For over 40 years, the Vikings raided Irelands coastal villages and monasteries, carrying off plunder and slaves in their long boats. They struck suddenly and caught the Irish unawares. So the Vikings became bolder and began to sail down the rivers o
In 795, monks on an island near Dublin saw a fleet of ships approaching. The long ships with a dragons head carved on the bow carried a force of warriors who would plunder the treasures accumulated by the monastery over 2 centuries. A monk wrote late
For the monasteries were still producing great works of art. He might have been less enamoured at the political maneuvering. The status of clergy could have much to do with their alliances and family ties with the local aristocracy. Indeed, from the
But Columbanus was deeply loyal to the idea of church led by the pope from Rome. He was a decentrer, not a revolutionary. He looked beyond the monastery walls, imagining a Europe united in faith and culture. Is the narration spoken in the language of
Irish monks would carry their Gospel across the seas. Men like Brendan the Voyager, Colum Cille in the Irish kingdom of Dal Riata in Scotland, or Aidain at Lindisfarne in Northumbria. Now, the Lord had said, Get thee out of thy country and from thy k
What it says is that the Irish are the centre of the world. Theyre not a small insignificant people. It was woven together in the 11th century from earlier sources as a statement of Irish uniqueness. They didnt want to be seen as peripheral people li
And this is the great settlement of Clonmacnoise. As you sweep around this turn in the river Shannon, you get the round towers, the churches and everything. You get the first idea that this is a really substantial monastic foundation. How did we arri
Tell me what happens when the monks arrive. Well, they would have, first of all, made their way to the local king, the local lord, or something like that, because you couldnt just arrive off the next available flight and announce, hi, Im your new loc
The Vikings who would eventually descend on Ireland had their ancestral roots here in Norway. From these fjords, they created a maritime empire that stretched from the shores of America in the west to central Russia in the east. The Viking world of t
-Why would they build something like this? What were they trying to say? -I think for early farmers, the notion of ancestry, that's really the central focus of this world. The monuments themselves contain selected bones of the ancestors. This is the
-I remember one kid said, Sir, that doesn't make any sense? I said, How do you mean it doesn't make any sense? I said, Carson wanted the union of Ireland and Britain, he wanted what, for him, was the best thing for Ireland. Now can you say that he is
Here they constructed a memorial which celebrated revolution, faith and an idealized ancient world. At its center, this sculpture of the mythical Children of Lir condemned by an evil stepmother to wander the oceans as swans until the coming of Christ
There is an Ireland shrouded in clich, of heroes and villains, lost battles and sad songs. Perched on the margins of Europe, a claustrophobic island cut off from the world, its people turned in upon themselves, victims of their own ancient hatreds an
Back in Los Angeles, last-minute preparations are under way to get the dinosaurs ready for the public. It's only now that you get a sense of just how many people have been involved in creating this exhibition, from the artists to the designers, to th
For those few dinosaurs from whom fossilized feathers had been found, largely in China, we can now put the finishing touches to our construction. So has this changed the way that artists are painting their reconstructions? I mean you often see some d
Going back, say, ten years ago, would you ever imagine that you would have been able to tell what colour any dinosaurs would have been? No, I mean I think at that time I would have said that its one of the things we will never know. And so we just fo
-We can see he has this very unusual hairstyle. The front of the forehead was shaved, and then the rest of hair was bundled up a bit like a Mohawk. And that was held in place with a hair gel, which was made using resin imported from the Pyrenees. -Th
-You always ask me difficult questions. -Well, that's my job. -Well, this does at least tell us somebody comes from Northern Europe here with this material in quite considerable amounts. -Well, somebody may not have come. Somebody may have been handi
The murdered man from the Meath bog reveals something of how the Irish lived several hundreds years before Christ. Their gods were the gods of nature whom they appeased with sacrifice. They had developed a social organisation with kings at the pinnac
A geographer living under Caesars rule described the Irish as a cannibal race who deemed it commendable to devour their deceased fathers and who lived a miserable existence because of the cold. But Mediterranean traders had long been immune to such d
- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-10
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- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-26
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- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-29
- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-22
- 英语听力:2013-06-09 完美捕食 Perfect Predators —17
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- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-10
- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-11
- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-23
- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-24
- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-25
- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-26
- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-27
- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-28
- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-29
- 探索发现:BBC:古代圣贤:佛祖释迦牟尼 Buddha-22
- 英语听力:2013-06-09 完美捕食 Perfect Predators —17
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