时间:2019-01-01 作者:英语课 分类:六人行—第1-5季


The One With Chandler in a Box


Written by: Michael Borkow
Transcribed 1 by: Eric Aasen


[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey is sitting at the counter reading a magazine as the phone rings.]

Joey: (answering phone) Hello.

Chandler: (on phone) Hey, it抯 me. I know you can抰 stand to be in the same room as me, so I just thought I抎 try and apologize over the phone. All I?(Joey hangs up the phone in disgust.)


(The phone rings again.)

Joey: (answering phone) Hello.

Chandler: Look I never should have kissed your girlfriend, but I抦?(Joey hangs up the phone again.)


(The phone rings yet again.)

Joey: (answering phone) Stop callin?!

Voice: (on phone) Hey! Hey! Hey! This is 92.3, WXRK, K-Rock for our $1,000 daily challenge.

Joey: All right!

Voice: What is the name of your roommate who is very, very sorry and would do anything?(Joey realizes it抯 Chandler and hangs up the phone in anger.)

Opening Credits

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone but Joey and Chandler are there getting ready for Thanksgiving.]

Chandler: (entering) Aww, turkey! Aww, giving thanks! Aww!

Phoebe: Look everyone, it抯 the spirit of Thanksgiving!

Rachel: So are things with you and Joey any better?

Chandler: They couldn抰 be worse. I spent eight hours calling him last night, just trying to get him to talk to me.

Rachel: Oh wow, eight hours? So you could probably really use one of those plug-in telephone headsets huh?

Ross: Should we all expect Christmas gifts that can be stolen from your office?

Rachel: You shouldn抰.

Phoebe: Speaking of Christmas, umm since Monica and I are starting a new business and have like no money, umm, this year maybe we could do secret Santa, and then we each only buy one gift. And-and there抯 the added mystery of who gets who.

Ross: Who gets whom. (They all look at him.) I don抰 know why I do that.

[Cut to later, the gang, minus Joey, is watching the Thanksgiving Day parade.]

Rachel: Well, I抦 gonna take a nap, turkey makes me sleepy.

Monica: We haven 2抰 eaten yet!

Rachel: I know, but all that work you抮e doing to get it ready, I just?(goes into her bedroom.)

Chandler: Hey, by any chance did either of pick uh Rachel for your secret Santa, 慶ause I wanna trade for her.

Phoebe: I picked her! Oh thank God you want her! Ooh!

Chandler: Wow! Why do you want to get rid of her so badly?

Phoebe: Because she exchanges every gift she ever gets, it抯 like impossible to get her something she likes. Come on, let抯 trade!

Chandler: Oh that抯 not true! That抯 not true! I got her that backpack and she loved it! I remember how much she was crying the day when that big dog ran off with it?(notices the look on Monica and Phoebe抯 faces.) Oh, there was no big dog. All right this sucks! I already got her this briefcase 3, and I had R.G. put on it?(Phoebe looks confused.) Her initials?

Phoebe: Ohh.

Monica: Well, maybe you could give to somebody else. Ooh, like Ross Geller.

Chandler: Op, y'know what though, it抯 kind抳e a girlie briefcase.

Monica: Who cares? He works in a museum!

Chandler: Hey, what time is it? The big game is about to start!

Phoebe: You don抰 have to do that, Ross and Joey aren抰 here, you can watch the parade if you want.

Chandler: Thanks.

Monica: What is wrong with this freezer?! (She jabs her arm into the freezer and a piece of ice flies into her eye.) Ow! Ow!!

Phoebe: God, what happened?!

Monica: Oh my God, ice just got in my eye!

Rachel: (standing 4 in her doorway) People are trying to sleep in here!

Chandler: Monica got ice in her eye, and it hurts.

Phoebe: Open it up, let me see.

Monica: Oh, y択now what, I can抰, it really kills.

Chandler: Well maybe you should put some ice on it.

Phoebe: Ooh, God it looks bad.

Rachel: Honey, maybe we should take you to a doctor.

Monica: No, my eye doctor is Richard! I can抰 go to him when I don抰 have a boyfriend!

