时间:2019-01-02 作者:英语课 分类:文化聚焦


91 李.卓维斯最新作品Key Monster

AMERICAN MOSAIC 1 - August 31, 2001

Welcome to AMERICAN MOSAIC  VOA's radio magazine in Special English.
This is Bob Doughty 2. On our program today:
We play music by John Lennon ...
answer a question about eating eggs ...
and tell about a new book written by someone at VOA.

Key Monster
Lee Dravis is a (1)studio (2)engineer here at the Voice of America. In fact, he is the engineer who is recording 3 this show. Lee Dravis is also a published writer. His newest book is called Key Monster.Sarah Long has more.
Lee Dravis says he got the idea for his book from hearing about a (3)mysterious creature in the Chesapeake Bay, near Washington, D-C. This gave him the idea of writing about a man who sees a sea (4)monster but nobody believes him.
The main (5)character in the book Key Monsteris a boat (6)captain named Eugene Winchell, or Winch for short. He tells people about a mysterious sea creature he has seen in the Chesapeake Bay. No one believes him, so he goes to the Florida city of Key West. But the monster moves in that direction too.
Other people also join Winch in the Florida Keys. One is a baseball player who is trying to (7)escape political problems in Cuba. Another is a former scientist who performs in (8)nightclubs wearing women's clothes. Also following Winch to the Keys is the former owner of his boat, who wants it back. Lee Dravis visited Key West while writing the book. He says it is not like anywhere else in the United States.
The Florida Keys are a group of small islands between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf 4 of Mexico. Only one road links them. Key West is at the very end of these islands. Lee Dravis says that some of the people who live there are very strange. It was the (9)perfect place for the characters in his book.
Lee Dravis worked on the book for six months. He wrote it during weekends while continuing his job at VOA. He is now writing another book, called Enwick Street.  Lee Dravis says he likes writing books for the same reason he likes working in radio. You work alone, yet the product of the work could (10)affect thousands or millions of people all over the world.

(Start at 3'48”)Our VOA listener question this week comes from Vietnam. Truong Ai Hien asks if eating chicken eggs is good for your health.
Eggs contain important protein, (11)vitamins and (12)minerals. These are found in two parts of the egg, the yolk 5 and the white.
The (13)yolk is the yellow part of the egg. It contains a little less than half the protein of the egg. The yolk contains important minerals. And it has more vitamins than the white. These include vitamins A, D and E. Experts say that egg yolks are one of the few foods that contain vitamin D.
The egg white is called the albumen. It contains more than half of the egg protein. It also contains important vitamins and minerals.
For many years, people believed that eating eggs increased the chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke 6 because eggs contain (14)cholesterol 7. Studies over the past few years, however, have shown that eating eggs is not a serious health concern.
Research has found that (15)saturated 8 fat increases blood cholesterol levels the most. Saturated fat comes from animal products. One large egg contains about two-hundred-fifteen milligrams of cholesterol and five grams of fat. About one-and-one-half grams of that fat is saturated. Experts also say much of the concern about eggs was linked to how they were cooked. Eggs fried 9 in (16)butter or eaten with bacon greatly increase the saturated fat.
The American Heart Association 10 says healthy (17)adults should limit their cholesterol to less than three-hundred milligrams a day. It says a healthy person should eat no more than four eggs a week. All the fat and cholesterol in an egg are in the yolk. So there are no limits for eating egg whites.
Eggs sometimes contain bacteria that make people sick. Such (18)bacteria can be killed by cooking the eggs well. Other kinds of organisms 11 can attach to the outside of the egg. Experts say eggs should be kept in a cold place. Never eat eggs that are dirty, (19)cracked, broken or leaking. Never serve food that includes uncooked eggs. And wash your hands before preparing eggs or any other food.

(Start at 7'27”)The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, Ohio has a special show about a famous (20)musician. It tells about the life and music of John Lennon. Shep O'Neal tells us more.
Music experts say John Lennon did not (21)invent rock and (22)roll. Yet he did more than anyone else to change it, move it forward and add social meaning to its songs. Many experts call him one of the greatest songwriters in the history of rock and roll.
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum organized an exhibit 12 about John Lennon. It opened in October. It honors 13 the sixtieth (23)anniversary 14 of John Lennon's birth in Liverpool, England, and the twentieth anniversary of his tragic 15 death in New York City.
Visitors can see hundreds of objects from Lennon's life. There are reports from his teachers when he was a boy about his school work. More than thirty paintings and drawings he made throughout his life. The suit he wore as a member of the Beatles. His (24)guitars and (25)piano. And the handwritten words for twenty-five of his most famous songs.
John Lennon helped form the (26)Beatles in the Nineteen-Sixties. The group changed the sound of rock and roll music. Here the Beatles sing John Lennon's song Help!//?
Later, John Lennon wrote songs that expressed his efforts for truth, peace and human rights. This one is called imagine
Recently, a British music (27)magazine asked several songwriters, producers and musicians to name the best songs of the last century. They chose John Lennon's In My Life as the top song.
This is Bob Doughty. I hope you enjoyed our program today. And I hope you will join us again next week for AMERICAN MOSAIC ?VOA's radio magazine in Special English.
This AMERICAN MOSAIC program was written by Shelley Gollust and Nancy Steinbach. Our studio engineer was Lee Dravis. And our producer was Paul Thompson.


