It's not quite the yellow submarine,it's designed for travel on the water rather than under it. But this, rather cramped, bright yellow pod could be the difference between life and death. The pod, appropriately named Noah after the biblical captain o
Good morning. We are in the Good Morning America here on the East Coast, radio program on the West Coast because we have learned reports from Libya that Muammar Gadhafi, the leader of Libya for more than 40 years has been killed by rebel forces. That
Right now, a plan is underway in Saudi Arabia to make sure that there is a prayer service that happens on Tuesday. This will happen at a mosque in Riyadh. Mourners from across the country will be able to attend to pray for the late Crown Prince. This
October 31st 2011, that's the date the U.N. says the 7 billionth person will be born on Earth,7 billion.That's a crowded planet, says Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, the director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University and author of the Price of Civilizatio
Something gigantic happen to once upon a time, today all those stories about girls who want to be princess as well, guess what? The Nations of the British Commonwealth agree to change the rules after centuries, boys are no longer entitled to the firs
Well, the last big good beach weekend of the summer is upon us, but many beach-goers on both coasts will like be avoiding the water altogether. Sharks, and lots of them have been turning up in some very unusual places this summer and not just the doc
For most, chocolate is a guilty pleasure, may better, because it's so bad for you. Now, though, an extensive study has discovered that eating chocolate can be very good for your health. They can substantially reduce your risk of having a heart attack
-It's an amazing technology, and the trick to it is really creating a material that can bend light waves. In this case it's infrared waves. So we can't actually see them, that's next. -Well,let's see, I think we got a graphic here that describes how
Its a global call to action directed at every person, government, business and community across the planet, the message: Lights off for one hour at 8:30 PM on Saturday, March 27th. Four thousand cities and towns in 88 countries plunged themselves int
It's a sight only rarely seen and only first hand by the very dedicated or perhaps mad. Iceland's Eyjafjallajoekull volcano ended 200 years of quiet on Saturday with this. It's still going, which is why the scientists are closing in. There is as much
A massive sandstorm has blanketed in China with a layer of sand and grit. We see these storms here every year around spring time, but this one is particularly bad. Residents are saying this is the worst they've seen in four or five years. It's cloude
Its taken ten years of experiments. But researches at the University of Rhode Island have finally perfected a fish with 6-pack abs, and muscular shoulders. Professor Terry Bradley said his fish have 15% to 20% more muscle mass than normal trout. Bulk
A new kind of entertainment was making its debut high in the French Alps Monday that left some of its participants out in the cold. Sheepshearing competitions are typically found in Australia and New Zealand, but farmers in the alpine region adopted
Texting back in force with nearly 50 people a day isnt easy. I have to say I wasnt an addict. But if you wanna keep up with the crowd, this 12-year-old says texting and Facebook are a must. Gossip, thats pretty much the key thing to be not invisible.
