明星与大选 Since the 1920s, Hollywood stars have played a significant role in supporting and promoting U.S. political candidates. This election season, a huge number of celebrities have given their name, their talents and, sometimes, their money
美国大选关键议题之一:伊朗核项目 Irans nuclear program has been at the forefront of challenges faced by four U.S. administrations. The issue has been a major talking point for both major candidates of the 2012 presidential elections.
奥巴马希望打破 第二任期诅咒 President Barack Obama is preparing for a second four-year term after his re-election victory. But second terms have not always been kind to recent U.S. presidents. 奥巴马总统11月早些时候赢得大选之
奥巴马女选民支持率领先罗姆尼6%以上 Both major presidential candidates, President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney, are fighting hard in the final days of the campaign for a crucial group of voters - women. Most r
奥巴马、罗姆尼外交政策差别不大 As voters in the United States prepare to cast ballots in the presidential election on November 6, people around the globe wonder how the outcome could shape the world. 美国全国各地的选民11月6日星
美国人选总统 最关心经济和就业 Unemployment is a key issue in the U.S. presidential election, and on Friday the government publishes the last official jobless rate before voters go to the polls on November 6. More than 12 million America
2012 全球消费者购物减缓 Holiday shoppers were out in force hoping to get last minute bargains for Christmas but early indications suggest they didn't spend as much as in previous years. Despite a slew of deep discounts - some retailers say 2
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