时间:2018-12-26 作者:英语课 分类:2008年ESL之旅行交通购物


10 Traveling and Medical Needs


straight – consecutive 2; without stopping; without interruption

* Inez practiced playing the clarinet for three hours straight yesterday!

blister 3 – a small part of one’s skin that is higher than usual and filled with liquid,usually created because one was doing an activity where something rubbedagainst that skin many times

* Orlando got a blister on his hand from playing tennis yesterday.

bruise 4 – a temporary, dark spot on one’s skin, usually caused by being hit or by falling

* Jin has a bruise on his hip 5 because he accidentally hit it against the car door.

band-aid – a small piece of paper or plastic that has cotton padding and is sticky on one side, used to cover a cut in one’s skin so that it heals more quickly

* The doctor put a band-aid on the child’s arm after giving her an injection.

sunscreen – a cream or lotion 6 that is rubbed into one’s skin to protect it from sundamage so that the skin does not burn

* When I’m swimming outdoors, I need to put on more sunscreen every hour.

sunburned – having a burn on one’s skin from the sun; having painful, red skinfrom being in the sun for too much time

* People with red hair and green eyes get sunburned much more easily thanpeople with black hair and brown eyes.

to peel – to come off in small, thin pieces; to fall off in thin pieces

* The paint is peeling off the walls in the bathroom.

stomachache – a dull pain in one’s stomach that lasts for a long period of time

* My mother said to us, “You’re going to get a stomachache if you eat that wholebag of candy!”

street vendor 7 – a person who sells something, especially food, on the streetinstead of in a restaurant or store

* Businesspeople in New York City who don’t have very much time to eat lunchsometimes buy hot dogs from street vendors 8.

irritated – painful; uncomfortable; sore

* Their eyes became red and irritated when they stood near the smoke from thefire. 

diarrhea – a condition where the solid waste from one’s body temporarily comes out very wet and very frequently

* The tour guide told us that we might get diarrhea if we drink unclean water.

salmonella – a bacteria found in uncooked eggs and chicken that makes peoplesick if they eat it 

* Everyone who ate the chicken salad got sick from salmonella.

food poisoning – a condition where a person is temporarily sick from eatinguncooked or unclean food

* Bobby was vomiting 9 from food poisoning all day yesterday.

to suffer – to experience pain, discomfort 10, or a difficult or sad situation

* Harriet suffers from allergies 11 in the summer.

Will miracles never cease? – a phrase used to show that one doesn’t believethat something will happen, or that it is very unlikely and extremely surprising

* Eleodoro normally isn’t a very good student, but he got 100 percent on his mathtest yesterday.  Will miracles never cease?


1.  Which of these might be caused by food poisoning?

a) bruises 12

b) sunburn

c) stomachache

2.  Which medical problem can be improved with a band-aid?

a) blisters 13

b) peeling skin

c) diarrhea




The word “straight,” in this podcast, means consecutive, or without interruption:

“He worked for two years straight without a vacation.”  The word “straight” canalso mean right away or immediately, without waiting: “Please come straighthome after school today.”  The phrase “to come straight out with it” means to say something directly and honestly, without trying to hide or change anything: “Justcome straight out with it and tell me the truth!”  The word “straight” also means honest and truthful 14: “Stop lying and just give me a straight answer!”  Finally, thephrase “to think straight” or “to see straight” means to be able to think or seeclearly, with full understanding: “Katie hasn’t slept in two days, so she isn’t ableto think straight.”  Or, “The sun has been in my eyes all afternoon and I can’t seestraight.”

to peel

In this podcast, the verb “to peel” means to come off in small, thin pieces: “Theplastic cover is peeling off of her driver’s license 15.”  The verb “to peel” also means to take off the thin, top layer of something, especially fruits and vegetables:

“Could you please peel the cucumber before cutting it for the salad?”  The phrase“to keep (one’s) eyes peeled” means to keep one’s eyes open, looking forsomething: “Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for the street sign, or elseyou’ll miss the turn to our home.”  Finally, “to peel off (something)” means toremove a piece of wet clothing that is sticking to one’s skin: “After getting caughtin the rainstorm, he had to peel off his jeans and change into dry clothes.” 


