时间:2019-01-10 作者:英语课 分类:高中英语词汇


  [00:00.00]a great of           a number of          a place of interest  a waste of

[00:05.30]很多的;相当多的      许多                 名胜                 浪费 白费

[00:10.61]Abraham Lincoln      abroad               actor                AD

[00:15.58]亚伯拉罕.林肯         ad.(在)国外          n.男演员             公元

[00:20.56]advice               aeroplane            agree on             airport

[00:25.73]n.劝告;建议          n.飞机               商定;决定           达成共识

[00:30.90]all kinds of         Allen                allow

[00:35.23]各种各样的            阿伦(男名)           vt.允许 准许

[00:39.55]although             Amy                  and so on            anger

[00:44.38]conj.尽管,虽然       艾米(女名)           等等                  n.怒,愤怒

[00:49.21]appear               area                 as a result          ask for

[00:54.84]vi.出现               n.地区  区域         结果                 询问;向...要

[01:00.47]at one time          at least             athlete              Ball

[01:05.85]以前 曾经             至少                 n.田径运动员          鲍尔(姓)

[01:11.24]bank                 Barcelona            basin                BBC 1

[01:16.07]n.堤  岸              巴塞罗纳             n.脸盆;水            英国广播公司

[01:20.90]BC                   be about to          be made from         be tired of

[01:25.58]公元前                即将                由...制造             厌烦做某事

[01:30.25]bean                 bean curd            beat to death        beauty

[01:35.62]n.豆 豆科植物         n.豆腐               打死                 n.美丽

[01:40.99]because of           beer                 begin with           believe

[01:46.07]因为  由于            n.啤酒               从...开              vt.&vi.相信;认为

[01:51.15]Betty                biology              blood

[01:55.42]贝蒂(女名)            n.生物学             n.血,血液

[01:59.69]boil                 bone                 bookstore            bowl

[02:04.62]vi.&vt.煮             n.骨,骨头           n.书店               n.碗

[02:09.54]boyfriend            break away from      break out            break the rule

[02:14.96]n.男朋友              脱离...              (战争等)突然发生      违反规定

[02:20.38]bring down           bring in             British              broadcast

[02:25.61]降低                  引进;引来;吸收     a.英国的;英国人的    vt.广播

[02:30.83]burn                 Bush 2 House           BBC                  but

[02:34.66]vt.晒(干)             布什大厦             办公大楼             prep.除了

[02:38.48]butter               by sea               by the side of       CAAC

[02:44.36]n.黄油                乘船                 在...附近           中国民航

[02:50.24]call                 foCarl               Carl Lewis           castor

[02:55.52]要求;号召;约请      卡尔(男名)            卡尔·刘易斯          n.蓖麻

[03:00.79]cent                 centimetre           certain              change into

[03:05.97]n.分                 n.公分,厘米           a.某种 一定的        把...变成;转换成

[03:11.14]channel              character            Charlie              cheese

[03:16.15]n.水渠               n.(汉)字;字体         查利(男名)           n.奶酪

[03:21.17]chemistry            China Radio International                 Christopher Columbus

[03:26.03]n.化学               中国国际广播电台       克里斯托夫·哥伦布

[03:30.89]civil                coffee               come about           company

[03:35.90]a.国内的             n.咖啡                 发生;产生            n.公司

[03:40.92]compete              competitor           competition          complete

[03:46.40]vi.比赛 竞赛          n.竞赛者;比赛者       n.竞争,比赛          vt.完成;结束

[03:51.89]consider             consider...as        consider doing sth   cookbook

[03:58.07]vt.考虑              (把某人)看作...        考虑做某事             n.食谱;烹饪书

[04:04.24]corn                 correct              cousin               cream

[04:09.22]n.谷物  玉米          a.正确的 对的         n.堂(或表)兄弟(姐妹)     n.奶油  乳脂

[04:14.20]crop                 cupboard             cut off              dark

[04:19.12]n.庄稼                n.器皿柜               切断                  n.黄昏  黑暗

[04:24.05]dawn                 death                decision             destroy

[04:29.07]n.黎明  拂晓          n.死                   n.决定  决心          vt.破坏  毁坏

[04:34.10]difficulty           dip                  direct 3 speech        discover

[04:39.17]a.困难;费力          vt.浸,蘸              直接引语               vt.发现

[04:44.24]earthquake           eat up               electrical           electricity

[04:49.25]n.地震                吃完;吃光             a.电的,电气的         n.电;电流

[04:54.27]employ               enemy                equipment            Europe

[04:59.14]vt.雇用               n.敌人  敌军           n.装备  设备          n.欧洲

[05:04.01]European             every two years      exciting             experiment

