时间:2019-01-16 作者:英语课 分类:英语新闻


   ATHENS, June 13 (Xinhua) -- As a businessman and the President of the National Confederation of Greek Commerce (ESEE), Vassilis Korkidis knows well the impact of the three-year debt crisis on Greek enterprises, in particular small and medium-size ones (SMEs), the backbone 1 of the Greek economy.

  Amidst a deep economic recession, the number of padlocks at the entrances of stores is on the rise, fuelling record high unemployment rates. The need for new incentives 2 to break the vicious circle is more urgent than ever.
  "The impact was very hard for us and certainly for the retail 3 trade. We had a decrease of consumption in the past three years by 66 percent. So you can see the figures are very tough for us. The 77 billion euro (102.7 billion U.S. dollars) of private consumption of 2008 is now less than 48 billions at least for the figures regarding 2012," he told Xinhua during an interview at his Athens office.
  Korkidis runs an electrical supply shop for ships at Piraeus port. It keeps going thanks to his export-oriented business mentality 4 and Chinese investments to the port rather than help from the state.
  Still the difficulties most SMEs in Greece faced are giving him a headache. Intense unemployment in combination with an average 40-percent decrease on incomes by rounds of austerity measures over the past three years have shrank consumption. Greece's once booming economy was based on consumption.
  Today, liquidity 5 and financing problems, over taxation 6 and deficiency of much needed incentives makes it tough for several micro-entrepreneurs to cover their expenses. Closures are increasing, leaving more and more people jobless.
  "For first time the number of people involved in Greek commerce - employees and employers - is less than 800,000. Nowadays there are 700,000 employers and employees in Greek trade. That means that 278,000 companies employ about half a million people. The closures of stores the past two years were about 68,000 and the unemployed 7 were 175,000 from the commerce sector 8," he said.
  Commerce contributes to the overall employment in Greece by some 18 percent, and to Greek GDP by 16 percent, according to ESEE's estimates. SMEs hold an important role in Greek economy.
  Korkidis and other owners of SMEs are trying to react to this freefall of commerce to the benefit of the overall economy.
  "We are trying to keep our strength. I am joking sometimes that all these SMEs which remained in operation the last three years should have an ISO of endurance and survival. We are trying to see things optimistic, but to be honest every day we have more difficulties. What we are trying to do is to minimize our operation costs. Most Greek SMEs are family companies and each member of the family is trying to help the SME to stay alive," he explained.
  Pharmacist Litsa Papakostas stays afloat thanks to her family's helping 9 hand, as she struggles to make ends meet each month under the shortage of cash and credit line.
  "I have spent all my savings 10 by now. My husband's as well... This month I borrowed money from my mother, from my parents' savings. The problem is that even if we wanted to get a bank loan, we wouldn't get it. Banks no longer finance enterprises, in particular shaky businesses, such as pharmacies," she told Xinhua.
  For the first time in 13 years of running her pharmacy 11 at a central Athens district, she faces padlock fears. As her austerity-hit patients are requesting to get their medication on account and EOPYY, Greece's main public healthcare provider, owes pharmacists thousands of euros, multinational 12 drug manufacturing companies at the same time are demanding in advance payments.
  As a result, Litsa struggles to order the necessary quantities of medicines in order to cover her customers' needs. She struggles to repay her mortgage and cover the basic needs of her two teenage sons by working hard throughout the day.
  Under the current conditions, she sees no prospect 13 of hiring employees or seizing the opportunities emerging amidst the crisis, as rents are decreasing.
  Moving her small pharmacy to a central avenue requires working capital. She does not have it and today Greek banks decline eight out of ten applications for loans.
  For the remaining two, Greek lenders request up to 12.5 percent interest rates, far higher than the average rates of the euro zone, plus higher collateral 14.
  Papakostas does not expect much from the government and international lenders who keep Greece afloat since 2010 with multi-billion bailout aid in return of tough austerity and reform measures.
  "I don't know what could be done. But this tactic 15 of slashing 16 salaries, dismissing employees, doesn't work. Instead of sitting down and thinking about something to do to bring growth to this country from within, they expect that growth will come from abroad. It will not happen. I know that what I have achieved in life, I achieved it through my work," she said.
  Korkidis has several ideas he has presented to Greek government officials and foreign creditors 17 for the support of SMEs, employment and growth in Greece.
  ESEE has proposed the creation of an SME Development Bank to resolve liquidity problems in the real economy.
  Despite initiatives undertaken so far to address issues, the lack of a single entity 18 for the financial support of SMEs and the existence of many institutions instead, creates a complex environment of conflicting actors and programs, Korkidis explained.
  As a result, European Investment Bank and European Union structural 19 funds are not released at adequate rates to the market to give a push to Greece's economy.
  He believes that an SME Development Bank would have a positive effect, as well as the creation of open street malls, clusters so that SMEs would cooperate to buy and sell at lower prices and the transformation 20 of micro importing companies into micro exporting companies.
  For Korkidis, international trade and the upgraded role of Piraeus port as a transit 21 hub for the Mediterranean 22 Sea and Eastern Europe after Chinese Cosco's major investment at the area represent the best opportunities amidst the crisis.
  Coming from a sector strongly connected to the sea, the shipping 23 industry and international commerce, he believes development will come from the sea, creating much needed jobs and turnover 24.
  "I live from the sea and I believe in the sea," he said.
  Papakostas is less optimistic, when thinking about her future and her children's future. "I am trying not to be pessimistic. Certainly it is not that easy. I hope for the better. Of course, always on the back of my mind is the possibility that my children will go abroad."

