讲解文本: rack one's brain 绞尽脑汁,努力思索 Write them down and then you won't have to rack your brain anymore! 把这些都写下来,你就不用每次都拼命想了。 The test is too hard. I have been racking my brain for days.
have a long way to go 有很长的路要走,还需努力,任重道远 You still have a long way to go. Work hard. 你还有很长的路要走呢,努力吧! We still have a long way to go to get to his level. 我们要达到他的级别还有很
mean it 说真的,真心话 I really like you. I mean it. 我真的很喜欢你,真心话。 You have done a great job. I mean that. 你干得非常棒,我说真的。
out of the blue 突然的,意外的,出乎意料的 Mike told me this out of the blue. 麦克毫无预兆的就跟我讲了这件事。 She dumped me out of the blue. I don't know why. 她突然就把我甩了,我完全不知道原因。
mind games 心理游戏,心理战术 I'm not playing mind games. I mean it. 我没跟你玩心理战术呢,我说的是真的。 Those are just his mind games. Don't be fooled. 那只是他的心理战术,别被耍了。
behind one's back 在某人之背后,背着某人,背地里 They did it behind Mike's back. 他们是背着麦克做的这件事。 What? You ate up everything behind my back. 什么,你居然背着我把所有东西都吃光了。
讲解文本: 表达一 You don't love me? Ok, like I care! 不喜欢我?哼,好像我很在乎一样。 like I care,like在这里不是喜欢的意思,而是好像的意思。like I care就是说,好像我很关心一样,也就是说我不
讲解文本: screw around with someone 招惹某人,对某人态度随便,糊弄 Don't screw around with me. Look at me. 别糊弄我,看着我! Don't screw around with him. He has a bad temper. 别招惹他,他脾气不好。
讲解文本: people person 人缘好的人,善交际的人 Mike is a people person. We all like him. 麦克人缘很好,我们都喜欢他。 She is not a people person. 她不是那种特别会交际的人。
out of my league 配不上 I want to ask her out for a movie, but she is out of my league. 我想约她看电影,但是我压根儿配不上她。 He is so good-looking and popular that I feel he is out of my league. 他长得那么好,又那么受
讲解文本: clumsy 笨手笨脚,笨拙的 How clumsy of me to break the cup! 我打碎了这个杯子,我是有多笨! He is so clumsy that he can't even tie his shoes. 他笨手笨脚的,连系鞋带都不会。 疯狂练习吧!
food coma 吃太多后昏昏欲睡的状态,餐后困倦,食物昏迷 I have to go home and deal with this food coma. 我必须得回家休息一下了,吃太多了好困。 -Are you OK? You look sick. 你还好吗,你看起来不太舒服。
hot potato 烫手山芋,喻指棘手的问题 You have to get rid of the hot potato. 你必须处理掉这个棘手的问题。 That problem is really a hot potato. 那个问题确实是烫手山芋。
the ins and outs 复杂细节,前前后后,来龙去脉 Mike knows the ins and outs of the city. 麦克对这座城市了如指掌。 Be sure to understand the ins and outs of the platform. 一定要对这个平台有彻底的理解。
heart sink 心头一沉,心情沉重,伤心沮丧 My heart sinks every time I think about the story. 每次想到这个故事我都会很沉重。 The news made her heart sink. 听到这个消息,她心里一沉。
on the clock 正在上班的,在工作的 I'm on the clock right now so I can't use my cellphone. 我现在在上班,所以不能用手机。 I'm not on the clock today. 今天我不上班。
yellow card 黄牌 片尾音乐:2014年巴西世界杯主题曲《we are one》
step on someone's toes 踩到某人的脚趾,引申为伤害、触怒某人,得罪某人 We don't want to step on anyone's toes. 我们不想得罪任何人。 You can step on anybody's toes, but not on his. 你们得罪谁都行,就是别得罪他
讲解文本: think on one's feet 急中生智,反应敏捷,随机应变 Mike is really good at thinking on his feet. Mike很善于急中生智。 There's no time for getting ready.You have to think on your feet. 没时间准备了,你只能随
讲解文本: silent treatment 沉默对待 My girlfriend is giving me a silent treatment recently. 我女朋最近在和我冷战。 Mike and his wife were giving each other the silent treatment. 麦克和他老婆两个人彼此不说话。
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