My brother, his wife, and their two daughters are in town and I had promised the girls that I would take them to an amusement park. I dont really like roller coasters, but I knew the kids would like it. On Saturday morning, we drove down to the theme
Hanna: Where have you been? Ive been trying to find you. I just won $80 from this slot machine. Its not the jackpot, but now Ive broken even. Tad: Thats really great. Maybe some of your luck will rub off on me. Im just about to see what the high roll
I grew up in Minnesota where the summers are hot and humid and winters are bitterly cold. Living in Los Angeles now, it's sometimes hard to describe to people how winter weather can be in chillier climates. In L.A. most of the year, the weather is su
I flew into Atlanta the afternoon before a big meeting. I hailed a taxi at the airport and told the driver the name of the hotel. I asked him how long it would take to get there. He said it would only be 20 minutes. I sat back and relaxed. We got to
When I got home from work, I opened my mail. The letter turned out to be a bombshell. I held in my hand an invitation to my 10- year high school reunion. It was a shock because I couldn't believe it had been 10 years. The first thing I did was to cal
I was just in time for my interview and I was very nervous. I walked up to the receptionist. She was talking into a headset and typing on her keyboard. David: Good morning. I'm David Laso. I have an appointment with Dale Mendoza at 10 oclock. Could y
I was on my way to an interview and there was a lot of traffic on the road. I got to the office in the nick of time for my appointment. I walked into the lobby of the building and looked at the directory. I saw that Casey Enterprises was on the penth
I got a call yesterday from Amy, a co-worker from the office. She and I work in the same department. We've had lunch at work a few times but I really didn't know her that well. I was really glad she called. Kevin: Jeff: What were you and Richard talk
I got a call yesterday from Amy, a co-worker from the office. She and I work in the same department. We've had lunch at work a few times but I really didn't know her that well. I was really glad she called. Kevin: Hello. Amy: Hi, could I speak to Kev
I was staying at a nice resort hotel in Arizona on a short vacation. I had been out on the golf course playing a round of golf. When I got back into the room, I was feeling pretty hungry. I was meeting some friends for a late dinner around 8:30. I wa
Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful, but for a lot of people, the holiday also means a weekend of eating a lot and watching football. And, my family is no exception. My family likes to have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner each year. We invite pe
Woman: What do you want to do tonight? Man: I don't know. What do you want to do? W: I have no idea. Do you think we're in a rut? M: What do you mean? W: Well, we do the same things every weekend. We go to the same restaurants. We see the same friend
I was at the store the other day. I'm so glad that the hotel I booked didn't turn out to be a dump. The last time I went on vacation, I booked it online sight unseen, and it turned out to be a run down hotel. This hotel was completely different. The
I was at the store the other day. I saw a former co-worker, Michael, across the room. He used to work at my company until he quit a few months ago to start a new job as a public relations officer at Missouri University. It's a job he's been working t
One of my co-workers, Betty, was I broke up with my boyfriend last month. We had gone out for a year and I was ready to settle down. But, I could tell that he still wanted to play the field before getting married. I don't think Don ever cheated on me
One of my co-workers, Betty, was retiring this month after working for the company 23 years. I was put in charge of planning a retirement lunch in her honor at a restaurant nearby. The company was picking up the tab and it was up to me to set a day a
Lucy: I don't think this is going to work. This plan calls for the new office to open by July and I think that's too ambitious. I don't see how the groundwork can be done any earlier than September. Jeff: I understand your concern. I don't want to ru
My nephew's wedding is coming up this Saturday, and I thought it would be nice to take some candids for the happy couple. My wife, who's the photographer in the family, wasn't around today, so I decided to strike out on my own and head off to the cam
It was Saturday afternoon and I was shopping in the garment district in downtown L.A. If you want to find good deals on clothes, shoes, and accessories, this is the place to come. To get the best deal, though, you have to be ready to bargain. I walke
I don't normally get stage fright, but the thought of getting up in front of my colleagues to give a presentation always gives me butterflies. But I have no choice; my boss asked me to do it, so I will. I set up my projector and PowerPoint program on
- ESL Podcast 933 – Letting Go of the Past
- ESL Podcast 945 – Using Electronics While Traveling
- ESL Podcast 939–Planning a Wedding
- ESL Podcast 874 – Poor Road Conditions
- ESL Podcast 882 – Playing a Practical Joke
- ESL Podcast 875 – Shopping at the Supermarket
- ESL Podcast 266 – Making a Move on Someone
- ESL Podcast 360 – A Management Dispute
- ESL Podcast 343 – Being Alike and Different
- ESL Podcast 525 – Falling in Love
- ESL Podcast 427 – Planning a Protest
- ESL Podcast 314 – Buying a Digital Audio (MP3) Player
- ESL Podcast 366 – Talking About Prices
- ESL Podcast 420 – Workplace Safety
- ESL Podcast 524 – Talking About Failure
- ESL Podcast 419 – Planting a Garden
- ESL Podcast 352 – Understanding Interest Rates
- ESL Podcast 567 – Visiting a Patient in the Hospital
- ESL Podcast 571 – Assigning Blame in a Car Accident
- ESL Podcast 566 – Having a Wild Party
- ESL Podcast 933 – Letting Go of the Past
- ESL Podcast 945 – Using Electronics While Traveling
- ESL Podcast 939–Planning a Wedding
- ESL Podcast 874 – Poor Road Conditions
- ESL Podcast 882 – Playing a Practical Joke
- ESL Podcast 875 – Shopping at the Supermarket
- ESL Podcast 266 – Making a Move on Someone
- ESL Podcast 360 – A Management Dispute
- ESL Podcast 343 – Being Alike and Different
- ESL Podcast 525 – Falling in Love
- ESL Podcast 427 – Planning a Protest
- ESL Podcast 314 – Buying a Digital Audio (MP3) Player
- ESL Podcast 366 – Talking About Prices
- ESL Podcast 420 – Workplace Safety
- ESL Podcast 524 – Talking About Failure
- ESL Podcast 419 – Planting a Garden
- ESL Podcast 352 – Understanding Interest Rates
- ESL Podcast 567 – Visiting a Patient in the Hospital
- ESL Podcast 571 – Assigning Blame in a Car Accident
- ESL Podcast 566 – Having a Wild Party