时间:2018-12-10 作者:英语课 分类:汪培珽儿童英文分级书单《神奇树屋》


Jack 1 didn't feel like a happy camper anymore.

Walking through the cold, thin air, he looked at thesnowmobiles parked near the hut.

"We don't know how to drive snowmobiles!" Jackwhispered to Annie. "We haven't trained foranything, including altitude sickness!""That's okay. If we get in trouble, we can use thewand," said Annie.

"No, we can't," said Jack. "We can't use the wandjust for ourselves. Plus, we haven't tried our hardestyet."57"This way, gang," called Nancy. She was usheringeveryone into the small orange building.

Jack and Annie followed the group inside. The one-room hut had plastic chairs, a small heater, axes, jugsof water, and shelves with boxes of trail mix.

"Have a seat and help yourself to some of the bestwater in the world," Nancy said. "It comes frommelted glacier 2 ice."Everyone sat on the plastic chairs. Lucy, Kim, Tony,and Ali poured water into tin cups and lowered theirmasks to drink. Jack was thirsty, but he shook hisheadnoat Annie. He was afraid for them to show theirfaces.

"Before we take off, I want to warn you again aboutthe snowmobiles," said Nancy. "No matter how muchtraining you've had, you must be very careful. Onyour ride up to the crater 3, remember to drivesideways so if the snowmobile slips and rolls over,your leg won't get crushed."Everyone nodded.

58How do you drive sideways?

Jack wondered in a panic.

"Don't be afraid to go fast, and don't lock up thebrakes," said Nancy. "Locking your brakes can spelldisaster.""And watch out for lava 4 bombs," said Ali, thebiologist.

"Lava bombs?" Jack piped. He quickly cleared histhroat and deepened his voice. "Excuse me. Lavabombs?""Lava that spits from the crater," said Ali.

"Spits?" repeated Jack.

"Like oatmeal that bubbles and spatters out of thepot," said Lucy, the space scientist.

"Except these bombs aren't made of oatmeal," saidAli. "They're blobs of fiery 5 hot liquid rock. Some ofthem can be as big as a car. They burn deep holes inthe ice and snow.""If they hit you ...," said Tony, chuckling 7. "Well, justthink about it."Jack didn't want to think about it.

59"Seriously, it's pretty neat," said Nancy. "Formillions of years, hot gas and lava have carved deep,hidden places beneath the surface ice of these slopes-cavernsand towers. No one knows all the secrets ofMount Erebus."Nancy took a last sip 8 of water and put her cupdown. "Okay, guys, you have a few hours to do yourexperiments and get your stories. Then Pete will comeback for us. Let's go!"As Jack stood up to go, he almost fell over. Theroom was spinning. He closed his eyes, but that onlymade it worse. After the others had filed out the door,Jack sat back down on his chair.

I'll just stay here for a second,he thought, his heart pounding.

"You okay?" said Annie, coming back into the hut.

"I'm dizzy," said Jack, trying to catch his breath. "Ithink I've got altitude sickness.""I don't feel so great, either," said Annie. "Trytaking off your mask and goggles 9 so you can60breathe better." She helped Jack lift off his mask andgoggles. "Does that help?""Yeah, a little...." Jack took a deep breath. "But weneedlotsof help.""What do you mean?" said Annie.

"Help getting over altitude sickness," said Jack,"help driving snowmobiles, help dodging 10 lava bombs,help finding an ancient crown... and what isthat,anyway--anancient crown!"Nancy poked 11 her head back into the hut. "What'sup, guys? You coming?""Yikes," said Annie.

Jack quickly tried to put his goggles and mask backon. But it was too late.

"What--what are you--who are you?" Nancysputtered. "You're not a journalist! You're a kid!""Don't worry," said Annie in a deep voice. "He's myson.""What?"said Nancy.

"He is," said Annie. "I often take him on myassignments.""You what?"said Nancy.

61"Annie, give it up," said Jack. "We're caught.""Oh, okay," said Annie. She pushed up her gogglesand pulled down her mask. "I'm Annie, and he's Jack.

We're sister and brother.""I'm going to have a heart attack!" said Nancy.

