Life returns. I don't think I know who the Doctor is anymore. _____1_____. Im the Doctor. I've lived for over 2,000 years. I've made many mistakes. _________2_________. Where are we going? Into darkness. Here we go again. Clara, tell me. Am I a good
The tyranny of secrets. The tyranny of keeping them. People must know the truth. You are part of an important story. I want to be the one to tell it. _____________1_____________ in Pakistan. You're monsters, all of you. Get the fuck out of my face, l
Would you kill him? Many New-yorkers are leaving the city in fear of a fifth attack by the Fizzle Bomber. Maybe he's doing the city a favor. That kind of talk will get you in trouble. No worse than I already been through. There's something this job h
How did we end up here? This place is horrible, smells like balls. We had it all. You were a movie star, remember? Who is this guy? He used to be Birdman. I like that poster. You wrote this adaptation? I did, yeah. And you directing and starring in y
Brothers, God may love you. But, does he like you? All righty! Your transcript and your application to graduate. Thank you. Your scholarship expired last semester. _________1___________. Hold on, hold on. We have decided to give tonight's offerings _
I want to close this account. $112.14. All right, small bills. No, you are overdrawn that much. What does that mean? It means you hit zero here is zero, you went below zero. This is my tree you wrecked. Stay here. I am calling the cops. Is everything
But one day can change everything. Shouldnt you guys be up? Does any one know where the diapers are? Coming in for a razor, honey. Mom, get out of here, mom. Sorry. Hey man, guys are ready for you. Here you go. First we thought it was a little weird
In the South of France, her restaurant had no equal. Last night we served this. In this restaurant, the cuisine is not an old, tired marriage; _______1________. Until one family. Papa, slow down stop! stirred things up. I want to buy this restauran
This place is nice. I really like the music that they play. Bob Ellis on the drums. I'm part of Schaffer's top jazz orchestra, the best music school in the country. The key is to just relax. Don't worry about the numbers, don't worry about what the o
Peter Devereaux, you know what we used to call you? The november man. 'Cause after you pass through, nothing lived. Peter, you need to look at this. It's Alice. She's in trouble. She has information on the agency that they'll kill to keep secret. If
So this is just an interview for the newspaper. I just have a couple of questions. Mr Grey will see you, now. What was he like? He was polite, intense, smart, really intimidating. Do you have any interest outside of work? What about you? I'd like to
So we didn't get a regular weeding cake. We decided on something that was special for us instead. I love you, Honeybee. So __________1________. Do you like it? Here's what I see. The woods. A lake. No one around! Bea? This isn't funny. Bea? Please! B
At last it is mine. With this magic book, any evil plan that I write comes true. But ________1________, I need the final page that is protected deep below the surface by one legendary hero. Will you stop playing that tiny piano? Sorry. Attack! I thin
By the power invested in me by the intergalactic council, I hereby pronouncing a destruction order on the planet Earth. - The usual test. - One earthling will be picked up random to prove he can use absolute power for good... But if he uses it for ev
Nothing good is safe while Snow is alive. And I can't make another speech about it. Snow has to pay for what he has done. One way or another, this war is gonna ____1______. There's only one thing you could do now to ________2________. We all have one
You've been selected for a mission which you are not to discuss with anyone outside of this room. We are engaged in a war with the Soviet Union. This war does not, for the moment, involve men in arms. It involves information. - Something important ha
My name is Minnie Goetze. I'm _______1__________e because my life has gone really crazy of late. I had sex today. I'm so happy! If you're listening to this without my permission, please stop now, just, stop. I'm gonna kill you! This makes me official
What kind of people are we dealing with here? ________1_________. Utah, I need a theory. So why not _____2_______and escape like a normal person? Because I'm thinking these aren't normal people, sir. I believe that, like me, the people behind those r
How far you think we've gone? Fifty miles. Almost to the woods. Get down! What? A cop car! There's no one in there. No way! Try this one! Awesome! What if someone sees us?! We'll just tell them we're cops. Good idea. This is our cop car! This is our
We are coming to you live from the nation's capital, where the Barden University Bellas are performing for the President of the United States on his birthday. I came in like a wrecking ball. Oh, no! She has no underwear on. Oh, my God! We ______1____
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