时间:2019-01-10 作者:英语课 分类:创新英语教程第二册

[00:13.82]1.What's your dad like?
[00:18.78]He's all right.but he can be quite strict.
[00:23.75]He always wants to know where I am
[00:27.69]and he makes me come home before nine o'clock-even on a Saturday.
[00:34.17]2.What's your brother like?Do you get on?
[00:39.81]Not really.He's so fussy 1 about everything!
[00:44.77]For example,he won't eat any vegetables except peas 2.
[00:51.25]If you suggest going somewhere,he never wants to.
[00:56.29]He's just so difficult to please.I'm the exact opposite.
[01:02.15]I'm really easy-going 3.
[01:05.62]3.What's your gran like?Do you get on?
[01:12.67]Yeah,I suppose so.She's OK.She's very independent.
[01:19.62]She's eighty-five and she still lives on her own.
[01:24.77]but she's very religious 4 and I'm not.
[01:29.03]She's always saying I should go to church or I'll end up in hell 5.
[01:34.77]but then at the same time.She can be really generous 6.
[01:40.23]She bought me a piano for my birthday once.
[01:44.99]4.What're your parents like?
[01:50.63]They're great.I'm quite lucky because they're quite liberal 7.
[01:56.09]They let me do more or less whatever I want.
[02:00.66]5.What's her boyfriend like?
[02:06.01]He's gorgeous,really good-looking.He looks like a film star.
[02:12.96]but he's quite quite.He doesn't really say anything.
[02:18.74]6.What's her new boyfriend like?
[02:23.49]He's awful!I don't know what she sees in him.He's really big-headed.
[02:30.44]he's always showing off and saying how good he is at everything,and he's so mean!
[02:37.70]Do you know what he bought her for her birthday?A bar of chocolate!
[02:43.66]7.What's his girlfriend like?
[02:49.61]Really nice.She's very chatty and out-going.
[02:55.26]She's very easy to get on with.
[02:59.41]She's also really sporty.She plays football and hockey.
[03:05.78]She's really fit.Honestly,I don't know what she sees in that fat slob.
[03:12.84]She should be with me!
[03:16.39]6 Pronunciation:linking
[03:30.83]No.I went with a friend of mine.
[03:35.80]No.I went with some friends of Andrew's.
[03:43.06]No.I went with a friend from university.
[03:50.92]NO.I went with a couple of friends of mine.
[03:58.86]No.I went with a couple of friends from work.
[04:07.61]NO.I went with my flatmate.
[04:15.48]No.I went with my girlfriend.
[04:22.56]No.I went with an old friend of mine.
[04:28.72]2.While you read
[04:42.49]What's your type?
[04:50.09]I'm really attracted to Scandinavian girls-tall.blonde,sporty.
[04:59.02]out-going,the complete opposite of me!I used to like older girls.
[05:05.68]but I've had a few bad experiences,
[05:09.94]so now I'm looking for something different.
[05:14.62]My ideal 8 partner now would be five or six years younger than me.
[05:20.86]I also want somebody who is independent.
[05:25.41]who desn't always need to be near me.
[05:29.67]and I think that the girls I've met from Sweden or Norway or Denmark
[05:35.73]tend to be very strong-willed.
[05:39.88]The only thing I'm worried about
[05:44.03]is that perhaps they would find me a bit quiet and shy.
[05:49.78]I'm not very confident about myself.so that could be a problem.
[06:00.33]I don't really have a type.
[06:04.70]The most important thing for me is that my partner is nice and sensitive 9 and caring.
[06:12.56]I'd never go out with someone who was selfish 10 or big-headed.
[06:18.62]It doesn't really matter to me whether somebody is good-looking or not.
[06:24.68]so long as they're not too ugly!
[06:28.94]I'd never go out with a man who didn't look after himself.though.
[06:35.10]It's important that he's healthy.
[06:39.36]that he watches what he eats and that he's fairly 11 fit!
[06:48.95]I want someone who likes clothes.I work in the fashion industry in Milan,
[06:56.81]so the way someone dresses is really important to me.
[07:02.37]I'd never go out with someone who didn't care about the way they looked.
[07:08.25]I used to like really good-looking men.
[07:13.29]but I've changed my mind about that.
[07:17.37]because they tend to be so big-headed!I also really love music,
[07:25.13]so I'd never go out with someone who didn't like music.
[07:30.48]If I'm honest,I'm also attracted to younger men.
[07:36.23]so I'm looking for someone who's maybe in their early twenties.
[07:45.24]I'm a married man,
[07:50.20]so I'm the wrong person to ask a question like this to.really.
[07:56.45]When I was single.I used to think I wanted somebody who was easy to talk to,
[08:04.00]somebody who understood me and how I was feeling.
[08:08.96]somebody who was serious and religious,like I am-and then I met my wife.
[08:16.90]and she was everything I was looking for.and more!
[08:22.33]I can't believe how lucky I've been,
[08:27.17]but then I have to say that,or she'll kill me!
[08:36.57]To be honest,I'm too old now to be fussy,really.
