India to Attend G-7 Meeting for First Time India is set to attend the forthcoming meeting of the Group of Seven leading industrial nations in London. India's presence at the meeting reflects its rise
Poor Afghanistan Three years after allied forces routed the ruling Taliban, living conditions in Afghanistan rank near the bottom of the 178 countries surveyed by the United Nations. According to the
Foreign Ministers from Asia, Africa Meet in Jakarta Foreign ministers from African and Asian nations began a two-day meeting in Jakarta aimed at forging closer economic and political ties between the
India, Pakistan Tensions Mount over Alleged Cease-Fire Violation India has accused Pakistan of violating a 14-month cease-fire in the disputed Kashmir region. Indian defense officials accused the Paki
Annual US-South Korean Military Exercises Commence North Korea Fumes U.S. and South Korean forces opened their annual military exercises Saturday, while North Korea denounced the maneuver as a rehears
US, Canada, Mexico Agree to Forge Closer Ties In a joint statement released after their formal meeting on the campus of Baylor University in Waco , the three leaders announced the creation of the Secu
Militant Indonesian Cleric Condemns Terrorist Attacks An extremist Islamic preacher being tried in Indonesia on charges of leading one of Southeast Asia's most violent terrorist groups has used his de
Thai Prime Minister Names New Cabinet Thailand's prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, has named his new Cabinet. The new Cabinet appears aimed at bolstering the Thai prime minister's ambitious program
US Resumes Joint Military Training with Indonesia The United States has taken a significant step toward re-establishing full military ties with Indonesia. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has annou
Philippine Police Retake Prison, At Least 21 Detainees Killed A day-long prison stand-off in the Philippines between Muslim militant detainees and the police ended in bloodshed Tuesday morning, despit
Relationship Between Bush and Putin Getting Weaker After their first meeting in 2001, President Bush was convinced Mr. Putin was a man he could trust. President Bush : I looked the man in the eye, I f
Britain, France, Germany Give Conditions for Support of UN Action Against Iran Britain, France and Germany say they will support referring Iran to the Security Council if there is no agreement on its
US-France Relations May Be Most Complicated (Music) French singer Vigon performs American music every night at the restaurant The American Dream in the heart of Paris. He says French people love Ameri
US Reports Global Increase in Acts of Anti-Semitism The U.S. government said Wednesday that long-standing anti-Jewish prejudice , anti-Israel sentiment, and a rise in Europe's Muslim population, are c
Ukraine Anticipates Final Official Results of Presidential Re-Run Ukraine's Central Election Commission (CEC) has said it expects to announce the final, official results of the December 26 re-run pres
The Balkans Still a Threat to European Peace Spring came with unrest in Kosovo in 2004. Acts of violence against Serbs and their property were a reminder of the explosive situation there, with the pop
Suspected Al-Qaida Terrorists Await Trial in Great Britain Deputy Attorney General James Comey identify the terror suspects. James Comey : The four-count indictment which was unsealed earlier today na
US, Europe Working Together on Iran Nuclear Issues International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei says Iran has concealed sensitive nuclear activities for nearly 20 years, creating what he
French Rightist Says Nazi Occupation Wasn't Brutal The French government says it is trying to determine whether veteran far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen broke the law by saying that the Nazi occupat
Europe Hopes for New Relationship with US During Bush Second Term European governments are hoping for a new relationship with the United States during President Bush's second term and say trans-Atlant
- 美洲-厄瓜多尔总统逃脱“致命围攻”
- 美洲-危地马拉:反对美国“贸易协定”的示威游行中两人丧生
- 中东-叙利亚和黎巴嫩
- 中东-分析家表示阿巴斯在中东和平进程中面临巨大挑战
- 中东-伊斯兰武装分子声称为克什么米尔袭击事件负责
- 中东-科索沃发生血腥暴动
- 中东-黎巴嫩的民主主张有可能动摇阿拉伯世界
- 中东-以色列军队开始正式撤离加沙地区
- 美洲-墨西哥总统福克斯要求平息毒品的谋杀案
- 美洲-军礼拉开了美国总统就职典礼的帷幕
- 美洲-美国核潜艇搁浅
- 中东-黎巴嫩开始组建新的正府
- 美洲-陪审团以虐待伊拉克囚犯为罪名判美国军人入狱10年
- 中东-叛乱分子袭击不断,伊拉克重建仍在继续
- 中东-加法里:伊拉克的准领导人
- 美洲-国会考虑加强美国边界安全
- 中东-伊朗和俄罗斯签署核协议
- 美洲-南美与阿拉伯国家领导人就经济和政治问题举行会谈
- 美洲-美国参议院争论赖斯任命
- 美洲-美国释放关塔那莫湾的英国战俘
- 美洲-厄瓜多尔总统逃脱“致命围攻”
- 美洲-危地马拉:反对美国“贸易协定”的示威游行中两人丧生
- 中东-叙利亚和黎巴嫩
- 中东-分析家表示阿巴斯在中东和平进程中面临巨大挑战
- 中东-伊斯兰武装分子声称为克什么米尔袭击事件负责
- 中东-科索沃发生血腥暴动
- 中东-黎巴嫩的民主主张有可能动摇阿拉伯世界
- 中东-以色列军队开始正式撤离加沙地区
- 美洲-墨西哥总统福克斯要求平息毒品的谋杀案
- 美洲-军礼拉开了美国总统就职典礼的帷幕
- 美洲-美国核潜艇搁浅
- 中东-黎巴嫩开始组建新的正府
- 美洲-陪审团以虐待伊拉克囚犯为罪名判美国军人入狱10年
- 中东-叛乱分子袭击不断,伊拉克重建仍在继续
- 中东-加法里:伊拉克的准领导人
- 美洲-国会考虑加强美国边界安全
- 中东-伊朗和俄罗斯签署核协议
- 美洲-南美与阿拉伯国家领导人就经济和政治问题举行会谈
- 美洲-美国参议院争论赖斯任命
- 美洲-美国释放关塔那莫湾的英国战俘