OnceI wasgoing along sideof ariver, there Isawadogwho wasvery thirsty. Isawthat asdog lookedintorivertodrink water, itsawhisown imageand gotafraid. Seeinghisown reflection, dog barkedandran away. But becausedogwas too thirstyhe wouldcome back. Thisha
Acertaindarknessisforustoseethestars Youhavetoreachthelight Eventhoughitsfar Thestarswillbethereto accompanyyouthroughthedarkness. 黑夜是为了让我们看到星光 你需要去追逐那片光亮 即使遥远得无法够到 那些星星会陪伴你走
One dayasmall boy called Charles Chaplin waswalking alongthestreetinLondon. It was acold winter's dayin1900. Hewantedtobuysomebread, but hedidn't have any money. Although Charleswassmall, hisdreamwasvery big. Hewantedto be agreat manin theworldoffilm
Eatingisalwaysalearning experiencein anew culture. Imust putin afew words about myexperiencehere inChina. If Ihave dinnerwith aChinese host, healways presses more food onto myplateassoonas I haveemptiedit of theprevious helping. and Ihavetoeatthefood
Expressing opinionsisone exampleof culture differencebetweeneastandwest. Westerners expresstheiropinions freely. Theyfeelit isnaturalforpeople to havedifferent ideas, anddon't mind hearing views thatdifferfrom theirown. You mayexpress franklywhat you
Goingtouniversity hasbeenmydreamforalongtime. IfIhadthechancetobecomeauniversitystudent, Iwouldmakeeveryefforttoexpandmyknowledge. Iwouldnotonlystudyartasmymajor, butalsominorinphilosophyandEnglishliterature. Andlastbutnotleast, Iwouldpursuethemostbe
If you want toaskme whywe shouldstudy English, myanswerwill besimpleandclear. Nowlet meenumeratethereasons onebyonein thefollowing. In thefirst place, Englishhasbecome aninternational language.If youknow English, you canmakeatrip aroundtheworld witho
Themanwho hasmadeup hismindtowin willnever say impossible . 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说不可能的。
One day,mymotherwassewingaquilt. Isilently sat down besideher andlookedat her. Mom,I have aquestiontoask you, Isaid afterawhile. What?shereplied, still doingherwork. Is therelove between youandDad? Iaskedher in avery low voice. Shedidn't answer immed
SometimesIreally doubt whetherthere islove betweenmyparents. Every daythey arevery busy tryingto earn moneyinordertopaythehigh tuition for mybrotherandme. Theydon't actin theromantic ways that Ireadinbooksor IseeonTV. In theiropinion, Ilove youistoo
Travel makesyouricher - evenif it'snot farfromhome. Openingyoureyesto theworld andallthewondersin it willenrichthequalityof yourlife. 旅行会使你更富有,就算只是去附近的地方旅行。 放眼世界,世界的精彩会让你的生活变
English usedto be aheadacheto me. Ialways founditdifficultto memorize new vocabulary. Grammarwasalsoaclosed bookto me because there weremany exceptions to therulesI hadlearned, whichalmost drove me crazy. Fortunately,I had apatient teacher -Rather th
Ourmindsare likeparachutes, itwont workuntil weopenit Don'tbeafraidto ourhearts andmindsto thepossibilitiesof theworld. 我们的思想像是降落伞 只有打开了才能运转工作 不要害怕敞开思想和心扉 去探索世界中无限的可能
Takeaclose lookat yoursocial-networking sites. Do youliketopost photosofyourself inrestaurantsandnightclubs toshow otherswhat anexciting lifeyouhave? Or if you are in arelationship, do youliketowriteabout how happilyinloveyouare? We areall expectedto
If ourbodiesarenot strong, ourspirittodo thingswillcertainlybequite dull. And at thesame time, we arelackofenergytostudy. Diseaseswillonly attacktheweak, butnotthestrong. Whyare ourbodies not strong? Because wedo not pay attentiontoexercise. Exercise
Goto amovieorconcert. Playagame.Do someexercise. In thiscase,yourefocusingyourmotivation on somethingdesirable, rather thansomethingstressful. So if you canimmerseyourself inpositive activities, youllshiftyourmotivation away from the focuson thestres
Itismyfeelingthatmakingamistake mayturnouttobeagoodthing. Itisthroughourerrorsthatwecanfind thepathtodoingthingscorrectly. Finally,itisimportanttoremember thatfewmistakesaresoterrible thattheycannotbecorrected. 我觉得犯错反而可能是一件好事
Some people thinkthat making mistakesisshameful. But thefactof thematteris thatmistakes are acommon partofeveryone's life. No oneisperfect. It'sunreasonabletoexpectaperson to beright allthetime. However,we shoulddoourutmost toavoid makingthesame mist
One dayI was on abus. Ifoundanelderly woman standinginfrontofme. She had abig bagin herhand. It's avirtuefor ayoung persontohelptheold, Isaidtomyself. WhenI wasstandingup togive my seat to the old lady, ayoung foreigner got up quickly saying, Please
Myclassmate, Lily,andI are thebest studentsin ourEnglish class. Do youknow howweimproveourEnglish? Wemeet twiceaweekin acoffee shoptopractice. Wespendthewhole afternoon discussingawide rangeoftopicsinEnglish. ThenonceaweekanAmerican friend, Stan, doe
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第263期:目标是地平线
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第265期:有时候升职未必是一件好事
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第264期:你或许会工作到人生离开
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第261期:最好的朋友类型
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第260期:学会表达你自己
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第258期:成功的秘诀
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第259期:三种方式磨练我的灵魂
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第360期:当你老了
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第359期:你才二十多岁
- 瞬间秒杀听力(MP3+文本) 第358期:高考后我最想做的事
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第357期:改变一个词
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第354期:你人生的唯一机会就是好好念书
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第355期:留下良好的第一印象
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第356期:或许父母亲都是一样
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第351期:汤米有一只小狗
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第350期:失败并不可怕
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第11期:谁都没有权利评判你
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第9期:把握当下
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第8期:尽情活出自我
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第7期:从脑海中将某人擦去
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第263期:目标是地平线
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第265期:有时候升职未必是一件好事
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第264期:你或许会工作到人生离开
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第261期:最好的朋友类型
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第260期:学会表达你自己
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第258期:成功的秘诀
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第259期:三种方式磨练我的灵魂
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第360期:当你老了
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第359期:你才二十多岁
- 瞬间秒杀听力(MP3+文本) 第358期:高考后我最想做的事
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第357期:改变一个词
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第354期:你人生的唯一机会就是好好念书
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第355期:留下良好的第一印象
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第356期:或许父母亲都是一样
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第351期:汤米有一只小狗
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第350期:失败并不可怕
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第11期:谁都没有权利评判你
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第9期:把握当下
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第8期:尽情活出自我
- 瞬间秒杀听力 第7期:从脑海中将某人擦去