时间:2018-12-03 作者:英语课 分类:Listen this way听力教程


Unit 5  Flying and Out

Part Ⅰ Getting ready

The pace of life is very fast nowadays. Under the high pressure of work, we should learn to relax and entertain ourselves. But how? Travelling is a good and wise choice if time and money permit. In order to save time, travelling by air is favoured by more and more tourists. Besides tourists, businessmen (or businesswomen) also travel a lot.

A  The following words and phrases will appear in this unit. All of them are related to travelling especially by air and some are frequently used in airport announcements. Listen carefully and study the definitions.

   1. baggage: the cases, bags, boxes, etc. of a traveller

   2. board: get into a ship or an aircraft

   3. airline: a business that runs a regular service for carrying passengers and goods by air

   4. delay: move to a later time

   5. check in: report one's arrival at an airport

   6. round trip: a journey to a place and back again

   7. ticketing deadline: a date or time before which a ticket must be bought

   8. in-flight: happening or provided during a trip by plane

   9. carrier: a vehicle or device that is used for carrying things or people

  10. take-off: the beginning of a flight, when a plane rises from the ground

B  You are going to hear some comments by some experienced business travellers. Complete the following sentences.

   1. My _________ would be: only take _________, not a _________.

   2. Well, I think it's _________ to organise 1 _________ before you _________.

   3. You know, it's a good __________ to take _________ of _________ work to _____________ on.

   4. Well, you should take a _______ and plenty of _________.

   5. I'd ________ you to learn ________ you can about the _________ the people.

   6. Well, I think it's _________ to arrive _________ earlier to give yourself ________ to _________ and acclimatise.

   7. Well, foreign customs are __________ to get used to: you should only do what you feel __________ doing.

   8. Well, my advice would be to be very __________ about __________ and __________.

   9. Oh, one very important thing: don't get __________ in a __________.

  10. When you are __________ treat __________ you meet with __________.

  11. An old friend once told me this: never __________ that you a __________. That's a piece of __________ I've always


Part Ⅱ Airport announcements

When you travel by air you usually know the departure time of your flight, the name of the airline you are flying with and your flight number. But what you do not know is when your flight will be called. You almost always have to sit in the departure lounge, waiting for the announcement of your flight. Your reason for listening is to know when and where to go, if your flight is delayed, if so, how long you are going to have to wait.

A  You are going to hear some airport announcements. While you listen, tick all the names of places and airlines you hear on the tape.

   Milan            Madrid             Paris      London

   British Airways 2  New York           Atlitalia  Moscow

   Sabena           Austrian Airlines  Brussels   Zurich

   Vienna           Swissair           Sydney     Iberia Airlines of Spain


B  Now try this: listen to some more authentic 3 versions of the airport announcements. Complete the following chart. Note that where there is a dash (?, there is nothing to write.

     Airlines Flight  Destination  Gate    Delay   Reason for  Delay 

                Number               Number  Y or N  Delay       Time

   1 Atlitalia ______ ___________  ______  ______  --   -- 

   2 _________  ______ Brussels     ______  ______  --   -- 

   3 _________  ______ New York     --      ______  --          ______

   4 British   all --           --              a______ of  --

     Airways  ______                              __________


   5 Iberia                          --              the_______

     Airlines                                        ________of

     of Spain ______ ___________         ______  the_______   ______


   6 _________ ______ Zurich      --      ______  a_________   ______


Part Ⅲ A trip to the States

Think of yourself as a traveller. Buy yourself a ticket. Report yourself to the "check-in" counter of the particular airline you are flying. Hand the clerk behind the counter your ticket and passport if you are going abroad. Place your luggage on the scale next to the counter....

A  You are going to hear some sentences taken from some conversations. Supply the missing words.

   1. I would like to go on a __________ to London.

   2. Most of the best airline __________ just now are with a _________ or a ______________a dvance purchase.

   3. Do you have a __________ on airlines?

   4. If you want a couple of days to think about it, we can hold the until then.

   5. Would you be paying by ________ or ________ card?

   6. Do you need to see my _____________?

   7. Was there any bags you'd like ____________ this evening?

   8. Your ____________ check is stapled 4 in the back of your _________ jacket.

B  You are going to hear two conversations. One is at the travel agent's where the traveller books a flight, and the other is at the airport where the traveller checks in for an internal flight. While listening for the first time, add more key words if you can in the left-hand column. After the second listening, fill in the gaps in the summaries in the right-hand column with the help of the notes.


