时间:2018-12-25 作者:英语课 分类:美语训练班


  B: 同学们,上课啦!咱们来学美语。我是Donny老师。

  A: 啊?你是老师?那我就是杨琳校长了!

  B: 那....校长你来介绍一下今天的节目吧。

  A: 行吧!今天咱们要聊聊健康减肥, 看看怎么到旅行社订飞机票,和同事谈谈橄榄球比赛, 还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“修身”和“得意忘形”。

  B: 当然,咱们还是先花一分钟,学一个词。

  Learn A Word tie the knot

  今天我们要学的词是tie the knot. Tie is spelled t-i-e, tie; and knot, k-n-o-t, knot. Tie the knot, 结婚。A small number of college students choose to tie the knot before they graduate. 一部分大学生选择在毕业之前结婚。Gay and lesbian couples raced to tie the knot as soon as New York state approved same-sex marriage. 纽约州批准同性婚姻后,许多同性恋争先恐后去注册结婚。A lot of interracial couples wish to embrace traditions from both sides when they tie the knot. 许多来自不同种族的伴侣希望结婚时能包含双方的传统习俗。好的, 今天我们学习的词是tie the knot, tie the knot, tie the knot.

  A: Donny, my best friend tied the knot last month. I went to her wedding. It was so romantic! 我好羡慕她啊!

  B:Romantic? Did she have a beach wedding?

  A: Beach wedding? 海滩婚礼?那倒没有,就是个普通的中西结合婚礼,但我还是觉得很浪漫,很感动!

  B: I see. Were there any unforgettable or funny moments during the wedding?

  A: 说起这个,那要算是新郎父亲的致辞了。他居然在台上又哭又笑,说了10分钟!客人们一头雾水,不知道他到底要说什么。估计,他是太激动了。

  B: I can imagine. He must have been overwhelmed with excitement. 用今天我们要教的一个短语来形容,那就是 He was beside himself!

  Words and idioms Beside oneself

  各位听众,现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 939讲。我是杨琳。

  我是 Doug Johnson.


  Beside oneself. Beside is spelled b-e-s-i-d-e. Beside-oneself.

  beside oneself 的意思是情绪失控,发狂。在我意识到自己把结婚戒指落在了公共厕所里时,I was beside myself! 我都快急疯了! 好在等我冲到卫生间时,戒指还好好地在洗手台上,幸亏那天人少!


  "Hearing that we had just won the lottery was so overwhelming. We were BESIDE OURSELVES. Just think: we'd become millionaires. Now we could pay off our mortgage and put our kids through college. And there would still be enough money left to travel around the world."


  我要是赢了彩票,就会找个投资顾问好好帮我管理这笔钱。很多中了大彩的人因为挥霍无度而千金散尽,最后甚至破产。那时,They're beside themselves with fear and worry. 他陷入极度的恐惧和担忧中。好,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

  "Hearing that we had just won the lottery was so overwhelming. We were BESIDE OURSELVES. Just think: we'd become millionaires. Now we could pay off our mortgage and put our kids through college. And there would still be enough money left to travel around the world."

  在刚才的例句中,中了彩票的人are beside themselves with joy, 得意忘形,乐晕了。而在下面这个例句中的人也遇到了意想不到的事儿,但心情却完全不同。我们来听一听:

  "When Rosa returned to the parking lot, she discovered that her brand new car had a big dent. Someone had hit her vehicle and not left a note. Now she had to call her insurance company, and then arrange for repairs. Aaargh! The more she thought about it, the more furious she became. She was BESIDE HERSELF with anger."

