experience or perhaps because you’re not very smart, at least that’swhat Mr. Mann seems to think.

Laura says, “Mr. Mann, we need to talk in private (meaning with nobody elsearound). Let’s go into your office.” Mr. Mann says, “What is this about?” Laurathen replies, “Mr. Mann, I’ve tried to do my job the best I can, but I won’t tolerateyour verbal abuse any longer.” “Verbal” refers to something that is spoken,something that someone says. “Abuse” is when someone is hurting anotherperson, either physically or psychologically. So, “verbal abuse” would besomeone who is yelling at you, calling you names, perhaps swearing, saying badthings about you that are way more than what they should be saying to you. Thisis what is happening to Laura, so she says she won’t “tolerate,” she won’t put upwith, his verbal abuse.

Mr. Mann says, “Verbal abuse?!” He’s surprised and shocked, maybe a littleangry. “I’m just telling it like it is,” meaning I am just describing the truth, the realsituation here. “It’s my…it’s my…management style,” he says. “Management”

has to do with the way that you work with other people, usually as a boss. Youmanage them – you control them. “Style” is the way that you do something, soyour “management style” is the way that you work with other people, especiallywhen you’re the boss. So Mr. Mann is a little angry here; he says, “This isbusiness. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.” This is an oldexpression: “If you can’t take (meaning if you can’t tolerate – if you can’t put upwith) the heat, you should get out of (you should leave) the kitchen.” A “kitchen,”

of course, is where you prepare food, and it’s often hot in a kitchen. So, if youcan’t put up with the heat – if you can’t tolerate the heat, then you shouldn’t be inthe kitchen. The idea is that you should not be in a place or a situation unlessyou can handle the pressure and stress. If you are in a difficult situation and youcannot handle it, well then, you should leave it. It’s often said to people whocomplain about their situation because it is stressful or it is difficult. The popularbelief in the United States is that this expression was “coined,” that is thisexpression was invented by a U.S. President, President Harry Truman, who waspresident after Franklin Roosevelt, up until January of 1953.

So, Mr. Mann is saying that Laura has to listen to him even if he yells at her.

Laura says, “If I thought this was about my performance, I would certainly takeany constructive criticism, but this is really about your inappropriate behavior.”

She’s saying that this is not about her “performance,” what she does. If it wereabout that, she would “take any constructive criticism,” she would accept anyadvice about how she can improve. That’s what constructive criticism is.

“Criticism” is when you tell someone they’re doing something wrong;“constructive criticism” is when you are telling them things they are doing wrongin order that they can improve – so that they can get better. That’s the idea. ButLaura thinks that Mr. Mann’s “behavior,” the way he is talking to her, is“inappropriate.” This is a common word now you hear; people say, “That’sinappropriate,” they mean it isn’t something that you should be doing or sayingeither because it’s rude or because it doesn’t belong in that particular situation orenvironment. So if you work at a business office, and you come in one day withyour shorts on and a baseball cap (a baseball hat) and a T-shirt, and everyoneelse is wearing suits and ties and dresses, someone might say to you, “Yourdress today is inappropriate.” It’s not right for this situation, and that’s whatLaura is saying to Mr. Mann.

Well, Mr. Mann…he’s, uh, not very interested in hearing Laura’s opinion. Hesays, “What inappropriate behavior? You’re questioning my behavior?” meaningyou’re asking questions; you’re doubting the way I do things; you’re criticizingme. Laura says, “Yes, I’ve held my tongue long enough.” “To hold your tongue”

means to not say something even though you want to, to stay quiet even whenyou really want to say something. Laura says that she has held her tongue longenough, “Every day, you come back to the office tipsy from a three-martinilunch.” “To be tipsy” (tipsy) means to be a little bit drunk, to have had analcoholic drink. It makes you a little silly or a little stupid. It’s not completelydrunk, but it is a little bit drunk, if you will. “Martini” is a type of drink. There’s anold expression: “the three-martini lunch,” meaning instead of going to lunch andeating food, especially if you’re a business executive or manager, you spendyour time drinking instead. “The three-martini lunch” represents someonewasting their time; doing things, because they are the boss, that they shouldn’tbe doing. “The three-martini lunch” expression is not as common anymore. Inpart, that’s because it used to be many years ago that businesses could includethe cost of business lunches as a business expense. However, in the recentyears the government has changed the regulations so that now you can onlycount half of that lunch as being a business expense, so the three-martini lunchis not as popular.

