时间:2018-11-30 作者:英语课 分类:少儿圣经故事


??Introduction:Do you like to make things like paper airplanes, or maybe paper dolls?What do you need to make those things?Probably all you need is scissors, paper, and maybe some tape or glue. But what if you had nothing at all, no paper, no scissors, nothing?Could you make anything?No, but God can! Only God can create something out of nothing!

??The very first verse of the very first chapter of the very first book of God’s Word, the Bible, says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” What were the materials God used to create the heaven and the earth?Nothing! Nothing but the Word of God! God spoke 1, and the heaven and the earth came into being. Many people say, “That’s impossible!” and they do not believe God’s Word, the Bible. They think that our universe and all that is in it came from a great explosion, followed by various processes.

??But that leads to more and more questions about the source of all the gases and things needed for the explosion. We know that explosions destroy things. Explosions make things out of order. So how could order could come from disorder 2?It takes a lot of faith to believe that our wonderful world, full of order and design, could come from an explosion. Just as a nice wristwatch or clock shows evidence of an intelligent designer, so our amazing world shows evidence of a brilliant designer!

??That brilliant designer is our true and living God! He must have thought it was very important for us to know how He created the world, for He told us right in the beginning of His Word! The Bible says that at first “the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light:and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good:and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.” So what did God create the very first day of His Creation week?Night and Day.

??The second day, God made sky and clouds. The Bible says He made the sky to divide the waters above from the waters on the earth. The third day, God spoke and the waters on the earth were gathered together to make the oceans, and God made the dry land appear. Then God spoke, and the dry land was covered with grass, and plants, bushes and trees of all kinds. Our very wise Creator also planned for all the plants and trees to have fruit and seed so that each plant would reproduce after its kind. Watermelons would produce more watermelons; apples would produce more apples, etc.

??How could God do all these wonderful things! Hebrews 11:3 says, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” We can see the things God created, but we can’t see how He did it! But as His creation, we can have faith, we can believe, what our Creator says about it:He spoke and it happened!

??Here is another question:Why was God creating all these things?For you! Yes, God was preparing the world for His most special creation, and that is people! He knew they would need air to breathe, and water, and land, and food. Your Creator loves you very much, and He has filled this world with things to make us happy! Color, and music, and lovely birds and funny little pets, and many delicious things to eat! One poet said, “The world is so full of a number of things, I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.” God did all this because He loves you and me very much. He loved us and knew us and planned our lives before we were ever born! Jeremiah 31:3 says, “I have loved thee (you) with an everlasting 4 love.” God is holy, perfectly 5 good. And all His plans for you are good! You are His most special creation!

??And He was preparing the world for you and me as He filled the earth with all those wonderful apple, plum, peach, and orange trees! Think of all the watermelon vines, and grape vines, and the nut trees. God also made many herbs and plants for medicine.

??On the fourth day, God said, “Let there be lights…to divide the day from the night; and let them be fore 3 signs and for seasons, and for days, and for years. And let them be for lights…to give light upon the earth. What lights are these?It was our sun, moon, and stars. God made all the planets, and more stars and galaxies 6 than anyone could ever count! Our strongest telescopes only make us marvel 7 more and more at our vast universe! Not only did God create all these wonders in the sky, but He also keeps them in their orbits and operating in perfect order, even after thousands of years. God says He calls each of His stars by name!

??Perhaps you have studied in your science classes how that our planet Earth is placed a perfect distance from the sun so that we can receive the sun’s heat and light without the extreme of freezing to death or burning up! Did the Earth place itself at that exact distance?No, it was a loving Creator God, our super-intelligent Designer!

??Many people do not believe God’s Word, and they do very foolish things like worshipping the earth or sun, or trying to tell their future with the stars. God’s Word says we are not to worship the creature, but the Creator! We are to look to Him to guide our future, and to save us and help us. When we see the splendid things He has made, we sin if we worship the things, rather than the One Who made them. We sin against our Creator God anytime we think, say or do things that do not please Him. God tells us the sad truth about all the people He has made:“For all have sinned.” Romans 3:23. If we continue in that sin we must be separated from our holy God forever. Do you think God your Creator wants you to be separated from Him forever?No, He wants you to enjoy Heaven with Him forever! And He wants you to enjoy the things He has created here on earth also, but not to worship them.

??God said, after each day of His creation, “And God saw that it was good.” The fifth day God spoke and the sea creatures and birds were made! Think of all the many very different sea creatures and birds! Are you thinking of the tiny little shrimp 8, and the great big whales?The octopus 9 and the sea anemone 10?Oh, and what about the great eagles, and the tiny sparrows?God made them each to reproduce after their kind.

