Lesson 49 rambling 布局凌乱的,结构松散的 She had a huge,rambling country house called'The Gables. 她有一栋巨大的乡间别墅,布局凌乱,名叫山墙庄园 Behind him stood his house,great,rambling and very new. 他身后是他的

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Lesson 53 evolve 逐渐形成,发展 Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen 瑞典已逐渐开成了一种完善的制度,保护公民不受专横、 from high handed or incompetent public officers. 不称职的

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Lesson 51 notoriously (尤指因坏事)众所周知 Predicting the future is notoriously difficult. 众所周知,预测未来是十分困难的。 The Persian Gulf has a notorously bad weather. 波斯湾的天气是出名的恶劣。 This is a

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Lesson 47 pollution 污染 Pollution is the price we pay for over populated,over-industrialized planet. 污染就是我们为了这个人口过密,过度工业化的星球所付出的代价。 A pollution warning system is being established. 正在建

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Lesson 45 democratic 民主的 In democratic countries 在民主的国家里, any efforts to restrict freedom of the press are rightly condemned. 任何限制新闻自由的企图都理所当然地受到谴责。 She can talk beautifully about demo

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Lesson 40 hoax 骗局,戏弄 Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke;the hoax. 大学生擅长一种特殊的恶作剧戏弄人。 The bomb threat turned out to be a hoax. 炸弹的恐吓原来是个骗局。 I can see through wh

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manual 体力的 These days,people who do manual work often receive far more than people who works in offices. 如今,体力劳动者的收入一般要比坐办公室的人高出许多。 It will take some time to eliminate the difference between m

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puma 美洲狮 Pumas are large,cat-like animals which are found in America. 美洲狮是一种体形似猫的大动物,产于美洲。 The ears and tail tip of pums are generally dark. 美洲狮的耳和尾尖通常是呈深色。 Kitten pumas are

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mutilate 使残缺不全;歪曲 His left hand was mutilated and there was something wrong with his ankle. 他左手手指残缺不全,脚踝带伤。 I hate that false plan of mutilating the truth. 我痛恨那个歪曲真相的虚伪计划。 ch

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wares 货物,商品 Small boats loaded with wares sped to the great river as she was entering the harbor. 当一艘大型班船进港的时候,许多小船载着各种货物快速向大河驶来。 They're got only one type of wares to produce, 他

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impressive 给人深刻印象的 She serves as an impressive reminder of the great ships of the past. 它有力地提醒着人们不要忘记过去那些不平凡的帆船。 One day he saw Lincoln -a tall,shambling man, 有一天他看见了林肯--

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run 连演,连映 Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end. 有些剧目十分成功,连续上演好几年。 Jim's was a one-man show and he ran it brilliantly. 吉姆的是独角戏,并且演得很出色。 The play ran for

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dear(title) 亲爱的,珍贵的 a very dear cat 一只非常宝贝的猫。 Is life so dear,or peace so sweet,as to be purchased at the price of slavery? 难道生命这样珍贵,和平这样甜美,竟值得用奴隶的枷锁去换取吗? We

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prize 珍贵的,宝贵的 One of Mary's prize possessions was a little white lamb which her husband had given her. 玛丽最珍贵的财产之一就是丈夫送给她的一只白色小羊羔。 There were a few prize books the collector had not giv

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lovable 可爱的 a lovable eccentric 一个可爱的怪人。 The girl is simply lovable. 这女孩真是可爱。 One of the lovable things he did was to reacue a little injured dog from the fire. 他做的一件很可爱的事就是从火星把一只

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Southampton 南安普敦(英国港市) The great ship,Titanic,sailed from New York from Southampton on April 10th.1912 巨轮泰坦尼克号1912年4月10日人南安普敦起锚驶向纽约。 colossal 巨大的,庞大的 Even by modern standar

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antique 古董,古玩 Antique shops exert a peculiar fascination on a great many people. 古玩店对许多人来说都有一种特殊的魅力。 He kept his library there,his antiques, 他在那里收藏图书、古玩、 and his collection of ne

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Lesson 55 astronomy 天文学 Recent developments in astronomy 天文学的最新发展使我们 may have made it possible to detects in our own Milky Way and in other galaxies. 能够在银河系和其他星系发现行星。 The objective of astron

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Lesson 57 alien 陌生的 I had expected to be near my objective by now 我本想离目的地已经不远了, but everything still seemed alien to me. 但周围的一切对我仍很陌生。 He had not used his mother tongue for so long 他好多年没

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Lesson 59 amass 积聚,搜集 People tend to amass possessions,sometimes without being aware of doing so. 人们喜欢收藏东西,有时并没有意识到自己在这样做。 He had amassed fifty thousand stamps in less than ten years. 不到十年

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