Chandler: He抯 really picky about his patients.

Phoebe: Honey, you抳e got to go. What抯 his office number?

Monica: Like I remember his office number! (Pause) Speed dial 7.

Phoebe: (on phone) Hi! Yeah, I抦 calling on behalf of Monica Geller抯 eye, and is um, is Richard Burke in today. (Listens) (to Monica) He抯 out of town, but does she want to see the on-call doctor?

Monica: Yes!!

Phoebe: Yes! She抯 very excited about that.

[Cut to later, Phoebe is adding butter to something and Ross is watching.]

Phoebe: This is so cool, 憈il Monica gets back, it抯 like I抦 head chef and I get to make all the decisions. (She looks at the remaining butter, and then decides to add it to the dish.)

Ross: Hey-hey, I thought she told you to follow the recipe exactly!

Phoebe: Okay, get out of my kitchen!

Chandler: (entering) All right! Okay! I think I am making some progress with Joey, when I went into the apartment he went straight into his bedroom but he only slammed the door once! (Ross is pleased.) I mean yeah, he gave me the finger while doing it.

Phoebe: All right I?I gotta call my mom and ask her a left handed cooking question.

Ross: So listen ah, I picked Monica for secret Santa, but I抦 already getting her something for Chanukah, I was wondering if you wanna switch.

Chandler: Oh y択now what, I was already trying to trade for ah, well, you.

Ross: Really?! Wow! That抯-that抯 so nice, what are you gonna get me?

Chandler: I don抰 know R.G., I was thinking something girlie for your office.

Ross: Yeah, well maybe Phoebe will switch with me.

Chandler: Oh no-no-no, you don抰 want to do that, then you抮e gonna get stuck with Rachel and she exchanges every gift she ever gets.

Ross: Oh, that抯 not true! I抳e got her lots of stuff she never took back.

Chandler: Like?

Ross: Like uh, that gold necklace I got her last year.

Chandler: When was the last time you saw her wear it?

Ross: Well, she wore it all Christmas day, and then uh?

Chandler: Big dog?

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey is repacking the furniture into boxes to return it.]

Ross: (entering) Hey!

Joey: Hey!

Ross: What are you doing?

Joey: I抦 sending back all this stuff that Chandler bought out of guilt 5.

Ross: Everything? Even the TV?

Joey: No! I抦 putting that in my room.

Ross: Listen, Joey, I know what he did was wrong but don抰 you think you could at least hear the guy out?

Joey: Back when you and Rachel were together, if Chandler had kissed her, would you hear him out?

Ross: That抯 a good point. So uh, how long are you gonna punish him?

Joey: Five years.

Ross: You抳e sentenced him?!

Joey: Hey! Don抰 do the crime if you can抰 do the time.

Ross: Joey, the guy抯 your best friend.

Joey: No, was my best friend. Anyway, I don抰 know why you抮e pushing for him so hard. With him out of the way as my best friend, there抯 a spot open.

Ross: Oh, who? Me?

Joey: Yeah!

Ross: Wow! I抦 honored! And y択now what I抦 gonna do as my first act as your best friend?

Joey: What?

Ross: I抦 gonna get you to talk to Chandler.

Joey: All right. But if you weren抰 my best friend.

[Scene: Central Perk 6, Chandler and Kathy are sitting at a table and talking about Joey.]

Kathy: Oh my God, is it really that bad?

Chandler: I walk into a room and he won抰 even talk to me, he just mumbles 7 something in Italian. And I know he only knows the bad words.

Joey: (entering) Hey Gunther, have you uh, have you seen Chandler?

Gunther: I thought you were Chandler. But umm, one of who is over there.

(Joey turns around and sees them kissing.)

Kathy: Oh.

Chandler: Hey Joe.

Joey: (Something in Italian.) (Storms out.)

[Scene: Dr. Burke抯 office, Rachel and Monica are waiting as the doctor arrives.]

Doctor: I抣l be right with you. Okay? (to the nurse) Thanks, Wendy.

Monica: Oh my God! How cute is the on-call doctor?

Rachel: Ooh, so cute, that I抦 thinking about jamming this pen in my eye.