"What are you kids doing here?""We were looking for ..." Annie stopped. "Urn 6 ..."Jack knew even Annie couldn't explain their missionto save Merlin to Nancy.

"This is unbelievable!" said Nancy. "I've got to getyou two back to the station! Your parents must befrantic. I can't believe this!""No, no, it's our fault. No one will blameyou,"said Jack.

But Nancy was pulling out a small radio. "Come in,Pete. Come in."The radio crackled and popped. Then Pete's voicecame through. "Hear you, Nancy," he said.

"Pete, you need to get the chopper back here quickand pick up two of my group. They're just little kids!"Not so little,thought Jack.

62"Repeat that, Nancy," said Pete.

"Two little kids came with the group!"Nancy shouted. "I didn't know they were kids--oh,it's too hard to explain! Can you come back rightaway, please?""Sure thing," said Pete. "You head up with theothers. I'll pick up the kids.""Thanks. They'll be here at the hut, waiting for youto take them back," said Nancy. "Over and out."

1 jack
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
2 glacier
  • The glacier calved a large iceberg.冰河崩解而形成一个大冰山。
  • The upper surface of glacier is riven by crevasses.冰川的上表面已裂成冰隙。
3 crater
  • With a telescope you can see the huge crater of Ve-suvius.用望远镜你能看到巨大的维苏威火山口。
  • They came to the lip of a dead crater.他们来到了一个死火山口。
4 lava
  • The lava flowed down the sides of the volcano.熔岩沿火山坡面涌流而下。
  • His anger spilled out like lava.他的愤怒像火山爆发似的迸发出来。
5 fiery
  • She has fiery red hair.她有一头火红的头发。
  • His fiery speech agitated the crowd.他热情洋溢的讲话激动了群众。
6 urn
  • The urn was unearthed entire.这只瓮出土完整无缺。
  • She put the big hot coffee urn on the table and plugged it in.她将大咖啡壶放在桌子上,接上电源。
7 chuckling
轻声地笑( chuckle的现在分词 )
  • I could hear him chuckling to himself as he read his book. 他看书时,我能听见他的轻声发笑。
  • He couldn't help chuckling aloud. 他忍不住的笑了出来。 来自汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
8 sip
  • She took a sip of the cocktail.她啜饮一口鸡尾酒。
  • Elizabeth took a sip of the hot coffee.伊丽莎白呷了一口热咖啡。
9 goggles
  • Skiers wear goggles to protect their eyes from the sun.滑雪者都戴上护目镜使眼睛不受阳光伤害。
  • My swimming goggles keep steaming up so I can't see.我的护目镜一直有水雾,所以我看不见。
10 dodging
n.避开,闪过,音调改变v.闪躲( dodge的现在分词 );回避
  • He ran across the road, dodging the traffic. 他躲开来往的车辆跑过马路。
  • I crossed the highway, dodging the traffic. 我避开车流穿过了公路。 来自辞典例句
11 poked
v.伸出( poke的过去式和过去分词 );戳出;拨弄;与(某人)性交
  • She poked him in the ribs with her elbow. 她用胳膊肘顶他的肋部。
  • His elbow poked out through his torn shirt sleeve. 他的胳膊从衬衫的破袖子中露了出来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
A disk
administrative region of china
aged rats
analog line driver
anticoagulant therapy
antitetanicum purificatum sera
be ruled by sb
beautiful foliage
block mutation
Buddha belly
canning plant
centre line of boiler
chinese veterinary medicine
closed-circuit connection
complex vibration
compressor manifold
constant model
coolant-gas-carrying auxiliary system
core-baking oven
credit folder
dispersion phase
dwindling away
feature film
gridiron tamper
harmonic leakage power
Indian Ocean
Johns Hopkins
Leuckart-Wallach reaction
make bad blood
Mentha vagans
method of quantitative analysis
methods of payment
mill roll scale
network type computer
non-newtonian solution
nondestructive detector
nut-lock washer
over-head travelling crane
plasticoviscous flow
process selfregulation
radio relay set in yard and station
reek of
returning officer
serial story
simulative formability test
stefan wyszynskis
step positive mould
stereoscopic photographs
straight forceps
stumped up
Tea Party movement
uniform development
virtual address space
Zmodem protocol