时间:2019-01-06 作者:英语课 分类:阅读空间


There's no solid evidence that video games are bad for people, and they may be positively 1 good


“IT IS an evil influence(影响) on the youth of our country.” A politician(政客,政治家) condemning 2 video gaming. Actually, a clergyman(牧师,教士) denouncing rock and roll 50 years ago. But the sentiment (情操,感情;观点) could just as easily have been voiced (表达,流露) by Hillary Clinton in the past few weeks, as she blamed video games for “a silent epidemic 3 (流行疾病) of media desensitization (脱敏[医],这里是比喻没有察觉)” and “stealing the innocence 4 of our children”.

一位政治人士谴责电玩游戏称“它们是对我国青少年的邪恶侵害”。实际上,50年前神职人员也曾以同样的态度斥责如今被广为接受的摇滚音乐或摇滚艺术。如同过去几周里希拉里.克林顿对电玩游戏轻松随意的批评一样,她这种反对的立场同样表达得恰到好处 “这是一种伪装得连新闻媒体都疏于察觉的瘟疫,正在肆无忌惮地吮吸着我们孩子的天真!”

The gaming furore(狂热,狂怒) centres on “Grand Theft Auto 5: San Andreas”, a popular and notoriously(臭名昭著的) violent cops and robbers game that turned out to contain hidden sex scenes that could be unlocked using a patch downloaded from the internet. The resulting outcry(大声疾呼) (mostly from Democratic(民主的) politicians playing to the centre) caused the game's rating(等级) in America to be changed from “mature”, which means you have to be 17 to buy it, to “adults only”, which means you have to be 18, but also means that big retailers 6 such as Wal-Mart will not stock(进货) it. As a result the game has been banned in Australia; and, this autumn, America's Federal Trade Commission(美联邦商务委员会) will investigate(调查) the complaints(抱怨,牢骚). That will give gaming's opponents an opportunity to vent 7 their wrath(愤怒) on the industry.

一种臭名昭著却大肆流行的狂热游戏“Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas”由于其暴力的警匪场面中夹杂色情镜头而被禁,但它却可以补丁下载的方式变相的解禁。招致的反对呼声(大多来自民主派政治人物)导致了该游戏的定级从“mature”升至“adult only”,即参与者法定年龄分段从17岁提高到18岁,这同时也意味着像Wal-Mart(沃尔玛)这样大的零售商将不再进货销售该产品。如此,该游戏在澳大利亚境内也被明令禁止。并且,今年秋天,美联邦商务委员会将调查事后的社会反应。这将给电玩游戏反对者们发泄愤怒的机会,出气筒当然是以此游戏为产品的相关工业。

Scepticism(怀疑主义,怀疑论) of new media is a tradition with deep roots, going back at least as far as Socrates' objections to written texts, outlined in Plato's Phaedrus. Socrates worried that relying on written texts, rather than the oral tradition, would “create forgetfulness in the learners' souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external(外部的) written characters and not remember of themselves.” (He also objected that a written version of a speech was no substitute(替代品) for the ability to interrogate(询问,诘问,这里指一种提问与辩驳的方式) the speaker, since, when questioned, the text “always gives one unvarying answer”. His objection, in short, was that books were not interactive(交互式的,指灵活多变). Perhaps Socrates would have thought more highly of video games.)


Novels were once considered too low-brow(庸俗的,没文化的) for university literature(文学,文艺) courses, but eventually the disapproving(不赞成的) professors(教授) retired 8. Waltz music and dancing were condemned 9 in the 19th century; all that twirling(旋转) was thought to be “intoxicating(醉人的,这里指使人迷醉的)” and “depraved(堕落腐化的)”, and the music was outlawed 10 in some places. Today it is hard to imagine what the fuss(大惊小怪) was about. And rock and roll was thought to encourage violence, promiscuity(混乱) and satanism(恶魔崇拜,邪恶主义); but today even grannies buy Coldplay(摇滚乐队的名字,代表作有“yellow”) albums.