(The intercom buzzes.)

Nurse: Dr. Burke will see you know.

Monica: Oh no-no-no, not Dr. Burke. Dr. Burke is out of town. The-the on-call doctor will see me now.

Nurse: Dr. Richard Burke is out of town. Dr. Timothy Burke, his son, will see you now.

Dr. Timothy Burke: Ready?

(Monica looks at Rachel, who gives her the thumbs up.)

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Joey is packing as Chandler rushes in.]

Chandler: Hey! I抦 sorry! That?sees that Joey is about to leave) where are you going?

Joey: My folks.

Chandler: Oh, uh, when-when are you coming back?

Joey: I don抰 know. I might stay there for a few days while I look for an apartment.

Chandler: What?!

Joey: Yeah, y択now at first I thought we could talk about this y択now, work it out, but uh, seeing you two together I don抰 think I?

Chandler: Hey, look, what do you want me to say? Do you want me to say that I抣l stop seeing her?

Joey: Look, it抯 not about her. Okay? But seeing you two together just reminds me of what you did. And I don抰 want to live with some one who doesn抰 know what it is to be a friend. So, I抣l see ya. (He starts to leave, but Chandler grabs his bag and stops him.)

Chandler: Hey, look, I know what it is to be a friend, I just-I just screwed up!

Joey: Yeah! You did! And that抯 why I抦 leaving.

(The chick and the duck walk into the living room.)

Chandler: All right look, if you抮e not gonna stay for me, then at least stay for them! Okay, they have had a very difficult year! What with the robbery and all!

Joey: When that guy was robbing us, and I was locked in the entertainment unit for like six hours, you know what I was doing in there all that time? I was thinking about how I let you down!

Chandler: What?

Joey: Yeah! But if would抳e know what kind of friend you were gonna turn out to be, I wouldn抰 have worried about it so much! See you around!

Chandler: All right, wait! Come on! Just wait one second! There has to be something that I can do! Something! If we still had that entertainment unit I would get in it for six hours and think about how I let you down. (Joey looks intrigued) What?

Joey: We抳e got a box. (Motions to a large wooden box next to him.)

Commercial Break

[Scene: Dr. Burke抯 office, Tim is examining Monica.]

Tim: Last time I saw you, it was the morning I left for college. And you were just standing outside The Dairy Queen.

Monica: I was probably waiting for it to open.

Tim: I gotta tell you, you look great now.

Monica: You look great too.

Tim: You抮e an excellent patient!

Monica: So how does it look?

Tim: Well, you抳e got a little scratch on your cornea, your gonna have to wear a patch for a couple of days.

Monica: Like a pirate?!

Tim: If that helps you.

Monica: Umm, so how long have you been working with your dad? (He looks at her) Come on, one of us had to mention him.

Tim: I moved back here a couple of months ago.

Monica: Oh. Big family dinner tonight?

Tim: Uh. (He holds up a brown lunch bag.)

Monica: No way!

Tim: I was gonna have Thanksgiving at my girlfriend抯.

Monica: (disappointed) Oh.

Tim: But we broke up.

Monica: (happy) Oh.

Tim: She-she wasn抰 ready for a serious commitment.

Monica: (sympathetic) Oh. (in a pirate抯 voice) So you made her walk the plank 8? Aye, matie?

Tim: You抮e not wearing the patch yet.

Monica: I know.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, It抯 closer to dinner. Monica has just told everyone that Tim is coming to dinner.]

Ross: He抯 coming here for Thanksgiving!

Rachel: I know, it抯 sick.

Monica: Why is it sick?

Rachel: Because it抯 Richard抯 son! It抯 like inviting 9 Greek tragedy over for dinner!

Monica: Hey, come on, Phoebe, you understand don抰 you?

Phoebe: Yeah, I can see where I抎 be your best shot but, no. I抦 sorry, but I think it抯 twisted.

Ross: Yeah.

Joey: (coming out of the bathroom) What抯 twisted?

Monica: Me going out with Richard抯 son.

Joey: Ewwwww!! Ew! Ew! Ew!