  • The Chinese people have backbone.中国人民有骨气。
  • The backbone is an articulate structure.脊椎骨是一种关节相连的结构。
激励某人做某事的事物( incentive的名词复数 ); 刺激; 诱因; 动机
  • tax incentives to encourage savings 鼓励储蓄的税收措施
  • Furthermore, subsidies provide incentives only for investments in equipment. 更有甚者,提供津贴仅是为鼓励增添设备的投资。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
  • In this shop they retail tobacco and sweets.这家铺子零售香烟和糖果。
  • These shoes retail at 10 yuan a pair.这些鞋子零卖10元一双。
  • He has many years'experience of the criminal mentality.他研究犯罪心理有多年经验。
  • Running a business requires a very different mentality from being a salaried employee.经营企业所要求具备的心态和上班族的心态截然不同。
  • The bank has progressively increased its liquidity.银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
  • The demand for and the supply of credit is closely linked to changes in liquidity.信用的供求和流动资金的变化有密切关系。
  • He made a number of simplifications in the taxation system.他在税制上作了一些简化。
  • The increase of taxation is an important fiscal policy.增税是一项重要的财政政策。
  • There are now over four million unemployed workers in this country.这个国家现有四百万失业人员。
  • The unemployed hunger for jobs.失业者渴望得到工作。
  • The export sector will aid the economic recovery. 出口产业将促进经济复苏。
  • The enemy have attacked the British sector.敌人已进攻英国防区。
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
  • I can't afford the vacation,for it would eat up my savings.我度不起假,那样会把我的积蓄用光的。
  • By this time he had used up all his savings.到这时,他的存款已全部用完。
  • She works at the pharmacy.她在药房工作。
  • Modern pharmacy has solved the problem of sleeplessness.现代制药学已经解决了失眠问题。
  • The firm was taken over by a multinational consulting firm.这家公司被一个跨国咨询公司收购。
  • He analyzed the relationship between multinational corporations and under-developed countries.他分析了跨国公司和不发达国家之间的关系。
  • This state of things holds out a cheerful prospect.事态呈现出可喜的前景。
  • The prospect became more evident.前景变得更加明朗了。
  • Many people use personal assets as collateral for small business loans.很多人把个人财产用作小额商业贷款的抵押品。
  • Most people here cannot borrow from banks because they lack collateral.由于拿不出东西作为抵押,这里大部分人无法从银行贷款。
  • Reducing prices is a common sales tactic.降价是常用的销售策略。
  • She had often used the tactic of threatening to resign.她惯用以辞职相威胁的手法。
adj.尖锐的;苛刻的;鲜明的;乱砍的v.挥砍( slash的现在分词 );鞭打;割破;削减
  • Slashing is the first process in which liquid treatment is involved. 浆纱是液处理的第一过程。 来自辞典例句
  • He stopped slashing his horse. 他住了手,不去鞭打他的马了。 来自辞典例句
n.债权人,债主( creditor的名词复数 )
  • They agreed to repay their creditors over a period of three years. 他们同意3年内向债主还清欠款。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Creditors could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtors. 债权人可以获得逮捕债务人的令状。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The country is no longer one political entity.这个国家不再是一个统一的政治实体了。
  • As a separate legal entity,the corporation must pay taxes.作为一个独立的法律实体,公司必须纳税。
  • The storm caused no structural damage.风暴没有造成建筑结构方面的破坏。
  • The North American continent is made up of three great structural entities.北美大陆是由三个构造单元组成的。
  • Going to college brought about a dramatic transformation in her outlook.上大学使她的观念发生了巨大的变化。
  • He was struggling to make the transformation from single man to responsible husband.他正在努力使自己由单身汉变为可靠的丈夫。
  • His luggage was lost in transit.他的行李在运送中丢失。
  • The canal can transit a total of 50 ships daily.这条运河每天能通过50条船。
  • The houses are Mediterranean in character.这些房子都属地中海风格。
  • Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean.直布罗陀是地中海的要冲。
  • We struck a bargain with an American shipping firm.我们和一家美国船运公司谈成了一笔生意。
  • There's a shipping charge of £5 added to the price.价格之外另加五英镑运输费。
  • The store greatly reduced the prices to make a quick turnover.这家商店实行大减价以迅速周转资金。
  • Our turnover actually increased last year.去年我们的营业额竟然增加了。
标签: 激励
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