Traveling to a foreign country is always exciting, but it requires a lot ofpreparation.  This is especially true for medical “concerns” (things that one is worried about).  When Americans travel to other countries, they often meet withtheir doctor first to get “vaccinations” (injections that protect against specific diseases) and learn whether the water is safe to drink.  Similarly, people whotravel to the United States need to take medical “precautions” (things that onedoes to prevent something bad from happening).

Perhaps the most important thing that international travelers can do is to get“temporary” (for a short period of time) “health insurance.”  One pays a smallamount of money so that, if there is a medical “emergency” (a very bad thing thathappens and cannot be controlled), the health insurance company pays formedical “treatments” (the things that a doctor does to make a person feel betterand become healthy again).  Medical care in the United States is very expensive,so it is important to have health insurance.  Otherwise, a minor 16 medical problemwhile traveling in the United States can cost a lot of money.

International travelers also need to know that medicines can be very expensiveand difficult to get in the United States.  Americans must have a “prescription”

(written permission) from their doctor to be able to buy many medicines.  Ofteninternational travelers are surprised by this, because it may be easy to buy thosemedicines in their home countries.  International travelers who take medicines should buy those medicines in their own country and bring enough for the“duration” (the amount of time that something lasts) of their trip.


Comprehension Questions Correct Answers:  1 – c; 2 – a


Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 391: Traveling andMedical Needs.

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 391.  I’m your host, Dr.

Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development inbeautiful Los Angeles, California.

Visit our website at eslpod.com.  You can download a Learning Guide for this episode to help you improve your English even faster.

This episode is called “Traveling and Medical Needs.”  It’s a dialogue thatincludes lots of vocabulary related to the kinds of medical problems you mighthave when you travel.  Let’s get started.

[start of dialogue]

Delia:  Oh, my feet hurt!  We must have walked for four hours straight today.  Ihave blisters on my heels and bruises on my toes.  Where are my band-aids? 

Yoshi:  Yeah, your feet look bad.  I told you not to wear new shoes on vacation,but you wouldn’t listen.

Delia:  Oh, yeah?  Look at you!  I told you to put on sunscreen, and did you? Your face and neck are sunburned.  Your skin is going to be red and peelingtomorrow.

Yoshi:  I’ll be fine.  If it weren’t for my stomachache, I’d be ready to walk anotherfour hours. 

Delia:  I told you not to eat food from street vendors. 

Yoshi:  My stomach is just feeling a little irritated and I have a little diarrhea.  It’s nothing serious.

Delia:  You probably have salmonella or food poisoning.   

Yoshi:  No, I don’t!  Don’t be ridiculous.  Here are some band-aids.  Now leaveme in peace.

Delia:  Fine.  I’ll let you suffer in silence.  I won’t say another word. 

Yoshi:  Will miracles never cease? 

[end of dialogue]

Our dialogue begins with Delia complaining to Yoshi, “Oh, my feet hurt!  We musthave walked for four hours straight today.”  Delia is saying that she and Yoshihave been walking for four hours straight, meaning four hours consecutively 18, oneafter the other with no break in between.  “Straight” has a couple of differentmeanings in English; take a look at our Learning Guide for some additionalexplanations.

Delia says, “I have blisters on my heels and bruises on my toes.”  A “blister”

(blister) is a small part of your skin that is raised, or higher than another part,usually because it is filled with liquid and usually because it’s created when youare rubbing something against your skin.  So for example, if you are walking,your feet are going up and down in your shoes and this creates pressure – this creates a certain friction 19 on your skin, and the skin develops these little blisters. So if you walk a lot, you might develop blisters.  A “bruise” is a temporary dark spot on your skin, usually caused by being hit.  So for example, if you are in afight and someone comes up and hits you in your eye or hits you on yourshoulder, if it’s a very strong hit you could develop a bruise.  Later on that day orthe next day you could see a big, dark spot on your skin, and that spot is called a“bruise” (bruise).

