时间:2018-12-06 作者:英语课 分类:8 灯塔之谜 The Lighthouse Mystery



A Final Surprise

Grandfather sat forward in his chair.

“Another thing,” he said. “We ought to go home soon.”

“Oh, why?” asked Benny.

Mr. Alden laughed. “I have to work, for one thing.”

Jessie said, “Oh, I suppose you do.”

Henry said, “I must get ready for college, too.”

“I shall miss you all,” said Larry.

“You won’t miss Henry,” said Benny. “You’ll see him every day at college.”

“I can go back to my house this morning,” said Larry. “I feel all right—only weak.”

“I’ll take you in the station wagon,” said Henry, “and Mr. and Mrs. Cook, too.”

Suddenly Mrs. Cook said, “Wait! I have an idea. You must all come to our house for supper.”

Mr. Alden shook his head. “Better not, Mrs. Cook,” he said. “You’ll have enough to do taking care of Larry without cooking a supper for eight. But we’d enjoy it all right.”

“I won’t need a thing,” said Larry. “I’ll just lie down once in a while.”

Mrs. Cook smiled. She said, “Larry isn’t the only one in the family who can cook. I do it, too. And I like it.”

The four young Aldens were looking at Grandfather, hoping he would change his mind.

“Very well,” he said. “We’d love to come if you really feel that way.”

“Good!” said Mrs. Cook. “Come about five and see our yard. “We’ll eat at six.”

Benny said, “I won’t eat much lunch, Mrs. Cook, so I can eat a lot of supper. I bet 1 you are just as good a cooker as Larry.”

They all laughed at Benny. “Really,” he said, “I mean it. I’ll eat hardly any lunch at all.”

“I can’t imagine it,” said Henry.

“I’ll get dressed,” said Larry, “and go along home.”

“You’ll have to wear some of my clothes,” said Henry. “Yours aren’t dry yet.”

After the Cook family had gone, Benny said, “Now I wonder what Mrs. Cook will have for supper. It won’t be frankfurters, I’m sure.”

“It won’t be chowder,” said Henry, smiling.

“It won’t be hamburgers,” Benny went on.

“Now, Benny,” said Violet 3, “don’t be talking about things to eat all the morning. You make me hungry already.”

“What shall I do, then?”

“You might put up the clothes line. Tie it between the houses. We can get Larry’s things dry in the sun.”

“Shoes and all?” asked Benny.

“Yes. Tie the strings 4 together and hang them over the line.”

When the job was done, Benny came in again. “What shall I do now?” he asked.

“Oh, Benny,” cried Jessie. “Go down to the beach and sit and watch the water. We’re very busy.”

Benny went slowly down to the beach. In a minute he shouted, “Oh, come quick! Millions of shells 6! Heaps 7 and piles of shells! Bushels of shells!”

Everyone ran. They swept the shells and shoveled 8 the shells into anything that would hold them. They set them on the rock table. As Mr. Alden worked he said, “I think we’re going to make it. These shells were washed up by the storm. They came from far away.”

The water came in steadily 9. At last almost every shell 5 was saved.

“We won!” cried Benny. “Now the tide can come in.”

“And now we’ll have fun,” said Mr. Alden. “See if you can find an empty pan 10.”

“Here’s a kettle,” said Violet.

“Just the thing, child,” said Mr. Alden. “I think it will be full.”

“What are you going to do?” asked Henry.

“I am going to pick over the shells and save the interesting ones,” said his grandfather.

The children sat down to watch. At once Mr. Alden cried, “Here’s a beautiful red scallop shell, and this black and white one came from far away. These shells never grow around here. That is why some of them are broken.”

Quickly Mr. Alden picked over the shells. He never stopped once.

“My!” said Benny. “You know a lot about shells.”

“I ought to,” said Mr. Alden. “I have studied them all my life. Isn’t this shell beautiful?”

“Say!” cried Benny. “Doesn’t it look something like an olive 11? And speaking of olives 12, I wonder if Mrs. Cook will have pickles 13? If she has hamburger she will have to have pickles.”

“Now, Benny,” said Henry, “stop talking about food. You know you are not hungry yet.”

But all day long Benny was waiting for five o’clock to come. At quarter of five he said, “Don’t you think we could go now? It will take us fifteen minutes to walk to Mrs. Cook’s.”

