时间:2019-01-11 作者:英语课 分类:实用英语


Supplement: Some Useful Sentences on Complaints and Claims


Concerning Delay in Shipment:

     (1) You have confirmed our order, but to our surprise, we have not yet received the goods or any advice from you when we may expect delivery. 你方已确认我方定货,但诧异的是至今尚未到货,也未收到何时可以交货的消息。

     (2) You wrote that our Order No. C140 was almost ready for transport and that your advice would soon follow. Nearly a month has passed since then, yet we have heard nothing from you about the consignment 1. 你方曾来信提及我方第C140号定单货物已基本备妥待运,装运通知不久随寄,至今已将近一个月,仍未收到有关这批货的消息。

     (3) We are still without your Advice of Despatch 2 of the cameras, while we are receiving urgent request from customers and you will understand that this delay places us in an awkward position. 我方仍未收到你方照像机的装运通知,但连续接到我方客户的催促,你方谅必能理解,这次延误使我方处于困境。

     (4) For some time past we have been urging you for an immediate 3 dispatch of these goods, and unless this order is already on the way, it will arrive too late for the season, and so be of no use to us. 在过去的一段时间里我们一直在催促你方立即交货。除非这批定货已经在运输途中,否则当货物到达时会过了季节,对我方毫无用处。

     (5) The articles have just been received after a delay of a fortnight, for which no explanation has yet been given to us. 货物延误两周后才到货,你方至今尚未对延误作任何解释。

Concerning Poor Packing:

     (1) On unwrapping the cases, we find the goods partly soaked by rain. 开箱后,我们发现部分货物因雨淋受湿。

     (2) We found half the goods broken (smashed, torn, beyond repair, unusable, unsalable, damaged). 发现货物半数破碎(粉碎、扯破、无法修理、无用、无法销售、受损)。

     (3) We have examined them one by one, and found that each of them was leaking more or less. 我们已逐件检查,每一件都或多或少有点渗漏。

     (4) The seams of the gunny bags do not appear to have been strong enough, with the result that they have given way, thus allowing the contents to run out. 麻袋的缝口似乎不够牢固,结果缝口开裂,袋内物品外漏。

     (5) We have just received the 50 cases of chinaware shipped by s.s. "××" on our Order No. 134 but regret to inform you that cases Nos. 13 & 26 are broken and their contents badly damaged through faulty packing. 我们刚收到由"××"轮装来的50箱瓷器,系我方134号定单所定购。但遗憾地通知你方,第13号和第26号箱破裂,并且由于包装错误,箱内瓷器损坏严重。

     (6) The packing inside the case was too loose (was insufficient) with the result that there was some shifting of the contents and several cups and plates have been broken. The attached list will give you details. 箱内包装垫料太松(不足),结果箱中物品摇晃,部分杯碟破碎,详见所附清单。

     (7) We have had the case and contents examined by the insurance surveyor, but as you will see from the enclosed copy of his report, he maintains that the damage was due to insecure packing and not to any unduly 4 rough handling of the case. 我们已请保险公司检验人员检验了木箱和箱内货物。从随附的检验报告副本中,你方将注意到,他认为损坏是由于包装不牢固,并非搬运不当所致。

     (8) We regret to inform you that one of the cases of your consignment arrived in a badly damaged condition. It is BF/46 containing spare parts. The lid was broken and the case with its contents crushed. It looks as if the case was not strong enough to stand the voyage. We have examined the contents and find that 15 pieces were missing and the rest unfit for use. 兹遗憾地通知,来货中有一箱,内装零件,损坏严重,其箱号为BF/46。箱盖破裂,箱子及箱内物品均被压碎。看来木箱不够牢固,经不起运输。经检查,发现缺货15件,其余物品都已无法使用。

     (9) It was disappointing to learn that so many of the articles sent in our consignment were damaged and we are sorry that you should have missed the opportunity of including them in your January sales. 得悉发运给你方的定货中货物损坏颇多,令人失望,使你们失去一月份出售时机,致歉。

     (10)We deeply regret to learn from your letter of … that 2 cases of … per m. v. Red Flag arrived in a damaged condition. …日来函收悉,得知由"红旗"轮所运的货物,其中两箱抵达时已损坏,深表歉意。

     (11)With reference to your telex 5 of 17th June, we are surprised to learn that the tea sets reached you in a damaged condition, as they were very carefully packed as usual before dispatch. We have had no previous occasion for complaint that our goods have been damaged in transit 6. 你方6月17日电传中提到茶具到货受损,我方很惊讶,因在发货前与通常一样很小心地予以包装。我方货物因途中运输受损而接到申诉还是首次。