So, Delia has blisters and bruises on her toes, perhaps she fell and that’s why she has bruises.  She says, “Where are my band-aids?”  A “band-aid” is a smallpiece of paper or plastic that usually is used to put over some injury on your skin. If you cut yourself, or if you have a blister, you might put a band-aid over it.  So,it’s a small piece of paper or plastic that has some sticky substance – it sticks toyour skin to cover your skin, allowing it to get better – to heal more quickly.

Yoshi says, “Yeah, your feet look bad.  I told you not to wear new shoes onvacation, but you wouldn’t listen.”  Yoshi is saying that he told Delia not to wearnew shoes on their vacation, because sometimes when you have new shoes,because your feet are not “accustomed to,” or used to the shoe, you can getblisters.  The skin can develop these little – well, they’re almost like bubbles onyour skin.

Delia says, “Oh, yeah?”  This is something you might say if someone is criticizingyou, like Yoshi is criticizing Delia, and you want to respond by saying somethingbad about the other person.  You say, “Oh, yeah?  Look at you,” meaning let’s talk about you.  “I told to you,” Delia says, “to put on sunscreen, and did you?” “Sunscreen” is a cream or lotion that you put on your skin to protect it fromgetting burned – from being damaged by the sun.  So, Delia told Yoshi to put onsunscreen and he didn’t, and now, his face and neck are sunburned. “Sunburned” means your skin is red; it is often painful because you have been inthe sun for too long.  This happens to me all the time!  Especially if you have very light skin you will get sunburned more easily.  It’s not a very pleasant experience. Delia says, “Your skin is going to be red and peeling tomorrow.  To “peel” (peel)means that the skin comes off in very small, thin pieces.  The dead skin on thetop starts to come off of your body, we would say you are “peeling.”  We use this verb, “to peel,” in a couple of different ways; take a look at the Learning Guide forsome additional explanations.

Yoshi says, “I’ll be fine.  If it weren’t for my stomachache, I’d be ready to walk another four hours.”  A “stomachache” is a pain in your stomach that lasts a longtime, usually because you, perhaps, have eaten something that is not good foryou or that your body doesn’t like, you may get a stomachache.  So, Yoshi says he could walk more if he didn’t have a stomachache.  Delia says, “I told you notto eat food from vendors.”  Notice how Yoshi and Delia are saying to each other“I told you – I told you,” they’re obviously somewhat mad at each other – like any good married couple!  That’s how you can tell that they are married, becausethey’re mad at each other!

Delia says, “I told you not to eat food from street vendors.”  A “vendor” is someone who sells something.  A “street vendor” is someone who sells something in the street – not in a building, not in a regular store but out on thestreet.  Usually, or often, street vendors are selling food, so you can buy a hotdog or other types of food on the street.  Some people think that this is not agood idea because sometimes the food is not prepared in a clean environment,and that can cause problems with your stomach.

Yoshi says, “My stomach is just feeling a little irritated and I have a littlediarrhea.”  “Irritated,” here, means a little painful, a little uncomfortable.  It’s not aword we would often use with a stomachache related pain, but it’s possible. “Diarrhea” is something that you might develop if you have eaten something bad,or your stomach doesn’t like what you ate, you might develop diarrhea.  Diarrheais when your excrement 20 – the part of your food that goes out of your bottom, thatleaves your body through...I think you can guess how – when it becomes suddenly very wet, very liquid instead of being solid; that’s diarrhea.  Not apleasant condition!

Delia says, “You probably have salmonella or food poisoning.”  “Salmonella” is abacteria that is found in uncooked eggs and chicken that can make you sick.  Soif you eat a raw egg – an egg that isn’t cooked, or if you have certain kinds ofchicken that might have this bacteria, you can get sick.  It’s a very, again,unpleasant illness, salmonella poisoning, it can make you very sick and be very dangerous.  “Food poisoning” is a general term for any time you eat somethingthat makes you very, very sick.  It may last 24 or 36 hours, but it’s notconsidered, normally, a serious condition, though it can be very uncomfortable.

