时间:2018-12-10 作者:英语课 分类:初中三年级英语


[ti:UNIT 6 Get Ready for Jobs Lesson 47 The Scholarship 1]

[0:00.860]UNIT 6 第六单元

[0:02.814]Get Ready for Jobs 为就业做好准备

[0:06.044]Lesson 47: 第47课:

[0:07.493]The Scholarship 奖学金

[0:10.262]Angie was late coming home from her music lesson. 安吉上完音乐课之后回到家已经很晚了。

[0:13.321]Her little brother, Mike, was in the kitchen. 她的小弟弟迈克在厨房里。

[0:15.796]On the table she saw an envelope from a university in Toronto. 在桌子上她看到了一封来自多伦多的一所大学的信。

[0:20.092]She turned the envelope over, but it was already open. 她翻过信封,但是信封已经被拆开过了。

[0:24.247]"Did you open my letter?" she asked. “你拆了我的信吗?”她问,

[0:26.899]"I've told you again and again! “我一再地告诉你!

[0:28.843]Leave my things alone." 别碰我的东西。”

[0:31.301]"Don't shout at me!" said Mike. “不要对我大喊大叫!”迈克说。

[0:34.448]Angie pulled the letter out of the envelope. 安吉把信从信封中抽出来。

[0:37.153]"Dear Miss Turner," it said. “亲爱的特纳小姐,”它上面写着。

[0:39.628]"You have been awarded 2 a scholarship to study violin at our School of Music." “你已被授予了一份来我们音乐学院学习小提琴的奖学金。”

[0:45.515]"Yippee!" she shouted. “太棒了!”她大叫起来,

[0:47.867]"I won it!" “我获得了!”

[0:49.811]"That's nice," said Mike, unhappily. “不错啊,”迈克怏怏不乐地说。

[0:53.259]Angie could see now that Mike had been crying. 安吉可以看出迈克现在在哭。

[0:56.636]"Are you going away, Angie?" he asked. “安吉,你要离开吗?”他问。

[1:00.525]"Well," she said, slowly. “嗯,”她慢慢说道。

[1:02.240]Angie hadn't thought about Mike's feelings. 安吉没有考虑到迈克的感受。

[1:04.945]He was only eight years old and couldn't remember their mother who had died so long before. 他只有八岁,因为妈妈去世很久了他都记不起她的模样。

[1:10.497]"I don't want you to go," he said. “我不想让你去,”他说。

[1:13.659]"Is that so? “是吗?

[1:15.190]Well, I haven't gone yet. 嗯,我还没有走呢。

[1:16.665]Eat your snack," she said, softly 3. 吃你的夜宵吧,”她温柔地说,

[1:18.925]"Then go to bed. “然后去睡觉。

[1:20.055]It's late." 不早了。”

[1:21.690]"Good night," he said sadly 4. “晚安,”他伤心地说。

[1:24.933]Angie didn't know what to do. 安吉不知道该怎么办。

[1:26.794]She wanted to study music so much. 她非常想学音乐。

[1:29.892]"I need help," she thought. “我需要帮助,”她想。

[1:32.032]But who should she talk to? 但是她应该和谁说呢?

[1:34.039]Who did she respect 5 most? 她最尊敬谁呢?

[1:36.352]She read the letter again. 她再次读了那封信。

[1:38.386]She felt glad and sad at the same time. 她既高兴又伤心。

[1:42.414]The next morning Angie got up early and went to see Aunt Mary. 第二天早晨安吉很早就起来去看望玛丽阿姨。

[1:46.721]Aunt Mary was doing some ironing 7 in her warm and comforting 8 kitchen. 玛丽阿姨正在她那温暖舒适的厨房中熨衣服。

[1:51.293]Angie told her about the scholarship. 安吉告诉了她有关奖学金的事。

[1:53.553]"If I were to go to Toronto, I would leave Dad and Mike alone," she said. “如果我要去多伦多,我就会离开爸爸和迈克,”她说。

[1:59.349]Aunt Mary turned off the iron 6 and sat down beside Angie. 玛丽阿姨关掉熨斗,坐在了安吉旁边。

[2:03.058]"What does your father say? " she asked. “你爸爸怎么说的?”她问。

[2:06.634]"He says I must choose for myself." “他说我必须自己做决定。”

[2:09.119]Angie wanted to cry. 安吉想哭。

[2:10.874]"But it's hard! Mike is so sad!" “但是这很难!迈克非常伤心!”

