Idiom: Night owl 夜猫子,深夜不睡的人 Hit the book: Supervolcano Deadliest Measure measurement take safety measure lava magma yellowstone eruption ash damage
Idiom: No bed of roses 一个事情远非你想象得那么好 Hit the book: Genuine Pay an arm and leg Outrageous Snap up Glimpse Stardom
Idiom: No can do 不行,做不了 Hit the book: Come across Trading card Replica Tuck Category Merchandise Dime a dozen Attic Monetary
Idiom: No go 办不到,没门 Hit the book: Beholder Figurine Authentic Prescription Whopping Randomly Stumble across
Idiom: No harm no foul 没事,没关系 Hit the book: Portrait Suspect Curator Exhibit Utter Echo Eerily Uneasy Trunk
Idiom: No ifs ands or buts 做事情不要讲条件,不要找借口 Hit the book: Approve of Scroll As white as sheet Ghost Ancestor Speechless
Idiom: Needle and a haystack 大海捞针 Hit the book: Master As well as Mood Chemical Be stuck on Discover
Idiom: Number cruncher在数学方面特别强的人 Hit the book: Scotopic Glossy Fluorescent Glare Cooperative Wiggle Squirm Squint Blink Dyslexic
Idiom: Not have the heart to do sth 不忍心做什么 Hit the book: Shatter Brittle Forensics Rivet Residue Smelting Fracture Prone Substandard Bow Stern
Idiom: Not have two pennies to rub toghter 暂时出现经济困难,手头紧 Hit the book: Pop Seam Hull Demise Notion Collision Ram Submarine
Idiom: Not hurt a fly 表示一个人心地非常善良 Hit the book: Architect Contradictory Buoyancy Depict Testimony Suction Splash Roller coaster
Idiom: Not sb's keeper 不是某人的监护人 Hit the book: Quibble Consensus Absolve Conspiracy Coverup Retrofitting Flaw
Idiom: Notch on your belt一个人在某方面取得的进步 Hit the book: Expedition Set off Odyssey Drifting Navigation Keep on track Floe Prompt
Idiom: Nothing to write home about 人或事没有什么特殊的地方,非常普通 Hit the book: Battle on against Odds Endure Sub-zero Set apart Exceptional Accomplished Solo Sedentary
Idiom: Now and then 偶尔,不经常 Hit the book: Aversion Toddler Adamant Speculate Tentatively Churn Convince Analogy
Idiom: Nuts and bolts 最基本的信息,最核心的部分 Hit the book: peer Pace Interruption Stumble over Sigh Skip Chore
Idiom: Odds and ends零零碎碎 Hit the book: Voluntary Opt Punctuality Morale Sneaky snicker Humiliate Dread Alert Drowsy Hostility
Idiom: Off the chart 事情超出范围或者标准 Hit the book: Standardized Percolate Perspective Tickle Orthodox Open-ended Thumb up Thumb down
Idiom: Off the cuff 即兴的,无事先准备的 Hit the book: Compelling Relevance Ruin Tackle Acquire Vote critique
Idiom: Oh my goodness表示惊讶,吃惊,恐惧 Hit the book: superlover cherish contribute to bond live in harmony with unconditional in company with cholesterol boost immune system awareness cruel correlation compassionate imbrace
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