[05:09.79]a.欧洲的;欧洲人       每两年                 a. 令人兴奋的         n.实验

[05:15.56]explain              explanation          expression           fact

[05:20.57]vt.&vi.解释;说明      n.解释,说明           n.词句;表达          n.事实  实际

[05:25.59]fall                 fall off             far away             feed

[05:30.42]n.(美)秋季             跌落  下降             远离的  遥远的        vt.喂(养);饲(养)

[05:35.26]fetch                fight                finally              firewood 4

[05:40.04]vt.&vi.去取;去拿      n.斗争  战斗           ad.最后  最终         n.木柴;柴火

[05:44.82]first of all         Florida              for a while          for ever

[05:50.11]首先                  佛罗里达(美国州名)      暂时  一时            永远

[05:55.40]form                 free                 freedom              fresh

[05:59.67]n.形式  结构  表格     a.免费的               n.自由                a.新鲜的

[06:03.94]fun                  future               gap                  gas

[06:08.56]n.有趣的事 娱乐        n.将来                 n.缺口 空白处         n.煤气;气油

[06:13.19]general              general idea         geography            get along with

[06:18.48]a.大体的;笼统的       大意                   n.地理;地理学        与...相处

[06:23.76]get back             girlfriend           give advice          go away

[06:29.24]回来  返回             n.女朋友               提建议               走开;离开

[06:34.71]go on doing          go up                gold                 grammar

[06:39.39]继续干某事             上涨  上升             a.金的  黄金的        n.语法

[06:44.06]greatly              Greece               grow up              guide

[06:48.83]ad.很  非常            n.希腊                 生长                  n.导游者,

[06:53.60]guitar               and in               Harry 5

[06:57.33]n.吉他 六弦琴          交上来  递交            哈里(男名)

[07:01.07]have a good trip     have sports          help oneself to      honest

[07:06.45]一路顺风!             进行体育运动            自用(食物等)          a.诚实的 正直的

[07:11.83]hotel                however              howl 6

[07:15.85]n.旅馆  饭店           然而可是;尽管如此       vi.嚎叫  嚎哭

[07:19.88]ice cream            illness              impossible           improve

[07:25.45]n.冰激凌               n.病,疾病             a.不可能的            vt.改进  更新

[07:31.03]in all               in fact              in modern times      in one's opinion

[07:36.56]总计                   事实上 实际上          现代;近代            依照某人的看法

[07:42.08]in order to          in the past          Indian               indirect 7 speech

[07:47.96]为了                  (在)过去               a.(美州)印第安人的      间接引语

[07:53.84]information          instead of           interest             international

[07:59.31]n.信息                代替                    n.兴趣;趣味          a.国际的

[08:04.78]introduce            invite               Jackie               Jenny

[08:09.65]vt.介绍               vt.邀请;招待           杰基(男名)            詹妮(女名)

[08:14.52]job                  John Denver          join up              junior

[08:19.70]n.工作                约翰·丹沃(美国歌手)     联合起来;联接起来       a.初级的

[08:24.87]just now             keep a record        Ken                  Kentucky

[08:29.54]刚才                  作记录                  肯(男名)             肯塔基(美国州名)

[08:34.22]kitchen              Klarke               law                  lawyer

[08:38.64]n.厨房                克拉克(男名)            n.法律 法令          n.律师

[08:43.05]leader               learner              least                line

[08:48.04]n.领袖,领导人         n.学习者;初学者        n.最少量;最少         n.线  排  行

[08:53.03]lively               Los Angeles          lovely               mail

[08:58.00]ad.活泼的             洛杉矶(美国城市)       a.可爱的 美好的        n.邮政  邮递

[09:02.98]make a decision      make a plan for      make a record        make fun of

[09:08.45]作出决定              为...作计划            录制唱片             取笑某人

[09:13.93]measure              medal                medicine

[09:17.45]vt.&vi.量             n.奖章  奖牌          n.医学

[09:20.98]mile                 minibus              mix                  mixture

[09:26.66]n.英里                n.小型公共汽车        vt.&vi.混合;搅和     n.混合物

[09:32.34]more or less         motto                movement             movie

[09:37.93]或多或少               n.箴言  格言          n.动作  活动          n.电影

[09:43.52]Mozart               Nashville            necessary            neighbour

[09:48.59]莫扎特                纳什维尔(美国地名)     a.必要的;必需的      n.邻居;邻人

[09:53.66]newspaper reporter   no more than         notice               obey

[09:59.24]新闻记者              不过;仅仅            n.通知  布告         vt.顺从  服从

[10:04.81]of one's own         offer                oil                  Olympic

[10:10.49]属于某人自己的         vt.提供              n.油                 a.奥林匹克的

[10:16.18]Olympic Games        on holiday           on the air           on the radio

