时间:2018-12-25 作者:英语课 分类:美语训练班


   A: 新年快乐同学们! 欢迎大家来到这期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!

  B: Happy New Year Everyone! 新年快乐! 好,杨琳,快来告诉大家今天都要学什么?
  A: 没问题! 今天我们要聊聊怎么买便宜货,看看公司怎么进行不信任提案,还要告诉你野蛮驾驶的危险性!
  B: Tell me about it. Christmas and New Year is definitely my favorite time of the year, but it's also a time that you have to be extremely careful while driving. All these New Year parties lead to a lot of drunk drivers on the road.
  A: True true. 不过这会儿,也有很多便宜货可以买呀,我最近就成天上网购物,都停不下来!
  B: Why am I not surprised? (A: you...) Kidding kidding. Well, we'll talk about how to catch the flash sales later in the show.  Now let's go ahead with our first segment learn a word!
  Learn A Word  1650 reckless driving
  今天我们要学的词是 reckless driving, reckless is spelled r-e-c-k-l-e-s-s, reckless, driving, d-r-i-v-i-n-g, driving, reckless driving. Reckless driving 野蛮驾驶,危险驾驶。Reckless driving is a leading cause of accidents on the highways of the United States. 危险驾驶是美国高速公路事故的主要原因。Reckless driving carries heavy penalties upon conviction. 一旦定罪,危险驾驶者会受到重罚。Ryan Crocker, the former U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of reckless driving. 前美国驻阿富汗大使克罗科尔承认危险驾驶,接受了轻度指控。好的,今天我们学习的词是 reckless driving, reckless driving, reckless driving....
  A: So Mike, tell me about your trip back home! Judging from your love handles and double chin, I'm guessing that you must have had a good time...
  B: Hey! [A: (laugh) 开玩笑开玩笑!] Yeah, Christmas at home was really nice. I had tons of home made cookies and went on a shopping spree after Christmas! There were a lot of great sales! I got a bunch of video games for a song!
  A: For a song? You are not saying you actually sang in the store right? Those poor people....
  B: Haha, of course not! Let's check out today's words and idioms and you will know what I mean!
  Words and Idioms 802 For a Song
  美国习惯用语第八百零二讲。我是杨晨。我是 Douglas Johnson。
  我一直想买幅油画,挂在客厅墙上,可是这里卖的画儿都特别贵。星期天,我开车路过一个小区,几家人正在一起卖旧货。我一眼就看中了一幅特别好看的油画,卖主让我开价,我说 50 美元,本以为根本没戏,谁知他却一口答应。在英语里,我们可以说:
  M: For a song. Song is spelled s-o-n-g. For-a-song. For a song.
  大家知道,Song 是歌曲的意思。For a song 这个习惯用语的意思就是说买了便宜货。我最近买的油画,就可以说,I picked it up FOR A SONG.
  M: "The recent downturn in the U.S. housing market represents good news for buyers. In states like Florida, you can find expensive properties going FOR A SONG. But you had better take advantage before prices start going up."
  M: "The recent downturn in the U.S. housing market represents good news for buyers. In states like Florida, you can find expensive properties going FOR A SONG. But you had better take advantage before prices start going up."
  买了房子还不够,还得买家具。我上个月到朋友 Jenny 家里去,她让我猜客房里那套家具多少钱,我怎么也猜不到。原来是她的邻居正好要搬家,便宜处理给她的。 She got them for a song.
  M: "My cousin is thrilled. He just accepted a marketing job overseas. Since he won't be needing his sports car, he's willing to let me have it FOR A SONG. I'll be paying so little for it, in fact, it's almost like he's giving it away."
  我们家附近,每个周末都有跳蚤市场、古董拍卖、或是二手货的出售。只要有时间,I can find lots of good stuff FOR A SONG. 新年的时候,我痛下决心,要开始锻炼身体,结果正赶上一家体育用品商店大减价,I got a treadmill for a song. 我买了一台特别便宜的跑步机。
  不过,有时候买便宜货也要小心。我的一个朋友最近就买了一台价格特别便宜的 HD DVD 高清晰度 DVD播放器。She got it for a song. 不过,HD DVD 这种格式已经过时了,再便宜的机器,今后恐怕也派不上用场了。好的,让我们再听一下上面的例句。
  M: "My cousin is thrilled. He just accepted a marketing job overseas. Since he won't be needing his sports car, he's willing to let me have it FOR A SONG. I'll be paying so little for it, in fact, it's almost like he's giving it away."
