Birthplace effect “出生地效应”
今年7月,14岁的美国华裔少年刘继打破老虎伍兹的纪录,成为美国青少年高尔夫锦标赛史上最年轻的冠军,同时刷新老虎伍兹保持了19年的纪录。刘继出生在纽约州一个只有11万人口的小城市史密斯敦。而该事件又一次为“出生地效应”做出了诠释。那么什么是Birthplace effect“出生地效应”?
Birthplace effect is the tendency for smaller cities to produce disproportionately more professional athletes than larger cities.
Birthplace effect“出生地效应”是指小城市产生的职业运动员数目远远多于大城市的趋势。
A few years a ago, while poring over the statistics of over 2,000 athletes in the NHL, NBA, MBA, and the PGA, sport scientist Jean C?té and his colleagues noticed something interesting.
children growing up in cities of more than one million inhabitants had a significantly lower chance of making it to the top than children growing up in cities of less than 500,000, and in particular in towns between 5,000 and 50,000 in size. This phenomenon has been labelled the birthplace effect.
出生在人口超百万的大城市的小孩,成为顶级运动员的可能性,远低于那些出生在50万以下人口的小城市,尤其是5万到50万人口的城市的小孩。他们将这种现象称为“出生地效应”(birthplace effece)。