时间:2019-01-01 作者:英语课 分类:六人行—第1-5季


The One Where Ross and Rachel Take A Break


Written by: Michael Borkow
Transcribed 1 by: Eric Aasen


[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Joey is taking a jar of olives out of the fridge.]

Joey: (to Monica) Hey, how much will you give me to eat this whole jar of olives?

Monica: I won抰 give you anything, but you抣l owe me 2.95.

Joey: Done.

Phoebe: (entering) Hey. I need an atlas 2! I need an atlas!

Monica: Why? (in a motherlike tone) Do you have a report due?

Phoebe: I have a date with this diplomat 3 I met while I was giving free massages 4 outside the UN and, I don抰 know where his country is.

Monica: Okay, let抯 start with the free messages outside the UN.

Phoebe: Oh!! That抯 my new thing. I figure bodies at peace, make peace.

Monica: Wow! You might just get the first Nobel prize in rubbing. So what country is this guy from?

Phoebe: Ick-neck-tree-anis..... There抯 a 慻?in there.

Monica: Where抯 that?

Phoebe: In your atlas!

Monica: I don抰 have an atlas.

Phoebe: Oh.

Monica: Oh, but wait I do have a globe.

Phoebe: Oh.

Monica: Hold on.

Joey: So Pheebs what抯 this guy like?

Phoebe: Umm, well he抯 very dashing, y'know, and umm, very, very sophisticated, and he doesn抰 speak any English, but according to his translator, he totally gets me.

Monica: 慘ay, here you go. (Hands her this tiny little globe.)

Phoebe: What is this?

Monica: It抯 a globe and, a pencil sharpener.

(Phoebe puts the globe right up next to her eye to try and find the country.)

Chandler: (entering) Hey, does anybody need anything copied? I抦 going down to the Xerox 6 place.

Monica: Oh, no thanks.

Chandler: Okay listen, just give me anything I can make two of.

Monica: Well, if you don抰 have anything to copy, why are you going down there?

Joey: Yeah, are you just going down there to gawk at that hot girl with the belly 7 button ring again?

Chandler: Yeah! You wanna come?

Joey: Yeah!

Opening Credits

[Scene: The Xerox place, Chandler and Joey are waiting in line.]

Chandler: Come on Chloe! Finish up with your customer first. Come on Chloe! Come on Chloe!!

Issac: (to Chandler and Joey) Can I help you?

Chandler: Uh-oh.

Joey: Uh, y'know what, we抮e having second thoughts about our copying needs. And we抣l need a little more time to think about it.

Issac: Chloe, switch with me, there抯 some guys here that got a crush on you.

Chandler: (to Joey) Okay, that hurt us.

Chloe: Hi guys. I haven 8抰 seen you since this morning.

Chandler: Well ah, ........y'know.

Chloe: Hey, what are you guys doing tomorrow night?

Joey: Both of us? (points to Chandler and himself)

Chloe: Maybe. Does that scare ya?

(They both start laughing. They look at each other, stop and step apart a little bit.)

Chloe: Relax. It抯 just Issac抯 D.J.-ing at the Philly. You should come.

Joey: We抣l be there.

Chloe: Great. I抣l ah, see ya then.

Chandler: All right, rock on. (Does the 慔ang 10?sign, then hides his face in shame.)

[Scene: A Street, Phoebe is walking along with the diplomat (Sergei) and his translator (Mischa).]

Sergei: (something in Russian or Polish)

Mischa: He抯 says, 慦alking with you makes this strange city, feel like home.?

Phoebe: Me too. Although this city is my home, so. So that抯 dumb what I said, don抰 tell him I said that. Umm, you make something up. (Mischa does so and Sergei kisses her hand.) Nice, (to Mischa) thank you. This is me. Here.

(Sergei goes up to her at her door and says something.)

Mischa: (leaning in) Your eyes are very pretty.

Phoebe: (to Mischa) Thank you, very much! Oh! (to Sergei) Thank you!

(Sergei says something and leans in to kiss her, but just as he抯 about to....)