  For a Song 这个习惯用语可以追溯到十六世纪晚期。最早的时候,For a Song 是指给街头艺人的便士,也就是几个小钱的意思。
  便宜货一般很少有人拒绝,但毕竟不如免费来的好。我们的美国习惯用语节目不仅能教给大家习惯用语的使用,还会告诉大家它们的历史渊源,听众们唯一要做的,就是按时坐到收音机旁,收听我们的节目。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束。我是杨晨,我是 Douglas Johnson。这次节目的制作人是胡小玲。谢谢各位的收听。
  M: Until next time.
  M: This has been Words and Idioms.
  A: 原来for a song就是便宜货! 为什么是唱首歌呢?
  B: Originally,  inns would give performers free rooms for the night if they would perform for the other customers. So we say they got to stay for "a song and a dance".
  A: Interesting! Now with all the after New Year sales, a lot of things are being sold for a song!
  B: Yep, now is the best time to shop since a lot of stores are getting rid of all the extra stock they have left over from the holidays. It's perfect timing for you! You can get a lot of gifts for your family back in China for great prices!
  A: Yep. But I have this lingering feeling that I might accidentally forget to get a gift for somebody. 我可怕少给谁买了什么....
  B: Well I mean, you also need to think about those people who work with you everyday and provide you with great ideas...like someone who's currently sitting next to you!
  A: Dream on friend. 我刚才提到了个词, lingering, 咱们来听听今天的learn a word, 来学学这个词儿要怎么用!
  Learn A Word 1651 lingering
  今天我们要学的词是 lingering, lingering is spelled l-i-n-g-e-r-i-n-g, lingering. Lingering 形容词,持久的,挥之不去的。Despite what he said,  I still have a lingering doubt about his real intentions. 尽管他说得好听,可我还是对他的真实目的持怀疑态度。飓风桑迪已经过去几个星期了,然而,The lingering damage from the storm is still weighing on the U.S. economy. 风暴造成的破坏依然给美国经济带来持续压力。Former U.S. President George HW Bush was hospitalized last week for treatment of a lingering cough. 美国前总统老布什因为咳嗽迟迟不好,上星期住院接受治疗。好的,今天我们学习的词是 lingering, lingering, lingering....
  B: Speaking of lingering, even after Christmas, I'm still having this lingering desire for sweets....
  A: Well...didn't you just finish being on a diet? Be careful Mike, if you keep eating cookies and cake like this, you will have to rebuild you body from the ground up...
  B: I know I know. I guess in America January is the hardest month to deal with. You come back from the holiday vacation and it's freezing outside...all I want to do is eat and sleep....
  A: I thought that's your all-time hobby! 哈哈,好了不开玩笑了,我刚才提到了from the ground up,  再来听听今天的words and idioms,  来学学这个习惯用语的用法!
  Words and Idioms 803 From the Ground Up
  美国习惯用语第八百零三讲。我是杨晨。我是 Douglas Johnson。
  我刚刚打电话约堂兄 Jimmy 周末来吃饭。我伯父以前是开干洗店的,Jimmy 从小就在店里帮忙,什么都干,后来伯父退休了,就把店交给了他。说到这儿,让我想起了一个美国习惯用语,叫 From the ground up.
  M: From the ground up. Ground is spelled g-r-o-u-n-d.
  From-the-ground-up. From the ground up.
  大家都知道,ground 是地面的意思。From the ground up 这个习惯用语的意思就是从头开始,或是全部的,彻底的。刚才说到,我堂兄 Jimmy 从小就在干洗店里帮工,从头开始,学会了这个行当的方方面面,我们可以说 He learned it from the ground up.
  M: "Back in the 1860s, the U.S. government offered land in the Midwest to anyone willing to settle there. Adventurous pioneers came pouring in and began to build communities FROM THE GROUND UP. Soon towns and cities developed where none had existed."
  这些分得政府公有土地的定居移民在美国历史上被称作 Homesteaders. 对于这些人来说,那可是一个绝好的机会。如果你也生活在那个年代,你会象他们一样,自愿去垦荒吗?现代人恐怕很难想象当时的艰苦。好的,让我们再来听听上面那段话。
  M: "Back in the 1860s, the U.S. government offered land in the Midwest to anyone willing to settle there. Adventurous pioneers came pouring in and began to build communities FROM THE GROUND UP. Soon towns and cities developed where none had existed."