Chandler: (He is now in the box, in their living room.) Sounds like a really bad idea to me.

Rachel: Is he okay in there?

Joey: He抯 fine!

Ross: Hey, y'know, Mon, if things wrong out between you and Richard抯 son, you抎 be able to tell your kids, that you slept with their grandfather.

Monica: Fine! Judge all you want to but, (points to Ross) married a lesbian, (points to Rachel) left a man at the altar, (points to Phoebe) fell in love with a gay ice dancer, (points to Joey) threw a girl抯 wooden leg in a fire, (points to Chandler) livin?in a box!! (goes to her room)

Rachel: So now, what exactly is the point of the box?

Joey: Chandler?

Chandler: The meaning of the box is three fold. One (holds a finger up through the air hole), it gives me the time to think about what I did. Two (holds up another finger), it proves how much I care about my friendship with Joey. And three (holds up a third finger), it hurts!

Ross: (to Rachel) Oh hey! Hey uh, you remember the necklace I gave you last year? Can I see it?

Rachel: (worried) Why?

Ross: I just wanna check something.

Rachel: Okay. (She goes into her bedroom)

Ross: (He puts his hand over the hole on the box.) (to Chandler) Now, we抣l see.

Chandler: Air hole! Air hole!! (Ross retracts 10 his hand quickly.)

Rachel: (coming out of her bedroom with a necklace) Here it is! I love it. I wear it all the time.

Ross: (grabbing the necklace) The necklace I got you was gold, this one is silver.

Rachel: Huh, well maybe it uh, it changed.

Ross: Oh my God! You actually exchanged it!

Rachel: Well isn抰 it better that I exchanged it for something that I enjoy and that I can get a lot of use out of?

Ross: What did you get?

Rachel: Credit.

(There抯 a knock on the door.)

Monica: (running in from her bedroom) I抣l get it! I抣l get it! I抣l get it! I抣l get it! I抣l get it! I抣l get it! I抣l get it! I抣l get it! I抣l get it! I抣l get it! I抣l get it! I抣l get it! I抣l get it! I抣l get it! (opens the door) Hi, Tim.

Tim: Hi. (gives her a bottle of wine)

Monica: Thank you. Come meet my friends. This is uh, Phoebe.

Tim: Hi, nice to meet you.

Monica: And Joey.

Joey: Hey!

Tim: Hi, Joey.

Monica: My brother, Ross.

Ross: Hey.

Monica: And Rachel. (Chandler clears his voice loudly) And that抯 Chandler.

Chandler: How do ya do.

Tim: What抯?

Monica: Umm, well, he抯?

Joey: He抯 doin?some thinkin?

[cut to later, Joey, Rachel, Ross, and Tim are watching the football game, and they all cheer loudly.]

Chandler: What happened? What happened?!

Joey: You kissed my girlfriend!

(A commercial for sunglasses comes on.)

Rachel: Ooh, I like those sunglasses.

Ross: Like 慹m, like 慹m? Or, I抎 like to get store credit for that amount like 慹m?

Rachel: (Swears in Italian, it抯 the same term used by Joey earlier and Joey nods his approval.)

Monica: All right everybody, this turkey is ready!

Tim: Where can I wash up?

Monica: Here, let me show you. Okay, the towels are hanging next to the sink, and umm, you can use the fancy soap.

Tim: Thank you.

Rachel: Fancy soap? I thought we were savin?that for the Pope!

Monica: See he抯 nice. Right?

Phoebe: Yeah, but Monica, do you actually want to be in a relationship where you can actually use the phrase, "That抯 not how your dad used to do it."

Tim: Wow! Everything looks great! Where should I sit?

Monica: I saved you a seat. (Motions to the one next to her.)

Rachel: (pouring the wine) Sick-sick-sick-sick.

(There抯 a loud knocking.)

Phoebe: Oh, I抣l get it. (goes over to the door.)

Chandler: Gotcha! (laughs)

Joey: That doesn抰 sound like thinking to me!

Chandler: Sorry!

Joey: Y択now I don抰 think you should be talking at all in there! I think you抳e got to much thinking to do to be talking and making jokes!