  这段话是说:[罗斯回到停车场的时候发现她新买的车凹下去了一大块。有人撞了她的车,也没留张字条就溜走了。现在,罗斯不得不给自己的保险公司打电话,然后还要安排修车的事儿。啊! 她越想越气,简直是气得发狂。]

  说到撞车,我的邻居曾经在一个下大雨的深夜里撞了一个人,主要是因为雨太大,她没看到那个行人。好在当时她车开得很慢,被撞的人没什么大碍,不过My neighbor was beside herself with grief for not seeing the man. 我的邻居当时只恨自己为什么没看到人。好,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

  "When Rosa returned to the parking lot, she discovered that her brand new car had a big dent. Someone had hit her vehicle and not left a note. Now she had to call herinsurance company, and then arrange for repairs. Aaargh! The more she thought about it, the more furious she became. She was BESIDE HERSELF with anger."

  各位听众,今天我们学习的习惯用语是beside oneself,意思是“发狂,情绪失控”。

  A: 说起来,筹备婚礼也真是个让人头大的事,我那个朋友想要婚礼尽善尽美,结果自己压力太大,变得特爱发脾气。

  B: That's typical. The stress of preparing for a wedding can turn many brides into bridezillas!

  A: Bridezilla? 哈哈,我知道这个词,这是由bride, 新娘,和Godzilla, 怪兽哥斯拉,两个词结合起来的,形容那些追求完美,吹毛求疵,结果变得像哥斯拉一样凶巴巴的准新娘。

  B:没错。For example, before their wedding, a lot of women become very self-conscious about their figures. They'd do anything to shed a few pounds and look good in their wedding gowns.

  A: 那是绝对的!新娘子当然爱漂亮啊。其实,要在婚礼上光彩夺目不一定非得减肥,选择修身的礼服就可以了!

  B: 修身?这个是品牌么?

  A: 不是!你听听下面的“美语怎么说”就明白啦!

  How to say it: figure flattering


  Jessica: 吴琼,我问你,“两面派”用美语怎么说?

  吴琼: Ah? Jessica, 你从哪儿学到这个词的?

  Jessica: From one of our listeners! 有个听众问的。

  吴琼: That's cool! Hmm... 我觉得两面派一定是double face,对吗?

  Jessica: Close! Actually it's two-faced.

  吴琼: 哦!two-faced 两张脸,当人一面背人一面,两面派。

  Jessica: That's right. Sometimes a two-faced person will say nice things about you to your face, then tell others nasty things about you when you're not around.

  吴琼: 哼,我最讨厌这种背后捅刀子的人了。

  Jessica: I know! We call these people back stabbers.

  吴琼: Back stabber? S-t-a-b-b-e-r, stabber 是用刀子捅别人的人,所以back stabber 就是在背后给人下刀子的人喽!Jessica, 不是吹牛,这种人我一眼就能识破。

  Jessica: Wow! You must be a really good judge of character.

  吴琼: judge 是法官,character 是人品,你说我是 a good judge of character, 一定是说我看人看得准,眼光犀利,对吗?

  Jessica: Exactly. two-faced people can't fool you if you're a good judge of character.

  吴琼: 不过 jessica, 我觉得,two faced people和back stabbers虽然都很讨厌,但他们也有些用处!

  Jessica: Really?

  吴琼: Yeah. Their existence will help you see who your real friends are! 没有他们的存在,怎么能显出哪些人才是真朋友呢!

  Jessica: 有道理!Now let's see what you've learned today.

  吴琼: 第一:形容某人两面派是two-faced;

  第二:背后害人的人是back stabber;

  第三:形容看人准,可以说 someone is a good judge of character.

  B: 杨琳,I forgot to ask─did your best friend have her wedding in the US or in China?

  A: 在北京啊,我可是为了她专门飞回去了一趟。

  B: Wow. You're a good friend.

  A: 可不是么!要飞13个小时呢!幸好我有个朋友,帮我搞到了头等舱的票。

  B: Seriously? That's nice! 以后我去中国,也让你朋友帮忙弄票吧!

  A: No problem! 有熟人在航空公司上班,当然可以不费力气地拿到最好的票,不过一般来讲,还是要自己去旅行社或者网上买票。

  B: 没错,今天的“美语三级跳”节目就来讲买机票。

  GoEnglish: Flight─beginner


  Winnie:Todd 在洛杉矶上学,趁着放寒假,要回阿拉斯加去和父母一块儿过圣诞节。今天,他来到一家旅行社定机票。

  Professor: Do you visit your parents on the holiday, Winnie?