(1) studio[ 5stju:diEu ]n.画室, 照相室, 工作室, (无线电或电视节目的)演播室,
(2) engineer[ 7endVi5niE ]n.工程师, 技师, 火车司机, 轮机员, 工兵
(3) mysterious[ mis5tiEriEs ]adj.神秘的
(4) monster[ 5mCnstE ]n.怪物, 妖怪
(5) character[ 5kAriktE ]n.(事物的)特性, 性质, 特征(的总和), (人的)品质, 字符
(6) captain[ 5kAptin ]n.队长, 首领, 船长, 机长, (空军, 海军)上校, (陆军)上尉v.
(7) escape[ is5keip ]n.逃, 逃亡, 溢出设备, 出口, 逃跑, [植]野生vi.逃脱, 避开,
(8) nightclub[5naItklQb]n.夜总会
(9) perfect[ 5pE:fikt ]n.完成式adj.完美的, 全然的, 理想的, 正确的, 熟练的, 精通
(10) affect[ E5fekt ]vt.影响, 感动, 侵袭, 假装
(11) vitamin[ 5vaitEmin, 5vi- ]n.维他命, 维生素
(12) mineral[ 5minErEl ]n.矿物, 矿石
(13) yolk[ jEuk ]n.蛋黄, [生物] 卵黄
(14) cholesterol[ kE5lestErEul, -rCl ]n.胆固醇
(15) saturate[ 5sAtFEreit ]v.使饱和, 浸透, 使充满
(16) butter[ 5bQtE ]n.黄油, 牛油vt.涂黄油于...上
(17) adult[ E5dQlt, 5AdQlt ]n.成人, 成年人adj.成人的, 成熟的
(18) bacteria[ bAk5tiEriE ]n.细菌
(19) crack[ krAk ]n.裂缝, 噼啪声v.(使)破裂, 裂纹, (使)爆裂adj.最好的, 高明的
(20) musician[ mju:5ziFEn ]n.音乐家
(21) invent[ in5vent ]vt.发明, 创造v.发明
(22) roll[ rEul ]adj.滚动, 滚转, (使)摇摆, (使)摇晃, 卷起, 卷拢vt.辗, 轧n.(一)卷, 卷
(23) anniversary[ 7Ani5vE:sEri ]n.周年纪念
(24) guitar[ ^i5tB: ]n.吉他, 六弦琴vi.弹吉他
(25) piano[ pi5B:nEu, 5pjB:- ]n.钢琴
(26) Beatle [`bi:tl]n.小妞,(有男子气概的)独立摩登新女性
(27) magazine[ 7mA^E5zi:n ]n.杂志, 期刊, 军火库, 弹药库, (枪、炮的)弹仓,


  • The sky this morning is a mosaic of blue and white.今天早上的天空是幅蓝白相间的画面。
  • The image mosaic is a troublesome work.图象镶嵌是个麻烦的工作。
  • Most of successful men have the characteristics of contumacy and doughty.绝大多数成功人士都有共同的特质:脾气倔强,性格刚强。
  • The doughty old man battled his illness with fierce determination.坚强的老人用巨大毅力与疾病作斗争。
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
  • The gulf between the two leaders cannot be bridged.两位领导人之间的鸿沟难以跨越。
  • There is a gulf between the two cities.这两座城市间有个海湾。
  • This dish would be more delicious with some yolk powder.加点蛋黄粉,这道菜就会更好吃。
  • Egg yolk serves as the emulsifying agent in salad dressing.在色拉调味时,蛋黄能作为乳化剂。
n.笔画,击打,连续的动作,中风,心跳;vt.奉承,轻抚; vi.击打,心跳...
  • He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer.他一锤就把钉子敲进去了。
  • He broke the lock with one stroke of the hammer.他一锤就把锁砸坏了。
  • There is cholesterol in the cell of body.人体细胞里有胆固醇。
  • They are determining the serum-protein and cholesterol levels.他们正在测定血清蛋白和胆固醇的浓度。
  • The continuous rain had saturated the soil. 连绵不断的雨把土地淋了个透。
  • a saturated solution of sodium chloride 氯化钠饱和溶液
  • I ate everything fried.所有油炸的我都吃。
  • I prefer fried peanuts.我选择炸花生。
  • Our long association with your company has brought great benefits.我方和贵公司的长期合作带来了巨大的利益。
  • I broke away from the association ten years ago.我10年前就脱离了那个团体。
n.有机物( organism的名词复数 );有机体;生物;有机体系
  • The organisms can be divided into discrete categories. 有机体可分为许多互不相联的种类。
  • The cell is the unit of which all living organisms are composed. 细胞是构成一切生物的单位。
  • Next week those goods will exhibit in that shop. 下个星期,这些货物将在那家商店展出。
  • The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September.9月份,经济继续呈现出衰退的迹象。
n.礼仪;荣典;礼节; 大学荣誉学位;大学优等成绩;尊敬( honor的名词复数 );敬意;荣誉;光荣
  • He aims at honors. 他力求名誉。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • We did the last honors to his remains. 我们向他的遗体告别。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.他们每年庆祝一番结婚纪念日。
  • Today is my parents'30th wedding anniversary.今天是我父母结婚30周年纪念日。
  • The effect of the pollution on the beaches is absolutely tragic.污染海滩后果可悲。
  • Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.查理是个注定不得善终的人。
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