Chandler: Okay, okay, you got it!

Rachel: Ross, can you pass me the yams?

Ross: Sure! Oh, and Joey抯 got the mashed 11 potatoes if you want to exchange them.

Rachel: Would you stop?! What is the matter with you?!

Monica: Oh-ho-ho, we抳e got company.

Ross: There抯 nothing the matter with me. See, I抦 not completely devoid 12 of sentiment, see I have feelings.

Rachel: Okay, fine. (She gets up and walks into her bedroom)

(an awkward silence follows)

Chandler: You can抰 tell, but I抦 trying to break the tension by mooning you guys!

Joey: All right, look! If this is just a big joke to you, then forget about it, all right?! This means something to me! And if it doesn抰 mean anything to you, then you should get out of there, otherwise you抮e just an idiot in a box!

Chandler: You抮e right, and I抦 sorry! This means a lot to me! I want you to be my friend again! I swear, I won抰 say another word tonight.

Joey: So are you gonna start taking this thing seriously?

Chandler: Absolutely!

Joey: That sounds like another word to me! Are you gonna take this seriously? (There抯 no response from Chandler.) Okay.

(Rachel comes back carrying a shoe box.)

Rachel: Don抰 say that I have no sentiment! (Starts to show Ross what抯 in the box.) This is a movie stub from our first date! This is an eggshell from the first time you made me breakfast in bed! (Holds up a bone) This is from the museum from the first time we?were together. Okay, maybe I exchange gifts sometimes, but I keep the things that matter!

Ross: I don抰 know what to say, I抦 sorry. Though, you抮e not supposed to take these. (Points to the bone) It抯 like a million years old, we, we actually, we had people looking for that.

(Rachel glares at him.)

[Cut to the balcony with Monica and Tim.]

Monica: (putting off her coat) Ooh, this always happens. (Her coat gets stuck.)

Tim: Here, let me help. (Does so.)

Monica: Thank you.

Tim: You-you have a very beautiful?eye.

Monica: Y択now all my friends think this is weird 13.

Tim: Y択now I-I thought it was gonna be weird, I mean I almost called and canceled, but it really isn抰.

Monica: I know! I mean it抯 like me and your dad, that抯 a totally separate thing.

Tim: Oh, I totally agree.

Monica: We抮e just two people who find each other very attractive. Right?

(Tim leans in to kiss her. They stop, and when he tries to kiss her again, Monica pulls away.)

Tim: What?

Monica: Nothing. Nothing.

Tim: No-no really, was-was that not okay?

Monica: No-no-no that was good, it was, that was uh, that was a goood kiss?

Tim: Oh my God! It didn抰 remind you of?

Monica: (interrupting) Don抰 say it!

Tim: No, but it did! Didn抰 it?!

Monica: Yeah!

Tim: Oh man!!

Monica: I know!

(They both shiver in horror.)

[cut to later, Tim has left. Monica is still shivering. There抯 a knock on the door.]

Joey: I抣l get it. (It抯 Kathy.)

Kathy: (sees it抯 Joey) Oh.

Joey: Hey.

Kathy: Hey. Listen, I want you to know how sorry I am?

Joey: That抯 okay. Chandler抯 the one I抦 mad at.

Kathy: Well, I抦 still sorry. Is he here?

Joey: In the box.

Kathy: (going over to the box) Chandler?

Phoebe: Oh, he-he can抰 talk right now.

Kathy: Why not? What抯 going on?

Phoebe: He抯 just trying to show Joey how much he means to him.

Kathy: By being in a box?

Rachel: Joey, had reasons.

Phoebe: They were threefold.

Kathy: Oh. Well uh, (to Chandler) you not being able to talk may make this easier. Listen umm?(She looks at the gang who are watching, they take the hint and leave them alone.) Listen I don抰 wanna be someone who comes between two best friends. I just, I can抰 stand seeing what this is doing to you guys, and I don抰 wanna be the cause of that. So, I don抰 think we can see each other anymore. I抦 gonna go to my mom抯 in Chicago, I抦 gonna stay there for awhile. I think this could抳e be something really amazing, but y択now this is probably for the best. Y択now? I抦 gonna miss you. Good-bye, Chandler.

