时间:2019-02-03 作者:英语课 分类:好听的英文歌曲


The Reason -- Hoobastank

I'm not a perfect person

As many things I wish I didn't do

But I continue learning 1

I never meant to do those things to you

And so I have to say before I go

That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

and the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you

It's something I must live with everyday

And all the pain I put you through

I wish that I could take it all away

And be the one who catches all your tears

Thats why i need you to hear

I've found a resaon for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

I'm not a perfect person

I never meant to do those things to you

And so I have to say before I go

That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show

A side of me you didn't know

A reason for all that I do

And the reason is you

理 由

我并不完美 做过许多不该做的事


我无意那样对你 在走之前我要对你说


我为自己找到了理由 让我洗心革面

让我再世为人的理由 那个理由就是你

对不起我伤害过你 至今我都历历在目

你为我承受的伤痛 我希望我能全部带走

亲自为你擦干泪痕 所以你要听我说——

我为自己找到了理由 让我洗心革面

让我再世为人的理由 那个理由就是你


这个理由我想告诉你 你并没完全明白我

我所做的只有一个原因 那个理由就是你


简 介

Hoobastank,一支来自美国加利福尼亚州的后Grunge乐队,成立于1995年,首张同名专辑没有让他们红起来,直到《The Reason》的推出,该专辑发行四个半月后就位居排行榜三甲,他的知名度从此飞速上扬。说真的现在已经很少像这样类型的团体冲到排行榜,毕竟现在已不是摇滚乐流行的年代,普遍充斥的饶舌和R&B占据所有人的视听,那一直不停碎碎念的歌真像魔音穿脑哩!当饶舌摇滚乐如火如荼发酵时,Hoobastank 不为所动的走自己的路,这样的独特差异果然吸引众多乐迷,更轰动整个美国西岸俱乐部。98年该团自掏腰包发行首张专辑《they sure don't make basketball short like they used to》,不论是在演出后贩卖或当地零售店里都很畅销,透过网络的无国界效应,喜欢他们的乐迷甚至远及英国、以色列、苏联、或巴西,才短短几个月唱片已卖个精光!与主流名厂ISLAND签约推出首张同名专辑《Hoobastank》,由 jim wirt〈incubus/重击合唱团、fiona apple/费欧娜艾波〉制作,jay baumgardner 混音,让已厌倦千篇一律饶舌摇滚乐的人重享美好的旋律共鸣。

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标签: 英语歌曲 the reason