时间:2019-01-08 作者:英语课 分类:英语小短文


   Because the answers to these ten questions will help you discover the very best in yourself…

  1.  What would make you proud of yourself?
  When you follow your heart and intuition, people won’t always agree with you.  When you find something that makes you happy, not everyone will be happy for you.  When you show unwavering kindness to others, some people will question your motives 1.  When you are honest to the core, some folks will attempt to use your honesty against you.  When you look for the best in everyone you meet, a few of them will take advantage of it.
  Don’t let any of these people stop you from doing these things.  These people don’t matter.  In the end, what does matter is how you feel about yourself and the life you have led.  You will ask yourself one question: “Am I proud of how I lived?”  Make the answer: “Yes!”  Read 1,000 Little Things.
  2.  How can you make a positive difference?
  Even when it seems like a hopeless effort, do the right thing.  Always live firmly by the forces of love and truth.  The bullies 3 and cheats who seem unstoppable in the short term always fall from power in the end.  Love and truth always rise to the top.
  Keep injecting your goodness into the world, one small act at a time.  It’s these small acts of goodness stacked together that eventually change the world.  You may never see the full result of your positive actions, but they will be accounted for and realized in time.  If you do nothing, there will be no result – no positive change ever.
  3.  What are you trying to accomplish and why?
  Know the answer to this simple question and remind yourself of it every single day.  You must identify, without any doubt, the specific reason you do the work you do.  Success can only occur when there is a target and a reason to hit it.
  When you have a reason to do something, you have a legitimate 4 purpose behind your efforts.  When you connect this reason to a desired result, you’re able to summon the discipline and persistence 5 necessary to get the job done.  Give yourself a good reason and you will find a way to succeed.  Read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
  4.  What are the roadblocks standing 6 in your way?
  A roadblock is only a roadblock if you don’t know about it.  If you know about it, it’s just a challenge.  Look around and evaluate the challenges you face; within them lie the opportunities to make lasting 7 progress.  You are in the best position to make the most of these opportunities, because you know exactly where you are, where you want to go, and what resources you have at your disposal.
  Remember that the roughest roads often lead to the top, and the best way to get over a roadblock is to go through it.  Thus, you must run toward your challenges with all your might, because the easiest way through them is to trample 8 them beneath your feet.  You have what it takes right now.  You know what you must do and you know why.  Step confidently into your challenges until you reach the road on the other side.
  5.  What’s the next step?
  Remember, you will never make a bigger mistake than sitting back and doing nothing simply because you can only do a little.  So go head and start small.  Take a small step, and if you can’t take a small step, take a tiny one.  Do what you can with the resources you have right now.  Get yourself moving in a positive, productive direction.
  The best thing about big success is that it comes one step at a time.  A flash of success, no matter how small, creates the momentum 9 necessary to create even more success.  Every positive step forward puts you in position to take the next one.
  6.  What are your flaws and faults?
  You will never be flawless.  You will never be faultless.  Acknowledge your flaws and faults and accept them.  Let the difference between your flaws and the flaws of others be that you have accepted their existence and moved past them, while others are hopelessly trying to hide them.  Let the difference between your faults and the faults of others be that you have addressed them and learned from them, while others are still living in denial.
  Don’t fall victim to fabricated illusions.  Don’t hide from reality.  Face your deficiencies and use them to bask 11 in the glory of your personal growth.  Read The Untethered Soul.
  7.  What issues do you need to resolve with yourself?
  When you feel lonely you look around for someone to fill the void in your life.  You assume that your loneliness stems exclusively from being alone.  But once you find company, it doesn’t take long before you realize that there’s still a void in your life.  You still feel lonely and unfulfilled, so you blame it on your company and you move on to someone else… and then someone else.  This cycle perpetuates 13 for months, or even years, until you are eventually ready to face the truth.
  The truth is, a partner, or even just a friend, can add lots of beauty to your life, but they can’t fill a void that exists within you.  You alone are responsible for you own fulfillment.  If you feel desperately 14 lonely when you’re alone, it means you’re in bad company.  It means you need to work on your relationship with yourself first.  To believe otherwise is to delude 15 your mind and perpetuate 12 your loneliness as you hop 2 from one failed relationship to the next.
  8.  How are you burdening yourself?
  If you feel like your back is breaking from the weight your mind is carrying, perhaps it’s time to lighten the load you carry.  There are many burdens you can easily let go of if you’re willing.
  Start by leaving your worries behind you; worries only fill your mind with negativity.  Instead take constructive 16 action – get involved in something worthwhile that takes your mind off of things.  Next, drop your grudges 17.  Grudges and resentments 18 simply suck energy and time away from you without any positive return.  Once you’ve gotten this far, it’s time to stop pretending like you know everything.  Rather than attempting to prove yourself, open your mind, eyes and ears to new and real possibilities.  And before you wrap things up, let go of your impatience 19.  Two of the most vital virtues 20 of your personal growth will be your patience to wait for the right moment and your courage to make the best of it.
  As you can see, dropping burdensome negativity from your life is fairly easy once you realize how much of it you’re carrying around with you.  Do yourself a favor today and lighten your load.
  9.  How have you celebrated 21 your progress lately?
  Focus on the progress you’ve made, on the next positive step, on the silver lining 22 between where you once were, where you are now, and where you’re headed.  Do not think of yesterday’s failures, but of the success that is possible today.
  Be proud of yourself.  The fact that you’re trying is immensely impressive.  You have conquered complacency.  You are crushing your fears with every new effort you put forth 23.  You aren’t where you want to be yet, but you’re making progress.  Step by step will get you there.  Even if you feel like you’re running in place, you aren’t.  No effort that you make to attain 24 something worthwhile is ever lost.  It doesn’t matter how slow you go as long as you don’t give up.  Read The Success Principles.
  10.  What do you love about your life?
  Life is a series of highs and lows.  There will be times when bad things happen.  When these times strike, it’s important to keep things in perspective.  How you respond to life’s inevitable 25 difficulties defines the strength and growth of your character, as well as the quality of your life.  The idea that you are a victim of any particular circumstance is simply inaccurate 26.
  The fleeting 27 ups and downs that occur on a daily basis are tiny threads in the overall fabric 10 of your life.  Each one adds to your personal growth.  The quality of your life is ultimately your choice.  You can choose to be immobilized by the gravity of your disappointments, or you can choose to rise from the suffering and treasure the most precious gift you have – life itself.