Laura says to Mr. Mann, “you go off on me in front of the other employees.” “Togo off on (someone)” means to lose your temper and patience, to criticizesomeone else, to shout or yell at them, especially if you are really angry aboutsomething. Notice the expression is “to go off on (someone).” You can say, “hewent off” or “don’t go off” without the “on” if you mean don’t get angry, don’t startyelling. If you want to talk about who someone is yelling at, who someone is angry with, then you would say, “He’s going off on Laura,” or whomever. Laurasays that when Mr. Mann goes off on her in front of other employees that thatundermines her authority. “To undermine (someone’s) authority” means todecrease the amount of power that someone has, to weaken their ability to berespected by other people. So you’d undermine someone’s authority by doingthings that would make other people not respect them, not listen to them.

Mr. Mann says, “I’m your boss and you have no right to question (to criticize) theway I run this house.” “Run,” here, means to manage. “…I mean,” Mr. Mannsays, “department.” Of course, Mr. Mann suddenly thinks that he’s at home,perhaps arguing with one of his children. Laura says, “With all due respect, thisis no way to run a department.” “With all due respect” is a polite phrase that youuse when you disagree with someone and you want to give your opinion withoutmaking them angry. So Laura says, “With all due respect, this is no way to run adepartment.”

Mr. Mann is still angry; he says, “And how dare you suggest that I’m drunk?”

“How dare you?” is a phrase used when you are very angry and shocked by whatsomeone has said, usually because they have criticized you: “How dare youcome into my house and yell at me? Get out of my house! How dare you?” Mr.

Mann then says, “You don’t know who you’re dealing with.” This expression,“you don’t know who you’re dealing with,” is used when you’re very angry andyou want to emphasize to the other person that you are very powerful, veryimportant, too powerful and important to be treated the way you are beingtreated.

Laura says, “Oh, yes I do. You’re my ex-boss.” “Ex,” here, means former, usedto. I can say, “Angelina Jolie is my ex-girlfriend” or “Halle Berry is my exgirlfriend.”

I could say that – it’s not true, but I could say that! That would be anexample of “ex,” former, used to, not anymore. Laura is really saying here thatshe’s quitting. She says, “I’ve had enough (meaning I cannot stand or tolerateyour behavior anymore). I quit!” And she leaves the office and she goes back toschool to study biology or she gets another job – you can invent the end of thestory!

Now let’s listen to the dialogue, this time at a normal speed.

[start of dialogue]

Mr. Mann: Why are all these people milling around doing no work? Laura!

You’re in charge when I’m out of the office and you’re incompetent!

Laura: Mr. Mann, we need to talk in private. Let’s go into your office.

Mr. Mann: What is this about?

Laura: Mr. Mann, I’ve tried to do my job the best I can, but I won’t tolerate yourverbal abuse any longer.

Mr. Mann: Verbal abuse?! I’m just telling it like it is. It’s my…it’smy…management style. This is business. If you can’t take the heat, get out ofthe kitchen.

Laura: If I thought this was about my performance, I would certainly take anyconstructive criticism, but this is really about your inappropriate behavior.

Mr. Mann: What inappropriate behavior? You’re questioning my behavior?

Laura: Yes, I’ve held my tongue long enough. Every day, you come back to theoffice tipsy from a three-martini lunch, and you go off on me in front of the otheremployees. That undermines my authority and puts me in an impossibleposition.

Mr. Mann: I’m your boss and you have no right to question the way I run thishouse…I mean, department.

Laura: With all due respect, this is no way to run a department.

Mr. Mann: And how dare you suggest that I’m drunk? You don’t know whoyou’re dealing with.

Laura: Oh, yes I do. You’re my ex-boss. I’ve had enough. I quit!

[end of dialogue]

Dr. Lucy Tse is in charge of writing the scripts here at ESL Podcast, including thisone.

From Los Angeles, California, I’m Jeff McQuillan. Thank you for listening. Comeback and listen to us next time on ESL Podcast.

English as a Second Language Podcast is written and produced by Dr. Lucy Tse,hosted by Dr. Jeff McQuillan, copyright 2010 by the Center for EducationalDevelopment.

标签: ESL英语
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