Yoshi says, “No, I don’t,” meaning no, I don’t have salmonella or food poisoning. He says, “Don’t be ridiculous.  Here are some band-aids.  Now leave me inpeace,” meaning leave me alone.  Delia says, “Fine.  I’ll let you suffer in silence.” To “suffer” means to experience pain, or a difficult or sad situation.  Yoshi, at thevery end, uses an expression in trying to be funny; he says, “Will miracles nevercease?”  To “cease” (cease) means to stop.  “Will miracles” – things that are notnormal; things that are not natural, usually good things – “Will miracles nevercease?”  What he’s saying here is he doesn’t believe that something will happen,or that it is very unlikely to happen.  He’s saying, well, if you did leave me alone,that would be a miracle – that would be a very unusual thing.  He doesn’t actually think that Delia is going to leave him alone, so he uses this expression: “Willmiracles never cease?”  He thinks it would be a miracle if Delia did leave himalone.

Now let’s listen to the dialogue, this time at a normal speed.

[start of dialogue]

Delia:  Oh, my feet hurt!  We must have walked for four hours straight today.  Ihave blisters on my heels and bruises on my toes.  Where are my band-aids? 

Yoshi:  Yeah, your feet look bad.  I told you not to wear new shoes on vacation,but you wouldn’t listen.

Delia:  Oh, yeah?  Look at you!  I told you to put on sunscreen, and did you? Your face and neck are sunburned.  Your skin is going to be red and peelingtomorrow.

Yoshi:  I’ll be fine.  If it weren’t for my stomachache, I’d be ready to walk anotherfour hours. 

Delia:  I told you not to eat food from street vendors.  

Yoshi:  My stomach is just feeling a little irritated and I have a little diarrhea.  It’s nothing serious.

Delia:  You probably have salmonella or food poisoning.   

Yoshi:  No, I don’t!  Don’t be ridiculous.  Here are some band-aids.  Now leaveme in peace.

Delia:  Fine.  I’ll let you suffer in silence.  I won’t say another word.

Yoshi:  Will miracles never cease? 

[end of dialogue]

The script for this episode was written by someone who has blisters on theirfingers because they’ve been typing so much, Dr. Lucy Tse.  Take it easy Lucy!

From Los Angeles, California, I’m Jeff McQuillan.  Thanks for listening.  We’ll seeyou next time on ESL Podcast.

English as a Second Language Podcast is written and produced by Dr. Lucy Tse,hosted by Dr. Jeff McQuillan.  This podcast is copyright 2008.