Mischa: (leaning in) He would like to kiss you.

Phoebe: (to Mischa) Okay, y'know what, you don抰 have to do that now. (Mischa translates that to Sergei) No-no-no-no!! Not him, you don抰! (Mischa tells Sergei he can proceed and steps away) Well the moment抯 over.

(Sergei says something and kisses her.)

Phoebe: Oh.

Mischa: Oy!

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Phoebe is showing Monica where Sergei抯 country is.]

Phoebe: (pointing to the globe) See there it is right there.

Monica: Wow! It抯 small.

Phoebe: Yeah. But Sergei said it took the Germans six weeks to get all the way across it.

Monica: So you had fun, huh?

Phoebe: Yeah. Except for, y'know when you抮e on a date and you抮e getting along really great but the guy抯 translator keeps getting in the way.

Monica: No.

Ross: (entering) Hey.

Phoebe and Monica: Hey.

Ross: What is ah, Rach in her room?

Monica: Oh no, she抯 still at work, but she told me to tell you to call her.

Ross: Oh what?! Is she gonna cancel on me again?! How can she do this? Doesn抰 she know it抯 our anniversary?

Monica: All right ah, Ross, this is the extent of my knowledge on the subject. (holds up a notepad) Call Rachel.

Ross: What抯 that on the bottom?

Monica: Oh that抯 my doodle of a ladybug, with a top hat. (to Phoebe) She抯 fancy.

(Ross calls Rachel)

Rachel: (answering her phone at work) Hello.

Ross: Hey, honey.

Rachel: Oh, hi.

Ross: Hey, what抯 going on?

Rachel: Well, there was a disaster in shipping 9 and I抳e got to get this order in. Honey, I抦 so sorry, but it looks like I抦 gonna be here all night.

Ross: What, do you, well umm, oh how about I come up there?

Rachel: No-no-no, no, honey please, I抳e got, I抳e just have so much to deal with.

[Cut to kitchen.]

Phoebe: (to Monica) Anyway, I抦 going out with Sergei again tonight, and um, could you come and be the translator抯 date? So that when we, it抯 time for our alone time, you two could split off. Y'know, he抯 really, he抯 kinda cute.

Monica: Yeah, well kinda cute, like really kinda cute, or kinda cute like your friend Spackel Back Larry?

Phoebe: Hey, don抰 call him that! His name is Spackel Back Harry 10!

[Scene: Central Perk 11, Chandler and Joey are sitting on the big couch.]

Chandler: Hey, y'know what, maybe we should get going. I mean what time did Chloe say we should be there?

Joey: Uh, 10:30.

Chandler: What time is it now?

Joey: 4:30.

Chandler: Yeah all right, so we抣l hang out.

Joey: Yeah. Hey, remember when she brought up that thing about the three of us?

Chandler: Yes. Vividly 12.

Joey: She was kidding about that right?

Chandler: Yeah, I-I-I think so. (Pauses and thinks about it for a second) Yeah, I-I think so...

Joey: God, that would be weird 13 it that situation presented itself tonight, huh?

Chandler: Yeah. Yeah, I mean what, what would we do?

Joey: Dude, I don抰 know.

Chandler: She was kidding.

Joey: Yeah.

Chandler: She was.... But y'know what, just in case, maybe we should come up with a set of ground rules.

Joey: Yeah, for sure. Okay. Probably want the first thing to be, never open your eyes. Y'know, because you don抰 want to be doing something and then look up and see something you don抰 want to be seeing.

Chandler: Yeah. Good call, nice one. Hold it!! Hold it! What if me eyes are closed, and, and my hand is out there.... (holds his arm out and pretends to grab something with his hand.)

Joey: Ah!! Okay! Eyes open at all times! Oh, hey, how do we decide where we... (clears throat) y'know each would, (clears throat again) y'know (pause) be?

Chandler: Right. Right. Well ah, y'know we could flip 14 for it.

Joey: Yeah, I guess, but what抯 like heads and what抯 tails?

Chandler: Well it you don抰 know that, then I don抰 want to do this with you.

