音乐咖啡厅:I Believe 一生的信仰
Artist:Fantasia Barrino
Song:I Believe
Have you ever reached a rainbow's end
And did you find your pot of gold
Ever catch a shooting 1 star
And tell me how high did you soar
Ever felt like you were dreaming
Just to find that you're awake
And the magic that surrounds you
Can lift you up and guide you on your way
I can see it in the stars across the sky
Dreamt a hundred thousand dreams before
Now I finally realize
You see I've waited all my life for this moment to arrive
And finally yeah
When you look out in the distance
You see it never was that far
Ohhh No
Heaven knows your existance
And lead you to be everything you are
There's a time for every soul to fly
It's in the eyes of every child
It's the hope, the love that saves the world
And ohhh we should never let it go
I believe in the impossible
If I reach deep within my heart
Overcome any obstacle
Won't let this dream fall apart
See I strive 2 to be the very best
Shine my light for all to see
Cause anything is possible
When you believe yeah
Ohh Yeah
Love keeps liftin me higher
Liftin me higher
Love keeps liftin me higher
I said love keeps liften
Love keeps liften me
I said Love keeps liften
Love keeps liften me higher
Said love keeps liften me higher
I said love keeps liften me high
参加《American Idol》以前,Fantasia Barrino从没隐瞒她是一个未婚妈妈的身分,回忆带女儿Zion谋生的日子,怎说也不好过,或许这分背城借一的战意,正是她能击败逾万名参赛者、最终获得6500万观众投票支持的原动力吧﹖还记得当大会宣布她险胜对手Diana DeGarmo,荣膺第3届《American Idol》冠军时,她激动得拥抱对手并嚎啕大哭﹕「我真的很努力,终于可以跟Kelly Clarkson拥有同一荣誉了﹗」Fantasia Barrino的胜利,不单标志这个比赛并没有轻视未婚妈妈,更重要的是,她打破了美国电视观众有种族歧视的说法。
擅唱黑人骚灵及R&B音乐的Fantasia Barrino,在首张细碟《I Believe》中,初次展示了她极具爆炸性和感染力的骚灵唱腔,此碟不单顺利登上美国Billboard细碟榜No.1,更连续霸占R&B细碟榜12星期冠军,轻易获得金唱片销量,相比小师姊Kelly Clarkson,可谓不遑多让。
巧合地,这对师姊妹最近亦同期推出新碟,不同的是Fantasia Barrino的这张处女大碟《Free Yourself》主攻较为成熟的黑人音乐市场。新作请来「Hip-Hop教母」Missy Elliott作曲兼监制,由她操刀的大碟同名歌曲《Free Yourself》,尽展其「骚」得要命的感性唱腔,乍听之下还以为是另一骚灵小天后Joss Stone的作品﹗
既然出动Missy Elliott压阵,二人合唱一曲《Selfish(I Want U 2 Myself)》当然少不了「Hip-Hop教母」的拿手好戏﹔另一重点推介是《Baby Mama》,Fantasia Barrino以无私的母爱唱出对乖女Zion的感觉,都说天下父母爱护子女如出一辙,哪有分谁是单亲谁是未婚?
- The soldiers began shooting away at the enemy positions.战士们开始朝敌人的阵地不断地射击。
- I was in the act of shooting him when I suddenly recognized him.我正要向他开枪时,突然认出了他。