1 glossary
  • The text is supplemented by an adequate glossary.正文附有一个详细的词汇表。
  • For convenience,we have also provided a glossary in an appendix.为了方便,我们在附录中也提供了术语表。
2 consecutive
  • It has rained for four consecutive days.已连续下了四天雨。
  • The policy of our Party is consecutive.我党的政策始终如一。
3 blister
  • I got a huge blister on my foot and I couldn't run any farther.我脚上长了一个大水泡,没办法继续跑。
  • I have a blister on my heel because my shoe is too tight.鞋子太紧了,我脚后跟起了个泡。
4 bruise
  • The bruise was caused by a kick.这伤痕是脚踢的。
  • Jack fell down yesterday and got a big bruise on his face.杰克昨天摔了一跤,脸上摔出老大一块淤斑。
5 hip
  • The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone.股骨连着髋骨。
  • The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line.新外套在臀围线上优美地打着褶皱。
6 lotion
  • The lotion should be applied sparingly to the skin.这种洗液应均匀地涂在皮肤上。
  • She lubricates her hands with a lotion.她用一种洗剂来滑润她的手。
7 vendor
  • She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste.她厌恶地望着那个前几天曾经欺骗过她的小贩。
  • He must inform the vendor immediately.他必须立即通知卖方。
8 vendors
n.摊贩( vendor的名词复数 );小贩;(房屋等的)卖主;卖方
  • The vendors were gazundered at the last minute. 卖主在最后一刻被要求降低房价。
  • At the same time, interface standards also benefIt'software vendors. 同时,界面标准也有利于软件开发商。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
9 vomiting
  • Symptoms include diarrhoea and vomiting. 症状有腹泻和呕吐。
  • Especially when I feel seasick, I can't stand watching someone else vomiting." 尤其晕船的时候,看不得人家呕。”
10 discomfort
  • One has to bear a little discomfort while travelling.旅行中总要忍受一点不便。
  • She turned red with discomfort when the teacher spoke.老师讲话时她不好意思地红着脸。
11 allergies
n.[医]过敏症;[口]厌恶,反感;(对食物、花粉、虫咬等的)过敏症( allergy的名词复数 );变态反应,变应性
  • Food allergies can result in an enormous variety of different symptoms. 食物过敏会引发很多不同的症状。 来自辞典例句
  • Let us, however, examine one of the most common allergies; hayfever. 现在让我们来看看最常见的变态反应的一种--枯草热。 来自辞典例句
12 bruises
n.瘀伤,伤痕,擦伤( bruise的名词复数 )
  • He was covered with bruises after falling off his bicycle. 他从自行车上摔了下来,摔得浑身伤痕。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The pear had bruises of dark spots. 这个梨子有碰伤的黑斑。 来自《简明英汉词典》
13 blisters
n.水疱( blister的名词复数 );水肿;气泡
  • My new shoes have made blisters on my heels. 我的新鞋把我的脚跟磨起泡了。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • His new shoes raised blisters on his feet. 他的新鞋把他的脚磨起了水疱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
14 truthful
  • You can count on him for a truthful report of the accident.你放心,他会对事故作出如实的报告的。
  • I don't think you are being entirely truthful.我认为你并没全讲真话。
15 license
  • The foreign guest has a license on the person.这个外国客人随身携带执照。
  • The driver was arrested for having false license plates on his car.司机由于使用假车牌而被捕。
16 minor
  • The young actor was given a minor part in the new play.年轻的男演员在这出新戏里被分派担任一个小角色。
  • I gave him a minor share of my wealth.我把小部分财产给了他。
17 transcript
  • A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.一份录音带的文字本作为证据被呈交法庭。
  • They wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview.他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。
18 consecutively
  • He was actually too depleted to think consecutively about anything. 他已经打不起一点精神,根本谈不上好好思考一下。 来自辞典例句
  • In any game, the right to serve shall pass consecutively. 在一局中,不错的发球挨次应该是。 来自互联网
19 friction
  • When Joan returned to work,the friction between them increased.琼回来工作后,他们之间的摩擦加剧了。
  • Friction acts on moving bodies and brings them to a stop.摩擦力作用于运动着的物体,并使其停止。
20 excrement
  • The cage smelled of excrement.笼子里粪臭熏人。
  • Clothing can also become contaminated with dust,feathers,and excrement.衣着则会受到微尘、羽毛和粪便的污染。
Angled bracket
anticipated transient without scarm
break earth
brush lifting device
buffer stop
butt splice
character topology
closed convex function
connected digraph
conveyor trip switch
cross cultural training
cytherura chanilua
demucosatio intestini
dew water
dispute to arbitration
docking bracket
double volcano
driving toothed gear
even mass
exposure of internal abdominal ring
fixed-price lump-sum contract
Foot's staining methods
frequency hysteresis
functional generator
funny games
Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
ground drill
half-line block
hot plate tempering
hours underway
hydrodynamic profile
infrared beacon
ink-cap fungi
joint electronics type designation system (jetds)
knowledge inference
kyllinga monocephala rottb.
lamination percentage by volume
mesitylene lactone
more important
Mount Holyoke College
Mujahidin-e Khalq Organization
network user address
observed measure
organic element
parallel strand roving
peak potential
period of pitching
pinky sworn
polygram casting
pork butchers
pressure converter
resonance-antiresonance method
reverse braking
Rio Grande do Norte
road marker
rose family
salvage cutting
special memory
St Leonards
Steno, Nicolaus
surface servo system
transmission direction
undeveloped property
uptake of water by plant
water eryngo