??On the sixth day, God spoke and the creatures on land came forth:the great big dinosaurs 11, and the tiny little insects; the big black bears, and the little gray bunny rabbits!

??On the same day God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; ” (Genesis 1:26-27)

??And the Lord God …breathed into his nostrils 12 the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7) Yes, God made man on the same day as He made the animals, but He made man very different from the animals. God made man in His image, and He gave man a soul that would live forever. He made us able to talk to Him, and love and worship Him, because He wants us to be with Him forever in Heaven. But remember that we said our sin separates us from God and His perfect Heaven.

??That separation grieves God. But He has planned a way for us to have our sins forgiven so that we could live with Him forever. God planned that His perfect Son Jesus, Who never sinned, would leave Heaven and come to Earth to pay for our sin. Jesus obeyed His Father and willingly came to Earth to take our punishment for sin by dying on the cross. How much God and His Son Jesus loved us, to pay such a price for us to be brought back to God! After Jesus rose from the dead, He went back to Heaven. Now when we believe on the Lord Jesus and ask Him to forgive our sins, He does just that, and we are brought back to God, no longer separated from Him! We can enjoy God forever, just as He planned in the beginning!

??Of all the things God created in the beginning, people were the most special! You may have read or heard that dinosaurs lived millions of years before people. But God’s Word says that the great beasts of the earth, and people, were created on the sixth day. The fossil record also shows that people and dinosaurs lived at the same time. Scientists who believe the Bible call the fossil record “God’s photograph album”, because all the fossils we see only remind us that God’s Word about creation is true.

??Many people now believe that one form of life changed over long periods of time into other completely different forms of life. But what does the fossil record show?We see plants and animal fossils, but we never see a fossil of one kind of animal changing into another kind. Scientists have observed small changes and variations within animal kinds, but never big changes such as a dog turning into a horse, or an ape turning into a human, etc. The truth that God tells us is that He created dogs, horses, apes, and humans all on the same day, and made them to reproduce after their kind.

??You have a wonderful, awesome 13 Creator Who knows you and loves you. He wants you to know how He created the world and everything in it, so He has given us His true book, the Bible. Many great scientists believe God’s Word about creation. They say “True science and the Bible never disagree.” You can also trust the Bible’s account of creation. Read it, believe it, and get to know your Great Creator, the true and living God! Tell others about Him!

??Have you had your sins forgiven so that you can enjoy your Creator God forever?That’s why God sent the Lord Jesus, God’s Son, into the world. Please go now to "How to Be a Child of God" and follow the steps!




??但是那样的说法带来越来越多的问题,大爆炸所需要的气体是从哪里来的呢?我们知道爆炸只会带来破坏,爆炸之后一切都乱七八糟。从混乱中怎能产生秩序呢?我们这个奇妙世界是照着所设定好的顺序运行的, 要相信它是从一个大爆炸而来,这倒是需要非常大的信心。 就如一块手表或时钟显示它必然有一位聪明的设计者,同样我们奇妙的世界显明必然有一位智慧的设计师。



??第二天, 神造了天空和云彩。圣经说他创造天空把上面的水和地上的水分开。

??第三天, 神用话使地上的水聚在一起成为海洋, 并且使陆地显露出来。 然后,神又说话, 地就被草, 植物,灌木, 和各种的树木所覆盖。我们这位智慧的创造者让所有植物和树木有果子和种子,可以按照类别再生出植物来。西瓜生出更多西瓜; 苹果生出更多苹果来, 等等。神怎么能创造所有这些美妙的东西来呢?希伯来书 11:3 说, “我們因著信,就知道诸世界是藉神的话造成的; 这样,所看見的,並不是从显然之物造出來的.” 我们能够看见神所创造的,但是看不见他是如何创造的。 但是,我们也是他所造的,我们有信心,能够相信我们的创造者所说的:他一说话事情就发生了!

??现在又有个问题:神为什么创造所有这一切?为了你! 是的, 神为了他所造最重要的东西预备了这个世界,这最重要的创造就是人! 他知道他们将会需要空气, 水, 陆地, 和食物。 你的创造者非常爱你, 并且他使这个世界充满了我们喜欢的东西! 颜色, 音乐, 可爱的鸟,滑稽的小动物, 和许许多多好吃的! 一位诗人说, “世界充满了这么多美好的东西, 我们所有的人都一定像国王一样快活.”神创造了所有这一切,只因为他非常深地爱你和我。 在我们来到世上之前,他就已经爱我们,认识我们,并计划我们的生活! 耶利米书 31:3 “我以永远的爱来爱你.”神是圣洁, 神是美善。 并且他所有为你的计划都是好的! 在他所有的创造中,你是最特别的!

