Magnetism and the Brain By Craig Wilson 2004 USA TODAY International. Distributed by Tribune Media Services International The power of a magnet may offer hope for those suffering from mental illness 1

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The High Cost of Winning People Weekly 2004 Time Inc. All rights reserved 1 Jay Sommers, 36, Won: $5.8 million, Outcome: Lost it all, delivered pizza Jay Sommers was 20 when he won a $5.8 million lott

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Information Overload By Robert S. Boyd Knight Ridder Newspapers. Distributed by Tribune Media Services International. Are you overwhelmed by the amount of information these days? 1 Ever feel overwhelm

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You and Your Coworker: When You Disagree… Negotiate By Richard G. Ensman, Jr. 1 Picture this scene: Two business executives are putting the final touches on a billion-dollar deal. After days of nego

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Tchaikovsky: The Life of a Musical Genius By Melissa Burdick Harmon / This article was published originally in Biography Magazine. 2003. Anbsp; Over 100 years later, this brilliant musician’s death

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Accountability: The Discipline System in Practice 2 Phase 2: Ask students to reflect on their behavior The point of this phase is to guide a misbehaving student to self-evaluate. When a student misbeh

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Seoul’s Brunch Bunch By Norman Sklarewitz Enjoy the ultimate all-American dining experience at top hotels in Seoul, South Korea. 1 In the view of many, the major American contribution to dining out

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Roam Rome on Fleet Feet 2 We’re off again For the fast track to the Colosseum, our son advises us to take a tour with one of the Englishspeaking hawkers who approach tourists outside this 82 A.D. am

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When the Blues won’t Go Away A new way to beat chronic discontent By Marjorie Rosen / This article was published originally in Biography Magazine . 2003. Anbsp; 1 It can be a familiar and uncomforta

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What Makes a Team Tick? By Richard G. Ensman, Jr. Business leaders often speak about “team building” in glittering generalities . But do they truly understand the forces that build team spirit in

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Hans Christian Andersen By Juliana Hanford / This article was reprinted and edited for length with permission from Literary Traveler The 200th anniversary of Andersen’s birth has arrived, and people

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Queen Elizabeth I 3 The glorious victory An ominous threat arose from abroad. Elizabeth knew that Philip II of Spain intended to attack England, so she turned England’s minuscule navy into a fearsom

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Newsworthy Clips 2 Lake of Warning System hindered Scientists Who Saw Early Threat By James Janega / 2004, as first appeared in Chicago Tribune . KRT. Distributed by TMSI. With a killer tsunami bearin

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Demining Cambodia by Hand By Karen J. Coates 1 When Aki Ra was five years old, the Khmer Rouge killed his parents. At age 10, Aki Ra got his first gun, an AK-47, and he learned to plant landmines , fi

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Much Ado about Shakespeare’s Hometown By Anne Chalfant 2004 Contra Costa Times , Knight Ridder Newspapers. Distributed by Tribune Media Services 1 T he man peppered his writing with unspeakable viol

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Finding the Energy by Richard Seven 2005 The Seattle Times , Knight Ridder Newspapers. Distributed by Tribune Media Services Need some energy? To get it you have to spend it, and there’s the rub 1 W

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New Hope for Spinal Cord Injuries By Patricia Anstett / 2005, Detroit Free Press , Knight Ridder Newspapers. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. A world of patients with spinal cord injuries is wat

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How to Enjoy Your Job By Jane Boucher / Reprinted with permission from Guideposts . 2004 by Guideposts, Carmel, New York 10512. All rights reserved. Don’t have the job you love? Then learn how to lo

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Marriage, Not Children, Is a Family’s Center 2 The husband-wife relationship should always trump that of parent and child. Nothing makes a child feel more insecure than the feeling that his parents’

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Kauai Adventure 3 Floating the canals Locals had been sneaking into the old Lihue Plantation with giant inner tubes to float the canals for decades. The swirling, whirling fun adventure through mounta

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