The Muslim Brotherhood is considered likely to be the biggest beneficiary of Egypt's first post-revolution elections - a nationwide vote for parliament that begins Monday. But the Brotherhood has an image problem: it is considered too radical by some
With Islamist groups expected to do well in Egypt's parliamentary elections, many Coptic Christians are concerned that their limited rights will come under greater threat. 在埃及,预计伊斯兰宗教团体将在这届议会选举中赢得多数席
Sixteen aid agencies say they face new challenges in Somalia, after the al Shabab militant group banned their activities in the southern and central parts of the country. Al Shabab accuses the agencies of bias and misconduct. 16家援助机构表示,
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has made Tuesday a previously unannounced visit to Iraq. The vice president has been meeting with Iraqi leaders, about a month before a deadline for U.S. forces to withdraw from the country. 美国副总统拜登星期二对
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- VOA双语新闻---凯恩案引人关注美国性骚扰问题
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- VOA双语新闻---全球排雷报告忧喜参半
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- VOA双语新闻---报告:非洲未准备好应对人口老化
- VOA双语新闻---美国称亚太国家可帮助解决欧洲危机
- VOA双语新闻---宾州州立大学校长和教练因性侵案被解雇
- VOA双语新闻---美澳宣布扩大军事合作
- VOA双语新闻---利比亚军方称抓获卡扎菲儿子赛义夫
- VOA双语新闻---扩大经贸是美国重返亚洲的核心
- VOA双语新闻---美庆祝退伍军人节老兵谈出兵海外
- VOA双语新闻---莫桑比克发现大量天然气资源
- VOA双语新闻---印尼与第六届年度东亚峰会
- VOA双语新闻---凯恩案引人关注美国性骚扰问题
- VOA双语新闻---洛杉矶抗议者抨击美国贫富差距
- VOA双语新闻---美国军事法庭将审判科尔号爆炸嫌犯
- VOA双语新闻---英国波兰移民收入好于其它族裔
- VOA双语新闻---20国峰会将召开 债务危机是焦点
- VOA双语新闻---美国努力阻止“逆向人才流失”
- VOA双语新闻---亚太经合组织峰会将讨论贸易关税问题
- VOA双语新闻---为穷人送火鸡:慈善是感恩节一部分
- VOA双语新闻---全球排雷报告忧喜参半
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