[Scene: Rachel抯 office, Rachel and a co-worker (Sophie) are dealing 15 with the crisis.]

Rachel: (on the phone) No, no, no, I抦 looking at a purchase order right here and it clearly states that we ordered the Rivera bikini in a variety of sizes and colours. And.... (listens) What does it matter, what I抦 wearing?! Can I please speak to your supervisor 16? (listens) Thank you. (to Sophie) We抮e holding.

Ross: (entering, carrying a basket) Hi!

Rachel: (startled) Oh!! My God, what are you doing here?

Ross: Well you said you couldn抰 go out so.... (pulls the cover off of the basket)

Sophie: You brought a picnic, oh, what a boyfriend. That抯 it, on Monday I start wearing make-up.

Rachel: Ross honey, this is very nice, but, but I-I got a crisis.

Ross: Yeah, but I got cous-cous!

Rachel: Honey, honey, I抦 sorry, I know it抯 our anniversary but I told you on the phone I don抰 have time to stop.

Ross: Okay, you don抰 have to stop, I抦 invisible, I抦 not here. (lights a candle)

Rachel: But I don抰, hmm... (on phone) Oh, who approved that order?! (listens) Well there is no Mark Robbinson in this office. (to Sophie) Get me Mark on the phone!

Sophie: I love Mark. (to Ross) Do you know Mark?

Ross: Yeah!!

Rachel: Well, let me just check that with what I got here, all right see 038 is not the number for (Ross starts making a lot of noise with a handheld pepper grinder) this store, 038 is Atlanta. And I...(stops and looks at Ross)

Ross: (stopping grinding) Pepper?

Rachel: (angrily) None for me.

Ross: Okay sorry, whew.

Rachel: I抦 sorry, as I was saying the store number is wrong, and I抦 sorry but that抯... (notices a fire that Ross抯 candle has started) Oh my God!!

Ross: (putting out the fire with a squeeze bottle of water) Okay, that抯 a fire. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Rachel: (on phone) Excuse me, I抦 sorry, I抦 gonna have to call you back, I抳e got a Schemp in my office. (hangs up) (to Ross) What are you doing?

Ross: I抦 sorry. But ah, hey, oh, somebody抯 off the phone, how 慴out a glass of wine by the fire, I could get it going again.

Rachel: Ross you抮e not listening to me, I don抰 have time to stop.

Ross: Come on Rach, you don抰 have what, ten minutes?

Rachel: I don抰 have ten minutes!!

Ross: What? (to Sophie) Sophie, does she have ten minutes?

Rachel: Hey, Ross!!! I told you I don抰!

Ross: Don抰 yell at me okay, this is the most I抳e seen you all week.

Rachel: Look, I cannot do this right now, okay, I抳e got a deadline, would you just go home, I抣l talk to you later. (storms out)

Ross: Yeah, but wait...

Rachel: Good bye!

(Ross starts to pack up the picnic in anger, and throws a three hole punch in the basket.)

Sophie: Actually, that抯 our three hole punch.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Ross is eating the picnic as Rachel comes home from work.]

Ross: Hey.

Rachel: Hi. Look um, about what happened earlier...

Ross: No, hey, well, I-I completely understand. You were, you were stressed.

Rachel: (throws her stuff down) I was gonna give you a chance to apologise to me.

Ross: For what? For letting you throw me out of your office?

Rachel: You had no right coming down to my office Ross. You do not bring a picnic basket to somebody抯 work! Unless maybe they were a park ranger 17!

Ross: Yeah, well excuse me for wanting to be with my girlfriend on our anniversary, boy what an ass 5 am I.

Rachel: But I told you, I didn抰 have the time!

Ross: Yeah, well you never have the time. I mean, I don抰 feel like I even have a girlfriend anymore, Rachel.

Rachel: Wh, Ross what do you want from me? You want me, you want me to quit my job so you can feel like you have a girlfriend?

Ross: No, but it抎 be nice if you realised, it抯 just a job!

Rachel: Just a job!

Ross: Yes.