[08:42.63]I want anybody who will have me!
[08:46.89]I used to worry about the kind of person that was right for me and I used to think I wanted somebody who was slim and sexy and intelligent
[08:56.55]and who had her own money and her own job and things like that,
[09:02.20]but now I've reached my forties and I'm still single.
[09:07.45]I've lowered 12 my standards!It's taken me a long time.
[09:13.01]but I've realised that I'm not the best-looking man in the world or the richest.
[09:19.49]and so I'd be happy just meeting someone who liked me!Sad,isn't it!
[09:31.43]I know this sounds strange,but all I really want is someone with nice hands!
[09:39.19]I used to go out with this man who played the piano.
[09:44.33]and he had really beautiful hands-long,slim fingers.but really strong as well,
[09:52.88]Mm!I'd never go out with somebody who had short,fat,little fingers,I just couldn't.
[10:01.13]1  Used to and would
[10:13.69]You are going to hear the man in Picture 1
[10:18.34]talking about how he has changed over the last fifteen years.
[10:32.22]A lot of people don't believe it when they see pictures of me when I was younger,
[10:37.86]because I used to look really,really different.
[10:42.40]I used to have quite long hair.and I used to dress quite differently too.
[10:49.95]I'd wear a lot of really loud clothes and a lot of bright colours.
[10:56.51]I used to play bass 13 in a band and we used to be kind of famous.
[11:02.57]We made a few records and we'd go on tour quite a lot.
[11:08.45]I got to see the world a bit.I used to be a bit wilder than I am.
[11:16.49]I've really calmed down quite a lot,
[11:20.75]but when I was eighteen or nineteen,
[11:24.90]I'd be out every night,clubbing.dancing,drinking,you know.
[11:32.06]It's funny,because even though I used to be much slimmer than I am now,
[11:38.59]I think I'm quite a lot fitter now.
[11:42.82]I used to smoke around twenty a day,
[11:47.55]but I stopped a few years ago,and took up jogging instead!
[11:53.33]I think getting married has helped me calm down a lot.too.
[11:59.28]I used to be a bit of a ladies' man before I met my wife,
[12:04.74]and I'd always have two or three girlfriends I'd see at any one time.
[12:11.30]but those days are long gone.I'm a one-woman man now.
[12:17.04]I'm much happier now,too.When I was that age,
[12:22.82]I used to feel a lot angrier and more confused 14 about life.
[12:29.35]I'm so glad I'm not a teenager any more!

  • He is fussy about the way his food's cooked.他过分计较食物的烹调。
  • The little girl dislikes her fussy parents.小女孩讨厌她那过分操心的父母。
  • My little sister picked up many green peas in the field. 小妹从田野里拾到许多豌豆。
  • The twin brothers are as like as two peas. 那两个兄弟毫无二致。
  • She is an easy-going girl.她是一个随和的女孩子。
  • The students considered Mrs.Smith an easy-going teacher.学生们认为史密斯夫人是一位宽容随和的老师。
  • She is very religious person who goes to church every Sunday.她十分虔诚,每个星期天都上教堂。
  • It is hard for me to reject religious beliefs.要我抛弃自己的宗教信仰是困难的。
  • It's a hell of a hike from Sydney to Perth.从悉尼到珀斯的徒步旅行简直苦死了。
  • The boss really gave me hell today.老板今天着实数落了我一通。
  • She was kind and generous.她心地善良,宽容大量。
  • She was generous with her money.她很乐于仗义疏财。
  • He has a liberal attitude to divorce and remarriage.他对离婚和再婚看得很开。
  • This country adopts a liberal foreign policy.该国采用的是开放的外交政策。
  • The weather at the seaside was ideal—bright and breezy.海边的天气最宜人,风和日丽的。
  • They promised to be faithful to their ideal for ever. 他们保证永远忠于自己的理想。
  • He's very sensitive about his ugly appearance.他对自己丑陋的外貌很敏感。
  • It's difficult to avoid stepping on her sensitive feelings.很难不伤害她脆弱的情感。
  • You must learn to share and not be so selfish.你一定要学会与他人分享,不要那么自私。
  • She is a selfish person.她是一个自私自利的人。
  • I think I was quite fairly treated by the police.我认为警察对我非常公正。
  • It fairly destroyed the machine.它将那部机器完全毁了。
v.(使)降低, (使)跌落( lower的过去式和过去分词 );削弱;削减;减少
  • Every evening at sunset the flag was lowered. 每天傍晚日落时都要降旗。
  • She lowered her eyelids, then sprang them open. 她低垂着眼睑,然后突然睁开。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He answered my question in a surprisingly deep bass.他用一种低得出奇的声音回答我的问题。
  • The bass was to give a concert in the park.那位男低音歌唱家将在公园中举行音乐会。
  • They asked so many questions that they confused me.他们问了许多问题,都把我弄糊涂了。
  • A wise man is never confused.智者不惑。
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Brasdor's operation
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Charlotte Town
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consent to use
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Musculus semispinalis capitis
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The biter bit .
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