时间:2018-12-11 作者:英语课 分类:听美国故事练听力


  Our story today is called "A Girl for Walter". It was written byTheodore Jacobs, here is Shep O'Neal with the story.

We never knew what Walter was. But we called him, ur, idiot 1. We calledhim that without knowing if he really was as foolish 2 and stupid 3 as anidiot.

Walter worked for a food store. He carried food to the homes thatordered it on the telephone. When we saw Walt coming down the street,pushing his four-wheel wagon 4 filled with food, we knew we would havefun. We stopped playing our games and followed him. We always saw himcoming. He wore the same clothes every day, a brown hat, green shirtopened at the neck and a pair of gray pants. We recognized 5 the way hewalked too, long slow steps with stiff 6 legs. We followed him down thestreet, trying to walk as he did. Often we would try to pull his hatoff and say how funny he looked. Walter did not seem to be troubled byour words except when we talked about girls.

When one of us asked him how his love life was or said. "Hey, Walt, Ihear a beautiful woman is looking for you." He would get very angry.

He would push his food wagon with one hand and try to capture 7 one ofus with the other. If he caught one, he held him close to his face andshouted in a loud voice "I am going to get a girl, I am going to get agirl." Sometimes he would say it again and again even when we gettired of making fun of him. He would walk down the street shouting tohimself: "I am going to get a girl."Walter did not bring food to our house. Mother was afraid of him. Shewent to a different store and bought the food home herself. Whengrandmother came to live with us, this changed. Grandmother liked allsorts of people. She was interested in people no one else loved.

During her life she had made friends with men who drank too much,women who ate too much and people who were just very lonely.

Grandmother worked with church groups for many years but finallystopped. I think she could not work with them because she did notagree that it was right to try to change a person. Grandmother likedpeople for what they were. If she knew a man who drank too much, shewould not tell him to stop drinking. She would tell him how to drinkand still be a gentleman. Once she wrote a book on ten different waysto drink and still act as if you had not had a drink. The importantthing to grandmother was that things were done well in the right wayand with control.

When grandmother learned 9 about Walter, she told my mother she wantedWalt to bring the food to the house. Mother of course was stronglyagainst it. She thought all sorts 8 of strange things would happen. Shedid not trust Walt. But grandmother simply 10 said "Oh, pooh! you are 42years old, Sara." And then she telephoned the people at the food storeand told them to let Walter bring the food.

Walter and grandmother became friends. The first time he came to thehouse, he told grandmother he was going to get a girl. Grandmotherseemed pleased and told him how nice it would be. She said the troublewith young man today is that they do not know how to win a girl'sheart. "You must be an artist." She said. Walter just stood there andlistened. Grandmother then told him how her husband won her heart. Shetold him about her marriage 11 and the great love there was between them.

As he listened, Walter made funny faces and moved his mouth from oneside of his face to the other. When she finished her story, she askedWalter where he met his young ladies.

Walter did not say anything. "I can understand how difficult it is foryoung people to meet these days." Then she said in a low voice, "Ifyou meet a nice young lady, Walt, do you know how to act? " "What? No,I don't." Walter said. "Well, you should." Grandmother said. And shetold him how.

Walter and grandmother became very close. Every time he came withfood, she had a talk ready for him. It was funny to me, but to Walterand grandmother it was very serious. Later she began to read books toWalter, a little from a book each time he came. The first book wascalled how to dress when you go out with a girl. The next book toldhow a young man should act when he meets the girl's mother and father.

Walter seemed to enjoy the readings 13 at least he listened. He wouldstand next to the wall and wrinkle 14 his nose. If grandmother expectedmore from Walter, she never showed it. She continued reading 12 to him.

As time passed, Walter listened harder than before. He never took hiseyes off grandmother as she read. When she smiled he smiled too. Whenshe was serious Walter became serious. She read about the problems ofearly friendship, how to become better friends and how to decide ifyour girl is the right one to marry.