Rachel: Ross do you realise this is the first time in my life I抦 doing something I actually care about. This is the first time in my life I抦 doing something that I抦 actually good at. I mean. if you don抰 get that...

Ross: No, hey, I get that, okay, I get that big time. And I抦 happy for ya, but I抦 tired of having a relationship with your answering machine! Okay, I don抰 know what to do anymore.

Rachel: Well neither do I!

Ross: Is this about Mark?

Rachel: (shocked) Oh my God.

Ross: Okay, it抯 not, it抯 not.

Rachel: Oh my God. I cannot keep having this same fight over and over again, Ross, no, you抮e, you抮e, you抮e making this too hard.

Ross: Oh I抦, I抦 making this too hard. Okay, what do you want me to do.

Rachel: I don抰 know, I don抰 know. Urrrgh! Look, maybe we should take a break.

Ross: Okay, okay, fine, you抮e right. Let抯 ah, let抯 take a break, (goes to the door) let抯 cool off, okay, let抯 get some frozen yogart, or something.. (opens the door)

Rachel: No. (Ross is standing 18 in the doorway 19.) A break from us.

(Ross looks at her, then leaves slamming the door behind him.)

Commercial Break

[Scene: The Philly, Chandler and Joey are talking to Chloe.]

Chloe: And the advances in collating 20 in the past five years, I mean we just got in an X-5000, y'know. The X-5000 makes the X-50 look like a T-71.

(Chandler agrees in an absolutely bored way.)

Chloe: (seeing Ross enter) Hey, it抯 the dinosaur 21 guy. (runs over to Ross) Hi, Ross.

Ross: Oh, hi Chloe.

Chloe: I want you to met some friends of mine. (Introduces him to Chandler and Joey) This guy is my hero, he comes in with some stuff he wants it blown up 400%, we said we don抰 do that, and he says you gotta. And y'know what, we did it. And now anytime anybody wants 400, we just say 憀et抯 Ross it!?

Chandler: And that抯 the only colour that comes in.

Issac: Yo, Chloe, do you have a quarter for the condom machine?

Chloe: Oh! (storms off)

Chandler: So, what are you doing here? I thought tonight was your big anniversary dinner.

Ross: Yeah, little change in plans. Ahh, we抮e gonna break-up instead.

(Chandler and Joey stare at each other in shock.)

[Scene: A Restaurant, Monica and Phoebe are on their dates with Sergei and Mischa.]

Monica: Oh, and I can also speak a little French. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir? (Mischa laughs) Why? What did I say?

Mischa: Well, you just asked if I wanted to go to bed with you tonight.

Monica: Oh my God! No wonder I get such great service at Cafe Maurice.

Phoebe: (laughing and banging her spoon on the table) Knock, knock, knock, knock, hi. Um, could you please tell Sergei that um, I was fascinated by what Boutros Boutros Gali said in the New York Times.

(Mischa does so.)

Phoebe: You didn抰 say Boutros Boutros Gali.

Mischa: (to Sergei) Boutros Boutros Gali.

(Sergei responds.)

Mischa: He says he was too.

Phoebe: Interesting.

Mischa: (to Monica) So I was wondering....

Phoebe: Okay, ah, before you get all talky again, umm, could you also please tell Sergei that I really like his suit.

(Mischa does so, and Sergei complements 22 Phoebe, and says it slowly)

Mischa: (to Phoebe, very quickly) Eh, he said, thank you very much, he thinks you look very pretty tonight, your hair, golden like the sun. (to Monica) So you're a chef?

Monica: I抦 also thinking about opening up my own restaurant.

Mischa: Oh, really.

Phoebe: Monica, can I talk to you behind my menu, please. (Behind the menu) What are you doing?

Monica: Well, I was having a conversation.

Phoebe: Yeah but, Mischa is so interested in you, that Sergei and I haven抰 been able to say two words to each other.

Monica: What do you want me to do? Just sit here silently while you three have a conversation?

Phoebe: That would be great. Thank you.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is lying in front of the bay window, and the phone rings.]

Rachel: (jumping up to answer the phone) Hello!