There are no scare poles ,no pain killing injections needed for this skin cancer treatment ,a harmless cream and a special plaster are all it takes. Inside the device,a tiny LED light activates a drug in the cream to create a toxic chemical that kill
There is nothing final about the Final Fantasy series. In the 13th installment, you'll play several characters who have been chosen by god-like being to save their floating world known as Kakoon. The setting is inventive and vast in ways you would ex
Ten years ago today, British soccer great Sir Stanley Mathews died just 35 years after he played his last game. He was 85. It's right. He played for Blackpool and Stoke City until he was 50 years old. He played for 34 seasons. At an age 47, he was vo
There was a lot of hype and excitement as South Africa marked a 100 days to kick off. All the local organizers are saying the country may not be ready right now to host the FIFA World Cup, but come the 11th of June, everything will be ready. And FIFA
We're gonna eat everything on the street. Yeah, we're gonna eat our way up and down the street. We're just talking about KFC has Beijing Duck style hamburger, Beijing Duck sandwiches. And you like it? I love it. It's really really lovely. We're eatin
It is said that happiness is contagious. The supporting evidence is everywhere: from the streets of Rio during Carnival to more obscure celebrations elsewhere in the world. But long-term happiness may also be healthy. New York researcher Dr.Karina Da
- 万花筒 2011-06-17&06-19 美国学生历史差 不认识亚伯拉罕·林肯
- 万花筒 Kaleidoscope 2007-07-18&07-19, BBC向伊丽莎白女王道歉
- 万花筒 2013-03-03&03-05 罗德曼:金正恩
- 万花筒 2013-02-24&02-27 探秘伊朗:救命药品短缺
- 万花筒 2013-02-04&02-06 科技新闻摘要
- 万花筒 2013-02-11&02-13 英王理查德三世遗骨在一停车场地下挖出
- 万花筒 2013-02-21&02-23 美国圣地亚哥前市长豪赌 输掉十亿美元
- 万花筒 2013-02-14&02-17 如何洗手最干净?洗手液-肥皂杀菌效果大对决
- 万花筒 2013-02-18&02-20 俄罗斯遭遇陨石雨 民众恐慌
- 万花筒 2013-02-28&03-02 神奇女子与鲨鱼和谐共游
- 万花筒 2013-02-07&02-10 荷兰女王宣布退位 王位传给儿子
- 万花筒 2013-04-20&04-22 父母绑架儿子 面临终身监禁
- 万花筒 2013-04-23&04-25 各地积极为四川地震灾区捐血
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- 万花筒 2013-04-29&04-30 世卫组织:无H7N9人际传播证据
- 万花筒 2013-05-01&05-03 白宫称叙政府动用沙林毒气
- 万花筒 2013-05-04&05-06 三名欧洲登山者与尼泊尔导游在珠穆朗玛峰斗殴
- 万花筒 2013-05-07&05-09 Youtube 8周年庆:当年第一个上传的视频
- 万花筒 2013-05-10&05-12 考古证明美国早期移民人吃人
- 万花筒 2013-05-16&05-18 美X-51A破高超音速记录:6分钟冲刺5.1马赫
- 万花筒 2011-06-17&06-19 美国学生历史差 不认识亚伯拉罕·林肯
- 万花筒 Kaleidoscope 2007-07-18&07-19, BBC向伊丽莎白女王道歉
- 万花筒 2013-03-03&03-05 罗德曼:金正恩
- 万花筒 2013-02-24&02-27 探秘伊朗:救命药品短缺
- 万花筒 2013-02-04&02-06 科技新闻摘要
- 万花筒 2013-02-11&02-13 英王理查德三世遗骨在一停车场地下挖出
- 万花筒 2013-02-21&02-23 美国圣地亚哥前市长豪赌 输掉十亿美元
- 万花筒 2013-02-14&02-17 如何洗手最干净?洗手液-肥皂杀菌效果大对决
- 万花筒 2013-02-18&02-20 俄罗斯遭遇陨石雨 民众恐慌
- 万花筒 2013-02-28&03-02 神奇女子与鲨鱼和谐共游
- 万花筒 2013-02-07&02-10 荷兰女王宣布退位 王位传给儿子
- 万花筒 2013-04-20&04-22 父母绑架儿子 面临终身监禁
- 万花筒 2013-04-23&04-25 各地积极为四川地震灾区捐血
- 万花筒 2013-04-26&04-28 国际金价大跌
- 万花筒 2013-04-29&04-30 世卫组织:无H7N9人际传播证据
- 万花筒 2013-05-01&05-03 白宫称叙政府动用沙林毒气
- 万花筒 2013-05-04&05-06 三名欧洲登山者与尼泊尔导游在珠穆朗玛峰斗殴
- 万花筒 2013-05-07&05-09 Youtube 8周年庆:当年第一个上传的视频
- 万花筒 2013-05-10&05-12 考古证明美国早期移民人吃人
- 万花筒 2013-05-16&05-18 美X-51A破高超音速记录:6分钟冲刺5.1马赫