  MC: 当然了,我可是孝顺女儿呢!

  Agent: Good afternoon sir, may I help you?

  Todd: Yes, I need to buy a ticket from Los Angeles to the capitol of Alaska.

  Agent: Alright, when would you like to leave?

  Todd: I would like to leave December 24th and return January 3rd.

  Winnie: 圣诞节是12月25号,Todd要订24号飞阿拉斯加的机票,这可够赶的,万一飞机晚点,他就赶不上和家人过平安夜了。

  Professor: Well if his flight is delayed, maybe he could ask Santa Claus for a ride home.

  Winnie: 搭圣诞老人的车?哈哈,这可是个好主意! Todd 还说,他要1月3号飞回洛杉矶,这样好,可以在新年夜尽情狂欢后休息一下再出发!

  Agent: Do you want a direct flight?

  Todd: Yes, I want to fly non-stop.

  Agent: Alright, the cheapest direct flight is $500.

  Todd: Are there any cheaper flights?

  Agent: Yes, there is a connecting flight with one layover for $400.

  Professor: Winnie, do you know what a layover is?

  Winnie: 知道啊,如果你坐的不是直达航班 direct 或是 non-stop flight,而是要中途转机的话,这个转机就是layover, l-a-y-o-v-e-r, layover.

  Professor: Yes. For example, you can say you had a three-hour layover in Chicago when you flew to New York.

  Winnie: 嗯,旅行社告诉 Todd 说,直飞票要500块,有一个layover的便宜些,400块。不知道Todd会买哪种。

  Todd: Well, I'll take the direct flight.

  Agent: Where would you like to sit?

  Todd: Is there an aisle seat available?

  Agent: No, there is only a window seat.

  Todd: Alright, I'll take the window seat.

  Professor: Winnie, do you like sitting in the window seat or the aisle seat?

  Winnie: Window seat 就是靠窗的座位,aisle seat 则是靠过道的座位。我倒是无所谓,坐哪儿都行,不过千万别有个大哭大闹的孩子坐在我旁边!

  Professor: Yes, I really hate it when there is a crying baby near me on a plane. I can never fall asleep.

  Agent: Would you like to fly first-class?

  Todd: How much does a first-class ticket cost?

  Agent: A first-class ticket is $3,000.

  Todd: Umm ... I think I'll just fly in the economy class.

  Winnie: 头等舱要三千块啊!比经济舱贵好几倍!Professor Bowman,你知道吗,我的梦想就是,有朝一日发了财,一定要到头等舱过把瘾!

  Professor: Well, there is another way to reach your dream. You could earn frequent flyer miles.

  Winnie: Frequent flyer miles? 就是常飞客积攒的里程数吧?对!这也是个好办法,可以用里程换积分,攒够了升级坐头等舱!

  Professor: Yes! You know, sometimes people also call economy class "coach."

  Winnie: 哦,原来economy class 和 coach 都是经济舱的意思,不过要我说啊,叫“沙丁鱼舱”更合适!

  Todd: What if I need to cancel my trip for some reason? Can I get a refund?

  Agent: You can get a refund if you cancel your trip one day before you leave.

  Todd: What if I need to cancel my trip at the last minute?

  Agent: In that case, the tickets are non-refundable.

  Winnie: Professor Bowman, 什么叫 at the last minute?

  Professor: If you did something as late as possible, you can say you did it at the last minute. For example, "I wasn't going to give any homework at the end of class, but then I changed my mind at the last minute."

  Winnie: 哦,就是到最后一分钟才临时决定做什么事。旅行社的人说,Todd 如果在出发当天才突然改变主意,就不能退票了。看来他还在犹豫到底是不是要回家,所以才会问退票的事吧?

  Professor: Let's tune in next time and find out!