??当他在地上种满了那些美妙的苹果树, 李树, 桃树, 和橙树,他是在为你和我预备这个世界! 想想西瓜藤, 葡萄树, 核桃树。神还造了许多草和植物可以用作医药。

??在第四天, 神说 “天上要有光体,可以分昼夜,作记号,定节令、日子、年岁,並要发光在天空,普照在地上。” 这些是什么光?这是我们的太阳, 月亮, 和星星。神造了所有行星,和没有人能够数算的星和星系! 我们最强大的望远镜只会使我们越来越惊奇于我们的浩瀚宇宙!神不仅创造所有这些天上的奇迹, 他并且使他们保持在各自的轨道上,即使在数千年以后,仍然在完美的秩序里运行。神说他叫出每颗星星的名字!

??也许你在自然科学里学到我们的行星地球离太阳的距离是多么地完美,使得我们能刚好接受太阳的光和热,不至于太冷被冻死,或太热被烧灭! 是地球自己把自己安置在那个精确的距离上吗?当然不是, 那是爱我们的神, 这位造物者,我们的超级智慧者的设计!

??许多人不相信神的话, 他们做一些非常愚蠢的事, 象崇拜地球或太阳, 或设法从星相预知他们的未来。神的话告诉我们,我们不能崇拜被造物, 而应该敬拜造物者! 我们要依赖他引导我们的未来, 拯救我们,帮助我们。 当我们看他所创造的精彩事物的时候, 如果我们崇拜被造物而不是那位创造者,我们就是犯罪。 每一次当我们在想,或说,或做他所不喜悦的事情,我们就是得罪他。神告诉了我们一个令人难过的事实:“世人都犯了罪” (罗马书 3:23) 。

??如果我们继续在罪孽里,我们就必须永远与这位圣洁的神分离。 你认为你的创作者要你永远与他分离吗?不是, 他要你永远与他在天堂共享! 并且他也要你享受他在这地上的创造, 但不是去崇拜它们。

??对于以后每天的创造, 神都说:“神看这是好的。” 第五天神说话,海里的生物和鸟就被创造出来。 想想所有这些非常特别的海洋生物和鸟。 你想的是小虾和大鲸鱼,还是章鱼和海葵?噢, 是大鹰, 还是小麻雀?神使他们按照各自的种类繁衍。

??第六天, 神说话,地上的动物就被造出来了:大恐龙, 小昆虫; 大黑熊,和灰色的小兔子! 在同一天神说, “我们要照着我們的形像、按著我们的样式造人.”神就照着自己的形像造人 (《创世纪》1:26-27) 耶和华神用地上的尘土造人,將生气吹在他鼻孔里,他就成了有灵的活人. (《创世纪》2:7) 不错,人与动物是在同一天被创造的, 但他使人与动物炯然不同。神照着他的形像造人, 并且他给人永远活着的的灵魂。 他使我们能与他交谈, 爱他,敬拜他, 因为他要我们在天上永远与他在一起。但要记得我们说过,我们的罪孽使我们与神和他完美的天家分离。

??这分离使神难过。 但他设计了一个方法,使我们的罪孽被原谅,使我们能永远与他同住。神使他完美的儿子耶稣, 就是完全没有罪孽的,离开天家,来到地上,支付我们罪的代价。 耶稣顺服天父,愿意来到我们这里,死在十字架上,承担了我们因自己罪孽所当受的刑罚。神和他的儿子耶稣多么地爱我们, 以至于付上这样的代价,为要把我们带回到神面前来! 在耶稣从死里复活之后, 他回到天上。 当我们相信耶稣,求他原谅我们的罪孽时, 他就照我们所求的给我们,把我们带回到神面前, 从此不再与他分离! 我们将永远与神同在, 正像他在起初所计划的。

??在神起初的创造里, 人是最特别的! 你也许读过或听过恐龙活在人类之前数百万年。 但神的话说,地上的野兽和人都是在第六天被创造的。 化石纪录显示人和恐龙同时期住在地球上。 相信圣经的科学家们把化石纪录叫作神的相册,因为我们看见的所有化石都提醒我们真的是神创造了这一切。