[2:14.835]"That's funny. “这就奇怪了。

[2:16.284]Mike is always arguing with you." 迈克总是和你争吵。”

[2:18.664]"Yes, he gets angry when I practise the violin. “是的,我一练小提琴他就生气。

[2:22.053]And I get angry when he opens my letters. 当他拆我的信件时我也生气。

[2:24.911]But he is so young." 但是他还很小。”

[2:27.131]"Here is something to think about," said her aunt. “这事需要好好考虑考虑,”她的阿姨说,

[2:30.454]"If you were to go to Toronto, you could come back for holidays." “如果你要去多伦多,你可以在放假时回来。”

[2:35.333]Angie nodded 9. 安吉点了点头。

[2:37.021]"And you are not leaving him alone," said Aunt Mary. “你也就没有把他扔下不管,”玛丽阿姨说,

[2:40.065]"If you were to go, I would be here. “如果你要去,还有我呢。

[2:42.883]When your mother died, you were very young. 你妈妈去世时,你还非常小。

[2:45.489]You came to me for help. 你曾来找我帮忙。

[2:47.376]I'll be here to help Mike, too. 我也可以帮助迈克。

[2:49.543]Wait here. 在这儿等着。

[2:50.554]I want to show you something." 我想给你看一些东西。”

[2:52.853]Aunt Mary left the kitchen and came back with a book of old photographs. 玛丽阿姨离开厨房,拿着一本旧相册回来了。

[2:57.519]In one of the photographs, a young girl held a violin. 在其中一张照片上,一个年轻女孩拿着一把小提琴。

[3:01.760]"That was your mother. “那是你妈妈。

[3:03.062]She loved music, too. 她也非常热爱音乐。

[3:05.003]If she knew about your scholarship, she would be very proud." 如果她知道你得了奖学金,她会非常自豪的。”

[3:09.948]Angie went home. 安吉回家了。

[3:11.463]Mike was still in his bedroom. 迈克仍然在他的卧室里。

[3:13.564]He was unhappy and angry. 他不高兴还有点生气。

[3:16.488]"It's time to get up," she said. “该起床了,”她说。

[3:19.226]"My stomach hurts," said Mike. “我肚子疼,”迈克说。

[3:22.789]"Oh, dear!" she said. “噢,天啊!”她说。

[3:25.102]She put her hand on his forehead 10. 她把手放在他的额头上。

[3:27.402]He wasn't hot. 他没有发烧。

[3:28.877]"I think you are making an excuse," she said. “我想你在找借口,”她说,

[3:31.828]"Are you really sick?" “你真的生病了吗?”

[3:33.889]"No," he said. “没有,”他说。

[3:36.109]"I don't want to do any chores today." “我今天不想做任何家务事。”

[3:39.392]"You don't have many chores to do," said his sister. “你没有多少家务事可做,”他姐姐说,

[3:42.689]"Get up. I'll make you breakfast." “起来。我给你做早饭。”

[3:45.374]Angie made pancakes with strawberries. 安吉做了加草莓的薄烤饼。

[3:48.006]"Oh, good. My favourite!" Mike said. “哦,好。我的最爱!”迈克说。

[3:51.462]He forgot his anger 11. 他不生气了。

[3:53.469]Angie gave him a plate. 安吉给了他一个盘子。

[3:55.304]"Mike, you know that I might go away." “迈克,你知道我可能会离开。”

[3:58.547]He nodded. 他点了点头。

[4:00.036]"I want to study music. “我想学习音乐。

[4:02.003]But I want to help you and Dad, too. 但是我也想帮你和爸爸。

[4:04.343]If I were to go, I would send you a letter every week. 如果我走了,我会每周给你写信的。

[4:08.410]You would have your own envelopes to open. 你会有你自己的信来拆。

[4:11.149]I would come home to spend my vacation. 我会回来度假的。

[4:13.914]I would make pancakes until you get sick of them!" 我会给你做薄烤饼的,直到你厌恶它们为止!”