Henry said, “Oh, so we are going to walk, are we?”

“Henry and I will ride,” said Mr. Alden.

“Wait five minutes more, Benny,” said Henry, “and you can help me wipe off the car. Then we will go.”

They reached the Cooks’ house at exactly five o’clock. Mrs. Cook came around the house from the backyard 14. “You are just in time,” she said. “Mr. Cook wants to show you our yard.”

The Aldens were very much surprised when they saw the yard. It was beautiful. There were big bushes 15 of flowers and beds filled with flowers. The grass was very green. In the middle was an enormous 16 fireplace 17 and a long table.

“She does have pickles,” whispered 18 Benny to Jessie. There were chairs around the table.

“We might as well eat,” said Mrs. Cook. “We are all here.”

“That’s good,” said Benny. “I’ve been hungy all day.”

“We’ll fill you up,” said Mr. Cook.

Larry sat in a long chair. He looked weak, but he said he felt fine.

“You can help me, Henry,” said Mrs. Cook. Henry came back from the house with a pan of rolls. They were light and brown. They smelled delicious.

Benny whispered again to Jessie, “I still wonder what we will have to go with the rolls.”

He did not have to wait long. Mrs. Cook gave Henry two holders 19, and he lifted an enormous pan off the fire. The fire was almost out.

“Oh! Oh! Chicken legs!” yelled 20 Benny. “I can eat a lot of those.”

“How many can you eat?” asked Mrs. Cook.

“Well, four anyway,” said Benny. “My friend Mike can eat eight.”

“You can have eight, too, if you want,” said Mrs. Cook, laughing.

But when Benny saw the watermelon, he ate only four chicken legs. Mr. Alden said, “Mrs. Cook, these are delicious. You can certainly cook as well as Larry.”

Suddenly Larry looked toward 21 the street. A big car drove 22 up quietly and stopped.

“We have more company, Mother,” Larry said, pointing to the car.

“No,” shouted Benny, “it’s our company! It’s Mr. Carter 23. He’s getting out now.”

And it was John Carter, one of the men who worked for Grandfather. He had a large black box. He carried it over to where everyone waited.

With a smile he said, “I felt lonesome, and after I read your letters I wanted to see Larry.”

“Well, this is Larry,” said Benny. “He is lying down in that long chair because he was almost drowned in the storm we had.”

“I know,” nodded Mr. Carter. “Your grandfather telephoned me.” He shook hands and said hello to everybody.

All this time Larry looked at the box. He knew what was in it, but he could not believe it might be for him.

Mr. Carter was saying, “Here you are, Larry. From what Mr. Alden told me, I guess you need a bigger microscope. Mine has just been lying around. I haven’t used it for years now that I’m not with the F.B.I. You may keep it.”

Benny carried the box over to Larry for him to open.

Larry’s hands shook so that Benny said, “Maybe your hands are shaking because you almost drowned.”

“No,” said Larry, and his voice shook, too. “It’s because I’m so glad to have a good microscope. I can never thank you enough, Mr. Carter, never!”

“Don’t try,” said Mr. Carter. He and the Aldens were glad to see how pleased Larry was.

“Well, Carter,” said Grandfather, “you didn’t come way up here just to give Larry that microscope. You must have had some other reason.”

Mr. Carter laughed and said, “Well, so I did. I thought I might help you pack. And I brought you a letter from Adams College. It is from a Dr 2. William Steere.”

Grandfather read the letter at once. “Good,” he said. “Excellent. Larry, this Dr. Steere wants a boy like you very much.”

“Why, sir?” asked Larry.

“Because he is doing the same work that you are. He is experimenting with seaweed and plankton 24 for food.”

“Wonderful!” said Larry. “I’d like to work with him.”

“He says something else,” said Grandfather. “He says that we ought to spend more money getting food from the sea instead of bothering with space.”

“I think so, too,” said Larry. “I suppose we ought to do both. But I am more interested in the sea. Think how deep it is. Miles and miles. And all full of food if we can only get it.”

Mr. Cook put his hand on his son’s shoulder. He said, “I can see that you and Dr. Steere will get along fine.”

John Carter had already eaten, but he had a large piece of watermelon just the same.

When the time came to say good-by to the Cooks, Henry said, “We go back to our real home tomorrow. We’re sorry to go.”

