时间:2019-01-16 作者:英语课 分类:伦敦生活

BBC Learning EnglishSheffieldCallum: Hello, I'm Callum Robertson and in this specialprogramme we're finding outabout the city of Sheffield.
  Sheffield is situated 1 in the north of England and KateBetts a media trainer and consultant 2 and Sheffield residentsent us a report on the city. In the first part of thereport she tells us about what made the city famous and wasthe city's main industry. What is that industry and whatitems does she find in her kitchen draw related to thatbusiness?
  KATE BETTSSheffield is often called the Steel city – this is becauseit’s one of the most important places in the world formaking steel - the industry really took off about 250 yearsago… connected with that there’s tool making,engineering and the manufacture of cutlery… have a rummagein any kitchen drawer and you’ll probably find a knife orfork saying “made in Sheffield”. These days not so manypeople work in the steel industry, but it’s said moresteel than ever before is now being made in Sheffield.
  Callum: Sheffield is a city well-known for producing themetal steel. One of its most common products is cutlery –the tools we use to eat – knives, forks and spoons– and it is these utensils 3 that are found in many people'skitchen drawers.
  So as an industrial town you might think Sheffield wouldn'tbe a very nice place to live. What does Kate say aboutthis?
  KATE BETTSWith all that industry you might be tempted 4 to think thatSheffield would be a rather unpleasant place to live well Icame to live here about 15 years ago…one thing I noticedis how green the city is.. there are something like 2million trees in the city – that’s more trees per personthan any other European city… and there are dozens anddozens of parks – likethis one – Meersbrook park, near where I live.
  Callum: Sheffield is a very green city, there are manyparks and about 2,000,000 trees.
  Surprisingly for an industrial city in the north of EnglandSheffield has something in common with the Italian city ofRome. What is that? Here's Kate Betts.
  KATE BETTSSheffield has five major rivers running through it, one3 ofthem being the River Sheaf which gives the city its name.
  And Sheffield is said to be like Rome in Italy in that it'sbuilt on seven hills, but ask anyone if they could namethese hills and these are typical of the answers you'll get….
  Callum: Like Rome Sheffield is built on seven hills -though the local residents weren't able to name the hills!
  Sheffield also has a strong sporting tradition. What recordis held by one of its football teams?
  KATE BETTSAsk them to name the city’s two football teams – andeveryone could say Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday… but not everyone knows about Sheffield FC – they’resaid to bethe oldest football club in the world. They were formedback in 1857 and are still going strong…Callum: Sheffield boasts the oldest football club stillplaying – Sheffield FC – which was formed in 1857.
  Over the years Sheffield has proved attractive to peoplefrom all over the world as a place to come and find work.
  Which countries does Kate mention and how does Kosovanimmigrant Blyrta Syla describe the city?
  KATE BETTSNow I came to live here from another part of Britain, butlots of people have come toSheffield from other parts of the world. In the 1930speople came from Somalia to work in the steel industry. Inthe 1950s and 60s they came from the Yemen for the samereason – and people have come for better lives or toescape problems from places as diverse as Chile, Vietnam,Poland and Kosovo. Blerta Syla came from Kosovo in 1999 toescape the fighting with the Serbs.
  BLERTA SYLAI can consider Sheffield as my second home. I have settledhere very well since I came over in1999. It's a place I wouldn't swap 5 with anywhere else. Ifeel very comfortable, people are very friendly and it'svery multi-cultural.
  Callum: People have come to Sheffield from Somalia in the1930s, from Yemen in the1950s and 60s. Other countries mentioned are Chile,Vietnam, Poland and Kosovo. Blerta describes Sheffield asher second home, she finds it friendly and multicultural 6 –multicultural, people for different cultures living andworking happily together.
  That's all from Sheffield.

  • The village is situated at the margin of a forest.村子位于森林的边缘。
  • She is awkwardly situated.她的处境困难。
  • He is a consultant on law affairs to the mayor.他是市长的一个法律顾问。
  • Originally,Gar had agreed to come up as a consultant.原来,加尔只答应来充当我们的顾问。
器具,用具,器皿( utensil的名词复数 ); 器物
  • Formerly most of our household utensils were made of brass. 以前我们家庭用的器皿多数是用黄铜做的。
  • Some utensils were in a state of decay when they were unearthed. 有些器皿在出土时已经残破。
  • I was sorely tempted to complain, but I didn't. 我极想发牢骚,但还是没开口。
  • I was tempted by the dessert menu. 甜食菜单馋得我垂涎欲滴。
  • I will swap you my bicycle for your radio.我想拿我的自行车换你的收音机。
  • This comic was a swap that I got from Nick.这本漫画书是我从尼克那里换来的。
  • Children growing up in a multicultural society.在多元文化社会中长大的孩子们。
  • The school has been attempting to bring a multicultural perspective to its curriculum.这所学校已经在尝试将一种多元文化视角引入其课程。