n.动机,目的( motive的名词复数 )
  • to impeach sb's motives 怀疑某人的动机
  • His motives are unclear. 他的用意不明。
  • The children had a competition to see who could hop the fastest.孩子们举行比赛,看谁单足跳跃最快。
  • How long can you hop on your right foot?你用右脚能跳多远?
  • Sickness is a legitimate reason for asking for leave.生病是请假的一个正当的理由。
  • That's a perfectly legitimate fear.怀有这种恐惧完全在情理之中。
  • The persistence of a cough in his daughter puzzled him.他女儿持续的咳嗽把他难住了。
  • He achieved success through dogged persistence.他靠着坚持不懈取得了成功。
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
  • The lasting war debased the value of the dollar.持久的战争使美元贬值。
  • We hope for a lasting settlement of all these troubles.我们希望这些纠纷能获得永久的解决。
  • Don't trample on the grass. 勿踏草地。
  • Don't trample on the flowers when you play in the garden. 在花园里玩耍时,不要踩坏花。
  • We exploit the energy and momentum conservation laws in this way.我们就是这样利用能量和动量守恒定律的。
  • The law of momentum conservation could supplant Newton's third law.动量守恒定律可以取代牛顿第三定律。
  • The fabric will spot easily.这种织品很容易玷污。
  • I don't like the pattern on the fabric.我不喜欢那块布料上的图案。
  • Turtles like to bask in the sun.海龟喜欢曝于阳光中。
  • In winter afternoons,he likes to bask in the sun in his courtyard.冬日的午后,他喜欢坐在院子晒太阳。
  • This monument was built to perpetuate the memory of the national hero.这个纪念碑建造的意义在于纪念民族英雄永垂不朽。
  • We must perpetuate the system.我们必须将此制度永久保持。
n.使永存,使人记住不忘( perpetuate的名词复数 );使永久化,使持久化,使持续
  • Giving these events a lot of media coverage merely perpetuates the problem. 媒体大量地报道这些事件只会使问题持续下去。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Lack of water perpetuates poverty, increases the risk of political instability, and affects global prosperity. 水资源短缺导致贫穷,使政局不稳,且影响全球的繁荣。 来自互联网
  • He was desperately seeking a way to see her again.他正拼命想办法再见她一面。
  • He longed desperately to be back at home.他非常渴望回家。
  • You won't delude him into believing it.你不能诱使他相信此事。
  • Don't delude yourself into believing that she will marry you.不要自欺,别以为她会嫁给你。
  • We welcome constructive criticism.我们乐意接受有建设性的批评。
  • He is beginning to deal with his anger in a constructive way.他开始用建设性的方法处理自己的怒气。
不满,怨恨,妒忌( grudge的名词复数 )
  • He never grudges money. 他从不吝惜金钱。
  • They bear grudges against each other. 他俩有过节儿。
(因受虐待而)愤恨,不满,怨恨( resentment的名词复数 )
  • He could never transcend his resentments and his complexes. 他从来不能把他的怨恨和感情上的症结置之度外。
  • These local resentments burst into open revolt. 地方性反感变成公开暴动。
  • He expressed impatience at the slow rate of progress.进展缓慢,他显得不耐烦。
  • He gave a stamp of impatience.他不耐烦地跺脚。
美德( virtue的名词复数 ); 德行; 优点; 长处
  • Doctors often extol the virtues of eating less fat. 医生常常宣扬少吃脂肪的好处。
  • She delivered a homily on the virtues of family life. 她进行了一场家庭生活美德方面的说教。
  • He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.不久他就成了英格兰最负盛名的年轻画家之一。
  • The celebrated violinist was mobbed by the audience.观众团团围住了这位著名的小提琴演奏家。
  • The lining of my coat is torn.我的外套衬里破了。
  • Moss makes an attractive lining to wire baskets.用苔藓垫在铁丝篮里很漂亮。
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
  • I used the scientific method to attain this end. 我用科学的方法来达到这一目的。
  • His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy. 他为实现人生目标所下的苦功是值得称赞的。
  • Mary was wearing her inevitable large hat.玛丽戴着她总是戴的那顶大帽子。
  • The defeat had inevitable consequences for British policy.战败对英国政策不可避免地产生了影响。
  • The book is both inaccurate and exaggerated.这本书不但不准确,而且夸大其词。
  • She never knows the right time because her watch is inaccurate.她从来不知道准确的时间因为她的表不准。
  • The girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the driver.女孩们只匆匆瞥了一眼司机。
  • Knowing the life fleeting,she set herself to enjoy if as best as she could.她知道这种日子转瞬即逝,于是让自已尽情地享受。
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