  很多时候,一切从头开始确实需要很大的勇气。我的一个朋友在中国学的是中文专业,她跟随丈夫来美国之后,不仅很快就学好了英语,而且还在短短三年的时间里,拿到了一个电脑的硕士学位。She learned it from the ground up. 实在令人敬佩。
  M: "I don't know what my assistant finds so difficult. All I asked her to do was make a few revisions to the employee handbook. It's not like she has to create the whole thing FROM THE GROUND UP!"
  我前两天跟一个当会计的朋友吃饭。她跟我抱怨说,她们公司准备启用一套全新的财会作业程序。老板要求她必须在两天的时间内,掌握新的票据系统。She has to learn it from the ground up.
  不过另一方面,我也经常会想,当个企业家一定特别棒,可以发明一件产品,然后开一家公司,把这件产品推向市场。事业成功的若干年后,回首往事,你会看到自己白手起家 from the ground up 创造的一切。好了,不白日做梦了,还是让我们再听一下上面的例句吧。
  M: "I don't know what my assistant finds so difficult. All I asked her to do was make a few revisions to the employee handbook. It's not like she has to create the whole thing FROM THE GROUND UP!"
  大家肯定已经猜到了, from the ground up 这个习惯用语是从盖房子打地基来的。对于那些刚刚开始收听美国习惯用语的听众,或者是那些英语初级水平的听众,I am happy to help you FROM THE GROUND UP. 我很愿意帮助你从头学起。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束。我是杨晨,我是 Douglas Johnson。这次节目的制作人是胡小玲。谢谢各位的收听。
  M: Until next time.
  M: This has been Words and Idioms.
  A: From the ground up, 从头开始,白手起家。现在很多留学生都回国创业,It must be so hard to start a company from the ground up!
  B: That's for sure. Starting a company is just the first step. There's tons of things to deal with in running a company. I think having a solid management team is the most important thing. If they are not good enough, they will pull the rest of the company down.
  A: In that case, you can always have a Vote of No Confidence and change the management. 在今天的Business Etiquette里,公司董事会成员 David 和Ken 就在谈论这个话题,咱们一起来听听吧!
  礼节美语 Vote of No Confidence I
  公司董事会成员 David 找 Ken 谈话,显得很神秘。
  David: Hey, Ken...I need to talk to you.
  K: Sure...what's up?
  D: Can we step into the conference room? This is a more private conversation.
  K: Sure...
  D: Ok...I'm just going to lay it all out on the table: What do you think of Vincent's management style?
  K: Well, Vincent has only been CEO for a couple of years and ... well...um...
  D: I don't want to put you on the spot. Here's what I'm getting at: I don't think Vincent is the man for the job.
  原来,David 找 Ken 谈话,是因为觉得公司首席执行官 Vincent is not the man for the job. 不称职。David 说,I don't want to put you on the spot. 意思是我不是故意为难你。to put someone on the spot 意思是让某人回答很难回答的问题。David 在上面那段话里还说 I'm just going to lay it all out on the table. 我就直截了当说吧。to lay something out 是讲清楚;on the table 意思是放在桌面上讨论。Ken 问 David 为什么觉得 Vincent 不称职。
  K: Really? And what led you to this conclusion?
  D: As I see it, he lacks the proper vision. His style is more about survival, and he's not taking the company anywhere. He's treading water instead of swimming.
  K: Well, I confess I've had my doubts about his abilities before. It seems he mainly got the job because his famous aunt pulled some strings.
  David 觉得 Vincent 缺乏远见,lacks the proper vision. 只能维持现状,不能推动发展,就好像在水里,He's treading water instead of swimming. 光是原地踩水,不向前游。Ken说,Vincent 担任CEO, 靠的是自己姑姑的关系,His aunt pulled some strings. to pull some strings 意思是动用关系。
  D: I've been with this firm for 26 years and I'd hate to see it go down the drain due to poor leadership skills.
  K: Me too. But what can we do? This isn't a reality TV show...we can't just vote him out.
  D: Yes and no...We can't ask for a show of hands on who thinks he should be fired, but we can introduce a vote of no confidence at the next board meeting.
  K: Interesting idea. You might be on to something.
  David 说,自己在公司已经26年了,不想看着公司go down the drain就这么垮掉。to go down the drain 是失败,白费的意思。David 觉得,虽然这不是电视真人秀 reality TV show,不能让大家表决把他赶下台,a show of hands 是举手表决的意思,但是可以在下个董事会上提出一份 a vote of no confidence 不信任提案。
  A: David找Ken谈话,因为他觉得公司首席执行官Vincent is not the man for the job, 不称职,他觉得Vincent lacks the proper vision, 缺乏远见,自己已经在公司这么多年了,不想看着公司垮掉go down the drain, 所以想提出一份vote of no confidence不信任提案。
  B: Yeah, seems like Vincent doesn't have strong leadership skills. It's definitely difficult to work under someone who doesn't know how to lead.