Grandmother was almost finished reading one day when Walter stoppedher. "Know something, Mrs. Gorman? I have a girl." "How wonderful!"Grandmother answered. "I really do, a girl like you always talking."Isn't that wonderful? Where did you meet her? " "A friend helped me.""Isn't that exciting? Tell me about her. Is she nice?" "I like hervery much." "Well, she must be. What is her name?" "I forgot. Bettisomething. I told her my name was Walter." " Were you kind to her anda gentleman?" "All the time I told her nice things." "I am proud ofyou, Walter. Is she pretty?" Walter did not answer. He told again howhe met her.

It seemed to me that he had to say a thing more than once or no onewould believe him. "She must be nice." grandmother said, "I hope youcomb your hair and wear a coat when you see her. And you must promiseme that you will always be a gentleman."After that grandmother read how to choose the right wedding 15 ring, andhow to be prepared for marriage. She seemed to be in a hurry as ifWalter might get married 16 before she had finished his education.

Nothing mother said helped. Grandmother continued to teach Walter. Thenext book she read to Walter was how to love your wife. Soon aftergrandmother finished reading it, she died, just like that. It wasdifficult to believe. It was only after I saw them lower 17 her body andcovered it that I knew she would not come back.

The morning after she died, Walter came with food. Mother went to thedoor. "Mrs. Gorman is dead." She told Walter. "She died last night."Walter did not move at first. He did not seem to understand or hethought she was lying. He then tried to enter but mother shut the doora little. "Can't you understand she is dead? No one is here. She diedlast night. Please do not come here again." Walter just stood there,his face white. Mother closed the door on him. She telephoned the foodstore and told them not to send Walter any more.

I did not see Walter again for a long time. I had forgotten all abouthim and the days grandmother had read to him. Then one day I saw him.

He looked different. He was wearing a suit of clothes, the coat wasold and the trousers had been worn 18 many times. He wore a white shirtand a necktie. I waited until he walked up to me and I walked alongwith him. "Hello, Walter, do you remember me?" He turned quicklytoward me then smiled as he recognized my face. "Oh, sure, hiya, howare you?" "I am fine, Walter. How are you doing?" "Thank you, O.K. Howare you doing?" "Fine". We walked a few steps in silence 19. Suddenly Ihad the odd 20 feeling that grandmother was still alive, and that Walterwas still coming to the house. Without thinking 21, I asked, "How is yourgirl, Walter?" Suddenly he was on me holding and tearing 22 my shirt. Hepulled me close to him and shouted, "She is still alive. She is stillalive." His cry was loud and real. He pushed me away from him and Ifell to the ground. He ran down the street. As I got up, I could stillhear him crying until his voice was lost among the sounds of playingboys.

