捷进英语 lesson 46
- 1 捷进英语 lesson 46
Go away.I'm not here.
Hi Nobody home but us bees.
What? What are you talking about?
Hannah, there's something you should know about me .
Yesterday ,I dressed up as a bee and sang a song .
Where? In an office full of people with real jobs.
You did? You're incredible.
No,no.I'm not incredible.I'm desperte.
If I were an actor,or a struggling artist,or crazy.
But no.I'mprefectly same .Yet this is my life .
You're the only person I'm telling,Hannah.
If Michael finds out,Iwill never hear the end of it.
I don't know why you're so embrrassed.
It's not dishonest,or ill egal,or immoral 1.
You're right. It's just humiliating.
Are you too humiliated 2 to go away with me in a couple of weeks?
Do you still want to go?
Absolutely.Here's some stuff you can borrow for the trip.Thanks.
You're very cute when you're depressed 3.
Is it pssible you have very poor taste in men?
Sweetheart,may I steal you from your friends for just a few minutes?Oh.Sure ,Grammy.
I know you've got lots of presents to open.But I wanted to give you this one first.
Oh they're so beautiful.They're very special.
My grandmother gave them to me on my sixteenth birthday.
I've had them ever since.
Dou you like them?I love them.
I have so many earrings 5,but nothing like these .
These are the best.Did your Grammy really give them to you?Mm-hm.
Can I try them on?Of course.
Oh,Oh,Grammy.I'm so sorry Don't worry.
We'll find it.Ah ha ,there it is.
Ugh,that's not it.Hmph.I wish there were fewer walnuts 6 in this pudding.
They look like earrings.
Mom really likes walnuts.She doesn't even put in as many as she wants.
Dad won't let her.Thank goodness for that.
Ah.I think we have something here,besides a lot of pudding.
One heirloom earring 4.
That wasn't so bad.There's just a little less pudding to go around.
Happy birthday,honey.
Happy Birthday,Beth.
You mom said she'll cut the cake in the kitchen.
Open your presents.OK, OK,here goes.
This isn't the present that you really want.He wouldn't fit in the box.Ooohhh.From Justine.
It's the jacket I love from Maxi's. It's so great.Thank you,Justine.
So,what's the present you really want?
I'll never tell.Awww...
And the next person who brings it up,gets no cake.Ooohhh.
Here is a gift,which will help you play better.
To improve you serve,follow it to the letter.
Happy Birthday from the only person who can beat you at tennis.Jonathan,"Winning Tennis",by Megan Tate Who's that?
She's that woman who runs those intense tennis clinics in Florida.
Thank you Jonathan.
But you're going to regret this.I'm going t read the book and then I'm going to squash you.I doubt it.
- She was questioned about his immoral conduct toward her.她被询问过有关他对她的不道德行为的情况。
- It is my belief that nuclear weapons are immoral.我相信使核武器是不邪恶的。
- Parents are humiliated if their children behave badly when guests are present. 子女在客人面前举止失当,父母也失体面。
- He was ashamed and bitterly humiliated. 他感到羞耻,丢尽了面子。
- When he was depressed,he felt utterly divorced from reality.他心情沮丧时就感到完全脱离了现实。
- His mother was depressed by the sad news.这个坏消息使他的母亲意志消沉。
- How long have you worn that earring?你戴那个耳环多久了?
- I have an earring but can't find its companion.我现在只有一只耳环,找不到另一只了。
- a pair of earrings 一对耳环
- These earrings snap on with special fastener. 这付耳环是用特制的按扣扣上去的。 来自《简明英汉词典》