  A: In your mind, what kind of person is cut out to be a leader?
  B: Well, they need to be certain and decisive, and they need to be able to inspire and motivate people. Overall, they need to be a coach.
  A: Hmmm....why do I have the feeling that you are talking about me?
  B: Riighttt.(sarcastically) Well, David and Ken are still talking about how to deal with this thorny situation, let's continue!
  礼节美语 Vote of No Confidence II
  公司董事 David 和 Ken谈话,觉得公司CEO Vincent 不称职。David说,
  David: One of Vincent's biggest problems is his tendency to micro-manage everything. He sticks his nose into everything instead of leaving the day-to-day decisions to the guys who know what they're doing.
  K: That's true. He also seems rather uncertain and indecisive about many things.
  D: Yeah...we need a leader who can inspire us. The CEO needs to be a coach, not a referee. You know...not everyone is cut out to be a leader.
  K: I think one of the primary skills a leader needs is the ability to listen.
  David 觉得 Vincent 最大的问题之一是喜欢 micro-manage 管得太细。He sticks his nose into everything. 不论什么事他都要插手,to stick one's nose into something 意思是插手某事。Ken 也说,Vincent 在很多问题上优柔寡断,而且不会听取意见。David 还说,not everyone is cut out to be a leader. 不是人人都能当领导的。to be cut out for something 意思是适合做某事。
  D: Vincent is terrible at that. He frequently seems to completely misunderstand what we're trying to get across. Just between you and me, I've spoken to a few other board members and they say if there is a vote of no confidence, they'll vote "no."
  K: But will Vincent be forced to resign if there is such a vote?
  D: No...but it will do one of two things: one, it will serve as a wake-up call and he might change his style - or two: he might step down if he realizes he's lost the support of the board.
  David 已经跟其他一些董事会成员打过招呼,他们都表示,如果有不信任案,他们会投不信任票。这样可能会有两种结果,it will either serve as a wake-up call. 要么会给Vincent 敲响警钟,让他自觉改变管理风格,要么会让 Vincent 意识到,自己已经失去董事会的支持,自觉下台。
  K: Shouldn't we try to find a way to give him a chance to avoid embarrassment?
  D: Yes we should. I'll be writing him a private letter next week and expressing our thoughts on the matter. I'd appreciate it if you would sign the letter as well.
  K: Humm...well, I guess that's the best way. We'll give him a chance to either improve or resign.
  D: And if he rejects those options, we'll try a vote of no confidence.
  K: Ok, David....I'm on board. Let's give it a shot.
  Ken 建议 give him a chance to avoid embarrassment 设法避免让 Vincent 难堪,David 表示赞同,决定先给 Vincent 写封私人信件,阐述他们的意见,希望 Ken 能在上面联署。Ken 承认,这可能是最好的方式,说,I'm on board. 算我一个,Let's give it a shot. 咱们试试看。
  A: So, to give you a chance to avoid embarrassment...if you buy me two boxes of chocolate, I would consider withdrawing my vote of no confidence against you....
  B: You wouldn't know good leadership if it came up and bite you on the.....
  A:哈哈, 好了同学们,这次节目时间就到这里了。
  B: Tune in next time for American English Mosaic!
  A: See you next time!

标签: VOA 美语
address key register
advance deposit requirement on import
an unknown quantity
as a matter of priority
attic joist
autoimmune complex nephritis
baptism of desire
be someone's funeral
blind rollers,blind seas
blow molder
bush rat
capacitor microphones
choke coupling
communication systems
coniglobus albidus
dobby's walk
duck typing
effective acceleration of gravity
fastness to rubbing
fibrillary chorea
free deduction method
gaslight bulkhead
gets up to
Grand Banks of Newfoundland
Ilex buergeri
infrared interferometer spectrometer
inspiratory alveolar air
interface requirement
jerkin head
launch stand
loss analysis
MacBook Air
Manso Abore
mass rate of emission standard
medical sensitive beauty
modern angiosperm
motion control
Nebraska fern
on-off information
partial breakdown
pharyngeal catarrh
pin-point gate
planer plain
plating coat
psychological error
pushing up
put ... into prison
quarry face
reactive group
reduction sleeve
shamrock peas
side wall skin
signal blue light
steam atomizer
superincumbent stratum
support pattern
upper pond level
volume of luggage and parcel carried