OverTheRiver Overtheriverandthroughthewoods RidingmyhorseIgo Thehorseknowstheway We'regoingtoday We'regonnahavefunIknow Ridingsofastthereisnooneelse Thatcouldcatchuptome Itfeelssogood Iknewitwould Toberunningandridingfree Overtheriverandthroughthewoo
IGetAround Roundroundgetaround Igetaround Yeah,getaroundroundround Igetaround---- Chorus: Igetaround (GetaroundroundroundIgetaround) Towntotown (GetaroundroundroundIgetaround) Itsarealcooltime (GetaroundroundroundIgetaround) Everythingisfine (Getarou
BendMe,ShapeMe Chorus: Bendme,shapemeanywayyouwantme Aslongasyouloveme Itsallright Bendme,shapemeanywayyouwantme Yougotthepower Toturnonthelight EverybodytellsmeImwrong Towantitsobadly (Badly,badly,badly) Theresaforcethatsdrivingmeon Idfollowitgladly
Footloose Footloose Footloose KickoffyouSundayshoes Please Louise Pullmeoffofmyknees Jack Getback Cmonbeforewecrack Loseyourblues Everybodycutfootloose Youreplayin Socool Obeyineveryrule Digawaydowninyourheart Youreburninyearninforsome Somebodytotell
PracticeMakesPerfect Chorus: PracticemakesperfectIcansee Yougottapracticeifyouwannabe Thebest Thebestyoucanbe Practicemakesperfectandyoullsee Youcandoanythingeventually Ohwoah Practicemakesperfect Tryitandsee Igottopushtheballahead AsfastasIcan Myfee
ThemBones Soyouwannabeadoctor Wellthegettingthereisslow Awholelotofschooltolearnthe Thingsyougottaknow We'regoingtocallonourfriend Theskeleton Andnamethesebonesonebyone Yougotthefootbones Connecttheshinbones Connectthethighbones Connectthehipbones No
Don'tYouJustLoveToWaltz? Thecongaisnotmyfavorite Thediscoisjustnotmystyle TheMacarenaisnotwhatImafter Butthereisonethingthatmakesmesmile Chorus: Stepandglide,swingandsway Allofyourcareswillfloataway Stepandglide,swingandsway Dontyoujustlovetowaltz? T
Charleston Charleston,Charleston MadeinCarolina Somedance,someprance Illsaytheresnothingfiner ThantheCharleston,Charleston Ohhowyoucanshuffle Everystepyoudo Leadstosomethingnew ManImtellingyou Itsalapazoo Buckdance,wingdance Willbeabacknumber ButtheC
DancingIntheStreet Callinoutaroundtheworld Areyoureadyforabrandnewbeat Summershereandthetimeisright Fordancinginthestreet TheyredancinginChicago DowninNewOrleans InNewYorkCity Allweneedismusic Sweetmusic Therellbemusiceverywhere Therellbeswingin,sway
ICanDance Ifyoushowmehow IknowthatIwilllearn Icandance Icandance Evenifit'smyfirsttime I'llbewillingtotry Icandance Icandance I'msosure AndI'msoproud 'CuzIcandance Icandance Icandance
ActNaturally They'regonnaputmeinthemovies They'regonnamakeabigstar Outofme We'llmakeafilmaboutaman That'ssadandlonely AndallIgottodois Actnaturally We'llmakethissceneaboutaman That'ssadandlonely Beggingdownuponhisbendedknee I'llplaythepart AndIwon'tn
RodeoRider Abuckin'broncmayscaresomefolks Butitdon'tmeannothin'tome WhenIgetdoneridin' They'regentleandkind CauseI'mthebestyousee OhI'maro-de-orider There'snothin'thatIcan'ttame YesI'maro-de-orider There'snocowboythatcandoit Quitethesame Acowgirlcans
Mr.Policeman Mr.Policeman Makingeverythingallright Alwaysaround Toprotectandserve Watchingoutforus Dayandnight OhMr.Policeman Alwayshasajobtodo Fromallofuskids Toalofyouguys Thankyouforbeingyou Ifyou'reeverintrouble Andneedsomehelp Doesn'tmatterifyou
CandyMan Whocantakeasunrise (Whocantakeasunrise) Sprinkleitwithdew (Sprinkleitwithdew) Coveritinchocolate Andamiracleortwo Thecandyman (Thecandyman) Thecandymancan (Thecandymancan) Thecandymancancausehe Mixesitwithloveand Makestheworldtastegood Whoca
IWannaBeAFireman Iwannabeafireman Inahookandladdertruck Savingallthebuildings Whenafirehasstruck Iwannabeafireman DoingallIcan That'swhatIwanttobe WhenIgrowuptobeaman Woman They'vegotthosecrazypoles Atthestation Youcansliderightdown Tothefloor Whenyo
TheAlphabetSong ABCD EFG Comeandsingalongwithme HIJK LMNOP Tellmewhatyouwanttobe QRS TUV WX YandZ NowIknowmyABCs Nexttimewon'tyousingwithme ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOP QRS TUV WXYandZ NowIknowmyABCs Nexttimewon'tyousingwithme
One,TwoBuckleMyShoe One,two Bucklemyshoe Three,four Shutthedoor Five,six Pickupsticks Seven,eight Don'tbelate Nine,ten Doitoveragain!