1 idiot
  • Only an idiot would make such a thoughtless remark.只有草包才会说出这样没有头脑的话来。
  • You are behaving like a perfect idiot.你表现得像个十足的白痴。
2 foolish
  • The foolish boy was laughed at wherever he went.这个愚蠢的男孩不论走到哪里都受到讥笑。
  • Don't worry me with such foolish questions.不要用这些愚蠢的问题来烦我。
3 stupid
  • The boy is too stupid.那个男孩太笨了。
  • He must be really stupid.那他一定很傻。
4 wagon
  • We have to fork the hay into the wagon.我们得把干草用叉子挑进马车里去。
  • The muddy road bemired the wagon.马车陷入了泥泞的道路。
5 recognized
adj.公认的,经过验证的v.认出( recognize的过去式和过去分词 );承认[认清](某事物);赏识;承认…有效[属实]
  • I found it flattering that he still recognized me after all these years. 过了这么多年他还认得我,使我觉得荣幸。
  • I recognized him as soon as he came in the room. 他一进屋我就认出了他。
6 stiff
  • There is a sheet of stiff cardboard in the drawer.在那个抽屉里有块硬纸板。
  • You have to push on the handle to turn it,becanse it's very stiff.手柄很不灵活,你必须用力推才能转动它。
7 capture
  • The company is out to capture the European market.这家公司希望占据欧洲市场。
  • With the capture of the escaped tiger,everyone felt relieved.逃出来的老虎被捕获后,大家都松了一口气。
8 sorts
n.分类( sort的名词复数 );品质;品级;群v.分类,整理( sort的第三人称单数 );挑选;[计算机](根据指令的模式)把…分类;把…归类(常与with, together连用)
  • The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics to raise money for charity. 银行职员使出各种可笑的花招为慈善事业筹款。
  • He was out of sorts physically, as well as disordered mentally. 他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 learned
  • He went into a rage when he learned about it.他听到这事后勃然大怒。
  • In this little village,he passed for a learned man.在这个小村子里,他被视为有学问的人。
10 simply
  • The cake is made quite simply.这蛋糕做起来很简单。
  • The teacher explained the text simply.老师简单地解释了一下课文。
11 marriage
  • They have a happy marriage.他们的婚姻很美满。
  • She is uninterested in marriage.她对结婚不感兴趣。
12 reading
  • Children learn reading and writing at school.孩子们在学校学习阅读和写作。
  • He finds pleasure in reading.他从阅读中得到乐趣。
13 readings
n.阅读( reading的名词复数 );读书;读物;读数
  • As part of the celebrations they staged a big,open-air multimedia event,with music,videos,poetry readings,dance and improvisations. 在庆典中,他们举行了大型的露天多媒体活动,其中有音乐、录像、诗朗诵、舞蹈和即兴表演。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They have compiled a collection of Elementary Readings on the Natural Scieces to help young people in their studies. 为了便于青少年学习,他们编了一套《自然科学小丛书》。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
14 wrinkle
  • This pair of pants does not wrinkle.这条裤子不会皱。
  • Too much sunbathing will wrinkle your skin.皮肤晒得过分就能起皱纹。
15 wedding
  • I have to attend a wedding.我必须去参加婚礼。
  • Their wedding was very quiet.他们的婚礼很平淡。
16 married
  • I heard John got married.我听说约翰结婚了。
  • They got married last autumn.他们在去年秋季结婚。
17 lower
  • Society is divided into upper,middle and lower classes.社会分为上层、中层和下层阶级。
  • This price is his minimum;he refuses to lower it any further.这个价格是他开的最低价,他拒绝再作任何降价。
18 worn
  • The child's trousers have worn through at the knees.孩子裤子的膝盖处磨破了。
  • My shoes are worn out.我的鞋子穿坏了。
19 silence
  • She raised a hand for silence.她举手示意大家安静。
  • They drove home in silence.他们默不作声地开车回家。
20 odd
  • She looks a bit odd.I wonder what has happened to her.她的神色有些异样,不知出了什么事。
  • He's an odd character and no mistake!他的确是个怪人!
21 thinking
  • All thinking men will protest against it.凡是有思想的人都会抗议这件事。
  • Thinking is mainly performed with words and other symbols.思想主要是用言语和其他符号来表达的。
22 tearing
adj.撕开的,痛苦的v.撕( tear的现在分词 );(使)分裂;撕碎;扯破
  • Tom, when are you going to stop tearing around and settle down? 汤姆,你什么时候才能不再到处游荡而安定下来呢? 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Look at the children tearing about in the playground. 瞧那些在游戏场上奔跑的孩子们。 来自《简明英汉词典》
activity leader
activity log
Allium haematochiton
angular methyl
bad godesberg
bare to
beach at ebb tide
cell passage
centerline lighting
chen n. yangs
cloud-to-air lightning
combined a.c. and d.c. welding power source
combined circulation
concrete flume
cutting down
deck-piping control panel
double stoppings
elevator control angle
feedforward filter
gain someone's ear
graduating spring sleeve
half as many again as
hard burned mangesia
hunger for consumption
ice cueam mix
impermeable graphite
internal-combustion engine
invar precise levelling staff
Lump of Ice
main propulsion turbine
malicious gossip
marsh forming process
master camera shutter
material classification
me and my big mouth
night fighter
one-level Breit-Wigner formula
potter's lead
pulsation mass
quartz-crystal filter
racomitrium anomodontoides
ring plain
scale passage
secretory electric current
sectional warping sizer system
short stemmed funnel
south winds
Suez Canal Zone
superduty silica refractory
surface mount type
sympetrum cordulegaster
tape transports
technology of waste disposal
the hole
the national specedevelopment agency of japan (nasda)
three-dimensional radar
tidal observatory
tying fund credit
vena epigastrica superficialis
venae intercostales anteriores