[4:17.795]"But I'll miss you, Angie." “可是安吉,我会想你的。”

[4:20.228]"I'll miss you, too," she said. “我也会想你的,”她说,

[4:22.528]"But Dad is here. “但是爸爸在这儿。

[4:23.804]So is Aunt Mary. 玛丽阿姨也在。

[4:25.412]You'll be busy with your friends. 你会忙着和朋友们在一起。

[4:27.486]And there's one really good thing, Mike. 迈克,还有一件非常好的事情。

[4:30.198]You won't have to listen to me practise the violin." 你将不必再听我练小提琴了。”

[4:33.335]He laughed. 他笑了。

[4:34.478]"Okay, here's my opinion. “好的,我说说我的意见。

[4:36.658]You should go. 你应该去。

[4:37.655]But I'll expect two letters every week. 但是我期望每周收到两封信。

[4:40.196]And a lot of pancakes!" 以及很多很多薄烤饼!”

[4:43.692]LET'S DO IT! 做一做!

[4:45.691]Choose any job you are interested in. 选择任何你感兴趣的工作。

[4:48.717]Describe it to a group of students, but don't name it. 向一群学生描述那份工作,但不要说出其名称。

[4:52.806]Ask them to guess which job you have chosen. 让他们猜猜你选择的工作是什么。

[4:56.467]They can ask questions like, "In this job, do you _____? " or "Is it _____? " 他们可以这样提问:“做这份工作,你 ?”或者“这份工作 ?”




1 scholarship
  • The girl who won the scholarship was quite outstanding.得奖学金的女孩是相当杰出的。
  • I made up my mind to apply for a scholarship.我决定申请奖学金。
2 awarded
  • The 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Mo Yan"who with hallucinatory realism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary". 2012年诺贝尔文学奖得主为莫言,他“很好地将魔幻现实与民间故事、历史与当代结合在一起”。 来自互联网
  • She was awarded a degree honoris causa. 她获授名誉学位。
3 softly
  • He speaks too softly for her to hear.他讲话声音太轻,她听不见。
  • She breathed her advice softly.她低声劝告。
4 sadly
  • She looked at him sadly.她难过地看着他。
  • Sadly the good times aren't returning any time soon.遗憾的是,好时光不会很快就回来。
5 respect
  • The new teacher soon won the respect of his students.这位新来的老师很快就赢得了学生们的尊重。
  • He did it quite without respect to the result.他做这事一点也不考虑后果。
6 iron
n.铁,熨斗,坚强,烙铁,镣铐;vt.烫平,熨,用铁包;vi. 烫衣服
  • The iron has lost its magnetic force.这块铁已失去了磁力。
  • We need an electrician to mend the iron.我们要请电工修理熨斗。
7 ironing
n.熨烫;刚熨好的[待熨烫的]衣物v.熨平( iron的现在分词 );用鱼叉叉(鱼);用铁铸成;给…加铁具(以使牢固)
  • to do the ironing 熨衣服
  • I scorched my dress when I was ironing it. 我把自己的连衣裙熨焦了。
8 comforting
  • It's comforting to know that you'll be there. 知道你要去那里令人感到欣慰。
  • It was a comforting thought that at least her father hadn't suffered. 令人宽慰的是,至少她爸爸没有遭受痛苦。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 nodded
v.点头( nod的过去式和过去分词 );打盹;打瞌睡;点头致意
  • He nodded absently, his attention absorbed by the screen. 他专心注视着屏幕,只是心不在焉地点了点头。
  • She nodded her head in agreement. 她点头表示同意。
10 forehead
  • My mother gave me a kiss on the forehead. 妈妈吻了我的前额。
  • There are a lot of lines on his forehead. 他额头上都是皱纹。
11 anger
n.生气,怒,愤怒;vt.使发怒;vi. 发怒
  • I won't see him until his anger has cooled down.等他怒气消了,我再去看他。
  • His eyes flash with anger.他眼中冒出怒火。
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a lock
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zog i