Drivin'MyLifeAway Wellthemidnightheadlights Blindyouonarainynight Steepgradeupaheadslowmedown Makin'notime ButIgottokeeprollin' Windshieldwipers Slappin'outatempo Keepin'perfectrhythmwiththesong Ontheradio-o-o ButIgottokeeprollin' Oooooooooooooh I'md
SeaCruise OldManRhythmisinmyshoes It'snousesittin'andsingingtheblues Sobemyguest,yougotnothin'tolose Won'tyouletmetakeyouona Seacruise Oohwee,oohweebaby Oohwee,oohweebaby Oohwee,oohweebaby Won'tyouletmetakeyouona Seacruise Ifeelliketravelin' Babywon'
WhatDoYouWantToBe? Doyouwannabeascientist Adoctororanastronaut There'ssomanythings Thatyoucouldbe It'shardtochoosethe Oneyouwant Whatdoyouwannabe,oh Tellme Whatdoyouwannabe,oh Whenyougrowup Whatdoyouwannabe,oh Tellme Whatdoyouwannabe,oh Asailor Wheny
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 04 Don't You Just Love To Waltz?
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Country Sing-Along 09 Country Kid
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Country Sing-Along 10 Happy Trails To You
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 01 At The Hop
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 02 Blue Suede Shoes
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 03
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 05 Alley Cat
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 06
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 07 The Hokey Pokey
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 08 Personality
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 09
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 If We Could Talk to the Animal 01 Hound Dog
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 If We Could Talk to the Animal 02 If We Could Talk To The Animals
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 If We Could Talk to the Animal 03 Five Little Monkeys
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 If We Could Talk to the Animal 04 Raccoon And Possum
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Play Ball 11
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Play Ball 10 You Know That You Can Do It
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Play Ball 09 Centerfield
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Play Ball 08 Catch A Wave
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Play Ball 07 Rah, Rah, Sis Boom Bah
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 04 Don't You Just Love To Waltz?
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Country Sing-Along 09 Country Kid
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Country Sing-Along 10 Happy Trails To You
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 01 At The Hop
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 02 Blue Suede Shoes
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 03
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 05 Alley Cat
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 06
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 07 The Hokey Pokey
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 08 Personality
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Dance 09
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 If We Could Talk to the Animal 01 Hound Dog
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 If We Could Talk to the Animal 02 If We Could Talk To The Animals
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 If We Could Talk to the Animal 03 Five Little Monkeys
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 If We Could Talk to the Animal 04 Raccoon And Possum
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Play Ball 11
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Play Ball 10 You Know That You Can Do It
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Play Ball 09 Centerfield
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Play Ball 08 Catch A Wave
- 安妮鲜花推荐 美国儿童歌曲 Let's Play Ball 07 Rah, Rah, Sis Boom Bah