“And we are sorry to see you leave,” Mrs. Cook said.

“But I’ll see you soon,” Larry called, “at college.”

The next day Mr. Carter was a great help. He worked with the girls on the packing and he took some of the bags in his own car.

Benny ran to Mr. Hall’s store to give him the lighthouse keys. When he came back, the family was ready to go.

“I want to ride with Mr. Carter,” said Benny.

“Very well,” said Grandfather. “No reason not to, if Mr. Carter wants you.”

Mr. Carter laughed and said he wanted company. The girls and Grandfather rode with Henry.

They drove past Mr. Hall’s to wave good-by and then past the Cooks before leaving Conley.

At last home again, they told Mrs. McGregor, the housekeeper 25, all about their adventures.

Mr. Carter told how well the young people had solved the mystery. “I couldn’t have done better,” he said.

“Oh, yes, you could,” said Jessie. “You used to be an F.B.I. man.”

“No, really, I couldn’t,” said Mr. Carter. “Larry would trust young people more than he would a man. I’m sure of that. You were wonderful with Larry.”

“That’s right, John,” said Grandfather, nodding. “They were.”

The bags were unpacked 26 and Henry took the empty car around to the garage.

But the family did not sit around very long doing nothing. Everyone was busy in what was left of the summer.

One day Grandfather and Henry went to a store to get Henry clothes for fall. But Grandfather bought two jackets, not just one. Henry tried them on and said they were just right. One was gray and one was brown. The brown one went into a special box to be mailed to Larry Cook.

Henry wrote a letter saying it was the kind of jacket all the boys wore at Adams.

Then the time came when Henry and Larry went to Adams College. Grandfather went, too. He took the boys into the dean 27’s office and told him who Larry was.

Larry sat down near the door. It was half open.

Suddenly Larry stood up looking very much surprised. A tall man came in. He looked at Larry once. Then he looked again. Then he held out his hand and said, “Well, well! Clam 28 chowder!”

Larry cried, “Baked beans!” The two shook hands.

“What in the world are you two talking about?” asked Mr. Alden. “Do you know Larry?”

“Yes,” said the tall stranger. “I know he makes the best clam chowder and baked beans that I ever ate!”

The dean laughed. He said, “That makes my work easier, if you know each other. Larry, this is Dr. Steere.”

“Dr. Steere!” cried Larry. “The one I am going to work for?”

“The very one,” said the dean. “Sit down, Dr. Steere. This is Mr. Alden, and this is Henry Alden. They brought Larry along to meet you.”

Dr. Steere looked at Larry. He said, “I have seen your papers 29 that you did all alone. You are already doing college work. I will be glad to help you because our work may be important to the whole world.”

“I hope so,” said Larry. “It seems important to me.”

Mr. Alden looked at his watch. “I must go,” he said. “You two boys find your rooms and Henry’s friends, and good luck to you both.”

Mr. Alden shook hands with Larry. He said, “You have a wonderful teacher, my boy. I know you will do well.”

Mr. Alden left and then Dr. Steere left. The boys went to find their rooms and the dean sat alone.

“I like a boy like that Larry,” he thought. “And he has a fine friend in Henry Alden.”

About a month later, Grandfather got a wonderful letter from Henry.

“Read it out loud,” said Jessie.

This is what Mr. Alden read:

Dear Grandfather and All,

Larry and I are so excited! Dr. Steere likes Larry’s work. He has asked him to stay here at the college all summer and work with him. But Larry thinks he shouldn’t do that. He wants to be with his father in the summer. So what do you think? Dr. Steere says he will come to the little white house in Conley and work with Larry. They will fix up the little house and put on a new room. Dr. Steere says he will call it “Cook’s Experiments.” Isn’t that wonderful? He thinks some day Larry will be famous.

I have to tell you that Larry wears his white lab coat all the time. He almost never wears his jacket.

The boys like him and think he is smart.

Love to everybody,          


“What wonderful news,” said Jessie. “Aren’t we glad we made friends with Larry Cook?”

“I am very much pleased with you,” said Grandfather. “You young people changed a cross young bear into a fine young man.”

“I think Benny did that mostly,” said Jessie.

“Well, I don’t,” said Benny. “I think we all did it together—and you, Grandfather, and Captain Snow and Watch.”