??现今许多人相信一个形式的生命经过长时期的改变,变成另一个完全不同形式的生命。 但化石记录显示什么呢?我们看见植物和动物化石, 但我们从未看见一种动物改变到另一种动物的化石。 科学家观察到在动物种类以内微小的变动和变异, 但从未观察到大的变迁,像狗变成马, 或猿变成人, 等等。神告诉我们的真理是,他在同一天创造狗, 马, 猿, 和人, 并且他们按照各自的种类繁衍。

??你有一位认识你,爱你的奇妙的创造者。 他要你知道他是怎样创造这个世界的,所以,他把真理的书圣经给了我们。 许多了不起的科学家相信神话语中所讲到的创造。 他们说 “真正的科学和圣经从不冲突。” 你完全可以相信圣经所讲的创造。 你要读它, 相信它, 认识你这位伟大的创造者, 又真又活的神, 也要帮助其他人来认识他。

??你的罪都被赦免了吗?你能永远与你的创作者上帝同在吗?神差遣他的儿子耶稣进入这个世界的原因正是在此。 现在请去阅读“怎样成为神的孩子”一节。

1 spoke
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
2 disorder
  • When returning back,he discovered the room to be in disorder.回家后,他发现屋子里乱七八糟。
  • It contained a vast number of letters in great disorder.里面七零八落地装着许多信件。
3 fore
  • Your seat is in the fore part of the aircraft.你的座位在飞机的前部。
  • I have the gift of fore knowledge.我能够未卜先知。
4 everlasting
  • These tyres are advertised as being everlasting.广告上说轮胎持久耐用。
  • He believes in everlasting life after death.他相信死后有不朽的生命。
5 perfectly
  • The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said.证人们个个对自己所说的话十分肯定。
  • Everything that we're doing is all perfectly above board.我们做的每件事情都是光明正大的。
6 galaxies
星系( galaxy的名词复数 ); 银河系; 一群(杰出或著名的人物)
  • Quasars are the highly energetic cores of distant galaxies. 类星体是遥远星系的极为活跃的核心体。
  • We still don't know how many galaxies there are in the universe. 我们还不知道宇宙中有多少个星系。
7 marvel
  • The robot is a marvel of modern engineering.机器人是现代工程技术的奇迹。
  • The operation was a marvel of medical skill.这次手术是医术上的一个奇迹。
8 shrimp
  • When the shrimp farm is built it will block the stream.一旦养虾场建起来,将会截断这条河流。
  • When it comes to seafood,I like shrimp the best.说到海鲜,我最喜欢虾。
9 octopus
  • He experienced nausea after eating octopus.吃了章鱼后他感到恶心。
  • One octopus has eight tentacles.一条章鱼有八根触角。
10 anemone
  • Do you want this anemone to sting you?你想让这个海葵刺疼你吗?
  • The bodies of the hydra and sea anemone can produce buds.水螅和海葵的身体能产生芽。
11 dinosaurs
n.恐龙( dinosaur的名词复数 );守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西
  • The brontosaurus was one of the largest of all dinosaurs. 雷龙是所有恐龙中最大的一种。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years. 恐龙绝种已有几百万年了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
12 nostrils
鼻孔( nostril的名词复数 )
  • Her nostrils flared with anger. 她气得两个鼻孔都鼓了起来。
  • The horse dilated its nostrils. 马张大鼻孔。
13 awesome
  • The church in Ireland has always exercised an awesome power.爱尔兰的教堂一直掌握着令人敬畏的权力。
  • That new white convertible is totally awesome.那辆新的白色折篷汽车简直棒极了.
Alert dialog
alphanumeric edited character
amara abu sin
answer by inversion
anybody's match
appointed berth
asymmetric sideband transmitter
auger feeding
be in a hat
bromine poisoning
canned type
caseln plastics
cavity resonantor
curio dealer
diacetyl acetone
Dionysius Exiquus
diphenol propane
ennedi plat.
exhaust jacketed carbureter
fermentation broth
fin filter
harmonic constant of tide
high oriented fibre
impulsive measurement
incisal path inclination
indirect indexation
journal bearing surface
like a dear
liming method
made free with
magnet siren
main shaft magnetized
molybdeunm poisoning
momentary reserve
multipe stage cementing
negative ignore gate
Nghi Xuan
on-peak demand
one step transition matrix
outlet submerged culvert
Parada del Sil
peripheral characteristic
photodiode sensor
psychogenic water drinking
repeated tension and compression test
Roblin Park
round-nose chisel
secondary reaction
settlement of sewage
sheep in lamb
shroud support plate
the whole lot
ultra-violet absorption spectrometry
uniform liability principle
upper carboniferous periods
white leather
yarn conditioning