[10:21.19]奥林匹克运动会         休假  渡假           (用无线电,电视)播送   通过收音机;通过广播

[10:26.21]once                 onto                 operate

[10:29.68]adv.一旦;一...就      prep.到...上面       v.操作,开动

[10:33.16]opinion              oral                 owner                Pacific

[10:38.08]n.见解   看法          a.口头的;口述的      n.物主  所有人        n.太平洋

[10:43.00]pancake              parrot               partner              passenger

[10:48.19]n.薄煎饼               n.鹦鹉               n.搭档  合作者        n.乘客;旅客

[10:53.37]pattern              Paul                 percent              petrol

[10:58.39]n.型;式样             保罗(男名             n.白分之...          n.汽油

[11:03.41]physics              phrase               pick up              plan

[11:08.24]n.物理                 n.短语;习惯用语       接收                 n.计划,打算

[11:13.07]plate                plenty               plenty of            point

[11:17.94]n.板(块)               n.充足的;相当多的     充足的;相当多的      n.点;分数

[11:22.81]political            politics             pop music            pop star

[11:27.69]a.政治的               n.政治                 流行音乐               流行歌手;歌星

[11:32.56]port                 powder               practice             prepare

[11:37.34]n.港口  码头           n.粉末  粉             n.实践  练习         vt.准备;调制;配制

[11:42.12]president            price                prize                programme

[11:47.40]n.总统                 n.价格,价钱           n.奖赏,奖品         n.节目,程序

[11:52.67]project              pronounce            pronunciation        proper

[11:57.96]n.工程                 vt.发音                n.发音              a.合适的;恰当的

[12:03.25]province             pump                 punish               purpose

[12:08.27]n.省                   vt.用泵抽水            vt.&vi.处罚,惩罚    n.目的;意图

[12:13.28]put up               quake                railway              raincoat

[12:18.76]贴(广告等)             n.震动;颤抖           n.铁路               n.雨衣

[12:24.23]reason               recently             record               regards

[12:29.95]n.理由;原因           ad.近来               记录 vt.记录;记载    n.问候;致意

[12:35.67]remain               repair               reply                reporter

[12:42.04]vt.余下;留下          vt.&vi.修理           n.回答,答复          n.记者,通讯员

[12:48.42]request              restaurant           result               revision

[12:55.39]n.请求,要求的事物       n.饭馆               n.结果               n.复习  温习

[13:02.37]Rik                  room                 rule                 sadly

[13:07.80]里克(男名)              n.空间  地方          n.规则  规定         ad.痛心的;伤心的

[13:13.23]sailing              San Francisco        Sara                 say Hi to

[13:18.97]n.航海                 n.旧金山(美国港市)     萨拉(女名)           向...问好

[13:24.70]say Hello to         school-leaver        scientist            second

[13:30.68]向...问好              n.学校毕业生           n.科学家             n.秒

[13:36.67]secret               see off              seed                 separate 8

[13:42.74]n.秘密                 为某人送行            n.种子               a.单独的;各自的

[13:48.81]service              set                  set free             set up

[13:53.59]n.服务                 vt.释放                释放(某人)           建立;创建

[13:58.37]shade                shake                sharp                ship

[14:03.45]n.荫凉处;树荫          vt.&vi.震动;摇动     a.锋利的;尖的       vi.用船装运

[14:08.54]shooting             short-wave           shut                 sight

[14:13.21]n.射击                  n.短波               vt.&vi.关上;关闭    n.情景;风景

[14:17.89]slave                slavery              so that              soap

[14:22.72]n.奴隶                  n.奴隶制度           以便;以致;结果是    n.肥皂

[14:27.55]society              soil                 sound                sound lab

[14:32.58]n.社会                n.土壤;土地           vi.&vt.发出声音      语言实验室

[14:37.61]soup                 sow                  Spanish              spare

[14:42.39]n.汤                  vt.播种                n.西班牙语           a.空闲的;多余的

[14:47.17]spare time           spend...doing sth    spend...on

[14:51.44]空余时间;业余时间       做...花费             在...花费(钱)

[14:55.71]state                stay up              Steve                store

[15:00.19]n.国家;(美国的)州       挺住;站立            史蒂夫(男名)          n.商店;大百货商店

[15:04.67]stranger             success              successful           such as

[15:09.75]n.陌生人;外人           n.成功               a.成功的;有成就的    例如

[15:14.83]suck                 suggest              summary              supply

[15:19.46]vt.吮吸;舔食            vt.建议;提议         n.摘要;概要          vt.供给,供应

[15:24.08]swift                take a look at       take a taxi          take part in