“Don’t forget Mr. Hall,” said Jessie.

“We’ll never forget Mr. Hall,” said Violet.

“No, sir!” said Benny. “Mr. Hall knows absolutely everything!”

1 bet
  • I bet you can't do this puzzle.我敢说,你解决不了这个难题。
  • I offered to bet with him.我提出与他打赌。
2 Dr
n.医生,大夫;博士(缩)(= Doctor)
  • Dr.Williams instructs us in botany.威廉博士教我们植物学。
  • The ward of the hospital is in the charge of Dr.Green.医院的这间病房由格林医生负责。
3 violet
  • She likes to wear violet dresses.他喜欢穿紫色的衣服。
  • Violet is the color of wisdom,peace and strength.紫色是智慧的,和平的和力量的颜色。
4 strings
  • He sat on the bed,idly plucking the strings of his guitar.他坐在床上,随意地拨着吉他的弦。
  • She swept her fingers over the strings of the harp.她用手指划过竖琴的琴弦。
5 shell
n.贝壳,壳,外形;v.去壳,脱落;n.[计算机] DOS命令:安装备用的COMMAND.COM文件,并改变环境尺寸
  • Please shell some peanuts for the cake.请为做点心剥点胡花生。
  • This kind of beetles have hard shell.这类甲虫有坚硬的外壳。
6 shells
n.(贝、卵、坚果等的)壳( shell的名词复数 );外壳;炮弹;(人的)表面性格
  • We collected shells on the beach. 我们在海滩拾贝壳。
  • But at last the shells cracked, one after another. 最后,蛋壳一个接着一个地裂开了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
7 heaps
  • The hungry man greedily shoveled the food into his mouth. 那个饥饿的人贪婪地、大口大口地吃。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • They shoveled a path through the snow. 他们在雪中铲出一条小路。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
8 steadily
  • The scope of man's use of natural resources will steadily grow.人类利用自然资源的广度将日益扩大。
  • Our educational reform was steadily led onto the correct path.我们的教学改革慢慢上轨道了。
9 pan
  • The water had all boiled away and the pan was burned.水煮干了,锅也烧坏了。
  • The eggs were frying in the pan.鸡蛋正在锅里煎。
10 olive
  • Have you eaten a kind of fruit called olive?你吃过橄榄这种水果吗?
  • She likes olive because It'symbolizes peace.她喜欢橄榄色因为它象征着和平。
11 olives
n.橄榄( olive的名词复数 );橄榄树;橄榄色;油橄榄
  • We sat drinking wine and nibbling olives. 我们坐在那儿,喝着葡萄酒嚼着橄榄。
  • He sent her two pieces of olives in letter. 他在信中给她夹了两片橄榄树的叶子。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 pickles
n.腌菜( pickle的名词复数 );处于困境;遇到麻烦;菜酱
  • Most people eat pickles at breakfast. 大多数人早餐吃腌菜。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • I want their pickles and wines, and that.' 我要他们的泡菜、美酒和所有其他东西。” 来自英汉文学 - 金银岛
13 backyard
  • I parked the car in the backyard.我把汽车停在后院。
  • The residents didn't want a new factory in their backyard.居民不希望在他们住地附近建新工厂。
14 bushes
n.灌木(丛)( bush的名词复数 );[机械学](金属)衬套;[电学](绝缘)套管;类似灌木的东西(尤指浓密的毛发或皮毛)
  • There was someone skulking behind the bushes. 有人藏在灌木后面。
  • The boy chased his sister in and out among the bushes. 那个男孩在灌木丛里跟着他姐姐追过来追过去。 来自《简明英汉词典》
15 enormous
  • An enormous sum of money is injected each year into teaching.每年都有大量资金投入到教学中。
  • They wield enormous political power.他们行使巨大的政治权力。
16 fireplace
  • The fireplace smokes badly.这壁炉冒烟太多。
  • I think we should wall up the fireplace.我想应该封住壁炉。
17 whispered
adj.耳语的,低语的v.低声说( whisper的过去式和过去分词 );私语;小声说;私下说
  • She sidled up to me and whispered something in my ear. 她悄悄走上前来,对我耳语了几句。
  • His ill luck has been whispered about the neighborhood. 他的不幸遭遇已在邻居中传开。 来自《简明英汉词典》
18 holders
支持物( holder的名词复数 ); 持有者; (支票等)持有人; 支托(或握持)…之物
  • Slaves were mercilessly ground down by slave holders. 奴隶受奴隶主的残酷压迫。