  A: 我要求不高,Direct flight and window seat─these are my preferences for a plane ticket.

  B: As for me, first class 就可以了。If they serve 北京烤鸭 and have in-flight karaoke , I'll be even happier.


  B: Hey! I'm allowed to have dreams, right?

  A: 那以后有特别便宜的red eye flight ticket─夜班飞机票,还是经济舱的,我就不通知你啦!

  B: 别啊! 只有常坐这种便宜飞机,才能攒够钱坐头等舱啊!

  A: 你还挺会算计! 好啦,不说飞机的事儿了,咱们换个话题,说说橄榄球比赛。来听“礼节美语”。

  Business Etiquette: American football I


  Chris: Hey, Ben...did you catch the game last night?

  Ben: Uh...what game?

  C: Baltimore defeated Texas by 17 points!

  B: Um...and what sport are we talking about here?

  C: Football of course!

  B: Oh...football. Football is cool. I usually try to catch the World Cup finals.

  Chris问Ben, Did you catch the game last night? 意思是昨天晚上有没有看比赛,英语里看比赛,看表演在口语里都可以用动词catch, 比如,Let's go catch a movie. 咱们看电影去。Chris说的是美式足球比赛,football,巴尔的摩乌鸦队赢了德克萨斯人队17分。Ben说,足球好看, 每次World Cup finals世界杯决赛我都看,他显然是把soccer和美式足球football混了。Chris说,

  C: No, I'm talking about American football. The World Cup is soccer.

  B: Oh, I understand. I can't say I'm a big fan. I'm from China, and football doesn't have a really big following over there.

  C: So Chinese people prefer soccer or basketball?

  B: Yes, I think so. But to be perfectly honest, I'm not really a sports nut. When I was in high school I played on the school volleyball team. Are you a diehard football fan?

  Ben说自己不是特别爱看美式足球,I can't say I'm a big fan. 在中国,美式足球没有多少球迷。Football doesn't have a really big following. Following 在这里是名词,指粉丝,追随者,仰慕者。Ben还说,To be perfectly honest 意思是老实说,I'm not a sports nut. 这里的nut, n-u-t, nut是俚语,意思是对某事非常热衷爱好的人,比如history nut, movie nut 还有Ben所说的sports nut。Ben问Chris是不是铁杆美式足球球迷,a diehard football fan. diehard is spelled d-i-e-h-a-r-d, diehard 意思是死忠。Chris回答说,

  C: Oh, certainly. I wouldn't miss a game for the world. My girlfriend says I have an addiction. And actually, if I had to choose between her and my games...I'd probably pick football.

  B: It seems Americans are very passionate about sports. Is this just a part of your culture?

  C: Oh, yeah! I think the love of sports starts when kids are very young. Americans come from many different backgrounds so I guess sports are something we can all enjoy together.

  Chris 承认自己是铁杆球迷,I wouldn't miss a game for the world. 不会因为任何原因错过比赛。not miss something for the world是一种很常见的说法,强调无论如何都不会错过,比如,I wouldn't miss your concert for the world. 我绝不会错过你的音乐会。Chris说,美国人热爱体育,是从小培养的,大家来自不同背景,但是运动却能让彼此走到一起。

  A: Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm not a sports nut either.

  B: I am! ESPN is the only channel I watch.

  A: 那你最喜欢什么体育比赛?

  B: 当然是American Football! I'm a diehard fan of the Washington Redskins. Don't you like watching the games with your friends and family, 杨琳?

  A: 和家人朋友一起看比赛当然好啊,我说我不是体育迷,是说我不会特意留心体育比赛,而且我自己也不爱去参加体育活动,多累啊!

  B: But still, you should hit the gym once in a while. It's good for your health.

  A: 对啊,而且谁都知道,少吃多动就能减肥!今天的“体育美语”说的就是这个。

  American sports English: healthy eating

  P: Yang Chen, have you lost any weight since you started your weight loss plan 2 months ago?