Concerning Poor Quality:

     (1) On comparing the goods received with the sample, we were surprised to find that the colour is not the same. 将收到的货物与样品比较,我们发现颜色不相同,感到惊讶。

     (2) The quality of your shipment for our order No.… has been found not in conformity 7 with the agreed specification 8. We must therefore lodge 9 a claim against you for the amount of …. The CCIB survey report is forwarded herewith and your early settlement is requested. 我方第……号定单发来的货物的质量与协议的规格不符,因此必须向你方提出索赔,金额计……。随附中国商品检验局的检验报告,请早日解决索赔。

     (3) The goods delivered is not up to the standard of samples. The pattern is uneven 10 in places and the colouring varies. 所交货物未达到样品的质量标准,多处花样不匀,颜色各异。

     (4) When unpacking 11 the bale (case, etc.), we found that the color (weight, quality, finish) is unsatisfactory. 开包(箱、等)之后,发现颜色(重量、质量、工艺)不能令人满意。

     (5) Upon examination, we found that many of the goods were severely 12 damaged, though the cases themselves show no trace of damage. 经检验,我们发现虽然箱子本身并无损坏迹象,但很多货物已严重损坏。

     (6) We cannot possibly deliver the merchandise in this condition to our customers, but might accept the lot at a reduction of 20% on the contract price. 我们不可能将这样的货物交给客户,但如按合同价削减20%,也许可以接受。

     (7) We regret these faulty sets of equipment were sent to you, and have today sent a replacement 13 of 12 sets. We hope you will be pleased with the new lot. 将有缺陷的设备运交给你们,致歉。今天另运出12台替换设备,希望你们能对这批新货感到满意。

     (8) The goods have not turned out to our satisfaction, the quality being so poor as to render them unsuitable for the requirements of this market. As the whole parcel is quite useless to us, we must ask you to refund 14 us the invoiced 16 value and the inspection 17 fee as per the statement of claim enclosed. We trust that our claim will have your prompt attention, and as soon as settlement is made, we shall return the goods to you at your expense. 该货不能令我方满意,质量如此低劣,以致不合此地市场需要。由于全部货物对我方毫无用处,务请你方退赔发票金额和检验费,详见所附索赔清单,希望你方立即处理我方索赔,一旦解决,我们就退回货物,费用由你方负担。

Concerning Shortage:

     (1) We regret to point out that a shortage in weight of 210 lbs. was noticed when the goods arrived. 遗憾地指出,货物到达时发现短重210磅。

     (2) There is a discrepancy 18 between the packing list of case No. 15 and your invoice 15: 3 dozen Tea Services are correctly entered on the invoice but there were only 2 dozen in the case. 第15号箱的装箱单与发票不符,发票所列3打茶具是正确的,而箱内只装了两打。

     (3) Carton 17 was found to be 5 packages short. As the carton was in good shape and does not appear to have been tampered 19 with, we surmise 20 that they must have been shortshipped. (Please do not trouble to send a replacement, but adjust your invoice.) 第17号箱短少5包。由于箱子完好,似未遭撬动,推测是短装。(请不必另行补货,只修改发票即可。)

Concerning Wrong Goods Delivered:

     (1) Evidently some mistake was made and the goods have been wrongly delivered. 显然发生了差错,以致错发了货。

     (2) The wrong pieces may be returned per next available steamer for our account, but it is preferable if you can sell them out at our price in your market. 错发的货请由下一班轮运来,费用由我方负担。但如能在你当地市场按我方价格出售是所至盼。


1. Translate the following into English:

     (1) 检验报告证明,箱子及货物受损系运输途中粗鲁搬运所致,而不是你们所说的因包装不善引起的。

     (2) 损坏是由于包装不良所致,这样又大又重的机器应在出口木箱内定位填塞。

     (3) 经检查,未发现有任何质量低劣或工艺不佳的迹象,所用染料是最优质的。

     (4) 你方愿接受错发货物,致谢。我们可按发票价减8%,希望你方同意。

     (5) 请速传真告知你方9月15日以前能否发货,倘若不能,我方不得不撤消定单。

2. Write a letter of complaint of late delivery of a certain kind of goods.

3. Write a letter of claim to the supplier covering the following contents:

     (1) 定单123号50箱家用器皿货物收到;

     (2) 其中7只箱子破裂,内装器皿损坏;

     (3) 检验报告证明损坏系不良包装所致;

