2015年特奥会将于周六开幕 The Special Olympics torch, called the Flame of Hope, is nearing the end of its journey of thousands of kilometers. 特奥会火炬被称为希望之火,它数千公里的旅程即将结束。 It is part of a fund
乌干达人民再次抗争肆虐的艾滋病毒 Health officials said one of the reasons for the rise in infections is that Uganda has become a victim of its own success, especially after the introduction of anti-retroviral drugs. 卫生官员表示感
俄罗斯被控滥用国际刑警组织 LONDON Russia is abusing the global law enforcement agency Interpol by requesting the arrest and extradition of political opponents, according to a new report. Such requests can mean that the accused are unable
比尔科斯比事件面临指控 难逃罪责 Over the last year, numerous women-including those featured in New York magazine-have come forward to tell their stories of being drugged and raped by Bill Cosby. 在过去的一年中, 包括出现在纽约
特奥会运动员结交来自其他国家新朋友 6,500 athletes are competing in 25 sports, and many competitors are at the top their game. 6500运动员在25项体育赛事中一决高下,而且许多竞争者们都拔得头筹。 This athlete's
Researchers Seek Ways to Help Damaged Brains Heal 研究人员寻找修复脑损伤的方法 HOUSTONNormal brain activity results from those cells called neurons linking together in complex networks, and researchers are seeking a better understanding
Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Dec. 19 Were counting down the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending December 19, 2015. Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the chart, not a song was stirringat
海默电影杀戮演绎揭露不为人知历史 Joshua Oppenheimer's 2012 film, The Act of Killing, explored the aftermath of massacres of communists, trade-unionists, ethnic Chinese and others in Indonesia in 1965 and 1966. 约书亚海默2012年的电
泰国夫妇法律斗争检验代孕及同性恋权利 It's been half a year since Baby Carmen was born in Thailand, but aside from the pictures, everything else remains fuzzy. 自从小卡尔曼在泰国出生已经过去了近半年,但是除了照
美国组织帮助伊拉克雅迪兹人 KATY, TEXAS Attacks by the self-styled Islamic State, also known as ISIL, on the Yazidi religious minority in the mountains of northern Iraq have driven thousands of men, women and children into refugee camps -
俄罗斯销毁西方食物和鲜花 MOSCOW Russia has burned flowers from Holland in a battle against Western imports that saw the destruction of hundreds of tons of food in retaliation for sanctions over Ukraine. Critics say the action is unethical
公告牌榜单出炉 牙买加歌手凭借拉拉队长夺得冠军 We have some fast-rising songs on the chartbut they just haven't arrived yet. 在本期的榜单中我们有一些快速蹿红的歌曲但它们还没有进入。 So this week, we ha
天主教堂主教抵制天花疫苗 NAIROBI In recent years, the international campaign to rid the world of polio has been hampered in some Muslim countries by claims from some clerics that the polio vaccine is really an undercover campaign to steri
Virtual Reality Applications in Medicine, Security on Horizon 科学家们将虚拟现实技术应用到医学上 For now, virtual reality is still mostly associated with video games. But computer chips that process video images are getting better an
Obama: Iran Nuclear Deal Top Ten Achievement of 2015 奥巴马称伊朗核协议乃2015年十大成就之一 LONDON The nuclear deal struck between Iran and six world powers in July ended decades of negotiations and setbacks, and has been hailed by U
纽约奴隶埋葬地成为慰灵地 On a quiet Lower Manhattan street, a stream of water symbolizing the Atlantic Ocean flows alongside a narrow boat-like structure,an echo of the ships as they made their way to the New World heavy laden with human
Uber应用给聋人提供收入机会 NAIROBI, KENYA The taxi-like online company Uber has begun a first-of-its-kind African pilot project where deaf drivers in Nairobi use its app. Driver Benard Mulama intently goes through his phone. For the past w
洛杉矶硅滩成美国新创业中心 The company VNTANA from the Spanish word forwindow,is one of many tech start-ups near Los Angeles. 公司VNTANA的名字在西班牙语中是窗口的意思,而它是洛杉矶附近的许多科技创业公司中
报告称LRA被削弱但仍很活跃 A new report says efforts to combat LRA rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic and elsewhere have made significant progress since 2010. 一份新报告称,自2010年以来,打击刚
好莱坞为尼日利亚电影制作人指点迷津 The 2012 film Last Flight to Abuja from Nigerian director Obi Emelonye was a disaster thriller based on the true tale of an air crash. 2012年尼日利亚导演奥比伊米厄尼执导的电影《阿布
- New York Carousel Simulates Fish Swimming Patterns
- VOA标准英语2015--研究人员表示新的纳米粒子可能取代化学农药
- 世界银行行长表示消除极端贫穷指日可待
- 美国邀请古巴参加美洲峰会
- 埃塞俄比亚复兴大坝 预期2年半内完工
- Off-beat Candidates Take Center Stage in US Election Campaign
- 美国向埃及出售武器求稳定
- 新激光技术或能更快治疗伤口且不留疤痕
- 加州州长下令节约用水
- 拒现金于门外 全世界能够效仿瑞典模式吗?
- 能拍摄血管内部的微型摄像头
- 特朗普履行陪审员职责
- 统计显示美国黑人更易失业
- 科学家开发通用抗毒剂对付毒蛇
- 乌干达医院计划帮助前肺结核患者
- 各国领导人参加李光耀葬礼
- 美韩进行精心策划的演习
- VOA常速英语2015--美元硬币联盟希望硬币取代纸币节省开支
- NY Business Brings Produce From Farm to Boardroom
- VOA标准英语2015--洛杉矶硅谷海滩——著名硅谷的潜在竞争对手
- New York Carousel Simulates Fish Swimming Patterns
- VOA标准英语2015--研究人员表示新的纳米粒子可能取代化学农药
- 世界银行行长表示消除极端贫穷指日可待
- 美国邀请古巴参加美洲峰会
- 埃塞俄比亚复兴大坝 预期2年半内完工
- Off-beat Candidates Take Center Stage in US Election Campaign
- 美国向埃及出售武器求稳定
- 新激光技术或能更快治疗伤口且不留疤痕
- 加州州长下令节约用水
- 拒现金于门外 全世界能够效仿瑞典模式吗?
- 能拍摄血管内部的微型摄像头
- 特朗普履行陪审员职责
- 统计显示美国黑人更易失业
- 科学家开发通用抗毒剂对付毒蛇
- 乌干达医院计划帮助前肺结核患者
- 各国领导人参加李光耀葬礼
- 美韩进行精心策划的演习
- VOA常速英语2015--美元硬币联盟希望硬币取代纸币节省开支
- NY Business Brings Produce From Farm to Boardroom
- VOA标准英语2015--洛杉矶硅谷海滩——著名硅谷的潜在竞争对手