间接原料 indirect material
间接费用 indirect expenses, overhead
间接制造成本 factory overhead
开帐分录 opening entries
结帐分录 closing entries
短期合营 joint venture
短期合营帐 joint venture account
短期合营备忘帐 memorandum joint venture account
结算票据 honour the bill of exchange
超额利润 super profit
资本 capital
资本主 proprietor
资本支出 capital expenditure
资本报酬率 return on capital employed
零用现金凭单 petty cash voucher
零用现金簿 petty cash book
债权人 creditor
债券 debenture
预计利息帐法 interest suspense account method
预付费用 prepaid expenses
预取收益 receipt in advance
会计等式 accounting equation
损益帐 profit and loss account
损益计算 income determination
过帐 posting
资产 assets
资产负债表 balance sheet
资产收回价值 goods repossessed value
试算表 trial balance
经常性项目 recurrent item
溢价 premium
溢价发行 issued at premium
催缴股款 call
银行往来调节表 bank reconciliation statement
复式簿记 double-entry bookkeeping
说明 account for
实帐户 real account
对销 contra
制成品 finished goods
汇票 bill of exchange, draft