  • It is recognition of compassion's part that leads the up-holders of capital punishment to accuse the abolitionists of sentimentality in being more sorry for the murderer than for his victim. 正是对怜悯的作用有了认识,才使得死刑的提倡者指控主张废除死刑的人感情用事,同情谋杀犯胜过同情受害者。
19 yelled
v.叫喊,号叫,叫着说( yell的过去式和过去分词 )
  • He yelled at the other driver. 他冲着另一位司机大叫。
  • The lost man yelled, hoping someone in the woods would hear him. 迷路的人大声喊着,希望林子里的人会听见。 来自《简明英汉词典》
20 toward
  • Suddenly I saw a tall figure approaching toward the policeman.突然间我看到一个高大的身影朝警察靠近。
  • Upon seeing her,I smiled and ran toward her. 看到她我笑了,并跑了过去。
21 drove
  • He drove at a speed of sixty miles per hour.他以每小时60英里的速度开车。
  • They drove foreign goods out of the market.他们把外国货驱逐出市场。
22 carter
  • Although fatigue shows readily on Carter, he bounces back quickly. 卡特虽然容易显出疲劳的样子,但他恢复得很快。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The carter flipped at the horse with his whip. 赶大车的人扬鞭朝着马轻轻地抽打。 来自《简明英汉词典》
23 plankton
  • Plankton is at the bottom of the marine food chain.浮游生物处于海洋食物链的最底层。
  • The plankton in the sea feeds many kinds of animals. 海的浮游生物成为很多种动物的食物。
24 housekeeper
  • A spotless stove told us that his mother is a diligent housekeeper.炉子清洁无瑕就表明他母亲是个勤劳的主妇。
  • She is an economical housekeeper and feeds her family cheaply.她节约持家,一家人吃得很省。
25 unpacked
v.从(包裹等)中取出(所装的东西),打开行李取出( unpack的过去式和过去分词 );拆包;解除…的负担;吐露(心事等)
  • I unpacked my bags as soon as I arrived. 我一到达就打开行李,整理衣物。
  • Our guide unpacked a picnic of ham sandwiches and offered us tea. 我们的导游打开装着火腿三明治的野餐盒,并给我们倒了些茶水。 来自辞典例句
26 Dean
  • The students much like the new dean.学生们很喜欢这位新系主任。
  • Who is the dean of the Foreign Languages Department?外语系主任是谁?
27 clam
  • Yup!I also like clam soup and sea cucumbers.对呀!我还喜欢蛤仔汤和海参。
  • The barnacle and the clam are two examples of filter feeders.藤壶和蛤类是滤过觅食者的两种例子。
28 papers
  • I want to check with my secretary before I sign the papers.在签署这些文件前,我要与我的秘书商议。
  • The lawyer read all the papers relating to the case.律师阅读了与该案有关的全部文件。
analytical column
Applecross, River
arteriola et venula nasalis retin? inferior
artificial ag(e)ing treatment
body sense
brings up
cast the shell
chart aeronautical planning
colour phototelegraphy
contribution by paritcipants
demand obedience from sb
diffraction-limited lens
EG Expert Group
electrical neutrality
enclosed ventilated
fines herbs
fixed elevator
folding fin
FORMAT statement
gay bars
genus kinosternons
german short-haired pointers
globe pepper
haloalkylated resin
indoor staff
infrared phosphor
inline arrangement
insulated coupling
it's fair to say
kraft process, kraft pulping
lever gun welding head
Libman's sign
logical specification
matched boards
middle-jiao resembling a fermentation tun
myrtus communiss
obliquely zysomorphic
on one's heels
optical arrays
oral medication
personnel automated data system
polynomial with nonnegative coefficient
problem reduction operator
reciprocal benefit
reserve trim tank
restorable system
roadside sprayer
San Clemente
secondary attack
servo sensor
severe emotional disturbance
sheaf of regular functions
specified pressure
straight polarity electrode
technology transfer
tetramorium amium
thoracic plane
timing relay
triadenum japonicum (bl.)mak.
two-quanta process
type foundry
waste heat recoverer