(She gets up and leaves, Chandler waves good-bye with one finger extended through the air hole. Ross glares at Joey.)

Joey: (starting to cry) Open the box!! (Runs over to do so.)

Rachel: What?!

Joey: He can still catch her! Come on, get out of there! (He opens the box) Get out of there!

Chandler: So?

Joey: Yeah, we抮e gonna be fine! Get out!

Chandler: Yeah?

Joey: Yeah, you did some real good thinkin?in there.

Chandler: Man, this is?

(Joey says something unintelligible 14 and they hug.)

Joey: Now go! 慍ause you can still catch her! And Merry Christmas from you抮e secret Santa! (Chandler runs out and closes the door.)

(After he抯 gone.)

Joey: All right, who got Chandler? 慍ause I uh, need to trade.

Closing Credits

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's Balcony, the gang is all there watching Chandler.]

Rachel: Oh, he sees her!

Monica: Oh, he抯 catching 15 up to her!

Phoebe: Oh, she sees him! Oh, they抮e hugging!

Ross: He抯 taking her purse!

Joey: Uhh, that抯 not them. I抦 gonna go call the police.

Phoebe: Oh, there they are!

(They watch them making up and sigh)

Phoebe: All right, get a room.



(用不同的录音手段)转录( transcribe的过去式和过去分词 ); 改编(乐曲)(以适应他种乐器或声部); 抄写; 用音标标出(声音)
  • He transcribed two paragraphs from the book into his notebook. 他把书中的两段抄在笔记本上。
  • Every telephone conversation will be recorded and transcribed. 所有电话交谈都将被录音并作全文转写。
  • It's a real haven at the end of a busy working day.忙碌了一整天后,这真是一个安乐窝。
  • The school library is a little haven of peace and quiet.学校的图书馆是一个和平且安静的小避风港。
  • He packed a briefcase with what might be required.他把所有可能需要的东西都装进公文包。
  • He requested the old man to look after the briefcase.他请求那位老人照看这个公事包。
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
  • She tried to cover up her guilt by lying.她企图用谎言掩饰自己的罪行。
  • Don't lay a guilt trip on your child about schoolwork.别因为功课责备孩子而使他觉得很内疚。
  • His perks include a car provided by the firm.他的额外津贴包括公司提供的一辆汽车。
  • And the money is,of course,a perk.当然钱是额外津贴。
含糊的话或声音,咕哝( mumble的名词复数 )
  • He always mumbles when he's embarrassed. 他感到难为情时说话就含糊不清了。
  • When the old lady speaks she often mumbles her words. 这位老妇人说起话来常常含糊不清。
  • The plank was set against the wall.木板靠着墙壁。
  • They intend to win the next election on the plank of developing trade.他们想以发展贸易的纲领来赢得下次选举。
  • An inviting smell of coffee wafted into the room.一股诱人的咖啡香味飘进了房间。
  • The kitchen smelled warm and inviting and blessedly familiar.这间厨房的味道温暖诱人,使人感到亲切温馨。
v.撤回或撤消( retract的第三人称单数 );拒绝执行或遵守;缩回;拉回
  • A cat retracts its claws. 猫缩进它的爪子。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • The split graph is given endomorphism images are retracts. 给出了任意自同态像图都是收缩核的分裂图的结构。 来自互联网
  • two scoops of mashed potato 两勺土豆泥
  • Just one scoop of mashed potato for me, please. 请给我盛一勺土豆泥。
  • He is completely devoid of humour.他十分缺乏幽默。
  • The house is totally devoid of furniture.这所房子里什么家具都没有。
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
  • If a computer is given unintelligible data, it returns unintelligible results.如果计算机得到的是难以理解的数据,它给出的也将是难以理解的结果。
  • The terms were unintelligible to ordinary folk.这些术语一般人是不懂的。
  • There are those who think eczema is catching.有人就是认为湿疹会传染。
  • Enthusiasm is very catching.热情非常富有感染力。
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tool steels
value type
warp printing
welded stud
with flying colors
wound-rotor winding