   Conversation 1:

   It is __________, and the traveller is at a travel agent. He wants to go on a __________ trip to ________ on ________ and return on __________. The only advance purchase available is able is a ________ advance purchase, and the only rate available is ___________ one-way or _______________. The ticketing deadline is set for ____________ but he decides to pay for them ___________.


   Conversation 2:

   The time is in the _________, and the traveller is checking in for a flight to _____________. The clerk tells him that he is going to be travelling out on flight ____________ and his seat is in the ____________ area. The seat number is _________ next to the _________. His flight will be departing out of Gate ________. Boarding time is ________ and the flight leaves at _________.

C  Now try this: listen to some more authentic versions of the conversations.


Part Ⅳ More about the topic: Inflight Telephone System

Today, phones are easily accessible. You will find telephones in buses and air terminals, railroads stations, stores, hotels, the lobbies of many office buildings, restaurants and in small booths along streets and highways. Telephones are available in trains and vessels 5. But did you know you can now make a phone call even in a plane when it is flying high in the sky?

The following short passage is about inflight telephone systems. Supply the missing words while listening.

   Frequent _________ to the US will have noticed recently that the ____________ telephone systems on many North American carriers now let you do more than call from ________ to impress your friends.

   GTE Airfone, which __________ inflight services on many major carriers, now ______ built-in phone sockets 6 so that modems 7 can be _______ into aircraft-based holes for ________ and_________ e-mail, browsing 8 the web or _________ into your office network.

   The company says calls can be placed at the ___________, during _______, _______, while inflight and even while the plane is on the _______ at most major ________ -although it admits that in some cases airport ______ transmissions can disrupt the _______.

   On the US airlines, if you want to make a domestic call you pay a maximum of ________ for unlimited 9 airtime, in addition to a _________ connection fee. For calls of ________ to _________ minutes, you pay the ________ connection fee and _________ a minute airtime fee. If you dial overseas numbers from your seat it is ________ to connect and _______ a minute for voice, data or fax.

Part Ⅴ Memory test: Airline Information

For airline reservations and information, you can call the airline's regular tele-phone number for recorded arrival and departure information.

Susan is in Honolulu, Hawaii now. She is having a party tonight and has invited her five best friends. Her friends are coming from different cities on different airlines. She wants to meet them at the airport, so she calls each airline for information.

You are going to hear three recordings 10 for three different airlines in Honolulu (preferably only one time). After that you are going to hear several statements giving you detailed 11 information about her friends. Write down the information that she needs according to the notes you have taken while listening.


   World Airways:     United's Friendly skies: Pan American:

   _________________  ________________________  ____________________   

   _________________  ________________________  ____________________   

   _________________  ________________________  ____________________   

   _________________  ________________________  ____________________   

   _________________  ________________________  ____________________   

   _________________  ________________________  ____________________   


   1. Flight number: _____________

      Arrival time:  _____________

      Meet passengers at: __________________________

      For more information: ________________________

   2. Flight number: _____________  Arrival time: _______________

      Flight number: _____________  Arrival time: _______________

      Flight number: _____________  Arrival time: _______________

   3. Flight number: _____________ 

      Arrival time:  _____________

      Meet passengers at: __________________________

   4. Airlines: _____________

      Arrival time: __________________

      From: __________________________

   5. Airlines: _____________

      Flight number: _____________

      From: ______________________

Part Ⅵ Reminder 12 of key points in this unit

    Verb & Verb Phrase  Noun & Noun Phrase  Other

   Part Ⅰ organise        hand baggage    essential

    catch up on        suitcase         local

    adjust        office work 

    acclimatise        Walkman 

    get used to        custom 

    get involved in     political discussion 

    treat        respect 

   Part Ⅱ board        final call     immediately

    close        remaining passenger  regret

    be subject to       delay             incoming

    delay        shortage             mechanical

    be due to        baggage handler 


   Part Ⅲ rate                travel agent         available

    check        business trip     fairly similar

    go ahead        airline             non-smoking

    wonder        advance purchase     enjoyable

    hold reservation    rate 

    run ... through     round trip 

    issue        preference 

    staple        ticketing deadline 

    depart        cash 

          credit card /Visa card 



          claim check 

          ticket jacket 

  Part Ⅳ impress        carrier            frequent

   provide        inflight service    seatback

   offer         phone socket    major

   plug         modem            built-in

   browse        e-mail            aircraft-based

   admit         web            in some cases

   disrupt        take-off            domestic

          landing            unlimited

          communication       in addition to




          connection fee 



  Part Ⅴ be scheduled to      arrival            current

   aloha         departure    further

   present        Baggage Claim Area 

   greet passengers     Flight Arrivals Building 


1 organise
  • He has the ability to organise.他很有组织才能。
  • It's my job to organise all the ceremonial events.由我来组织所有的仪式。
  • The giant jets that increasingly dominate the world's airways. 越来越称雄于世界航线的巨型喷气机。
  • At one point the company bought from Nippon Airways a 727 jet. 有一次公司从日本航空公司买了一架727型喷气机。
3 authentic
  • This is an authentic news report. We can depend on it. 这是篇可靠的新闻报道, 我们相信它。
  • Autumn is also the authentic season of renewal. 秋天才是真正的除旧布新的季节。
4 stapled
v.用钉书钉钉住( staple的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The letter was stapled to the other documents in the file. 这封信与案卷里的其他文件钉在一起。 来自辞典例句
  • He said with smooth bluntness and shoved a stack of stapled sheets across his desk. 他以一种圆滑、率直的口气说着,并把一叠订好了的稿纸从他办公桌那边递过来。 来自辞典例句
5 vessels
n.血管( vessel的名词复数 );船;容器;(具有特殊品质或接受特殊品质的)人
  • The river is navigable by vessels of up to 90 tons. 90 吨以下的船只可以从这条河通过。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • All modern vessels of any size are fitted with radar installations. 所有现代化船只都有雷达装置。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
6 sockets
n.套接字,使应用程序能够读写与收发通讯协定(protocol)与资料的程序( Socket的名词复数 );孔( socket的名词复数 );(电器上的)插口;托座;凹穴
  • All new PCs now have USB sockets. 新的个人计算机现在都有通用串行总线插孔。
  • Make sure the sockets in your house are fingerproof. 确保你房中的插座是防触电的。 来自超越目标英语 第4册
7 modems
n.调制解调器( modem的名词复数 )
  • Yes, floppy day, as did 9600 baud dial up modems. 是的,当时软件是最主要的工具,还有9600波特拨号调制解调器。 来自互联网
  • Extra settings for configuring BAD modems that cannot identify proper disconnect tone. 额外的设置,配置不好的调制解调器不能确定适当的断开的语调。 来自互联网
8 browsing
v.吃草( browse的现在分词 );随意翻阅;(在商店里)随便看看;(在计算机上)浏览信息
  • He sits browsing over[through] a book. 他坐着翻阅书籍。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Cattle is browsing in the field. 牛正在田里吃草。 来自《简明英汉词典》
9 unlimited
  • They flew over the unlimited reaches of the Arctic.他们飞过了茫茫无边的北极上空。
  • There is no safety in unlimited technological hubris.在技术方面自以为是会很危险。
10 recordings
n.记录( recording的名词复数 );录音;录像;唱片
  • a boxed set of original recordings 一套盒装原声录音带
  • old jazz recordings reissued on CD 以激光唱片重新发行的老爵士乐
11 detailed
  • He had made a detailed study of the terrain.他对地形作了缜密的研究。
  • A detailed list of our publications is available on request.我们的出版物有一份详细的目录备索。
12 reminder
  • I have had another reminder from the library.我又收到图书馆的催还单。
  • It always took a final reminder to get her to pay her share of the rent.总是得发给她一份最后催缴通知,她才付应该交的房租。
absolute block system
activated-charcoal filter bed
agricultural traction engine
bare hand working
Benedict-Hitchcock's uric acid reagent
bitt with roller
bombycilla garruluss
box type plate
Canella winterana L.
ceylanite (pleonaste)
cire perdue process
core cage
deicer pump
Dittel's falciform fold
emulsifiability test
environmental geomorphology
extension cords
following train
fork parts
foveal region of retina
from another point of view
gelatinous polyp
goes off with
graded fiber
gui application interoperability architecture
hobo bags
injector gun
jade greens
Karimata, Selat
kennedy interrnationals
kiss impression
load point
loose cargo
makin' whoopee
marker intensity
mesonephritic unit
methylated fibre
nason bottle
newsprint paper
nibble away at sth
of no use
off the boil
one way radio
overstrain of inhibitory process
palm tree
periodic crystallization
phenol poisoning
plate-type delivery valve
pressurizing vessel
report on assessment for marine environmental impact
right-hand receiver
round strand wire rope
silver cedar
Skevas-Zerfus disease
small-ion combination
speedometer take-off shaft
spurious certificate
square pin
stage hand
steam chest oil plug
storage means
the readies
treble voice
tundra tyre
variety of the yellow-fleshed group
vee gear
verbal learning
yield of ground water