在大学文学课堂上小说曾被认为难登大雅,但最终反对者还是退出了历史舞台。19世纪Waltz(华尔兹)同样舛命,它无尽优美的旋转被钉固在堕落腐朽的十字架上,甚至有些地方为法不容。 不过,今天人们已经很难想象那大惊小怪的滑稽年代了。摇滚音乐一度背负着暴力,混乱,邪恶的骂名;但而今,细心观察没准会看到邻居奶奶正在街角的音像店寻觅Coldplay的专辑。

游戏嗜玩者(Joystick junkies)

The opposition 11 to gaming springs largely from the neophobia(neo-: 新,phobia:恐惧病) that has pitted the old against (pit… against…: 使…与…对立)the entertainments of the young for centuries. Most gamers are under 40, and most critics are non-games-playing over-40s. But what of the specific complaints—that games foster(养育) addiction 12 and encourage violence?


There's no good evidence for either. On addiction, if the worry is about a generally(普通的,普遍的) excessive(过度) use of screen-based entertainment, critics should surely concern(联系,涉及,牵涉) themselves about television rather than games: American teenage boys play video games for around 13 hours a week (girls for only five hours), yet watch television for around 25 hours a week. As to the minority who seriously overdo 13 it(做事过火), research suggests that they display addictive 14 behaviour in other ways too. The problem, in other words, is with them, not with the games.


Most of the research on whether video games encourage violence is unsatisfactory, focusing primarily on short-term(短期的) effects. In the best study so far, frequent(频繁的) playing of a violent game sustained(维持,持续) over a month had no effect on participants' level of aggression 15. And, during the period in which gaming has become widespread in America, violent crime has fallen by half. If games really did make people violent, this tendency(趋向) might be expected to show up in the figures, given that half of Americans play computer and video games. Perhaps, as some observers have suggested, gaming actually makes people less violent, by acting 16 as a safety valve.


“恐惧病”将继续蔓延(Neophobes unite)
(neophobes=neophobia; unite:联合)

So are games good, rather than bad, for people? Good ones probably are. Games are widely used as educational tools, not just for pilots, soldiers and surgeons(外科医生), but also in schools and businesses (see article). Every game has its own interface(接口) and controls(控制器,控制装置), so that anyone who has learned to play a handful of games can generally figure out(想出,断定) how to operate almost any high-tech(高科技) device. Games require players to construct hypotheses(假设,臆想), solve problems, develop strategies, learn the rules of the in-game world through trial and error. Gamers must also be able to juggle 17 several different tasks (juggle sth. 同时处理面对…), evaluate risks(估计风险,比较风险大小) and make quick decisions. One game, set in 1930s Europe, requires the player to prevent the outbreak of the second world war; other games teach everything from algebra 18 to derivatives([数]导数,微商) trading. Playing games is, thus, an ideal form of preparation for the workplace of the 21st century, as some forward-thinking firms are already starting to realise.


Pointing all this out makes little difference, though, because the controversy 19 over gaming, as with rock and roll, is more than anything else the consequence of a generational divide. Can the disagreements between old and young over new forms of media ever be resolved? Sometimes attitudes can change relatively 20 quickly, as happened with the internet. Once condemned as a cesspool(污水坑) of depravity(堕落), it is now recognised as a valuable new medium, albeit(尽管) one where (as with films, TV and, yes, video games) children's access should be limited and supervised. The benefits of a broadband (宽带) connection are now acknowledged(承认,感激), and politicians worry about extending access to the have-nots(穷人,穷国). Attitudes changed because critics of the internet had to start using it for work, and then realised that, like any medium, it could be used for good purposes as well as bad. They have no such incentive 21 to take up gaming, however..


Eventually, objections to new media resolve(解决) themselves, as the young grow up and the old die out. As today's gamers grow older—the average age of gamers is already 30—video games will ultimately become just another medium, alongside books, music and films. And soon the greying gamers will start tut-tutting(发虚啧之声) about some new evil threatening to destroy the younger generation's moral fibre(纤维,比喻义).