Mark: Oh, hi. It抯 Mark.

Rachel: (disappointed) Oh.

Mark: What? Is it my breath?

Rachel: No! Sorry, I just thought you were somebody else. Hi!

Mark: Hi. Well, look, I was just gonna leave a message, isn抰 tonight your, your big anniversary dinner?

Rachel: Yeah. Well, umm.....

Mark: Rach, are you okay?

Rachel: (on the verge 23 of tears) Yeah, I抦 fine.

Mark: You wanna talk, I mean I can come over?

Rachel: No! Really, no, please, please, that抯, that抯 okay.

Mark: All right, all right, I抦 coming over, and I抦 bringing Chinese food.

Rachel: Oh, yeah, I抦 not, I抦 not hungry.

Mark: It抯 for me.

Rachel: Oh. Okay, bye.

[Scene: The Philly.]

Joey: So what are you gonna do?

Ross: What can I do? One person wants to break-up, you break-up.

Chandler: Hey, no way! Come on, this is you guys, call her and work it out.

Ross: Oh come on, we just had this huge fight, all right, don抰 I have to wait a while?

Chandler: Hey, this isn抰 like swimming after you eat, pick up the phone!!

(Ross goes to call her.)

Chandler: Y'know that whole swimming thing is a myth.

Joey: Yeah, tell that to my Uncle Lenny.

Chandler: Why? What happened to him?

Joey: Nothing, he抯 just really believes in that.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Mark is there, opening Chinese food boxes.]

Rachel: Oh, and then, we got into this big, stupid fight. I just, it was awful. I told him he treats me like a park ranger, or something, oh and then I told him I wanted to take a break, I don抰 want to take a break.

Mark: Wow. I抦 sorry. Eggroll?

Rachel: No. (grabs an eggroll) And then I called him, and he wasn抰 there.

Mark: Well, then he抯, he抯 probably just, out.

Rachel: Oh, thank you that抯 very helpful, I抦 glad you came over.

(The phone rings and Rachel answers it.)

Rachel: Hello.

Ross: Hi! It抯 me.

Rachel: Hi! Oh, I抦 so glad you called.

Ross: Really? I抳e been thinking, this is crazy, I mean don抰, don抰 you think we can work on this?

Mark: Hey, what do you want to drink?

Ross: Who抯 that?

Rachel: Nobody.

Mark: Is it okay if I finish the apple juice?

(Rachel mouths 慡hoot 24!?or something similar.)

Ross: Is that Mark?

Rachel: Umm, honey, look he just came over to....

[Cut to The Philly.]

Ross: Yeah! Got it! (slams the phone down, and walks back to the bar.)

Chloe: Hey, dinosaur guy, look at you, so sad. Come dance.

Ross: Ah, that抯 okay, thanks.

Chloe: Hey, you don抰 have to smile. You just have to dance.

Ross: Look, I don抰 feel like dancing, I feel like having a drink. Okay?

Chloe: Oh, okay. (to the bartender) Hey, two beers. (sits down next to him)

[Scene: The Restaurant, after dinner.]

Mischa: (to Monica) And the vet 25 said it was time. And so from half a world away, while my Mother held the phone to his ear, I said good bye to my dog,. In seven languages.

Monica: Oh. (to Phoebe) Can I have a tissue?

Phoebe: Oh, yeah, sure. I just hope you, hope you don抰 accidentally suck it up through your nose and choke on it.

(Sergei says something to Mischa.)

Mischa: (to Phoebe) Sergei, would like to apologise for my behaviour tonight.

Phoebe: Well, tell him, apology accepted.

(Mischa does so.)

Mischa: (to Monica) Oh, he抯 unbelievable. I mean for the first time in three years somebody wants to actually want to talk to me, but do you think he would let me enjoy that, no!! (to Sergei) You silly diplomat, why don抰 you learn some English, Sergei?

Phoebe: Excuse me, but umm, isn抰 he paying for your dinner?

Monica: Hey, the man抯 dog just died.

(Sergei insults Mischa, and they get into a huge fight, in Russian.)