  Y: Yeah. 2 pounds. 我已经瘦了两磅了。

  P: 2 pounds in 2 months. Mmmm, let's not celebrate yet.

  Y: Why not?

  P: Because .......Now tell me what you do to lose weight.

  Y: 走路。

  P By shopping?

  Y Well, sort of.

  P What else do you do?

  Y 举重

  P lift weights.

  Y 跑步机上跑步

  P: running on a treadmill。 Not bad. Well tell me about your diet.

  Y: Diet? I'm not on a diet, Patrick. 我从来不节食。

  P: When I say ‘diet’ D-I-E-T- I don't mean 节食, to go on a diet, I mean what are the foods that you eat?

  Y: 三顿饭,加一顿夜宵。

  P 夜宵? Late night snack? Ah, I see! When it's late at night, your metabolism M-E-T-A-B-O-L-I-S-M slows down, making it easier for your body to gain weight.

  Y: 晚上新陈代谢慢。

  P Exactly. So you shouldn't eat late night snack. And when you get older, your metabolism slows down too.

  Y 人年龄大了,新陈代谢也会慢下来。Why are you telling me this? Are you implying...

  P Don't be sensitive. I'm not saying you are old. I just want to tell you a key to losing weight is speeding up your metabolism by eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.

  Y: OK. Speeding up metabolism 加速新陈代谢,就要多餐少吃。

  P: Right. Eating smaller meals more frequently.

  Y: .That is such a pain!

  P: Well, if you really want to reach your goal of losing weight, you will have to do this.

  Y: OK. 还有什么,Patrick老师?

  P: You also need to watch how many calories C-A-L-O-R-I-E-S you eat each day. Try not to exceed 2000 calories!

  Y: Hey count my calories? 数卡路里, No way. Too much trouble.

  P: You are full of excuses today! Actually it's very easy to count how many calories you eat in one day! Let me tell you how.

  Y: Not interested. 我记得你刚才说要多餐少吃。

  P: There you go!

  Y: Now Let's go to McDonald's!

  P: No way. It's not healthy.

  Y: My treat!

  P: Oh, in that case......let's go!

  A: Oh, late night snacks─my favorite meal of the day!

  B: I know. 中国有很多好吃的宵夜,我在中国时也管不住自己的嘴,although I'm usually a healthy eater.

  A: 那你最爱吃哪种宵夜?牛肉面?馄饨?海鲜粥?

  B: 杨琳,Stop that! 我要流口水了!

  A: 不如今天晚上我们去吃宵夜麻辣火锅吧!

  B:好吧,No healthy eating for today!

  A: Super! 好了,今天的节目时间差不多了。这次的撰稿人是晓北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次的美语训练班再见!


abdominal external oblique muscle
account of bankruptcy
accumulative binomial probability distribution
analog tester
angle of leeway
angle of light path of optical fuze
arteriae ciliares anteriores
augmentation distance
automatic tool retracting unit
ball lapping machine
basic engineering
be upset
Beit Bridge
Bertrand, Cerro
bright fiber
Brill, Abraham Arden
business policy making
buyout bid
cambrovician period
cell differential pressure photo
centrally connected power supply
constructive taking
cost of works for special purpose
CPU architecture
data acquisition camera
dirty industry
do-while statement
dull-finished sheet
environmental theatre
Fed funds rate
fore edge
forestry railroad car
funiculus (pl. -li)
genus Hydrastis
Granulationes arachnoideae
Greek yogurt
heat-resistant cable
homicide resulting from passion
humidity-temperature index
infraorbital region
intermittent prodromal glaucoma
it is said
it's no use
Kappa carbide
lay day
mean astronomic latitude
mixing condition
pars cartilaginea tubae pharyngotympanicae
phenyl trichlorosilane
resistance to chemical reagents
saptha divitiosa
shuttle mechanism
standard electromotive force of the cell
stone finish
surface emission
thin webbed girder
towel off
turn off the light
ultrasonic examination of welds
us airborne
wall pressure
window (between wave train)
working plan period
yield stress ratio