[15:29.55]a.快的;迅速的            看一下               打的                 参加;参与

[15:35.03]take up              tape                 taste                taxi

[15:39.66]占去;占据                n.磁带               vt.品尝              n.出租汽车

[15:44.30]tell lies            Tennessee            tense                thanks to

[15:49.62]说慌                     田纳西(美国州名)      n.时态               由于;幸亏

[15:54.93]the more...the...    the States           the Union            the World Service

[16:00.40]越...越...               美国                  联邦                 国际广播

[16:05.88]theatre              thickly              think of             Tibet 9

[16:10.41]n.戏院;剧场             ad.茂密地;葱葱地      认为;看法           n.西藏

[16:14.94]title                Tom Grade            training             training centre

[16:20.31]n.标题;题目             汤姆·格雷特(男名)     n.训练;培训         培训中心

[16:25.68]trip                 try one's best       turn off              union

[16:30.99]n.旅行;旅途             竭尽全能               关掉                 n.联合;联盟

[16:36.31]unless               unusual              used to               vacation

[16:41.48]conj.除非,如果不     a.不平常的;异常的         过去常常             n.假期,休假

[16:46.65]value                villager             vinegar               war

[16:51.63]n.价值;益处             n.村民                 n.醋                 n.战争

[16:56.61]wash away            waste                weekend               weigh

[17:02.34]冲走;冲垮               n.&vt.浪费             n.周末                vt.称...的重量

[17:08.07]wave                 western              wheat                 wheel

[17:13.10]n.(热、光、声的)波        a.西方的 西部的        n.小麦                n.轮,机轮

[17:18.13]while                wild                 wise

[17:21.82]n.一会儿;一段时间        a.未开发的;荒凉的      a.有见识的,聪明的

[17:25.50]worry about          wrestling            write to

[17:29.87]担心;烦恼                n.摔跤;摔角           写信给...

abbr.(=British Broadcasting Corporation)英国广播公司
  • She works for the BBC.她为英国广播公司工作。
  • The BBC was founded in 1922.英国广播公司建于1922年。
  • This bush has grown up a lot in the last few months.这矮树丛几个月来已向上长高了很多。
  • A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.一鸟在手,胜于二鸟在林。
  • This train is direct,you do not have to change.这辆火车是直达的,你不必换车。
  • The army is under the king's direct command.军队由国王直接统帅。
  • Turn the firewood over and sun it.把柴火翻过来晒晒。
  • He cut down the tree and cut it up for firewood.他把树砍倒,并把它劈成烧火用的小块。
  • Today,people feel more hurried and harried.今天,人们感到更加忙碌和苦恼。
  • Obama harried business by Healthcare Reform plan.奥巴马用医改掠夺了商界。
  • He gave a howl of pain.他发出一声痛苦的吼叫。
  • The child set up a howl.这个孩子大哭起来。
  • What he said was very indirect.他的话很婉转。
  • He gave only an indirect answer.他只作了间接的回答。
  • Are they joined together or separate?它们是合在一起还是分开的?
  • Separate the white clothes from the dark clothes before laundering.洗衣前应当把浅色衣服和深色衣服分开。
  • It was the year before last that he went to Tibet.他前年去的西藏。
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
A. B. R.
accumulation of electric energy
acid absorber
ammonium hydrosulfide
Angelica cartilaginomarginata
arteria labialis superiors
articles of co-partnership
atractylis macrocephala koidz.
balanced-piston governor valve
bearing up pulley
behavioral potential
belladonna extract
bladder pipe
booster relay
chain code following
chebulagic acid
cluster point of filter base
computational problem
congenital dactylus varus
conical fluidized bed
control circuit with prescribed overshoot
core lifter case
coupled model
detect from
determination of vertical dimension
displacement head
egregious folly
eligibility for tax credit
feather veined
fistula fenestration
forward-transfer signal
genus Melogale
geomagnetic coordinate
gray absorber rod
hammer blade mill
hoisl pan
house service turbo generator
ionogenic surfactant
jacquard grisaille
journal velocity
Massora, Massorah
Mazowieckie, Województwo
Mendelssohn Seamount
mental health promotion
modelling error
molecular link
nonlinear regression
number of weaned
over shipment
panel on complaints
permanent object
persistent irradiation
phantom bone disease
reactivity index
reversed brass
rod carrier
rule out the possibility of
saddle feathers
sales presentations
seed stand
shield hood
slowing-down model
snow mat
soldering by dipping
trunk girth
verification center
virus crystal
waveguide electro-optic prism