Mischa: (to Monica) I have just resigned my post. Would you care to accompany me to the Rainbow Room? I have diplomatic coupons 26.

Monica: It will be my pleasure. (to Phoebe) My guy has diplomatic coupons. Your guy can抰 even say coupons. (they leave)

Sergei: Uh, (picks up a plate) plate?

Phoebe: Plate! Yes, plate.

Sergei: Plate. Plate. Plate.

Phoebe: See, we don抰 need them.

Sergei: (picking up a cup) Plate?

Phoebe: Yeah.

[Scene: The Philly, With or Without You is playing. (Which is the same song Ross played for Rachel in TOW the List.)]

Ross: (to Chloe) I like this song.

Chloe: Well, you抮e practically dancing already. Why don抰 you just do it over here?

Ross: Oh, no, no.

Chloe: What? Are you married? 慍ause that抯 okay.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is next to the bay window again, Mark has left.]

Rachel: (picks up the phone and calls Ross) Oh, be home, be home, be home, be home, be home, be home. Be home. Be home, be home, be home. Oh, you抮e not home.

[Scene: The Philly, Ross is dancing with Chloe.]

Chloe: Still no smile?

(She kisses him. Ross leans back for a second, and then they both kiss, more passionately 27 this time as U2's With or Without You plays in the background.)

To Be Continued......

Closing Credits

[Scene: Central Perk, Sergei is teaching Phoebe how to sing American Pie, by Don Maclean.]

(Both Phoebe and him are singing along and they get to the chorus.)

Sergei: (singing) Touchet, touchet, Miss Americccan pie. (stops to correct Phoebe) Ameri-ccan.

Phoebe: Ameri-can.

Sergei: Ameri-ccan.

Phoebe: Ameri-can. Y'know it抯 a very hard language. Let抯 do it again.

(They start singing, and Phoebe covers her mouth at the American part.)

Sergei: (to the rest of Central Perk) Everybody!! (In his language, and continues.)