     (4) 要求赔偿损失费及检验费计……金额。


  • This last consignment of hosiery is quite up to standard.这批新到的针织品完全符合规格。
  • We have to ask you to dispatch the consignment immediately.我们得要求你立即发送该批货物。
  • The despatch of the task force is purely a contingency measure.派出特遣部队纯粹是应急之举。
  • He rushed the despatch through to headquarters.他把急件赶送到总部。
  • His immediate neighbours felt it their duty to call.他的近邻认为他们有责任去拜访。
  • We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.我们主张立即召开这个会议。
  • He did not sound unduly worried at the prospect.他的口气听上去对前景并不十分担忧。
  • He argued that the law was unduly restrictive.他辩称法律的约束性有些过分了。
  • I shall send you the information by telex.我将用电传把这一信息给你传来。
  • He rushed in with an urgent telex from Hong Kong.他手里拿着一份香港发来的紧急电传冲了进来。
  • His luggage was lost in transit.他的行李在运送中丢失。
  • The canal can transit a total of 50 ships daily.这条运河每天能通过50条船。
  • Was his action in conformity with the law?他的行动是否合法?
  • The plan was made in conformity with his views.计划仍按他的意见制定。
  • I want to know his specification of details.我想知道他对细节的详述。
  • Examination confirmed that the quality of the products was up to specification.经检查,产品质量合格。
  • Is there anywhere that I can lodge in the village tonight?村里有我今晚过夜的地方吗?
  • I shall lodge at the inn for two nights.我要在这家小店住两个晚上。
  • The sidewalk is very uneven—be careful where you walk.这人行道凹凸不平—走路时请小心。
  • The country was noted for its uneven distribution of land resources.这个国家以土地资源分布不均匀出名。
n.取出货物,拆包[箱]v.从(包裹等)中取出(所装的东西),打开行李取出( unpack的现在分词 );拆包;解除…的负担;吐露(心事等)
  • Joe sat on the bed while Martin was unpacking. 马丁打开箱子取东西的时候,乔坐在床上。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They are unpacking a trunk. 他们正在打开衣箱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He was severely criticized and removed from his post.他受到了严厉的批评并且被撤了职。
  • He is severely put down for his careless work.他因工作上的粗心大意而受到了严厉的批评。
  • We are hard put to find a replacement for our assistant.我们很难找到一个人来代替我们的助手。
  • They put all the students through the replacement examination.他们让所有的学生参加分班考试。
  • They demand a refund on unsatisfactory goods.他们对不满意的货品要求退款。
  • We'll refund your money if you aren't satisfied.你若不满意,我们愿意退款给你。
  • The seller has to issue a tax invoice.销售者必须开具税务发票。
  • We will then send you an invoice for the total course fees.然后我们会把全部课程费用的发票寄给你。
  • The manufacturer invoiced our company for two typewriters. 制造厂家给我公司开了一张两部打字机的发票。
  • Claims for shortage, some electrical appliances invoiced but not delivered. 索赔数量不足,有些电气用品开过发票,但却未到货。 来自商贸英语会话
  • On random inspection the meat was found to be bad.经抽查,发现肉变质了。
  • The soldiers lined up for their daily inspection by their officers.士兵们列队接受军官的日常检阅。
  • The discrepancy in their ages seemed not to matter.他们之间年龄的差异似乎没有多大关系。
  • There was a discrepancy in the two reports of the accident.关于那次事故的两则报道有不一致之处。
v.窜改( tamper的过去式 );篡改;(用不正当手段)影响;瞎摆弄
  • The records of the meeting had been tampered with. 会议记录已被人擅自改动。 来自辞典例句
  • The old man's will has been tampered with. 老人的遗嘱已被窜改。 来自辞典例句
  • It turned out that my surmise was correct.结果表明我的推测没有错。
  • I surmise that he will take the job.我推测他会接受这份工作。
标签: 索赔
acute coronary insufficiency
agfa color film
architectural meteorology
argyrosomus argentatus pawak
arundinaria linearis
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Davis's quadrant
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exodus project
extremity girdles
fast packet
fuel pod
fusible salt
general disturbance
genus haastias
Guyana dollar
high-pressure jet grouting
human understanding
Icy Bay
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improvement problem
in daylight
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interlobar empyema
internal analog transmission
LED printer
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minor isotopes safeguard technique
mint price of bullion
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nipponomyia symphyletes
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paediatric diagnostics
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proportional unit of body,body cun
red pimpernels
rhagadia mammae
self-induced e.m.f.
sequence equipment
shopping centers
Sinn Bishr, Jab.
social increase rate of population
spiral lobe type compressor
super draw
swoops in
synaptic potential
to bat around
vector graphics
viscous flow theory
waterplane area coefficient
wire spoke wheel
Zamboanga Chavacano