  • She was positively glowing with happiness.她满脸幸福。
  • The weather was positively poisonous.这天气着实讨厌。
v.(通常因道义上的原因而)谴责( condemn的现在分词 );宣判;宣布…不能使用;迫使…陷于不幸的境地
  • The government issued a statement condemning the killings. 政府发表声明谴责这些凶杀事件。
  • I concur with the speaker in condemning what has been done. 我同意发言者对所做的事加以谴责。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • That kind of epidemic disease has long been stamped out.那种传染病早已绝迹。
  • The authorities tried to localise the epidemic.当局试图把流行病限制在局部范围。
  • There was a touching air of innocence about the boy.这个男孩有一种令人感动的天真神情。
  • The accused man proved his innocence of the crime.被告人经证实无罪。
  • Don't park your auto here.别把你的汽车停在这儿。
  • The auto industry has brought many people to Detroit.汽车工业把许多人吸引到了底特律。
零售商,零售店( retailer的名词复数 )
  • High street retailers reported a marked increase in sales before Christmas. 商业街的零售商报告说圣诞节前销售量显著提高。
  • Retailers have a statutory duty to provide goods suitable for their purpose. 零售商有为他们提供符合要求的货品的法定义务。
  • He gave vent to his anger by swearing loudly.他高声咒骂以发泄他的愤怒。
  • When the vent became plugged,the engine would stop.当通风口被堵塞时,发动机就会停转。
  • The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。
  • Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都以从事园艺为嗜好。
  • Most states have outlawed the use of marijuana. 大多数州都宣布使用大麻为非法行为。
  • I hope the sale of tobacco will be outlawed someday. 我希望有朝一日烟草制品会禁止销售。
  • The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard.该党领袖在自己的党內遇到了反对。
  • The police tried to break down the prisoner's opposition.警察设法制住了那个囚犯的反抗。
  • He stole money from his parents to feed his addiction.他从父母那儿偷钱以满足自己的嗜好。
  • Areas of drug dealing are hellholes of addiction,poverty and murder.贩卖毒品的地区往往是吸毒上瘾、贫困和发生谋杀的地方。
  • Do not overdo your privilege of reproving me.不要过分使用责备我的特权。
  • The taxi drivers' association is urging its members,who can work as many hours as they want,not to overdo it.出租车司机协会劝告那些工作时长不受限制的会员不要疲劳驾驶。
  • The problem with video game is that they're addictive.电子游戏机的问题在于它们会使人上瘾。
  • Cigarettes are highly addictive.香烟很容易使人上瘾。
  • So long as we are firmly united, we need fear no aggression.只要我们紧密地团结,就不必惧怕外来侵略。
  • Her view is that aggression is part of human nature.她认为攻击性是人类本性的一部份。
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
  • If you juggle with your accounts,you'll get into trouble.你要是在帐目上做手脚,你可要遇到麻烦了。
  • She had to juggle her job and her children.她得同时兼顾工作和孩子。
  • He was not good at algebra in middle school.他中学时不擅长代数。
  • The boy can't figure out the algebra problems.这个男孩做不出这道代数题。
  • That is a fact beyond controversy.那是一个无可争论的事实。
  • We ran the risk of becoming the butt of every controversy.我们要冒使自己在所有的纷争中都成为众矢之的的风险。
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
  • Money is still a major incentive in most occupations.在许多职业中,钱仍是主要的鼓励因素。
  • He hasn't much incentive to work hard.他没有努力工作的动机。
admiralty Redwood viscometer
Allium prostratum
amblygaster sirm
autonomous systems
blasting curtain
caprylic acid methyl ester
contractor furnished equipment
convention for delegates
cycle tyre wired-edge bead
cyclic relief development
cylinder regulator
danger is. (pukapuka atoll)
delayed temperature feedback
dividing ruler
douche it
estimated net energy
fire area monitoring
flood control barrage
free mobility
French pressure cell
general average disbursements
high power bolometer
history of economic thinking
horizontal pointer
iniforis concors
jackfruit trees
keyhole type notch
knit in
load maintainer system
multi-flame pot furnace
mycoplasma agalactiae
natural hazard
participation system
pentenedioic acid
phenylpropyl cinnamate
plot twists
position guide
program-controlled sequential computer
proportional ionization chamber
protection rackets
regenerative rocket motor
ribosome cycle
sandwich matrix
scrap dock
shared frame buffer interconnect
short range navigation
significant part number
squeezed orange
store interface link
tariff protection
thespesia populneas
thrust-eccentric effect
transmission-line impedance
tumor of synovial membrane
tuning up
V card
Venae cerebelli
vertebral plate (or neural plate)
waiting alone
working permit
y parameter
yellowed rice