(用不同的录音手段)转录( transcribe的过去式和过去分词 ); 改编(乐曲)(以适应他种乐器或声部); 抄写; 用音标标出(声音)
  • He transcribed two paragraphs from the book into his notebook. 他把书中的两段抄在笔记本上。
  • Every telephone conversation will be recorded and transcribed. 所有电话交谈都将被录音并作全文转写。
  • He reached down the atlas from the top shelf.他从书架顶层取下地图集。
  • The atlas contains forty maps,including three of Great Britain.这本地图集有40幅地图,其中包括3幅英国地图。
  • The diplomat threw in a joke, and the tension was instantly relieved.那位外交官插进一个笑话,紧张的气氛顿时缓和下来。
  • He served as a diplomat in Russia before the war.战前他在俄罗斯当外交官。
按摩,推拿( massage的名词复数 )
  • At present the doctor is giving him daily massages to help restore the function of his limbs. 目前医生每天在给他按摩,帮助他恢复腿臂的功能。
  • His father massages his nose and chin. 他爸爸揉了揉鼻子和下巴。
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
  • Xerox and Lucent are two more high-tech companies run by women.施乐和朗讯是另外两家由女性经营的大科技公司。
  • You cannot take it home,but you can xerox it.你不能把它带回家,但可以复印。
  • The boss has a large belly.老板大腹便便。
  • His eyes are bigger than his belly.他眼馋肚饱。
  • It's a real haven at the end of a busy working day.忙碌了一整天后,这真是一个安乐窝。
  • The school library is a little haven of peace and quiet.学校的图书馆是一个和平且安静的小避风港。
  • We struck a bargain with an American shipping firm.我们和一家美国船运公司谈成了一笔生意。
  • There's a shipping charge of £5 added to the price.价格之外另加五英镑运输费。
  • Today,people feel more hurried and harried.今天,人们感到更加忙碌和苦恼。
  • Obama harried business by Healthcare Reform plan.奥巴马用医改掠夺了商界。
  • His perks include a car provided by the firm.他的额外津贴包括公司提供的一辆汽车。
  • And the money is,of course,a perk.当然钱是额外津贴。
  • The speaker pictured the suffering of the poor vividly.演讲者很生动地描述了穷人的生活。
  • The characters in the book are vividly presented.这本书里的人物写得栩栩如生。
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
  • I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting.我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。
  • Let's flip a coin to see who pays the bill.咱们来抛硬币决定谁付钱。
  • This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.该商店因买卖公道而享有极高的声誉。
  • His fair dealing earned our confidence.他的诚实的行为获得我们的信任。
  • Between you and me I think that new supervisor is a twit.我们私下说,我认为新来的主管人是一个傻瓜。
  • He said I was too flighty to be a good supervisor.他说我太轻浮不能成为一名好的管理员。
  • He was the head ranger of the national park.他曾是国家公园的首席看守员。
  • He loved working as a ranger.他喜欢做护林人。
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
  • They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.他们挤在商店门口躲雨。
  • Mary suddenly appeared in the doorway.玛丽突然出现在门口。
v.校对( collate的现在分词 );整理;核对;整理(文件或书等)
  • An invalid collating element was specified in a [[. name. ]] block. 块中指定了非法的对照元素。 来自互联网
  • Selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system. 操作系统不支持选择的排序序列。 来自互联网
  • Are you trying to tell me that David was attacked by a dinosaur?你是想要告诉我大卫被一支恐龙所攻击?
  • He stared at the faithful miniature of the dinosaur.他凝视著精确的恐龙缩小模型。
补充( complement的名词复数 ); 补足语; 补充物; 补集(数)
  • His business skill complements her flair for design. 他的经营技巧和她的设计才能相辅相成。
  • The isoseismal maps are valuable complements to the instrumental records. 等震线图是仪器记录有价值的补充资料。
  • The country's economy is on the verge of collapse.国家的经济已到了崩溃的边缘。
  • She was on the verge of bursting into tears.她快要哭出来了。
n.鸟叫声,汽车的喇叭声; v.使汽车鸣喇叭
  • The sudden hoot of a whistle broke into my thoughts.突然响起的汽笛声打断了我的思路。
  • In a string of shrill hoot of the horn sound,he quickly ran to her.在一串尖声鸣叫的喇叭声中,他快速地跑向她。
  • I took my dog to the vet.我把狗带到兽医诊所看病。
  • Someone should vet this report before it goes out.这篇报道发表之前应该有人对它进行详查。
n.礼券( coupon的名词复数 );优惠券;订货单;参赛表
  • The company gives away free coupons for drinks or other items. 公司为饮料或其它项目发放免费赠券。 来自辞典例句
  • Do you have any coupons? 你们有优惠卡吗? 来自英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语
  • She could hate as passionately as she could love. 她能恨得咬牙切齿,也能爱得一往情深。
  • He was passionately addicted to pop music. 他酷爱流行音乐。
标签: 六人行 friend
anoopsia strabismus
be disappointed in sb
bipedal locomotion
blown glass
bound in in honour bound to do something
boundary address
Breitenfurt bei Wien
Camellia lutchuensis
cashes in hand
check muslin
chronic myelocytic leukemias
clay leg
coal meter
consul general
copy fonts to new port
Cortinarius semisanguineus
crush party
digital audio disc
diving drill machine
dress down
dynamic demography
economic royalists
emergency transmitter beacon
front panel
genus bacteroidess
grade of abrasive tool
green fluorescent protein gene
heminothrus longisetosus
home repair
howl out
hydropathy index
ill-conditioned equation
inaccessible point
instantaneous rating
link belt conveyer furnace
loose sentences
marine electric meter
measurement of pulse amplitude
Model no
nomad group
optional annex
pallet loading
peripheral operation
photo chromatic
real time ballistic calculation
rejection iris
reserve for bad debt
rotary screen digger
shot drilling
shunt current
split-range control
thrust performance
Tilemsi, Vallée du
tissue specific antigen
unskilled operative
ustilago eleocharidis
voltage doubling rectifying circuit
Wear Pads
well behavior analysis
white male